Figure 8 (11 page)

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Authors: Elle McKenzie

BOOK: Figure 8
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As I enter the room I get a sense of dread come over me, I can feel someone’s presence. All I can think is ‘Please Izzy, stay outside.’ I hear a noise coming from towards the bedroom, Isabelle’s bedroom. I pick up a knife from the kitchen drawer thankful that the kitchen is so close to the entrance of the flat. I should go back out and call the police, but my instinct is to protect Isabelle and her belongings. I walk quietly towards the door and push it open. I can just make out through the darkness, a man dressed in black wearing a black baseball cap. He is rummaging around in her drawers. He turns as he hears the door creak and comes charging towards me, pushing me into the door as he flees from the room. I feel the thud of my head smacking the back of the door and the room spins. All I can think of is getting to Izzy and making sure she is ok, but my legs won’t move. I start to crawl on my hands and knees, anything to get to her. I pull out my phone and dial 999.

“Operator, how can I direct your call?” FUCK, come on.

“Police, quickly.” I try to stand again but I feel very light headed. I reach up and feel the back of my head, it’s wet and when I pull my hand down I see the blood.

“Hello police, what’s the emergency?” I can’t speak my eyes are unable to focus. All I can think about is getting to Izzy. I crawl to the door and see her lying on the floor, she isn’t moving.


Oh god, please no.


“Help, my girlfriend, she isn’t moving,” I let out a strangled sob.

“Can you give me your location please sir?” I register the voice on the other end of the phone. I quickly call out the address to the operator and pray that the police and ambulance shows up soon. I put my phone down crawl over to Izzy and shake her slightly. She doesn’t move. I lie over her lifeless body and a guttural roar escapes my chest. My head pounds and my eyes feel heavy. I can’t let myself close my eyes, not now, not whilst Izzy lies in my arms like this.

It feels like hours pass by, when in reality it is probably only minutes. I hear footsteps and voices but I don’t see faces, all I see is Izzy lying cold and still on the floor. I feel someone pulling me off of her and I try to fight them. I don’t want to leave her.

“Please sir, let them do their job. You need to be checked over too. You’re no good to her like this. Come on, let’s get that head seen to.” I reluctantly let them check me over.

“I’m going in the ambulance with her!” The paramedic nods to me and I stand to walk out towards the waiting crowd of people that have gathered outside. People must be leaving the pubs and clubs, I don’t register faces, only mumbled voices as I walk inside the waiting ambulance. I see Izzy hooked up to machines and then I see the blood on her shoulder. How had I not noticed that before?

“Is she going to be alright?” I beg the paramedic.

“She has a nasty cut to her shoulder and it looks like she took a pretty hard bang to the head, possibly when she fell. We need to get her to the hospital and run some tests to find out what damage there is before we can determine anything else.” I look into the woman’s eyes, pleading with her to help Isabelle. I can’t cope; I don’t know what to do. I feel so helpless. I should have protected her. I shouldn’t have left her outside. I should have phoned the police and walked away. This is entirely my fault. When we finally make it to the hospital the doctors quickly take Izzy away. A nurse takes me into one of the cubicles and sits me down on a chair. She starts to clean and dress my wound when a police officer comes in.

“Sir, are you up to answering a few questions?”

“Yes, can you tell me how Izzy is please?” I need to know she is okay. The nurse looks up at me her face sympathetic.

“I will go and find out for you.” She leaves the room and I look up at the officer stood before me. I give him a rundown of what happened when we arrived back at the flat. I tell him that I didn’t see his face but he was a white male, about the same height as me and described the clothing to him. He thanks me for the information and after jotting it down in his little notebook, he informs me that he will be back to speak to Isabelle and then leaves. Shortly after he leaves, the nurse returns with one of the doctors. I recognise him as Dr Callum Rowland; I have worked with him before at the hospital, I never did like him.

“Damon, how are you?”

“I’ve been better,” I reply dryly. “How is Isabelle?”

“Miss Riley took a bang to the head and what appears to be a knife wound to her right shoulder. She is in a stable condition at the moment but she is still unconscious. We are hoping that she will wake up within a few hours, the CT scan showed no damage, so there is no reason for her not to wake soon. You can go into see her shortly. Can I check you out please? I was told you suffered a nasty bump to the head also.” I feel so much better now that I know she is going to be okay, but I won’t be happy until she is awake and talking to me.

“I feel fine, I had a bit of blurred vision and drowsiness before the paramedics came, but I feel okay now. I really just want to see Izzy,” I snap at him. I don’t care about me, I just want to get to my girlfriend.

“Let me check you out and then I will take you in to sit with her.” I nod my head and let him do his examination, knowing it is the only way I will get out of this cubicle. I get the all clear and the nurse leads me down the corridor to where they are looking after Izzy. I have walked these corridors many times but today they feel estranged. When I walk into the room I sense her presence straight away, but it feels so distant.


Please come back to me.


I let out a gasp as I see her lying there looking so peaceful. ‘She’s just sleeping,’ I tell myself. The nurse directs me to a chair next to her. I sit down grasping her hand in mine, silently praying for her to wake up. I have never been a religious person but I will try anything right now to get her to come back to me. The gentle beep of the heart monitor is reassuring and as the time passes I gently drift off to sleep, my head resting on the side of the bed, my hand grasped in hers.

Chapter Ten

I wake up wondering where the hell I am. Then I feel the pain. My head feels like it’s been stood on by an elephant and my shoulder feels like someone has stabbed me. The light shining from the window hurts my eyes and I close them again to get some relief. When I relax, I feel him. I gently open one eye and move my position to look down. He looks so beautiful, sleeping so soundly next to me. I start to remember what happened and I start to panic. The beeping of the monitor becomes erratic and I can’t breathe.

“Shush, baby. You’re safe, it’s okay I am here, please calm down.” His voice sounds gravelly and strained. I look into his beautiful blues but they’re darker than they usually are. He looks tired. My heart slows down as he talks and brushes his fingers along the side of my cheek.

“What happened?” My throat is dry and scratchy.

“Can you not remember?” he looks worried.

“I remember getting back to the flat and then it’s blank.” He breathes a sigh of relief, but I am so confused.

“There was someone in your flat, I went in and you stayed outside. He attacked me as he ran out then he stabbed you slightly in the shoulder. You fell and hit your head on the floor.” Images come back to me. I remember being frightened when Damon entered the flat, but not much else after that. “I have never been so scared in all my life, Iz. All I could think of was getting to you and making you safe. I don’t know what I would do without you.” A tear runs down his cheek as he grabs my face in both hands. He leans into me, he looks like hell but he is still the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. He leans in and kisses me gently on my lips. Even in my dazed and painful state, my nerve endings tingle at his touch and the connection between us is felt down below.

He pulls back and searches my eyes. I’m not sure what he is looking for. He pulls away. “Your Dad and Jenny are in the waiting room baby. I should go and tell them you’re awake. They have been so worried about you.” He smiles but it’s strained, he lets go of my hand and he turns to leave. I grab back hold of his hand as he goes to walk out. I don’t know why but I am so afraid of him leaving me. “I will be gone less than five minutes.” How does he sense what I am feeling? He leans down pecks the back of my hand, smiles and walks away.

Five minutes feels like forever in this lonely hospital room. I look around, it feels familiar. I remember being here only a few months ago when I first met Damon. A lot has happened in that short space of time and I am certainly not the same person that was here then. I have a life now and I have the most beautiful, loving, tender man a girl could hope for. He’s my everything. I hear the creaking of the door opening, I look up and see my dad. He looks terrible. I’ve caused him so much trouble, he looks older, wearier. It’s entirely my fault. I’ve put him through hell the last few months and now this too.

“Isabelle, oh my god, you scared me to death,” he cries. I let out a sob as he walks towards me pulling me into his arms.

“Oh, Daddy, I love you so much. I am so sorry for everything I keep putting you through.”

“Isabelle, why are you saying this? None of this was your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong. Hush now, please don’t cry.” He strokes my hair as he holds me tight. We are broken apart by a knock on the door. “Come in,” my dad shouts. Jenny, peeks her head around the door.

“Can I come in?” she asks gingerly.

“Get in here now,” I scold. She runs over to the bed and practically jumps on me, scooping me up into the biggest hold yet. Trust Jen not to be delicate with me. I grimace at the pain from my shoulder but I don’t care, I am just so happy to have my best friend in my arms. I think about what could have happened if it had been Jenny who had gone back to the flat. I try to get those thoughts out of my head.

“Are you okay?” she asks.

“I’ve been better but I am good now you’re all here with me.” In this moment I have a revelation. I am one of the luckiest people alive. Okay, I don’t have my mom here, but I have the best dad in the world, the greatest best friend I could ever wish for and the most handsome, caring, wonderful, generous boyfriend ever. Yep, I really am very lucky indeed.

An hour later, my dad and Jenny, say their goodbyes. Carolyn stuck her head through the door, wanting to go home. Her son Ian is in town and they can’t leave the precious boy waiting. I try not to look too disappointed as Dad leans in to kiss me goodbye.

“I’ll see you soon sweetheart,” he whispers, as he pecks me on the cheek.

“Bye Daddy.” I hold onto him as tightly as my injured shoulder will allow. “I love you,” I whisper.

“I love you too.” He turns to Damon who is hovering beside my bed. He looks nervous. “You take care of my girl, d’ya hear?”

“I will do sir, I will keep her wrapped in bubble wrap from now on.” I smile at my two favourite men.

“I will ring in the morning sweetheart.”

“Okay Dad, I hope to be able to go home soon,” I look over at Damon, who looks angry.

“You’re not going back to that flat. Jenny is staying with Jared for a few weeks and you are coming home with me.” I look into his deep blues.

“I meant your home, silly, I remember what happened before we were attacked you know. I remember you asking me to live with you.” I was so unsure about moving in last night, but things have changed. I am not sure I can go back to the flat again, not now anyway. I look over at my dad. He looks shocked. “It’s okay Dad, Damon will look after me, it’s what we both want.” He nods his acceptance, smiles, says goodbye, turns and leaves. When they have gone I feel my whole body physically relax. I always feel calmer when it’s just Damon and I. I lay my head back on the pillow.

“Are you tired, sleepy girl?” he sits down next to me.

“You should go home and get some sleep babe. You’re gonna be exhausted,” I scold. I know he won’t listen to me. I tried this earlier when my dad was here.

“The only time I leave this hospital, is when you do.” He winks at me. “I am really hungry though. Will you be okay while I nip to the cafeteria and grab something to eat and a coffee?”

“Stop being a worrywart. I’m fine, you go. Bring me back a cup of tea and a muffin please.” I must be feeling slightly better, safer.

“Well you must be feeling better if you want muffins.” He winks. I smile at him as he walks out. I rest my head on the pillow and drift off.


I can sense the fear all around me.

It’s dark.

Deathly dark.

I know though.

I know where I am.

I shiver.

It’s cold.

I see a light in the distance, it’s getting closer.

There’s a dark shadow amongst the light, I can’t see who it is.

I freeze in place.

The aura coming off the person is so intense.

He radiates darkness.

This person isn’t here to save me.

This person is here to kill me.

I scream but no sound leaves my mouth.

I inch backwards but I know I will fall off the 8 if I go much further.

As the figure gets closer I start to recognise the features.

The man is lean but muscular.

He has dark hair but its buzz cut.

As he gets closer and closer I freeze in place.


Transfixed on those Beautiful dark blues.

Oh my God.

The man has Damon’s eyes.

But it’s not Damon.

I scream again and this time the sound comes out.

“Shut up bitch,” a strong American accent shouts.

The room fades to black.


Isabelle, wake up baby.” I open my eyes, screaming. “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?” His eyes are looking at me confused. “Please Izzy, tell me what’s wrong?”

“I..I..I had the nightmare,” I cry out. Tears start to stream down my face.

“It’s okay baby, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you again.” I relax. How can I tell him what I saw in my nightmare? I know it was just a dream but it felt so very real. I nuzzle into his neck as he holds me tight. Trying to relax in his arms, but I feel so scared. I try to push it out of my mind. Lying back down I grab a hold of his hand and try to fall back to sleep.

A couple of days later and I am finally released from hospital. Damon drives us back to his apartment in silence. He hasn’t left my side the last two days. He has been my rock and I don’t know what I would do without him. I haven’t mentioned my dream to him. I’ve come to the conclusion that it is my mind playing tricks on me. I don’t understand why I dreamt the man, there has never been another person in the dream before, it was always just me, on the 8, alone and scared. Now suddenly there is a person, an American man, and he wants to hurt me.


It’s not real.


It feels real.


When we arrive at the apartment, I am slightly apprehensive about the future. I know I had already agreed, but with everything that’s happened I haven’t had chance to move in on my own terms. I walk through the door and automatically notice all the boxes piled at the side of the room.

“Is that all my stuff?” I turn and ask Damon.

“Yes babe, Jared and Jenny packed them for you. I gave them a key to bring it round. I didn’t think you would want to go back to the flat and pack yourself. I hope you don’t mind?” He looks nervous, like he has done the wrong thing.

“Thank you.” I reach up, smiling and stroke his cheek. He dips his head down so that his lips meet with mine and he devours me in a passionate kiss. My insides clench, it’s the first real kiss we have shared since we were attacked. I missed this connection, I need this connection and it’s not until now that I realise how much I needed it. My hands grip his hair, which has gotten longer over the past few weeks. I like it. He deepens the kiss but then pulls back abruptly.

“Let’s run you a bath.” He smiles at me. I nod my head still dazed from our kiss. He takes my hand and I follow him through the apartment into
bedroom, and then into the bathroom. He lifts me up and places me on top of the vanity unit, while he goes over to the bath turning on the water and pouring a generous amount of bubbles into the tub.

“Lift,” he announces, as he walks back over to me. He nods his head at my arms and I do as I am told. He carefully pulls my t-shirt over my head, annoyance flashing through his eyes as he looks at my bruises and bandages. I hear him let out a gasp as he scans down my body and see’s the few bruises I have on my hip from when I fell. He makes his way to my leggings. “Lift that tight little bum for me princess,” he murmurs and I shuffle my hips so he can get them off, taking my knickers with them as he goes. When he has done stripping me he makes work of his own clothes, I watch in appreciation as he removes his shirt revealing his perfectly sculptured abs. His shoulders flex as he bends to remove his trousers. He turns to check the temperature of the water and I get a glorious view of
tight little arse as he bends over. After what feels like hours, just staring at the toned Adonis in front of me, I suddenly snap myself out of the daze when I hear him talk.

“You liking the view there princess?” he laughs.

“I always like the view when you’re in the room.” I wink at him. He gives me the most beautiful dimpled smile in the world and I melt. Lifting me off the unit he pulls me into his arms hugging me tightly. He kisses my forehead.

“Come on let’s wash away this horrible week.” He bends and pulls off his boxer shorts, letting me see how excited he is. My stomach does somersaults at the sight of his waiting erection. “There will be no sex, until you’re fully healed!” I pout at his admission.

“But you’re so pleased to see me,” I grin.

“Isabelle, I am always pleased to see you.” He winks and I melt. “But I am not touching you until you’re better, now get your ass into that tub.” I gently lower myself into the bath as he gets in behind me, trying not to get my bandages wet. The water feels delicious, the bubbles popping on my sensitive skin. I lean back into Damon’s hard chest as he wraps his hands around my waist.

“This is nice,” I sigh. This is our first bath together, we have had plenty of showers, before and after sex, but this is the first time we have shared a bath.

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