Finding Pride (Pride Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Finding Pride (Pride Series)
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Lightly with his fingers, he tortured her while his mouth grew stronger, sucking and tugging. His hand sliding down slowly towards her heat, playing with her through the thin lace, he could feel her wetness, and pressed against her, rubbing against her heat.


His mouth paused slightly then began a journey down to replace his hand. His tongue, taking the place of his fingers on the lace, he smelled her sweet arousal and almost lost control.


Slowly, he let his finger slid underneath the elastic to play with the soft folds while his mouth lapped at the lace. And just when he thought he couldn’t wait any longer, he pulled aside the lace and put his mouth to her, again using his tongue to heat her. She tasted of spring, he couldn’t get enough. Pushing her legs apart with his hands and tugging the lace aside he held her wide open for his exploration. He nibbled lightly on the bud and pushed his tongue far into her core, moaning when a fresh wave of sweet heat hit his mouth.


She moaned and had his hair in her hands holding him down.


In a swift move, he slid the lace down her silky legs, pushing them wider and coming back down to her, tasting, probing with his mouth, until she squirmed and tugged on his head.


“Todd, now. Please now,” she moaned.

Then he pushed up and in one swift move imbedded himself in the heat, she screamed his name, her nails digging into his shoulders.


Then it was all speed, his lungs felt like they were on fire. His body screamed for release, but he held off, waiting for her. She had wrapped her legs around his hips and was trying to pull him closer while her back came off the bed. He gripped her hips, placing one hand on her lower back holding her to him. He reached down between them and touched; just touched her and she exploded in one swift movement, then he joined her.


If the house were on fire, she couldn’t move a muscle. His weight pinned her to the mattress, her hands fell limply to her sides. His breath heated her neck as he buried his face in her hair. This was where she wanted to stay all night, just like this. When he started to move aside, she grabbed him. “No, stay.”


I’ve got to be crushing you.” He murmured into her hair.

“No, your very skinny.” Reaching around, she grabbed his butt, “and I like it just like this.” She said in a dreamy voice that was huskier than normal. She could just picture them, lying on the bed naked. The picture stirred something deep inside her; she closed her eyes and mind to it.


His mind was spinning, the way he saw it, he had two choices. He could move in here and they would be married by Christmas, or he could take her with him tomorrow, and they could swing through Vegas on the way home. He liked the second idea better.


He just needed to convince her. Rolling over so that he was on his back, he pulled up the blankets and pulling her closer, her head rested on his chest, her hair fanned out over his shoulder.


She sighed and settled in. He kissed her head and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sometimes it was better to not over think things.


Marry me.” He blurted out, keeping his eyes tightly shut.





e had expected her to be… well, he didn’t know what he’d expected, but it sure hadn’t been what he’d gotten.

She first tensed, then sat straight up, pulling the covers with her. His eyes opened and tried to search her face, but she had turned away from him, then she quickly jumped out of bed. Not saying a word, she pulled the sheets with her and went into the bathroom. She shut the door just as he sat up in bed.


Walking over to the bathroom door, he could hear her putting on clothes. Just as he was about to knock, she yanked open the door.


Don’t,” she said, holding up her hands. She’d put on a large t-shirt, one of Matt’s; it hit her mid-thigh leaving her legs bare.


“Why can’t we just stay like this?”


He stood there, happily naked. “Because, I want it all with you,” he said reaching for her.


She pulled aside and walked to the french doors opening them wide, letting in cool night air. Todd walked over and stood behind her pulling her into his arms. She tensed, so he just pulled her closer, dipping his mouth to her neck.


“We’re good together, trust me, it doesn’t happen often that two people find each other Megan,”


Turning her around so that she faced him, “I recognized you from the first time I laid eyes on you. You’re for me Megan.” Dipping his head he claimed her mouth. The kiss was strong, powerful, and it seared her with ownership. She tried to pull away, but he over powered her, holding her firmly against his naked body.


He started to pull them backward towards the bed but she stopped him, placing her hands on his chest. “I can’t do this now Todd. Can you understand? I need time. I- I don’t ever want to get married again, to belong to someone like property. I won’t do that again, ever.” She pulled further away backing up several steps.


Todd walked back over to her, gently taking her face in his hands, he looked her right in the eyes. “I understand, but I’m nothing like what you had in your past. Marriage is a two way street, Megan, I would be yours as much as you would be mine. I would never claim to own you.”


When she just looked back at him, he leaned down slowly and claimed her mouth again, this time in a feather light kiss. “I’ll give you time to get use to it, but Megan, we belong together.”


A few hours later, Megan was lying beside Todd, their legs intertwined. The cat scampered in not long after they had settled down, he was now curled up on Todd’s chest. Todd obviously oblivious to the fact, was lightly snoring with Boomer’s body raising and falling with his each breath. If Megan hadn’t been in such a deep thought process, she would have laughed at the picture they made.


Marriage? Never! Or so she’d thought. Would marriage be different with Todd? What was she thinking? She’d only known him for about three months now.


She’d known Derek for almost a full year prior to getting married. She knew people could hide things, and usually did.


Would Todd be like that? Controlling, domineering, abusive? Everything inside her heart and head said no. His family was proof enough of that, and if she wanted additional proof, all she had to do was turn her head and take a look at the large black cat purring in-between Todd’s light snores. Derek had hated all animals. When they’d gotten married, he’d forced her to get rid of the small tabby she had since moving out on her own. The cat had always hissed at him when he walked into a room.


As she laid there, her legs intertwined with his, she remembered the scene the first day when Derek had told her to get rid of the small cat.


“The cat obviously has issues. I mean, every time someone walks into a room it goes crazy. Do you really want to have it go ape-shit every time we have people over? You know my job has expectations and I have responsibilities to the firm. Just get rid of it.”


Back then, Megan would have done anything to please him. She’d thought it had been love. She had been so naive.


Turning her head now, she looked at Todd’s silhouette. His mouth was slightly opened, the cat comfortably snoring along. Todd had a nice profile, her eyes went from his straight forehead traveled down the bridge of his nose which had a slightly turn upwards at the end and made her think of a small ski slope. His lips were next, they were very nice, remembering how they felt on her, she smiled and blushed slightly.


He had a strong chin. She liked looking at him. He was a lot easier on the eyes than Derek had ever been. He was a lot taller and thinner too. Derek had been stockily built, with thinning blonde hair. He’d been in better shape when they had met, but quickly gained thirty pounds after the wedding.


Looking at the cat rising and falling on Todd’s chest, she thought that Todd would still look thin with an extra thirty pounds. She reached over and scratched Boomer’s ears and curled up to the pair, falling asleep to the soft snoring of man and beast.




Megan woke to a rich aroma drifting from the kitchen. She looked up at the ceiling, realizing she could get used to having someone cook for her. The cat was comfortable snoring on her stomach. She reached down and scratched his head; he gave a quick yawn and stretched.


“Well Boomer, I guess we better go see what Todd’s cooking.”


The cat let out a meow and jogged behind her into the kitchen. They ate french toast and eggs. Todd demanded that she go relax after breakfast and put away the dishes. She could definitely get used to this.


Walking into the living room she started looking through one of Matt’s old photo books. By the time Todd came in she was deep into her memories. She hadn’t heard him approach from behind.


“Is that your parents?” he asked over her shoulder. Megan jumped. “Sorry.” He reached over and started lightly rubbing her shoulders. Leaning in he placing a kiss on her neck.


“Yes,” she said looking down at the old photo. It had to be the only family picture she’d ever seen. “I didn’t know Matt had this. I’ve never seen it before.”


Todd walked around and sat next to her, looking down at the photo. “You look a lot like your Mother. Matt and you have her eyes.”


Megan smiled at this. “I can remember her singing to me at night.” Megan leaned her head on his shoulder. “She would sing amazing grace or” Megan chuckled, “You are my sun shine. I always asked for the sun song. I can’t really remember my father, is that bad?”


“No, not from what Matt told me about him. Sounds like, though, your mother was a wonderful woman. Matt never told me exactly how they died, just that they both went at the same time, that’s when he gained custody of you. I think he was what? Nineteen? One of the reasons we became so close, we both lost our parents and had family that needed us.”

“Nineteen, a very young age for a boy to become Father and Mother rolled into one.” Megan took a deep breath.


My father killed her, and then tried to strangle me. I guess he couldn’t do it though. He shot himself just before the neighbors found me bruised, half naked, walking through the streets. He was always very possessive and controlling. She was trying to leave him. I was only five.”


Todd didn’t say anything, he just gripped her hand.


Megan smiled to herself. “I loved her very much, when I was little, I wanted to grow up to be just like her. I guess I did. In more ways than I wanted.”

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