Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel (13 page)

Read Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel Online

Authors: Jennifer Miller

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel
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“She started working at the restaurant and became very good friends with the owner, Gerald. When Gerald found out, quite by accident, that Helen and her daughter Alexis were living in their car, he was horrified. He just happened to see them in the restaurant parking lot one night when he went back for something he’d left behind after they closed. He berated her gently for not telling him, yet understood her need for privacy and respect and didn’t want to strip her off her pride. When he offered them an apartment to rent for free, Helen told me she cried happy tears and put her pride aside to say yes. You see, Gerald, was also an investor in apartment buildings and owned and operated them as well as the diner! It was a wonderful new start for them. But then,” she pauses and I swear all three of us lean forward anxious to hear the rest of the story. “Then, she and Gerald fell in love. He helped her get back on her feet, and they fell in love in the process. Helen’s husband had died in some bar fight, I guess, and so she didn’t have to worry about filing for divorce. Helen told me their wedding was glorious and they lived a very happy life.”

“This is an amazing story, but what does it have to do with Helping Homes and your involvement?”

Tessa smiles, “Helen and Gerald are the founders of Helping Homes. When Gerald heard Helen’s story, he started plotting and eventually surprised her with an idea for a non-profit organization that would help provide homes initially to women and children in need. Eventually, they started offering support to men too. Not only does the company help get families into homes, but they help them find jobs as well. They provide for families however they can until they’re able to get back on their feet. That’s what these homes are all about.”

“Wow,” I say.

“She sounds like a really cool chick,” Levi comments.

“Right?” Tessa asks in excitement. “The best part is that once the families are back on their feet, if they choose to move forward and buy the house from Helping Homes, they can. Or they can move on and another family can move in. It’s really great and Helen convinced me to be a part of the organization. Not that she needed to try very hard after that story.”

“And how is Helen now? Did she recover from heart surgery okay?” Cole asks.

“She did. Sadly, Gerald passed away from cancer a couple of years ago and Helen misses him terribly. She still helps out with Helping Homes as she can, but Alexis her daughter,” she says with a smile, “runs the company now along with the two children she and Gerald had together.”

“I can see why being involved is important to you,” I reply.

“Yeah, she’s a great lady and I like feeling like I’m helping too in a small way. Helping children in need is important to me.”

Her eyes become serious and she has a far off look on her face. The curve of her lips makes me think whatever she’s thinking about isn’t all that pleasant. I enjoy this unguarded side of her. All I know is that the more I talk to her, the more I want to hear about her life. Every time I see her, I look forward to seeing her again. Since I hooked up with her, I haven’t been with anyone since. I don’t know what she’s done to me, I certainly can’t explain it, but I feel a connection to her.

Before Cole and Levi walk away to get back to their tasks, they look at me in a way that displays clear understanding of what it is I see in her. Levi nods his head and Cole smiles. It’s as if they are giving me their approval. That’s all and great, but it’s clear that penetrating whatever wall she has up most of the time isn’t going to be easy, but I’m willing to give it a try.



As I stand a few feet from Ryder and paint, I can’t help but look at him out of the corner of my eye. The muscles in his arms move and flex with each up and down stroke of the brush. His smile is mesmerizing, his personality likable, his interest in me seems genuine, but I still feel uncertain. I’m not interested in a relationship, and I don’t know if I ever will be. But, for the first time I feel curious and intrigued. Maybe even a longing for something more. There’s definitely a pull there, like it or not, that’s for damn sure.

With a large sigh I square my shoulders and prepare to face him and just spit out my thoughts. I want to ask him, straight up, what he wants. I mean, I know what he wants, that’s obvious, but no man has ever gone to this much effort for it before. Or maybe it’s just because I always make it so easy. Then again, maybe I totally rocked his world in that bathroom. “Ryder, look-”

As soon as I turn to face him, I see nothing but white and feel something wet and cold. It takes me a moment to realize he just wiped the paintbrush on my nose. Blinking my eyes repeatedly, my jaw falls. “D-d-d- did you just… swipe paint on my
?” I sputter.

His only response is an obnoxiously large smile, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say it made me tingle in all the right places. The man is beauty personified; I thought that from the moment I saw him.

“What are you going to do about it, Nurse hottie?”

“What. Did. You. Call. Me?”

“Nurse hottie?”

He phrases it as a question this time, but doesn’t remove the grin on his face. Hands on my hips I give him my nastiest look, “This isn’t play time, Ryder. We have serious work to do here. You shouldn’t have come if you were going to act like this. Like a child.”

His smile drops a little and he looks unsure. When he clears his throat and looks to the side, I use the opportunity to swipe my wide thick paintbrush right down the front of his face and chest. Paint drips off his chin and his mouth falls open in disbelief. While he stares at me speechless, and I begin to giggle, loud laughter catches my attention. A few of Ryder’s friends, Cole, Levi, and Zane are standing a few yards away laughing at the look on his face too. Which only makes me laugh harder.

They’ve caught his attention too, and he gives them a death glare. “I’m going to get you for that,” Ryder promises ominously. I don’t wait around to find out how he intends to do so. Instead, I take off toward Cole, Levi, and Zane and duck behind them. They make a shield in front of me as Ryder runs over and begins what is sure to be an epic paint fight. “Let me by!” Ryder demands of his friends.

“Not a chance,” Cole tells him as he traps me behind him protecting me from Ryder’s hands which with great effort, are attempting to reach around Cole and grab me. I’m laughing and dodging him, when I’m distracted by a loud war cry.

Looking to my right, Dylan runs toward Ryder. A laugh bubbles up my throat and escapes when I see he’s painted his whole face blue.

“Cool!” Zane declares and runs to the blue paint to do the same.

Ryder and Dylan roll around on the ground calling each other profanities when Tyson, Sydney, Jax and Rowan all come around the front of the house to the back where we are and take in the scene in front of them.

“Check me out!” Levi cries and when I turn to him, I see he’s taken a bandana he must have been using for his sweat and has tied it around the top of his head. Sticking out the back is a paintbrush, making it look like the bristles are feathers. He dances around like a Native American doing a rain dance and I double over with laughter. He lacks their beauty and talent and looks ridiculous. It’s all too much.

I’m so distracted by the antics of Ryder’s friends that I’ve taken my eyes off of Ryder. When he grabs me and takes me to the ground, I’m not expecting it. “Told you I’d get you!” Ryder declares. He proceeds to tickle me and I can’t help but laugh because I’m ticklish everywhere.

When he stops and I’ve calmed down, I feel a bit like a child for our antics but I also realize it’s been a very long time since I’ve laughed this much. Or let my guard down long enough to merely have fun. Looking at Ryder, I suddenly realize our positions. I’m lying on the ground on my back, and he’s straddling my hips, his hands resting on my stomach. We’re practically nose-to-nose, smiling widely at each other. Our laughter fades and awareness takes its place making my belly heat and an ache begin between my legs. Unconsciously, I tilt my hips up and Ryder’s eyebrows shoot up and he laughs softly, fire flaring in his eyes. We stare at each other for a moment, but then he stands up and reaches for my hands, helping me to my feet.

Feeling embarrassed at my behavior, I look around and thankfully see everyone still carrying on. Tyson has Sydney pressed against the wall of the house and looks to be distracting her with his lips. Gina is on Zane’s back, and I laugh as he runs after Levi and Cole while she hoots and hollers. Jax and Rowan lean against the building and while he laughs, she’s got her phone out taking pictures or video – I’m not sure. Looking back at Ryder, I’m not expecting him to already be looking at me, and it’s a little unnerving. Pushing past the feeling, I tell him sincerely, “Thank you.”

His brow furrows, “For what?”

I gesture around us, “For this. The help, the laughs… just… thank you.”

A slow smile forms and he lifts one eyebrow, which is rather impressive. I wish I could do that. “I know just how you can pay me back,” he suggests.

My stomach immediately drops and I feel a little dizzy with the suddenness of it. I swallow heavily and my face burns. I’m not sure why it surprises me - it’s so typical - and I knew this was coming. “Okay. I guess I owe you. Where do you want to do this?”

“What?” he asks.

“Where do you want to do it? Your place? My place? Why don’t we just go to my place? It isn’t far, and you can just follow me there.” I look at him waiting for his response surprised by the fact he doesn’t seem to be following me if his confused look is any indication.

“Can we back up here? I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Why am I following you to your place?”

“I’m talking about paying you back. Like I said, I appreciate you bringing everyone here today. It was really thoughtful and we definitely needed the help. Aside from that, your friends made it fun.”

“Okay…” he says as he grabs his bottle of water that had fallen to the ground, opens it, and takes a swig. I watch his throat as he swallows and lose myself in the motion. “You were saying?” he brings me back to the here and now.

“Uh, yes. Like I said. I really appreciate your help and time.”

“I’m happy to be here,” he says.

I nod, then just spit it out, “Alright, then let’s just go back to my place afterwards to fuck. Then we’ll be even.”

The water he just sipped shoots out of his mouth at his surprise and shockingly hits my face. My mouth falls open, which makes the moment all the more gross, and I grab the bottom of my tank top to swipe at my face. “What the hell?” I ask.

“Wh-” he says, “You-” he tries again. “Are you-”

“Clearly you need some help here. What’s the big deal? I don’t understand why you look shocked. Isn’t this what you want?”

He twists the cap back onto his water and shoves the bottle into his back pocket. “Hold up,” he says, “you think I want to-”

“Fuck me,” I finish the sentence for him with a roll of my eyes. I don’t get why he’s acting so prudish and confused about this. “You know, as a way to thank you for coming out and helping today. And bringing friends. I thought I’ve made that clear already,” I say exasperated now.

“Is this something you generally do to say thank you?” He puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head, “You know what? Don’t answer that.”

I sigh loudly and grab him by the shirt. The property sits on a corner lot and there is a large block wall with my car parked on the other side. It should offer us enough privacy for a quickie, no problem. Dragging him with me, I look at him over my shoulder, “In fact, forget my place. I bet we can take care of this right now.”

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