Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2)
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“Fuck,” he muttered as he ran his hands along the smooth space of his shaved head.

“Fuck, this isn’t good.”

Toby and Victoria, noticing my reaction, made their way over to me.

“What’s up Knox?” Toby asked as they approached. All Knox did was frustratingly nod his head toward the pane of glass that acted as a wall in the VIP room. Toby walked over as Victoria approached me and placed her hand on my arm. They both glanced down at the floor below us and Victoria remained silent.

“Shit,” Toby said as he blew out a breath. His sudden switch from friend mode into lawyer mode would have given anyone whiplash.

“We need to go,
, Knox. We need to get Dominic out of here, we cannot risk him losing his shit in this club for all of Chicago to see. We don’t need more charges on top of the ones we are already facing.”

Out of my peripheral vision, I could see Knox nod his head in agreement. I appreciated the fact that my friends were trying to keep me in line, but I didn’t think even a nuclear fucking apocalypse was going to stop me from going out on that dance floor. Victoria had her phone pulled out typing a text message as I turned and stepped around the server still bent down picking up the pieces of glass and stormed off toward the exit of the VIP room.

“Fuck, Knox! Stop him!” Toby yelled in panic, but it was too late. I was a man determined to confront the girl who still held the pieces of my heart, however broken they may be.

My leather boots stomped heavily against the purple wooden floors of the club as I made my way down the stairs to the main floor. I pushed my way through the crowd earning odd glances and a few obscene names and gestures from people as I pummeled them on my way in my mission to reach Ashley. Once I finally made it to the dance floor, I looked around, but couldn’t find her anywhere. I spotted Rownan over by the bar, but Ashley was not with him. I incandescently continued to look for her as my eyes scanned every blonde headed woman in the crowd. Frustration began to set in along with my anger the longer it took to try and locate her. Knox and Toby weren’t far behind me, so I needed to find her quickly if I was going to be able to give her a piece of my mind. I turned toward the hallway that led to the restrooms and that is when I saw her leaned up against the wall with her head bowed and her arms wrapped around her middle like she was hugging herself.

A brief moment of compassion swept over me as I stood there staring at her and wondered what it is she was thinking about. Her shoulders rose and fell with extreme heaviness like she was either crying or trying to rein in some sort of emotions she was feeling. My first instinct was to run to her; to wrap her in my arms and offer her comfort that I so desperately wanted to give, but my thoughts took a sudden shift as the image of myself being handcuffed at the club came flooding back.

Ashley heaved herself off of the wall like it took every bit of strength she could materialize and started to walk off in the direction of the bar. My heart skipped several beats when I realized that she was heading back over to Rownan. Even though her betrayal was monumental, I still felt like I had a claim on her. I knew for a fact that she still had a claim on me. The constant push and pull that I felt when it came to her was insurmountable. It was so hard to be completely and utterly in love with someone and hate them at the same time.

I ran after her as quickly as I could before she made it back to Rownan. The jealousy of her being with him was enough to consume me as I gripped her upper arm a little harder than intended.

“I said let me go, you fucking…” she yelled trying to break free of my grip. Her demand was cut off when she turned around to see who it was that had a hold on her.

“Dominic,” she breathed in disbelief. Her face paled and she swayed slightly on her feet. The hand that held her arm firmly in place felt like it was on fire; like something so simple as touching her skin could make me feel scorched all the way to the bone. The way I felt, she could reduce me to a pile of ash with just one look into her fucking torturous green eyes.

“Happy to see me?” I said heinously. The sarcasm I insinuated could be felt rolling off of me in waves.

“What-what are you doing here?” she questioned as her eyes frantically ticked back and forth between mine with worry and anxiety. She broke her gaze from me, turning her head in all direction like she was looking for someone.

“Looking for your boyfriend?” I spat. Just hearing the words come from my mouth sent an inferno raging through my body.

“What? No-no, I was…”

“Don’t fucking deny it, Ashley.” I growled through my clenched jaw as I tugged on her arm pulling her closer to me.

“Picture this. Me coming into a club because the one I own is shut down, trying to find some solstice in my now fucking messed up life, when all of a sudden I happen to look down and see the one person responsible for said fucked up life grinding up on another guy a mere three days after she fucking destroyed me!”

I pulled on her arm forcing her to follow me back to the hallway that I saw her emerge from and turned to pin her up against the wall.

“Are you also forgetting that just this morning, I was the one inside you? I was the one who had my dick inside of your warm pussy? Huh? Tell me, Ashley. Did you forget that part?”

Her lip began to quiver and I had to fight every dominant being inside of me that told me to bite down on that lip. I pressed my hips against her, because although I was fucking pissed beyond reason right now, I was also harder than fucking steel. Just being this close to her made my dick so hard it was painful.

I looked over my shoulder and saw both Knox and Toby heading in our direction, so on instinct I grabbed Ashley and opened the door to the ladies’ room, forcing her to follow me inside.

“Everybody out,
!” I said to the three unexpected women who were primping in the mirror. They quickly shoved their lipsticks and other items back into their bags and hastily left the restroom. Once the last girl cleared the threshold, I slammed the door shut and slid the deadbolt into place locking Ashley and me alone in the bathroom. I rested my palms flatly on the back of the door and hung my head trying to get some composure before I completely unleashed on her.

“Dominic, I…” she began.

“No. I don’t want to hear whatever fucking excuse you come up with as to why you are here with him. Everything that comes from your mouth is a lie.” I interrupted with my back still facing her. I shoved away from the door and turned around to stalk my way toward her. She backed up until her ass hit the sink and she had nowhere to go. I took in the fucking sexy as hell dress she had on and how the cowboy boots she wore made her legs look abso-fucking-lutely sinful.

“Dominic, please don’t do this. I know you are angry. I will leave. Just...just let me go.” She said with an unsteady voice.

I laughed contemptuously. Just let her go? Ha! Easier fucking said than done.

“Oh, Ashley,
doesn’t even begin to hint at what I am feeling right now. I am this close to losing complete fucking control and going out there and bashing Rownan’s face in for even touching you,” I said as I held up my thumb and forefinger in front of her face for her to get the visual that I was, in fact, hanging on by only a thread of restraint.

She gripped the sink with such force that her knuckles were white. I could see her visibly tremble under my stare as we stood there in odd silence for a few moments.

“Dominic, please,” she begged and the sweet smell of her breath brushed across my face from where I was leaned into her trying to show my dominance over her. The fucking bad thing about that was she was the one who dominated me. She dominated every thought, every action, and every breath that went in and out of my body.

My hands gripped her waist and I leaned in to whisper in her ear.

“Does he fuck you as good as I do? Can he fill you up like my dick can? Can he have you climaxing beneath him in a matter of moments like I can, Ashley?”

Her breathing increased causing her breasts to rub against my chest. I fingered the fabric of her dress, inching it further and further exposing her creamy thighs, thighs that were screaming at me to nudge between to bury myself in the warm, moist folds of her pussy. I had to stifle a groan when I exposed her white lacy thong that was hidden under her dress. White had always represented purity, honesty, and virtue. Ashley was none of these things. She was anything but pure, a real fucking tigress when it came to fucking. She was anything but honest or virtuous, having lied about loving me and ripped my heart to fucking shreds.

I palmed the delicate lace of her panties, feeling the heat of her inner most core radiate from her body feeling jealous that such an inanimate object as the lace of her panty got to constantly touch such a beautiful and fucking irresistible part of her body. Sliding my fingers underneath the fabric, I was welcomed with the smooth, slickness of her desire as my fingers touch the delicate skin of her folds. My cock painfully bulged in my pants as it hardened to the point of misery.

“Oh God!” she gasped as my fingers found her clit and I pinched it, sending a jolt of pleasure rushing through her body.

“Dominic, please, we can’t. I can’t…” she began to beg.

“Tell me, Ashley, does he make you soaking wet like this? I can damn near feel your juices pour out of you right now. You can pretend you don’t want me all you want, but this, right here, proves differently,” I said as I brought my fingers out from her folds and placed them in my mouth, savoring the taste of her. I wanted her to feel it, to stop denying the fact that she still wanted me. Hell, I needed her to know. I crushed my mouth to hers, revealing her own taste from my mouth so that she could bear witness to just how much her body wanted me.

In one swift move, I picked her up by the hips and placed her on the sink gathering her dress around her waist. I pushed against her knees to spread her legs open while unzipping my pants in the process. My dick was hard, harder than I can ever remember it being. It felt like it had been forever since I felt the warmth of her from the inside, when in fact it was only a few hours. The sound of her thong ripping echoed off of the walls in the bathroom as I tore them away from the sweet spot of her I was anxiously waiting to sink into.

Positioning myself at her entrance, I slowly invaded her at a painstakingly prolonged pace. I wanted her to feel every glorious inch of me as I filled her completely. It was torture to be inside of her again because nothing in the world could compare to how fucking glorious it felt to be inside of her.

“Does he feel as good as this feels?” I asked her as I began rocking my hips back and forth, pumping my cock in and out in a slow, tormenting rhythm.

“Dominic...I...oh God,” she said almost incoherently through staggered breaths as I began to pick up the pace.

“That’s right, you remember who you belong to. Remember my name because it is the only name you will want to scream.”

Her nails dug into the muscles of my biceps as her pussy began to lubricate my cock and her desire grew more and more. Soon we were both gripping each other in a need for release, a release that only we could provide each other. She was the only one who could dull the ache that I held on to constantly. I lifted my hand to the curve of her neck as I gripped my fingers into her collarbone, trying to hold onto her tighter. Curious when my hand brushed against something hard, I trained my eyes to her neck and that is when I noticed it. Even though it was partially hidden underneath her dress, I could still make out the lines of the Celtic Triquetra necklace that I had given her when she entered the submissive training program at the club. That one tiny symbol made memories come flooding back to the first night of training, when I made her come just from my fingers as she was strapped to the St. Andrew’s Cross. My dick hardened in reaction.

Why the fuck is she wearing it?

“I’m going to come…” She said in between breaths. A pounding sounded on the bathroom door, but I ignored it as I continued to pound into her punishingly. Her head whipped to the direction of the door and I grabbed her chin to force her to look at me.

“No! I want you to look into my eyes when you come. I want to see the moment your body comes undone through your eyes. I am the one who does this to you, I am the one who knows every single place on and in your body that drives you wild.
will not give you that.”

I unleashed myself then, grinding into her so hard that her ass started to scoot backward on the sink. I saw it in her eyes the moment her body gave up to me. It sent a primal, gut wrenching feeling through me as she screamed out my name and her tight little pussy clamped down around me. Her voice carried acoustically throughout the bathroom and it sent me flying over the edge. I pumped my seed into her in the biggest, longest climax I had ever had. It felt like I kept coming and coming until there was finally nothing left for my cock to give. I collapsed my head to her chest, as she remained stark still upon the counter.

I lifted my head in time to see a tear roll down her cheek. I withdrew myself from her and I heard her wince as she closed her eyes and more tears forced their way down her beautiful face. More pounding on the bathroom door caused me to look away from her as I heard the frantic, muffled sounds of Knox and Toby trying to reach me.

BOOK: Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2)
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