Finding Love in Forgotten Cove (Island County Series Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Finding Love in Forgotten Cove (Island County Series Book 1)
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I couldn’t help but laugh again. “Well, I doubt I’ll be here in October. That’s a bummer I’ll miss it.”

“We’ll see,” Lily said, flashing a wicked smirk in my direction. “If Mason has anything to do with it—”

I heard the front storm door smack close, and I jumped out of my skin. My pulse quickened with a burst of fear until I saw Mason glide right into the family room. He looked beyond sensational in his red plaid, fitted shirt and low clinging jeans. The way his shirt stretched across his chest made it hard to concentrate. I imagined unfastening each button and skating my hands across his muscular chest.

“The man of the hour,” Gabby chuckled. “We were just talking about you.”

“Is that so?” Mason asked. His voice nearly took me to heaven and back, but when his gaze connected with mine. That was it. I really was in heaven. “Well, this is a beautiful thing to see…friends surrounding the cozy fireplace, drinks in hand and laughter filling the room. Curious. It’s almost like some amazing contractor built the perfect gathering place for friends and family.”

“Not all family yet.” Lily smiled.

“Yet is the key word,” Mason replied. He winked at me, and my grin widened ridiculously so, and if it weren’t for the other four women in the room, I might’ve jumped up and ran into his arms.

But I had self-control.

Besides, he knew I was falling for him, and if I didn’t know better, I’d almost guess he planned this entire night, but he wasn’t that cunning. Or was he?

Come to think of it, it was Gabby’s idea to come over so she could see the house updates. She’d suggested making it a girls’ night. I realized then this entire night was orchestrated by Mason Rhodes working the puppet strings, and it was no coincidence that he happened to show up just in time to see the girls exit.

And as I watched each of my new friends stand up and feign innocence, I knew I was fighting a losing battle, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to surrender quite yet.





“You’re quite a schemer,” I murmured. “And a dreamer.”

“Nothing wrong with either of those titles in my book.”

I heard the last car back out of the driveway, and my heart fluttered with anticipation—for what I wasn’t sure. I hadn’t planned on seeing Mason tonight. It was the first night off he’d given himself in weeks, and here he was standing in the middle of my family room.

“How’d the fire start up?”

“Amazingly well. I just lit a match and gave it a few blows before it roared to life.”

Mason chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

“I didn’t say a word.” He bit his lip.

“You never have to.”

I loved the small smile lines around Mason’s eyes. Knowing he smiled that much in life to earn them made me love the creases even more. I doubted Tanner would ever get even one in his lifetime.

“Thank you for planning this for me.” I spun on my heels and walked toward the deck. I wanted to bring the grill closer to the house. It looked as if a storm was coming in and it certainly felt like it.

“I thought I’d utilize all the resources I could to butter you up.”

“Butter me up?” I asked, over the wind that was picking up.

Mason stood in the doorway and nodded.

“Why would I need to be buttered up?” I asked.

“Because I hope I can convince you to stay here.”

Honestly, I had no idea how I felt about that at this point. After talking with the girls, it became clear how few things were waiting for me back in Skaneateles. I turned around and glanced out over the water and my chest tightened.

I let out a sigh as the most important reason to leave sank into my soul. There were no painful memories waiting for me in Skaneateles. Sure, there was Tanner, but all it took to feel better about that was remembering where the engagement ring sat. Here, the memories surrounded me. Everywhere I turned another would surface. I needed to leave it all behind once and for all.

I turned to face Mason and his blue eyes connected with mine as he took a step forward.

“I know you don’t want anything serious and I realize you don’t want only a fling…” his voice trailed off, but the look in his eyes made my entire body light up like the Fourth of July.

When would I stop torturing myself? I wanted to be with Mason Rhodes so why wouldn’t I let myself indulge in the possibilities?

I walked over to the railing and looked out into the distance. The enormous sky above us slowly curtained the twinkling stars as the storm rolled in. The change would be here any minute. Mason walked up behind me and circled his arm around my waist. A deluge of emotions spilled through me from just his touch.

“How about if we settle on something in the middle?” My voice betrayed me.

“What do you have in mind?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. I’ve never started something like this, and I certainly won’t know how to end it.”

“Maybe we won’t have to.” He slowly spun me around and brought his hand to my cheek. The unpredictable expression in his blue eyes stirred something inside me. Merely his touch sent pleasurable sensations zipping through my body, but I wanted more, so much more.

“I can’t promise anything,” I murmured. I placed my hand against his cheek and felt the subtle tensing of his jaw underneath.

“I’m not asking for any promises,” he whispered, before his lips crashed to mine.

The whirr of arousal between us was startling. I felt every inch of his desire, and all I wanted in return was to possess Mason in an astonishing way. A light hint of his cologne unbuckled my senses as his lips nudged mine apart. His teeth softly nipped my lip and my breath caught at the pleasant shock of it. His hand slid under my shirt and the coolness of his fingers sent a shiver through my body.

Thunder clapped in the distance, and we broke apart as the downpour began.

“We should get inside,” he whispered, as the white light flickered off his face.

The thunder cracked again, sending another beautiful light display into the night’s sky as Mason grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

Even though we were only feet from the shelter of my home, by the time we got inside, we were drenched. The heat blazing in Mason’s eyes made the wet clothes between us unbearable. My fingers quickly worked on unfastening the buttons on his shirt, but the slickness made it almost impossible. Mason cupped the back of my head and brought his lips to mine, searching for something we’d both needed.

“I’ve wanted you for so long.” His low voice cut through the air and I shook my head.

“No promises.”

His kisses deepened as we tasted and teased one another in a tender trail of desire and longing. My hands rested on his partially bare chest as his hand cupped the nape of my neck, deepening and guiding our kisses.

My fingers attempted to undo the remaining buttons along his shirt. I needed more of him. As if sensing my pleas, he broke his lips from mine and circled his hands down to the hem of my shirt. He tugged the wet, knit fabric over my head and tossed it onto the glass end table. Feeling completely exposed, I worked quickly to undo his last shirt button to even the playing field as I stood in my bra and jeans.

I pulled his shirt down his arms, and he threw it on top of mine as my hands ran up his hard, masculine chest. The definition of his chest down to his ribcage and abdomen made me almost lose my mind. I brought my lips to his chest, slowly alternating between kisses and licks as I worked my way up to his throat.

“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” Mason murmured. “And I have a really good imagination.”

I giggled, flattered. The idea that I’d played some role in his imagination made the craving for him almost insatiable as his eyes locked on mine. He stroked my back, following the straps of my bra with his fingers until he unhooked the clasps, freeing my breasts as the bra fell to the floor.

He took the tip of my breast in his mouth as he circled it slowly with his tongue, sending a wave of shivers through me. Teasing every inch of me in a slow and deliberate way made my entire world spin out of control as he stood in front of me. The longing he carefully constructed inside of me showed no mercy as his mouth nipped and teased every inch of my upper body. His fingers grazed along my waist, searching for the button on my jeans. Stripping away my jeans, I took a step back, thankful for whatever reason, I happened to be in a pair of pink lace panties. They didn’t match the grey bra, but at least they were prettier than what I normally wore.

“Not fair and I only play fair,” I whispered, working my fingers along his jeans until I unfastened his button and slid the zipper down. I worked my hand along his waistband and slid his jeans down before he kicked them off the rest of the way.

Cradling the nape of my neck in his hand, he slowly worked his mouth down my throat. The softness of his lips drew me into him as he worked his way toward my breasts. My nerves screamed for something more; my entire body ravenous for what he had to give.

“The rug,” I whispered in between breaths.

He nodded and without much effort picked me up and laid me in front of the fireplace. I didn’t realize how handy the flokati rug would be that Mason had picked out for the house.

But I bet he did.

Mason’s mouth closed down on mine as he lowered over me. His kisses demanding and deliberate as his hand slid along my ribcage. His fingers stroked and teased my sides as our kisses deepened. Another wave of pure heat started in my tiptoes and rolled all along my body, leaving me trembling underneath him.

His kisses moved from my mouth down my throat and to my chest as his fingers moved my panties down my legs. Mason slowly nudged my knees wider as my breath caught and his hands slid between my thighs. His mouth came back to mine, searching and pleading for everything I had to give him in one long fluid kiss. His body rested on mine, teasing me with his strength.

“Please,” I whispered, wanting to surrender completely.

“Are you sure?” he whispered, bringing his lips to the crook of my neck, his breath tickling my raw skin. Every nerve was on fire, begging for more of what Mason wanted to give.

“Without a shadow of a doubt.”

Mason brought his mouth to mine, but it hovered just above my lips.

“Open your eyes,” he whispered.

I obeyed, my eyes locking on Mason’s as I felt his fullness slowly enter inside of me. As he went deeper, my body responded and begged for more, tightening and constricting around him. My pulse pounding with every thrust, I could no longer keep my eyes open as I felt my entire body explode into a world of ecstasy with his. He gripped me tightly with every shudder as I surrendered completely to Mason Rhodes in the only way I knew how. I let myself fall.




When I blinked my eyes open the next morning, it literally felt like the sunshine was shimmering off the walls. Everything was more vivid, the aromas more fragrant. Speaking of, did I smell coffee? I rolled over in my full-size bed, feeling the crisp sheets surrounding me as I lay in the room I’d grown up in. I saw the empty sheets on the side that Mason had filled the night before and my heart dipped slightly, but there was an envelope on his pillow. I’d hoped to see him this morning before we went to work. It was Friday so he’d be heading into the school too. Wiping the sleep away, I opened the flap and a smile immediately filled my lips as I read the note:


Downstairs with coffee and blueberry muffins. Promise me you’ll save time for both.


The images of making love to Mason last night filled my every thought. The way he caressed my skin, held me, kissed me… I hadn’t wanted the night to end. I turned on my back and settled my head on the plush pillows as I looked around the room. The crisp white walls, comforter, and throw rugs were exactly as I’d left them so many years before. I wanted everything white in my room when I hit high school so we painted all my furniture to match my vision. My parents were always supportive. It didn’t matter if it was painting my room or allowing me to go off hiking to prove I could. They wanted to see my sister and me excel, no matter the cost to them. And there were costs. Between special summer camps, art lessons, music lessons, my parents went without more than we did, but it was as if they enjoyed every moment.

BOOK: Finding Love in Forgotten Cove (Island County Series Book 1)
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