Finding Forever (Living Again #4) (18 page)

BOOK: Finding Forever (Living Again #4)
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“What did you get?”

“My other favorite cheat foods. Burgers, fries, onion rings, and milkshakes.”

Lacey laughed, shaking her head. “It’s amazing that you can look like that and eat that way. I’m going to have to go to the gym double to keep from getting fat with you around.”

Brant’s eyes darkened as he looked her up and down. “I doubt that very much. I know models that would kill for your body.”

Oh now she
he was full of it. “Brantley Tucker, don’t blow smoke up my ass.”

Before she could react, he had crossed the kitchen and pressed her against the refrigerator. “Dr. Lacey Russell, are you calling me a liar?” They were so close to each other, she could barely breathe. And not because she didn’t have enough air.

“Maybe,” she answered, trying not to let those sneaky thoughts into her head that said
was the liar.

He ran his hand up her bare leg, and she gasped. His gaze never left hers as he reached her ass and squeezed. He hadn’t crossed that line yet. But she wanted him to continue, even though the voices in her head were screaming that she was making a huge mistake.

“I say you are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever—and I mean
—seen, and if I say so, then that’s the way it is. You got that, Doc?” If he expected an answer, he wasn’t going to get one, because he dipped his head to kiss her neck and she lost all rational thought.

She should stop him, she knew this. She threaded her fingers into his hair as he continued kissing both sides of her neck, then down her bare chest until he reached the line of her sundress. She curled her toes against the tile, pleading with him to stop and not stop all at the same time.

His wanton hand that was under her dress was tracing the line of her panties, and she could hardly stand it. She hadn’t been touched in a long time, and her instincts were quickly taking over.

“Doc,” Brant breathed, lifting his head from her neck to look her in the eyes. “Tell me to stop.”

Lacey shook her head no, reaching for his shirt. His eyes never left hers as he lifted it over his head and flung it, his glasses crashing to the ground with the motion. Her eyes left his momentarily to look at him up close. His smooth skin was brown from the Florida sun and ripped, his muscles taut under her fingertips. She looked at the waistband of his jeans, just low enough to show the ridges of muscle that led into his pants. Her mouth literally watered at the sight of him.

His second hand joined the first, snaking up her thighs. He used one to pull her to him, where he began rubbing against her, giving her the most delicious feeling she had felt in a long time.

Lacey threw back her head, her eyes closed. What the hell was she doing? She should stop this, right?

Brant moved his left hand up the inside of her dress until he reached her strapless bra. Cupping her left breast with his large hand, a soreness from the needle yesterday reminded her of exactly why she shouldn’t be doing this. Trying to keep herself from hyperventilating, she fought through the feeling. Maybe him touching her there would take it away for just one night.

He had no idea the war that was going on inside her head as he lifted his head and met her eyes again. He crushed his mouth to hers, his tongue invading her mouth roughly. This was a different kiss than before, almost bruising. When his finger brushed her nipple, she grabbed his face, sucking his tongue into her mouth. He moved back down, both hands cupping her ass as he lifted her so she was suspended in air, her legs wrapped around him.

He moved her underwear to the side, and she swore her traitorous body shuddered when he touched her softness. Releasing her hands from his face, she traced them down the rivulets of muscle and to the waistband of his pants. He froze for a second, waiting, then resumed, his finger softly entering her.

Lacey felt like the room was spinning. She had never been so turned on in her life. She was pressed against the refrigerator in her house, the dogs having long forgotten about them. Before she could stop them, her hands had unbuttoned his jeans and she reached inside to touch him. When her small hand closed over him, steel under silk, he released her mouth, going back to her ear and neck while simultaneously adding another finger into her aroused flesh.

She stroked him as he did the same to her, both of them panting with need and not saying a word. Finally, he looked at her, his eyes wide and dark with his desire. He held her gaze as he touched her, almost making her want to look away with embarrassment but she was too turned on.

“Lacey,” he groaned, his eyes fluttering as she applied a little more pressure on him. His touch matched hers, and it wasn’t long before they were both ready to let go. “We need to…”

Lacey leaned over and kissed her way from his neck down to his stomach, his abs jumping under her tongue. She was way beyond rational thought. He hauled her up, his mouth devouring her but he also stopped touching her, sliding her back down to the floor, making her have to let go of him as well.

He slowed the kiss down, both of their hearts pounding as they touched each other softly. As her head began coming back down to Earth, she realized what she almost let happen here. She lost complete control over herself, and she loved every single second of it. She was in so much trouble.



He thought he might’ve just died and went to Heaven. He may be there now, looking at a gorgeous Lacey, flushed and breathing hard, looking him in the eyes. He swore he must have superpowers to have stopped that, because he sure as hell didn’t want to, and she hadn’t either.

He was a man, after all, and he had thought many times about what it would be like to touch her, to feel her soft skin under his fingers. But nothing, absolutely nothing, could’ve prepared him for actually getting to do it. The way her body responded, the sounds she made, the way she got brave enough to touch him and kiss him; it was all just… wow.

Brant’s head reeled with what had just happened. He was very—uncomfortable—if you will, but he knew it had been way past time to stop. As he had told her many times, he wanted to do things the right way and treat her like the woman she was.

Lacey straightened her dress, the blush on her cheeks almost matching the pink of her dress. He was having difficulty thinking of words to say to her. When her eyes scanned his bare chest, down to his unbuttoned jeans, he smirked.

“Cat got your tongue?”

“No,” she said seductively, stepping forward again. “But I had yours.” His mouth dropped open. Who
this sexy vixen? Why yes she was correct. She had had his. She had other things, too, if he was honest.

“You stopped,” she commented, smoothing her hair back from her face.

He wanted nothing more than to grab her right now and walk down the hallway to her room and strip that dress from her body, but he couldn’t. Well, he
But he wouldn’t. “I had to.”

Her face scrunched up. “What for? It’s not like I wasn’t willing.”

Hell, her questioning him on it was weakening his resolve by the second. “Lacey,” he said. “I’m warring with myself inside right now for what I want to do versus what I know I should do. I want our first time to be passionate, full of love and respect. Not in the kitchen when we’ve barely said two words to each other.”

She smiled. “Hmm… I kinda liked it, though. It was hot, being pressed up against the refrigerator like that. Well, that was cold… but you know.”

Brant laughed, kissing her delicious lips one more time. “I think we have cold burgers and fries now. But it was totally worth it.”

Lacey opened the bag, taking out a fry and wrinkling her nose when she tasted it. “Yuck. Thank god for the toaster oven.” Brant watched as she placed the food on a tray and put it in to warm up. God, he had gotten so lucky.



It was late, and Lacey was asleep on his lap. Max, Maggie, and Sophia were curled up together in front of the television. They had watched a movie together, but Lacey had fallen asleep two hours ago. He didn’t have the heart to wake her up, so instead he had just watched her. He didn’t think he had ever watched a girl sleep before, unless it was one of his sisters when they were little.

Lacey had her hands curled up under her face, and her eyes fluttered in her sleep. She looked so peaceful, like she hadn’t a care in the world. He watched her lips as the breath moved in and out, and her nostrils flared like she was dreaming every once and a while. He stroked her soft hair, watching the strands as it went through his fingers. He knew what was happening to him, and while he thought it would terrify him, it didn’t. He was ready. The question was, was she?

Brant knew he should get her into bed and go home. He knew he could lift her no problem; it was leaving her that would prove difficult. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his body around hers and fall asleep with her, their dogs at their feet.

Sighing at a dream he hoped someday would come true, he lifted her gently against his chest, stopping to adjust to make sure she was secure. As he walked towards her room, he got the interest of all three dogs, who watched him from their spot on the floor with piqued interest.

He settled her in her bed, pulling the blanket over her. The hallway light shone in on her face, and he stood there watching her for so long his legs started aching. She had to be exhausted because she hadn’t moved the whole time he was moving her. He guessed it was time for him to get Max and go home. Stepping back away from the bed, she shifted, causing him to freeze in his spot.

“Brant?” her sleepy voice did something to him. He stepped back to the side of the bed. Max rested his head on the foot of the bed, looking back and forth between Lacey and Brant.

“You fell asleep,” he whispered in her ear. “I brought you in to bed and I’m headed home. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

She reached out her hand and grasped his, her eyes still closed. He wondered if she had any idea what she was doing, or if she was asleep. “Stay.” If she would’ve been lucid, she would’ve seen his mouth open in astonishment at what just came out of her mouth.

There was no way he could stay here. She would wake up in the morning and freak out, forgetting that she said such a thing in her sleep.

“Brant,” she said again, pulling him now. “Stay with me.” She blinked her eyes open and looked at him, a small smile convincing him she actually was awake.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded, patting the space next to her. Maybe
was the one dreaming. She was inviting him to sleep next to her? He flung his shirt on the floor but kept his jeans on, sliding in next to her. When his body touched hers, she sighed, a sound that he swore he would never get out of his head. She settled back against him as he put one arm around her. Her scent wafted through his nose, and the feel of her pressed against him made him have to start thinking of old guys in Speedos on South Beach to stop himself.

He felt the rise and fall of her steady breathing not long after he laid down, and he knew she was back asleep. He kissed her bare shoulder, peering over to look at her face one more time.

“What are you doing to me, Lacey Russell? Whatever it is, I love it.” He settled back against the pillows and drifted off, a smile on his face.


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