Finding A Way (25 page)

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Authors: T.E. Black

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Finding A Way
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I hear a ping come from my phone, seeing Mac’s name pop up in the notification bar. I click it, opening his text. My heart races and my pulse quickens. I shouldn’t be this affected just because someone texts me back. God only knows what this text could reveal. He could tell me to leave him alone, but I have to look anyways. I sigh in relief as I read his text.

I know I’m pushing my luck, but he offered to take me. So I’m hoping he won’t ditch me. I meant it when I said I would like him to be there. I’m pretty freaked out when it comes to needles, and Trent isn’t exactly the most comforting person there is. He would just hit on me the entire time, which isn’t something I want to deal with alone. My phone pings again and I quickly check what he said.


Yeah. I’ll call him.

Are you still going to come?

Yeah, Callie. I’ll go


A huge grin replaces my frown, and I type back. I can’t believe he’s still gonna go. I pull out my headphones as Sierra cracks open my door.

“Hey, when did you get home? I saw your bag downstairs.”

I decide to not let her know about the little peepshow I witnessed. The less she knows, the better.

“Just a couple minutes ago,” I lie.

I see her shoulders sag in relief, walking in the room farther, and taking a seat on the edge of my bed. She beams at me.

“You still wanna go tonight?”

I shrug, figuring I might as well. Who knows? Maybe I’ll have a good time. Now that I have seeing Mac to look forward to, I wanna let loose a little. I’ve been wound up tight the past week.

“Yeah, it should be fun. I could use a couple drinks.”

Sierra’s eyes widen with excitement at my suggestion to actually have fun at Chase’s party instead of hiding out on a Friday night.

“Chase will be there and he’s obviously interested in you.” She waggles her eyebrows at me. I glare at her for even suggesting it.

Chase isn’t getting more than friendly from me. I’d be okay with hanging out with him tonight, but there will be nothing more. He isn’t my type, not that I even know what my type is anymore. Well, maybe I do, and it is tall, extremely muscular, and covered in tattoos.

“I’ll talk to him, maybe even a dance, but that’s it. Please don’t push me Sierra. I don’t need to hop to another guy just because of Mac. Plus Mac texted me telling me he’s making a tattoo appointment with Trent for me and he’s still going.”

Sierra looks at me skeptically, crossing her arms over her chest. I might have lied about Mac texting me when I was the one who broke first, but it just makes the line of questioning which will get thrown at me more manageable.

“Why would he text you when he hasn’t talked to you in five days Callie? That’s just plain weird. He’s just screwing with your head. This is what Mac does! He wouldn’t know a good thing if it came up and bit him on the ass,” she proclaims, tossing her hands up in the air.

I shrug at her, not letting my emotions show.

“I’m fine, really. If he wants to come with me to the appointment, I’m not going to stop him. Stop hating him because of me. He’s Evan’s friend too.”

She lets out a long breath before speaking again.

“I know Callie, but you’re my best friend, and I won’t let him use you. I was shocked by how soft he was with you in the beginning. That's not like him. But then the way he freaked out just made me mad. Evan knows not to bring him around you or me for that matter. I swear if he hurts you, I will kill him Cal.”

A grateful smile shows on my face. I reach for her and pull her into a hug. This is why Sierra is my best friend. Even though she’s loud and overbearing at times, she only does it because she cares about me.

“Thank you,” I tell her.


girl!” I yell as I throw the Frisbee across the park. Nanook runs as fast as she can, leaping into the air to catch it and crashing into the ground. I let out a laugh watching her roll around trying to get up on her feet again. This dog has so much energy I can’t keep her cooped up in the house all day or she will destroy it. She’ll eat anything I leave lying around. Never anything serious, but just enough to make me buy a new pair of sneakers every month. I kneel and give her a big kiss.

“Good girl, Nook.” I grab the leash out my back pocket and clip it on her collar.

They have a fenced in area for dogs to play at the park. So, I’m able to take her leash off and let her run free. When we leave, I always clip it back on her. The last thing I want is for her to run away. I’d never find her in this city.

She hops up into my truck, settling herself in the front passenger seat. I give her a pat on the head as I pull out my ringing phone. It’s Evan.

He’s calling me to give me the twenty-four-seven updates on Callie again. He called me after the whole garage shit happened saying Sierra was extremely pissed off at me for making Callie cry. I don’t really blame her. I’m still fucking pissed off at myself.

I took Ryleigh’s advice and tried to give her some space, but it was impossible when Evan texted me with Callie’s every move. I told him I didn’t want that shit, but he insisted it gave him something to do since Sierra was holding fucking her against him for siding with me.

I answer the phone, starting up my truck.

“What’s up man?”

“The ban has been lifted motherfucker! Sierra is officially back to letting me fuck the shit out of her!” he yells into the phone proudly.

I let out a loud laugh.

“If she hears you telling me this, she’s gonna kick your ass.”

“Yeah I know, but she’s upstairs with Callie doing all that girly shit they do when they’re going out.”

I feel my ears perk up at the mention of going out. I’m not sure why I care, but I still have to ask.

“Where are they going?”

“Some party at the frat house. You remember that stupid little fuck, Chase? The one from the football team?” he asks.

I think about it for a second before knowing exactly who he’s talking about. Chase Daniels. He’s a frat boy and a complete tool. Something about that little fucker rubs me the wrong way. I’m sure he’s the reason the dean found out I was banging one of the professors, Ms. Ferrio. This was a couple years ago, but I know it was Chase who ratted us out. He stumbled into the parking lot as I had her buck ass naked and riding me in the driver's seat of my truck. It’s not like the dean could do anything, being I wasn’t a student, but she gave me a long lecture about how she didn’t care who I screwed as long as it wasn’t on her campus. I don’t agree with the frat house’s idea of fun at parties. Long story short, I don’t like that little piece of shit.

“Yeah I remember the dumb fuck. How the fuck did the girls end up invited to one of his parties?” I ask.

“Well, I guess Callie has a class with him and he invited her. She told Sierra about it and my lovely girlfriend thought it would be fun.”

The thought of that fucker touching Callie pisses me the fuck off. I can only imagine him flirting with her in class while he checks her out.

I feel Nanook nudge me, suggesting I pet her while I talk.

“You going with them?” I ask, praying he is.

He lets out a loud laugh.

“Ya think I'd let those girls go there alone to a rippah? They’re like a prime rib to a starving animal. Maybe they’ll think twice before trying anything with either of them if I’m there.”

Relief instantly floods me. If he wasn’t going, I’d be going instead. There’s no way I want Callie around those assholes without someone there to watch out for her. I highly doubt she’d enjoy me crashing the party, so at least if Evan’s there he can let me know if anyone needs the shit kicked out of them.

“Let me know if you need me. I’ll be there,” I confirm.

“Sounds good man, I’ll let ya know if I need help kicking some tool asses.”

I end the call, looking down at Nanook.

“What am I gonna do with this girl?” I ask her.

She tips her head to the side, giving me a confused look. I sigh loudly, running my hand through my hair. I’m now asking my dog for advice. I’m fucked up.


Sierra insisted I pull out the little black dress I bought when we first went shopping. I tried to tell her I thought it was a little too much especially for a house party, but she didn't give me room to argue. Evan seemed extremely pissed off with me wearing it, but Sierra gave him an earful and he stopped complaining.

His exact words were,
“How am I supposed to watch both of you when you two are dressed like that?”

I guess I understand where he’s coming from. I mean, Sierra is just as dressed up as I am, and I’m sure we’ll be the focus of the party looking like this. Evan will have an eventful night if I’m right.

Evan drove us instead of taking a cab being he said he wasn’t drinking. At least with Evan driving, I can convince him to make a quick getaway if need be. If it was Sierra driving, we’d be here all freaking night.

We pull up to the party and my jaw hits the floor of the truck. When Chase said his buddy was having a small party, that’s what I assumed…a small party. This is anything but.

The house is absolutely huge with some kind of frat banner hanging across the top of the door. People take up every space of the lawn. The music is deafening. Even with the windows in Evan’s truck rolled up, I still can hear Nick Jonas’s “Jealous” spilling from the house.

Evan turns off the truck, hopping out with Sierra, and I follow suit. He waits for us to walk in front of him and then stays close on our heels. As soon as we reach the front door, a very large man with a black shirt which reads “
asks for our ID’s. He lets us pass when he confirms we’re legal.

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