Filthy 3

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Authors: Megan D. Martin

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Filthy 3

Filthy: A Serial Novel

Book Three

Megan D. Martin

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Filthy 3, Filthy Book Three: A Serial Novel

Copyright © 2014 Megan D. Martin

Cover by
Najla Qamber Designs

Chapter Header Design by
JN Sheats-Illustrator

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

First Printing, 2014

For my momma.

(Because I couldn’t call you mother, that just sounds weird, haha)

Thank you for being the amazing woman you are.

I know you’ll never see this because you are afraid to read my books…and after writing this serial, I think you are definitely right to be afraid. LOL. Love you so much.

She would run from darkness

Into more of the same

She would run to darkness

She could never stay away


“Hop in.”

I rubbed my hands against the tops of my bare thighs as I eyed the open pick-up truck before me. The man holding it open was a guy I knew, Richard. All of my Johns names ran together in a messy blob in my head. But not his.
Richard is different.

He was my first customer tonight. My first customer since I left Rhett’s house some three hours ago, hitching a ride back to the Truck Stop, back to the little tent across the street, my shitty coke, and my best friend Shauna. The only place I’d ever proudly called home.

It was funny how easy it was to leave. I thought it would be hard with Rhett guarding the door. But he wasn’t. No one was in the living room when I peeked my head out around eleven and no one came running when I slipped silently out the front door.

I was almost disappointed. But then I wasn’t. I wasn’t going to stay there and pretend like life was good or different.

That would’ve been a lie.

“I’ve missed you.” The words tumbled from Richard’s lips while his eyes darted up and down my form. I could already see his dick outlined in his pants.

I gave him a coy smile, flashing my teeth in my seductive way. He wasn’t bad looking, in fact he was pretty young when it came to the men I fucked. He couldn’t have been older than twenty-five with short, dark hair and a twitchy smile.

“Me too, baby.” I hopped up in his truck. When he slammed the door and started moving to the other side, I dropped my smile and rubbed an achy hand against my forehead. My body hurt all over. I needed my coke.
. But I didn’t have any money. Not yet. This fuck would get me enough cash to get what I needed from Jorge.

Richard slid in next to me and moved his seat back as far as it would go. “You remember what I like, sweetheart?”

I did. I would
forget what he liked.

He reached out and trailed a hand down my face. I let him, though I didn’t really feel it. All I could feel was the ache just beneath my skin. The throbbing awareness of how badly I needed a bump.

“You remember, don’t you, mommy?”

I flinched. Even though I knew he would call me that, I was never prepared for the first time he said it. The word needled around in my head. I knew he wanted me to ride his cock while he sucked my tit and moaned
against my flesh. And I knew I would let him. I knew that something deep inside me would twist and knot until I cried out and came all over his dick.

I plastered a fake smile across my lips. “I could never forget my little boy.”

He reached into his pocket and extracted a condom. I almost laughed at the sight of it. The fact that I had an STD stood out prominently in my mind, reminding me of the last few days that had turned my life upside down and set me back further than before I left. I watched him roll it over his dick. He was uncut. Medium-sized.

“Have you been a bad boy?” I climbed on top of him and my leopard skirt rolled up, revealing my thighs and my bare pussy. “Does mommy need to punish you?”

He moaned and thrust his hips up. His cock bumped against my clit and I hated the fact that I was wet. That I liked this dynamic. Before Rhett had found me, before everything that had happened in the last week, I had looked forward to Richard coming to fuck me. He was one of the few that I actually enjoyed. But it wasn’t for obvious reasons. It wasn’t because he had particularly good moves or because he was decent looking. The truth was that he fucked like an average man and came too quickly.

I enjoyed him because when he called me mommy I felt something. Something that stirred deep inside me. Yearning. It was that broken knot. It made want something I could never have.
I knew how pathetic that was. How twisted it made me. But I would take what I could get. And this was it. The chances of me being a mother began and ended with Richard. This twenty-five year old man with a fucked-up fetish.

“Have you been bad?” I grabbed his chin between my fingers. His face was baby smooth, as if he had just shaved before coming up here.

His gaze met mine. “No, mommy. I’ve been good. I’ve been really good.”

“Are you sure?” My voice was stern.

“Yes, mommy please,” he begged.

“What do you want from mommy?” I let the tip of his cock rub against my clit. My legs trembled beneath me, weak, ready to give out, but I wouldn’t let them. I wouldn’t let the ache under my skin ruin this for me. This was
moment. The best moment this life could offer.

“I want you to ride my cock, mommy.” His big hands gripped my ass cheeks. Stinging like he slapped them. The image of Taylor doing that exact same thing jumped into my head. Had it just been hours ago that I was there, back in that house, in that bathroom bent over a bloody sink with him fucking me from behind?

It was, but I wanted it to be longer. I wanted it to be a lifetime away. Forever.

“Mommy?” Richard was panting beneath me, drawing me out of my head. His chest rose and fell in quick spurts.

“You better have been good.” I slid down on his waiting cock. “Are you hungry, baby boy? Mommy has been aching to feed you.”

He groaned and leaned in, jerking my shirt down until my nipple popped out. The second he started sucking, I started grinding my hips on his dick. I was sore inside and I wanted to blame it on the drugs, but I couldn’t. I knew it was from Taylor. It was Taylor’s cock that had slammed into me repeatedly. It was Taylor’s cock that made me orgasm.

Disgust rolled through me, but I didn’t stop fucking Richard. Instead I thrust hard taking all of his dick. The faster I moved the harder he sucked. I ran my fingers through his short hair and closed my eyes. Rhett’s face popped up immediately, his chiseled bare chest as he stood in his kitchen. I tried to shove the image away but I couldn’t. I
it. I

I pretended it was his cock beneath me. His mouth on me. It was even better than being called mommy. The only proverbial moment where I could feel like a mother, as fucked up as that was. Even Rhett trumped that.

Richard gripped my hips and moaned into my chest.

Would Rhett miss me? Would he be sad when he woke up and I wasn’t there? Would he go back to his life? Would he stick his dick in Sarah and never think of me again? Would he never think of his whore step-sister? The one who made him hard even when he fucking hated her?

The feel of Rhett’s dick in my hand came back. With my back against the green grass of the cemetery, his big body looming over mine. Something warm bubbled inside me. It was that liquid warmth that was sweeter than coke. It was that feeling that made everything else disappear for the barest of moments. It was a good feeling and I thrust my hips harder to reach it. I was almost there. Almost to it. I dug my nails into the scalp beneath my fingertips. Rhett’s scalp. His short blond hair pressing against my skin.

But then the feeling was gone, snatched away with the squeak of the driver’s side door being flung open, the whoosh of a breeze slammed against my skin. “What the—?” But my words were taken from me as big hands snatched me out of the car and off the dick I was riding. I met eyes with the owner of those hands. Eyes that swam with so much hate it made me feel an inch tall. Eyes that reminded me that I hadn’t been fucking Rhett Hale in that truck, but a stranger who liked to call me mommy.



Rhett shoved me away from him and I stumbled backward, my bare ass smacking against the rocky pavement. He yanked Richard out of the truck. “What the fuck is this?” Rhett shouted as he slammed him against the vehicle.

Richard’s dick still hung out of his pants somewhere between hard and soft, the condom dangling pathetically. “Dude—”

But Richard didn’t get to finish his sentence. Rhett’s fist slammed into the side of his face making a terrible smacking sound. Richard reeled and fell to the ground in a heap. I expected him to get up, but he didn’t. He laid completely still, unconscious from the blow. I stared at his limp body in shock, certain the last few seconds hadn’t happened.

But then
turned his eyes on me. Rhett. And I knew it was real. Even my imagination couldn’t replicate the abhorrence that swam in his gaze. He wore a t-shirt and jeans, nothing imposing or scary. But the look in his eyes was enough. The muscles bulging under his shirt, his fists clenched at his sides. He was a monster. A monster I knew. A monster that made me fucking horny. My cunt throbbed, wetness making my hips slip and slide against one another as I crawled backward to get away from him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he growled. He took big steps eating up the distance between us.

I didn’t know. I didn’t have fucking clue. We were behind the Truck Stop by the old shed in the very back of their big parking lot where truckers could park for the night. The lot wasn’t very full tonight, so the closest truck was a good ways away. I couldn’t run to them. I would never make it in my heels. And they couldn’t see me, the storage shed blocked any chance of a view they might’ve had. But even then, I didn’t know whether I wanted to run the fuck away or throw my head back and beg for him to put his cock in me. But I knew which one I wanted more. The one I fucking
But that didn’t stop me from running. My heels clacked awkwardly against the pavement as I tried to get away more quickly. But he was on me before I could get more than a few feet.

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