Finding Eden (18 page)

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Authors: Megan Dinsdale

BOOK: Finding Eden
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I sucked in a breath. “Did I really just see a bird?”

Either that or we’re both hallucinating and seeing the same thing.”

I hope you thanked whoever gave you that map, Gabriel.” There was no joke in my tone.

He didn’t say anything, but went back to walking the edge of the cliff. “Ah, here we go!” He waved me over.

There was a rope tied to a root. The rope was knotted every five feet.

This won’t be too difficult to climb down,” Gabriel said. “You can go first this time.”

I stood on the edge and looked at it with uncertainty. “Ladies first,” I said sardonically.

I’ll help you down.” He reached out for my hand and I grabbed hold of his. “Careful,” he said as he helped me over the edge until I had my feet secured around the rope; my hands gripped the part above me. Gabriel tested the strength of the knot tied around the root, which I thought he should have done
I hung my mortal body from it.

I was dangling against the rocky wall of the waterfall cliffs. It was damp and moss grew on the randomly jutting rocks. I was about to push off the wall when Gabriel told me to stop. I froze.

Don’t push off of the cliff side like that. I’m not sure if the root will hold the constant pulling of the rope. Just climb down the rope. Use the knots to keep you steady and from getting too tired.”

I did as he said and after a few minutes I had made it to the bottom; soon Gabriel was by my side again. The pool that the waterfall spilled into was entirely too persuasive with its invitation to me.

I looked at Gabriel and said, “I can’t hold myself back anymore.” The expression on his face made me realize that he took it in a way I didn’t mean.  I laughed and so that I wouldn’t give him a heart attack, I said, “I could use a swim.”

Something washed over his face, but I couldn’t decide if it was relief or disappointment. It would be a lie to say that I wanted it to be relief. I slipped off my backpack, unbuckled my utility belt, and dropped them to the ground. I sat and untied each of my boots, then pulled off my socks, making sure to hold my breath; I didn’t want to know what my feet smelled like.

I didn’t tell Gabriel to turn around this time; after all, I was under the impression we were both friends and adults. He was behind me, so I didn’t know what his expression was when I lifted my shirt over my head and tossed it aside, or when I pulled down my shorts, leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties. It was like I was wearing a bikini anyway. I never believed that excuse though; wearing what I wore now, it felt way more scandalous than a flimsy, two-piece bathing suit.

Before I jumped into the pool, I heard Gabriel suck in a sharp breath, and I knew that I had got to him. But when I turned around to catch the look on his face, he had put up his calm and cool façade.

Come on in. The water’s fine.” I said—so cliché, I knew, but it was true. It felt as though cold, smooth, milky silk was brushing its fingers against every inch of my body. Every muscle immediately relaxed, even ones that had been tensed since the end of days. My feet couldn’t quite touch the bottom, but I knew Gabriel’s would. I undid my braid and sunk beneath the glossy surface. The coolness against my scalp was wonderful. I could almost feel the dirt wash from my body, as if I was shedding an old layer of skin and growing a new one.

I guess I made it look inviting. Gabriel ripped his shirt from his body, unzipped his jeans, and kicked off his boots, until he was in nothing but navy blue boxer briefs. I sat motionless because, to be honest, it was all I could think to do. And then he jumped into the water, causing a splash to rain down on me. I giggled when he resurfaced.

I’m glad I met you,” I said and it was true.

He snorted. “Why?
Because now you get to live here?”

Nope,” I said, draping my arms around his neck. “Because I like who you are and couldn’t imagine finding this place with anyone else
you.” I smiled and leaned forward to kiss his newly scarred eye lid. I pulled back and brushed the droplets of water from his forehead before pressing my lips there as well. I really didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but I did want to show my appreciation, to show him that I hadn't just used him to find a better place to survive.

I went to swim away from him, but he wouldn't let me budge. His hands rested on my hips, keeping me afloat, but he was like a stone, standing strong in this pool of water.

Gabriel?” I questioned. “Do you want more compliments to help boost your manly ego?” I laughed; knowing him, he was just waiting for me to continue. “Okay, let’s see. I like your strength, not just physically, but emotionally as well. You can stand tall in all storms and I admire that about you. I like that you don’t judge me based on my fa—”

Gabriel kissed me. My eyes were huge orbs on my face. I didn’t expect that for even a second. After five seconds, my eyes fluttered shut. After seven seconds, my lips parted against his. After ten seconds, he was digging his fingers into my hips and pulling me closer so that our stomachs were flush against one another. After thirty seconds, I was already drunk off of him and my fingers ran through his hair while his were tangled in mine. He grabbed my butt, lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He waded through the water until I felt the soft, muddy pool’s edge against my back. His kisses were more urgent as his tongue forced its way through my lips and I accepted it all wholly. My lips danced against his and his hands ran up my sides and back down to cup my butt. I needed to take a breath, but I didn’t want to; I thought this would all end if I did. He pressed his body harder against mine and I retaliated by deepening the kiss, playing my tongue against his. His hands moved up my back and they stopped at the clasp that held my bra together. It didn’t faze me; I was so inebriated by his scent and his touch.

But then he stopped.

And pulled away.

And turned around.

My breath was unsteady and I soon found out so were my legs. I tried my best to push off the side of the pool until I was beside him again; God—I never wanted to be without him again. I held onto his arm to keep me afloat.

Look at me,” I said. So he did. His face was flushed; his lips were swollen and I expected mine matched. “Are you okay?”

I’m sorry for pushing myself on you like that.” He looked away, obviously embarrassed.

I laughed. Then I laughed again and I laughed some more. “Gabriel,” I said. “If I didn’t want you to do that, I wouldn’t have undressed in front of you.”

You vixen!” He gasped.

I touched my lips as I looked up at him. “I liked it.” I said.
“A lot.”

Good.” Gabriel grabbed me, held me like a princess, and slowly walked through the pool until I found myself being slammed by the waterfall. He laughed and I scowled. “Because I don’t think I’m going to stop anytime soon.”

Gabriel leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. Water fell all around us, drenching what already hadn’t been soaked through. I laughed against his lips and he smiled against mine.

You’re mine, Elle.” He said as he pushed me through the waterfall until we were in a small alcove that was carpeted with an abundance of soft, green and yellow mosses. He lifted me up onto it and he pulled himself up after me. I was giggling, but I had no idea why. So much had happened in the last couple hours; maybe I was going mad. Or maybe I was just mad for this man who was laying me down on top of the soft lichen. His hips pressed into mine and I let out a silent gasp. Gabriel looked me in the eyes and brushed his thumb against my lips, making them part. It seemed like every touch from him was electrifying me. He leaned down, kissed me, and I felt like he would consume me if he did it one more time.

I lay there in
, feeling like he was Adam and I was Eve. I thought silently,
if this is sin, I want more.

Chapter 19

[ Gabriel ]

Holy shit.

That was definitely a long time coming. There had been some tension between us the last couple days and it was apparently as pent up as it was ever going to be because we exploded. Two single people sharing common goals and strife often became close, but maybe not

I said her name. I said Elle. It just came out on its own accord.
My damned tongue. Her damned tongue. I was grinning just thinking about it. I shook my head to rid the thought before it became any more carnal than it already was.

I sat against the alcove wall and Elle sat a few feet in front me on the edge, extending her legs out so that her feet were being sprinkled by the spray the waterfall created as it hit the pool. She was still in her bra and purple, lace panties. One of the hooks on her bra was undone. I smirked. I didn’t know how I had found the strength to control myself, but I had.

There was an amazing view just beyond the fall of water that I had yet to explore, but there was an even more breathtaking one sitting in front of me; I just hadn’t gotten enough of it yet. I wandered over to her and slid back into the water, like a knife through soft butter. It was refreshing, everything I'd hoped for. I stood between her legs, so my head was level with her chest. My eyes found hers; she beamed.

Back for seconds?” She bit down on her lip, shyly.

You don’t know what that does to me,” I said and her eyes widened with a sort of recognition.

She regarded me playfully and did it again, sliding her tongue over her bottom lip only to bite down on it.

Elle…” I warned, my hands snaking their way up the outside of her thighs.

She let go of her lip and closed her eyes. “Say my name again, please.”

I laughed, picked her up by the waist, and threw her through the wall of water. I followed behind her and when she emerged, she played the pouty-lip card.

That’s not going to work.” I shrugged and crossed my arms.

She changed tactics and bit down on her lip again. Her hands smoothed down her stomach to her thighs. This girl would be the death of me two times over. I hadn’t had sex in almost five years and she was over there, taunting me with her hands and stomach and thighs and ass and lips and

I waded through the water as fast as I could in her direction. “You should run. Like, now.”

She squealed. “That’s not fair! I can’t touch the ground!”

It’s not my fault you’re vertically challenged,” I said in her ear as I slid my arms around her stomach, pulling her against me.

I kissed the tip of her ear and I could feel her pulse quicken as I ran my palm down the curve of her neck, over her shoulder, and down to her wrist. I brought it to my lips and kissed her pulse there too. My fingers were kneading the flesh of her hips and I buried my face into the back of her neck, breathing her in.

Elle,” I muttered against her skin.

Mmm… Gabriel?” She breathed. She was completely relaxed against me.

We better get out before we go any further.” I pressed my lips between her shoulder blades.

Her breath hitched. “You’re making it very difficult,” she grumbled.

I groaned and let go of her, so she could swim beside me. If I didn’t get out now, I’d probably end up ripping off her bra with my teeth, as barbaric as that sounded. I rubbed my face, exhausted by the day, and wound up by the girl. I pulled myself up to where our stuff was and pulled Elle up too. As sad as I was to see her covered back up, I knew there would be more time later, especially if I had anything to say about it and I usually did.

I wonder where we’ll live in this place,” Elle thought out loud.

I didn’t answer because I didn’t know. I took a moment to take in everything around me. The cave ceiling was high—hundreds of feet up. There were small holes that let the sunlight in, keeping the area livable and allowing the plants and wildlife to thrive. After the pool, we came upon the forest line. I wondered how big this place actually was. I wondered what
in here. If there were birds, there had to be more. I saw the beginning of a pathway and I took Elle’s hand in mine.

Let’s try this way,” I said as I pulled her along.

She was upbeat and excited it seemed. It was an exhilarating thing to start brand new and leave everything—all the heart ache, all the bad memories—behind. It truly was as if God said
Let there be life.
Because there was light and life, and everything felt fresh, bright and new, especially Elle, with the skip in her step and a tune humming on her lips. She had me smiling constantly and my face seemed to be growing sore from it.

We were following the path marked by sand and stones into the dense woods. I didn’t know the type of trees they were, but they were big, green, and smelled like nature. I had a feeling it would be summer year round in here, even though it was in fact February. The path was straight for a few minutes, but then a sharp right turn, then one more left, and we found ourselves standing before a cabin—an actual cabin. The person I got this map from really knew what he was doing.

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