Finally Dead (Eve Benson: Vampire Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Finally Dead (Eve Benson: Vampire Book 1)
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her head, and trying not to breathe in the lovely scent, she looked at the
others. They were all full, except for Barb, whose pink inner glow was far more
subdued than the rest of them. Pushing the cup over in front of her, she
wondered if Lenore or Ed were going to slap it off the table or get mad at her.

that could happen, Bey reached out and patted her arm.

“Like you
said. Wonderful. Truly it is. Yes, Barbara, you should drink this now. As a
gift from your maker.” That part was important, Eve knew, because giving the
other Vampire, who was older than her, that blood without making her pay for it
was kind of like she was claiming Barb was her little bitch.

In the
prison sense of the word.

what I meant. Is that all right Edom?” She looked at her own maker, who agreed
with her, and then looked at Lenore.


Ambassador clapped, copying Bey’s signature happy move.

that seems like a very good plan. Please, Barbara, take this with my blessing.”

than seem angry at her, they all seemed relatively pleased.

goodness. She really didn’t need to make everyone mad at her yet. She had a
plan, and wanted to save that for the fifth day, if she could hold out that




Constantine turned out to be a council member, not just some business woman
that Lenore knew. This was explained to her by Barb, as she finished her blood.
It still smelled incredible, and honestly Eve was tempted to grab the cup up
and clean it out with her fingers, just to make sure nothing went to waste. She
didn’t though, because it would both be rude and show that she wasn’t as tough
and in control as she wanted to be.

So she
swallowed, her mouth dry, and held her seat as she was filled in on who the
others thought would be a good partner for her.

is basically our version of the IRS. On the good side, if she’s in this with
you, you’ll know that you won’t mess the books up too badly. On the bad, well,
she’s powerful enough that she could pretty easily grab control from you, once
you have things set up. No one else will though, so if you can get on her good
side you’ll kind of be protected that way.”

It was
interesting, since no one else moved at all, except Bey, who nodded, his face a
bit more dour than she’d seen him be prior to that.

“It is,
I fear, a simple truth. I do not think she would seek to thwart me by taking
advantage of you as Barbara has mentioned, but I cannot promise that she would
not, at the same time. You must consider this carefully. There is no great
hurry, perhaps? You have time now, if you are careful and manage things well

nodded at that, wondering how the heck she was supposed to figure out what to
really do. Interview the woman? Taking a forced breath, she nodded a little.

“I think
I see? Well, I have some contacts.” She did too, though they might be a little
dangerous to use just yet.

about it, she was tempted to call Darla, but that would be poor form. Zack was
in the same general zone. Oh, he’d help her out, and not charge her for
anything, but she didn’t really want that to be known. Not just yet. Keeley,
well, they were close, but she had her own concerns, and wasn’t that close to
the Vampire Council really.

So she
asked to borrow the phone, and called Richard Swerlin. House of Representatives
member, for the great state of Maine. Also one of the very few openly Vampire
people in the country.

wasn’t like she actually
him or anything, but they had friends in
common. Keeley, mainly, but also Rebekah. The man didn’t answer his phone
himself, his assistant, Jonas, being in charge of that kind of thing. He was a
New Vamp, and could pass for human, even if he was pretty young to it. Also
Rebekah’s boyfriend.

Jonas, this is Eve Benson? I’m a buddy of your girlfriend? From Arizona? Not
that I’ve lived there for a while. I was wondering if I could pick your brain
for some information? Maybe talk to your boss, if he has the time for a
non-voter like me?”

Oh, hi. Um, possibly? If it isn’t going to take too long. Mr. Swerlin is in a
meeting right now, but that should be over in a few minutes. It’s nearly time
for us to get out of here. Not that I’m complaining about the hours, but they
can be long. The election is coming soon though, so we have to do what we can.
So, shoot? The worst I’ll tell you is to get lost.” His voice held good humor,
so she didn’t let herself feel too offended. His job wasn’t to kowtow to her,
after all. Not yet.

Constantine, of the ruling council. What do you know about her? It’s suggested
that I go into business with her, and I kind of want to make certain she
doesn’t just take it all over right off the bat.
she wants in, this
is the part where I research her, you know?”

diligence. Good planning on your part. Let’s see… So far I haven’t heard
anything all that bad, honestly. Most hate her, but that isn’t because she’s
bad, just the one that comes and checks the books, which, well no one loves
that, do they? No complaints about her taking bribes or sucking up all the
credit for herself. Though really, I don’t know if anyone would send that kind
of thing past me, in particular. Bekah might know more that way. Here, hold on
for a bit?” It was pretty clear that his hand was over the mouthpiece, but she
could hear everything he said clearly. Everyone in the room could.

Benson? Calling to ask about Marissa from the Council. Someone told her that
she might make a good business partner. Any thoughts?”

“Um… Not
really, what kind of business?”

spoke then, answering him directly.

blood. Packaged like the Human kind, and flavored the same way. I have a new
recipe that will keep it fresh and tasting faintly of vanilla. Or, really, it’s
Keeley’s science behind it, but I have use of it for this already. The goal is
to sell it for about ten bucks a shot. That way we can make it a bit more
accessible to the law abiding people that want to follow your rules, but might
not have the ability to hunt in their areas.” You
eat dogs in a
pinch, but they were kind of small. Humans were best, but if you have something
like a cow, it was pretty close, she’d heard.

That… Sounds like a good idea. Can I get a sample or two of that? The expense
is one of the biggest drawbacks to the current supply. A good alternative that
won’t hurt the pocket book so much might just keep me from being lynched, if
you can do that in the next six months or so?” He sounded deadly serious, but
she nodded.

looked at Bey and rolled her eyes.

“I can
try? My maker thinks this is a good idea, and he’ll get the cash from it, but I
kind of want to make sure I build a good reputation. So, will you think highly
of me if I can get something to you that way?” She chuckled, a little
seductively. “Will you still respect me in the morning, if I do what you want?”

That got
a laugh, if from a distance.

If it isn’t incorrect, may I ask who your maker is?”

From the Westfield Embassy?” She didn’t know if that would mean anything to the
man, but there was a low whistle. It sounded appreciative.

“I hear
he’s going places. A personal friend of The Line Walker. Do you know Mr.
Hartley, by any chance?” He was fishing for information, most likely. She would
have if it were her in the other position.

met, a time or two, yes. Why?”

well, this is a little delicate. I could use a trip to Africa, but my schedule
is very limited for the next several months. I’ve been putting off asking him,
since I don’t have much by way of worthy trade for the time being. I was hoping
that I could pick your brain on the topic and see if there was anything he’d
mentioned needing to you?”

tilted her head.

Well, nothing is springing to mind, but I might be able to find out. For a

He didn’t even sound cold, just a bit skeptical. Eve couldn’t blame him really.
After all, who the hell was she?

If I set that up for you, and find something he’s willing to trade for that
won’t break the bank, I want you to endorse the new line of blood. I mean, I’ll
still have to prove to you that it’s good enough, but if I do that, will you
put your name behind it?”

“Can you
get the cost down more? If we can sell it for five dollars a serving, I think we
could make an arrangement that will be mutually beneficial. The price of the
current option has been at issue for some time. A less expensive alternative
would be a thing that I could get behind, yes.”

I’ll need to go and see about that then. So, first, what do you really think of
Marissa. You’ve met her, right?”

was a pause then, and a fake sigh.

“I have.
Frankly, I found her entirely intimidating. She has a way with numbers that is
truly fearsome, and not to be taken lightly. I don’t know her closely, but she
seems well trusted by her fellows not to run off with all the money, so… She
might well be a good person to ask about this?”

I’ll get back in touch with you in… Call it half an hour?”

“I’ll be
here. I should send Jonas off however. The poor man never gets a break.”

didn’t know what to say to that, so just said goodbye and glanced at the others
in the room with her.

Edom, could you walk me down to Zack’s bookstore? Just in case I see a tasty
looking patron?”

He shook
his head, smiling.

can’t. I’m actually on the clock here. Maybe…” He glanced at Lenore, but Bey
chuckled gently.

can go with you? I’m certain you will not have an issue, but it is
most sensible to take precautions. Would that all would be so careful of the
public. They are our responsibility, as the leaders of our kind.”

Not that
she was in that kind of position, Eve knew. No, she was literally just a
problem waiting to happen. Still, it would give her a chance to hang with her
buddies, Zack and Bey.

hopped up, and put her hand out, as if offering to help the ancient Vampire to
his feet. Not that he’d need it. Her hand was taken though and they walked down
the red brick toward the center of the mall. The fake things under their feet
had tiny sparkly bits in them that she’d never noticed before. It made the
whole place seem to glow slightly.

didn’t take too long to get to Hartley and Co. Books. It was a nice space, and
a familiar one, being that she’d worked there before. It was mainly staffed
with succubae at this time of day, but there was also a Mage, who was working
the front desk. Hiram, her old work buddy.

He was
also a criminal, which made him slightly hotter than his rather normal looks
would have allowed for. Then, she always had been a sucker for bad boys. Or,
really, for boys in general. He smiled when she walked up, realizing who was

beautiful.” Then he winked at Bey. “No offense meant by that. We’re pals, is
all. Are you coming back finally? I don’t want to put the girls here down, but
it would be nice to have someone else around that could get fifteen
uninterrupted minutes to shelve books.” He waved at Roberta, who was walking
off to the back reading room with a man on her arm. They had sex back there all
the time. Not just once or twice a day either. The place had a reputation for
that kind of thing, which really worked out for the Alede. That was the real
name for the succubae and incubae. They weren’t demons at all though, just a
different race. Able to change genders at will, which would no doubt freak out
some of the men they were sleeping with.

saw her looking and noticed that she was holding Bey’s hand still, and grinned,
raising both eyebrows at her.
. They did pretty much
everything that way though.

glanced at Bey, and moved a bit closer to him. Not that he needed her protection
from the woman, since she was making her way into the other room already.

Hiram. Bey, this is Hiram Stone. He’s the manager here, and a Mage. Also a
pretty good thief, if you ever need one. Hiram, this is Bey Transmorguire, of
the Vampire Council? So, you get the idea, I came to chat with Zack and see
what kind of presents he’d like, and Bey here came to punch me in the head if I
lose control and try to suck your blood. I should see about getting a part time
gig here, if I ever have the time. You know, I’m busy with all the new Vampire
stuff, like being beaten and raped into submission? So far that hasn’t
happened, but also I’ve managed not to be an entitled little bitch, if you can
buy that? So, fingers crossed that way.”

looked at Bey, and nodded, once.

you’re making sure no one hurts her too much? I’d make threats, but you’re too
far out of my league. I’ll sleep better knowing that…”

“I will
put a word in. Her master is known to be most fair and kind however, so I do
not believe she will be mistreated.”

I lose it, then, you know, it’s Eve’s turn at the beat down clinic. That’s the
game though. You either control yourself, or others have to do it for you. So,
is Zack in?”

That was
assured, but Hiram waved toward the far wall, which lead to the transport area.
The Node. It was where Zack worked from most of the time.

The door
was nice, having a bunch of inlaid owl carvings. They were all different sizes
and looked to be sitting on tree branches, but it was sort of out of place for
a mall book store. Even a nice one like this.

didn’t knock. It was either business hours or not, right? Bey followed her, and
smiled when he saw that Zack was in his little office space toward the rear.
The main area was open and had nicely polished marble floors, but the back was
just a glass booth. Well, there was wood on the bottom, but the top part was
clear and see through, meaning they could tell he was eating a lot. He needed
it though. He wasn’t as thin as he used to be, but Greater Demons ate to
extreme levels, all the time.

In this
case it looked like hamburgers, from the food court. All of them, probably. He
had a tray stacked high with silver and red wrappers.

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