Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2) (39 page)

BOOK: Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2)
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Today is the last game of my high school career and I’m going to miss my teammates. I’m the only one going to NYU. I’ve played baseball since I was old enough to. I love the game because it makes me feel alive. Standing on the pitcher’s mound, pitching the ball, gives me a feeling that I love and I’ve decided to play in college. I’m good enough to go pro, but I could never play baseball for a living. Walking into the locker room, I hear Bosh’s voice and he is talking with Ian. Audrey’s fuck-face. I swear I would love to just kick his ass and get it over with.

“Hey, Bosh.” I smile then turn to Ian. “What are you doing here?” I question.

“Audrey invited me.” He smirks.

“Well, you’re not welcome, so get the fuck out.”

I’m so goddamn pissed at her right now; I don’t even finish getting dressed. I walk out of the locker room to see Audrey and Tatum standing there. She looks perfect. I run my hands through my hair and take a deep breath.

“Why the fuck did you bring that bastard here?” I question Audrey.

“This is his school too and he’s my boyfriend. I know you don’t like it but just get the hell over it. I am not your girl, Zander Kelley, so quit talking to me as if I did something wrong. You can’t continue to think you own me. You and I will never be together.” She yells.

“You could be if you would quit pushing me away. What the hell does he have to offer you? You and me. We belong together. Can’t you see it? I know you feel what I have.” I say as I place my hand on the wall behind her.

“No, we don’t. I think one of your whores is looking for you.” She says as she rolls her eyes in the direction of Stephanie.

“Yeah, she is a whore, but I’ve never fucked her. Sure she has sucked my dick a few times, but that’s nothing to brag about darlin’,” I say as I push my body into hers. “Feel this. I swear you are the only one that does this to me. Someday you will realize that you are meant for me.”

“Don’t you have a game to get ready for?” she mumbles, as she bites the inside of her jaw.

“Not without a kiss from my favorite girl.” I lean into her mouth with my lips directly above hers. “Someday, you will love when I do this.” I say as I brush my lips against hers, then I turn and walk away. I want to look back so damn bad, but I don’t though. I keep my cool and go straight to the locker room.

Knowing that I gave Audrey those goose bumps has me on cloud nine. Walking back into the locker room, I finish getting dressed. We have to win today because we haven’t lost a game all year. There’s no way are we losing today. I meet up with the rest of the team. I go out into the dugout ready to play my last game for Birmstead on the field I’ve played on my entire life. I want to give my hometown something to remember so they will always remember who Zander Kelley is.

The summer has flown by, as I helped my dad on the farm and hung out with Tatum and Audrey as much as I possibly could. I can’t stand that she is still with Ian; I hope that soon she sees what a jerk he really is. And she dumps his ass.

I’m leaving for college today, my mom and my sister Tatum has cried all day. Going from Alabama to New York will be a huge change, as I have been accepted into the Law program at NYU, along with my buddy Evan.

The only thing that sucks is leaving all my friends and my family. I don’t have a steady girlfriend; I’ve never been one to stay with the same girl. I like it that way, but hey, they like it that way too. Being the star of my high school’s baseball team the last four years, had allowed me to have my share of girls. Mainly from other schools. But there’s only one girl for me, but she’s too good for me. She’s actually here visiting my sister, so she says. I know she wants to see me before I leave.

“So you got all of your stuff packed, douche-twat?” Audrey asks, as she approaches my room.

“You and that damn mouth. Where’s your boy-toy? Don’t you think he may get mad that you’re seeing me off?” I say, but I’m so fucking glad she came to see me before I left. Damn I’ll miss that beautiful face.

“Pfft…I don’t have to tell him everything I do. Have you fucked half of the sophomore drill team as a going away gift to them? You know you’ll have to leave your mark on Birmstead High.”

“Yeah, something like that.” I smirk

“Yeah, I heard some of them bragging at Mable’s last night.”

“Are you jealous, baby?” I say as I run my hand through her hair. “You know you can have this whenever you want, just say the words and it’s all yours.”

“Pa-lease! You think you are some kind of sex-god, trust me. Read. My. Lips. I will never be jealous.” She says, as she stands so close to me I can smell her strawberry lip gloss.

I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Someday, sweetheart, you will be begging me to give you all of this.” I can see goose bumps pop up on her arms, as I grind my now very hard cock into her hip. She doesn’t move, she just stands there staring at me. I can see in her expression that she’s thinking about what I had just said. I must have shocked her, because by now, she would have come back with a quick response. Ahh, now she opens her mouth, I see my feisty girl has a comeback.

“Whatever, fuck-face, I better go. Have a safe trip and make sure to wrap that thing so it doesn’t fall off.”

“Oh, trust me, baby, my dick is always wrapped. There is only one girl that will ever get to feel my bareness inside of her.”

“Lucky her, huh.” She says as she turns to walk out of my room.

“Audrey, wait.” I say and she turns to look at me.

“You know you’ll miss me.” I say, as I lean in and hug her; I can feel her shakiness as she hugs me back. Damn, she smells so good. I’ve wanted to be with her for so long. Just before she can walk away, I crash my lips to hers and use my tongue to separate her lips, she doesn’t deny me access and she welcomes my tongue, wrapping hers around mine. I groan into her mouth and take her bottom lip in between my teeth before opening the distance between us. I can tell by the look in her eyes that she is as hungry as I am. I’m not hungry for food though.

“Good-bye, fucker.” She says as she kisses my cheek.

Just like that, she is gone and I regret not making her mine.


That is the best fucking kiss, I’ve ever had. The things I would do with him…Ugh, I am so stupid, so fucking stupid. I wanted to tell Zander Kelley exactly how I feel. He thinks that I’m in love with Ian. Only if he knew the truth, which is, he is the one I want. I’ve came so close to telling him, so many times. I can’t, he and I together just won’t work. We are better off as friends. He is on his way to New York, I’ll still be here and start AU after I graduate.

“Audrey, you okay?” Tatum questions me, as she stares at my unshed tears.

“Oh, yeah I’m fine. I think it’s allergies or something.” I try to play it off.

“Allergies my ass, you are upset about my brother leaving. Is that what this is about?”

“Shit, I can’t lie to you too. Yes, this is about him. You know I’ve always wanted him. I could care less about Ian; I’m actually breaking it off with him. He is starting to be very creepy. I swear, I think he has been following me.”

“Why haven’t you told Zander?”

“I just can’t we cannot be together. Our relationship would be so damn toxic.” I say as I link my arm through hers.

The truth is, we just can’t be together. I remember everything that happened with Sandy, my birth mom. I just can’t be a part of the Kelley family. The truth is they are my family too. They’ve all been wonderful to me over the years; I would do anything for any of them.

~ New York City ~


I’ve been here at NYU a little over a month and haven’t talked to Audrey since I left. Of course, I ask my sister about her, here and there. I’ve been staying with a few friends here, until I can get a place. They offered me their couch and it’s actually not too bad and is saving me some cash in the meantime. Tonight, we’re going to a local bar where my dude is singing. Last week there, I meet, um, hell can’t remember her name, but she was definitely screaming my name.

Walking in the bar, I see a tall, very sexy lady with flowing dark brown hair. As I approach her, I could see her beautiful smile. I smile back and reach my hand out to her, “Zander Kelley and you are?” I ask as I lift her hand to my lips.

“Heather.” She giggles.

“Nice too meet you.” I say as I take a seat next to her.

“You a student at the university?” she asks, as she sips her drink.

“I am, just started this year. Pre-law. And yourself?”

“That’s fantastic, pre-med actually. But thinking of changing it to something else.”

“I can see you as a doctor.” I laugh and watch her smile as she starts giggling. Yep, she will definitely distract me from that beautiful smut mouth back home. I think.

“Well, thanks. I honestly can’t see you as a lawyer. I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have said that.” She blushes.

“Darlin’, what can you see me as? I can see your body next to mine in the morning.” I say with a wink.

“Oh. Is that so? You think, just because you have a sexy southern drawl and a sexy body that I’m going to sleep with you?”

“Who said anything about sleeping, sweetheart. Now dance with me.” I say as I take her drink and set it on the table.

BOOK: Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2)
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