Fighting for Desire (8 page)

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Authors: Sarah Bale

BOOK: Fighting for Desire
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Chapter Eight


Shannon decided to leave Alice in her room. The sweet puppy
was asleep and would be for a while. When she’d first taken Alice in, Shannon
thought something was wrong when the little dog slept so long but the vet
assured her such behavior was normal.

She glanced at the clock hanging in the hall. Hard to
believe it was already eight o’clock. This time yesterday she was working two
jobs she hated and now…now she wasn’t sure what she was doing or what to

She made her way downstairs to the dining room. Dev told her
dinner would be ready and she didn’t want to keep him waiting. She found him
sitting at the head of the biggest table she had ever seen.

He was reading a document, which he laid aside as she sat
next to him.

“Is the little monster settled in?” he asked with a slight

She laughed. “She wasn’t that bad in the SUV. And yes, she
is sleeping on the bed.”

“The vomit stain on the carpet begs to differ,” he replied.

“Sorry. She doesn’t usually get carsick.” She pointed to the
document. “What were you reading?”

He slid the paper toward her. “My attorney drew that up
today. I need you to sign it and I’ll sign as well.”

She looked at him warily. “What exactly is it?”

“A contract stating what I am agreeing to provide for our
month together. It also states what I expect in return.”

Her face flushed. “Oh my god. Does it say anything about the
beck and call part?”

He laughed. “No, Shannon. I wouldn’t want to give my
sixty-year-old attorney a heart attack. I believe the third paragraph states
this as a mutual companionship.”

She looked over the document. Agreeing to be with Dev for
one month was one thing but seeing the terms printed on paper made her feel
shameful. She had to give his attorney credit though. He’d covered all the

For exactly thirty days of her time, Dev was agreeing to pay
her two hundred thousand dollars. Half would be deposited upfront and the rest
at the end of the thirty days.

He was also setting up an account that could only be
accessed after they parted ways. This account was to be used for the college of
her choice. The next paragraph that she read shocked her. He was also providing
a car for her to use during her time with him—a car he’d put in her name.

She looked up. “You’re getting me a car?”

He nodded.

“But why? The other day you said it was either a car or
college. I picked college remember?”

“Shannon, I saw that piece of shit you call a car. It
doesn’t have much more life in it. Besides, I don’t want my neighbors to talk
if they see it parked here.”

Her face flamed. Of course her old Toyota wouldn’t fit in

“What kind of car am I getting?”

The only time she had owned a brand new car was when she
turned sixteen and her parents bought her a fire-engine-red Mustang. For a
moment she wondered what happened to the car when she left and never looked

He snorted. “I don’t know. What do you want? A Mercedes?
Jag? Porsche? Don’t get too greedy though. I’m giving you a limit on what you
can spend.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Holy shit, Dev. I was thinking
something like a new Toyota or even a Hyundai.”

“A Hyundai? Are you fucking kidding me?” He laughed. “How
about we settle in between? A Mercedes.”

“A Mercedes is not settling,” she protested.

He held up his hand. “I’m buying it, aren’t I?”

She nodded reluctantly.

“Then don’t say another word. I’ll let you choose the style
and color. Okay?”

She didn’t reply but picked up the document to read the last
few paragraphs. When she did, her heart dropped. By agreeing to spend thirty
days with him she was also agreeing to anything he wanted. She was expected to
travel with him but wait in their shared hotel room until he was available. Oh,
the document didn’t outright say sex, but sex was implied.

The contract stated she wasn’t required to have a physical
but she needed to admit to any known STDs she might have.

“So you’re just going to take my word that I don’t have a

He raised an eyebrow. “The investigator said you haven’t
been intimate in over three years. I figure you’re safe.”

Three years? God, had it really been that long. She cringed
at the thought. Johnny had been the last man she’d slept with and that seemed a
lifetime ago.

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

She imitated his look and raised her eyebrows. “How do I
know the high and mighty Devlin James doesn’t have a STD?” She leaned forward.
“I’m not stupid, Dev. I know what most men who hang around
The Honey Jar
are looking for.”

He leaned forward until their arms were touching, which sent
off electric shocks in her body.

“Do you? If I would have found you first, would I have
gotten it?”

For a moment she was about to tell him yes, that she would
have jumped at the chance to be with him. Luckily her common sense took over.

“No, I would have told you to go fuck yourself,” she replied
as she pulled away. “I’m not one of those girls.”

“But those kinds of girls do work there?”

They were playing with fire and she knew it. While Dev had a
VIP pass that allowed him to the second floor of the club clearly he had never
used all the “membership benefits” that others did. He would be shocked if he
knew of the high-profile people who frequented the club.

She shrugged. “I’m not their boss so I don’t know what they
do. I do my job and then I leave.”

But if he knew how close she had come to being one of those

He stared at her for a second and then said, “Finish reading
it and sign it. I don’t have all night.”

“In a hurry to be somewhere?”

“Yeah, in bed with you. Remember?”

She rolled her eyes and finished reading the document. The
last paragraph literally made her chest tighten to the point that it hurt to
breathe. The contract stated that at the end of their time together they would
split ways. She would be allowed to take the car and any clothing purchased for

She also had to agree to take a pregnancy test before she
left him. She held the paper in her hand so tightly it began to crinkle.

“A pregnancy test?”

He wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Yes.”

“Why?” The word was barely a whisper.

He looked up and a mask of calmness settled across his face.
“Because if I knock you up again, then I want to know before I let you go.”

“And if I am?”

“Then I will give you some money to take care of it. It
didn’t bother you the first time so it shouldn’t be an issue if it happens
again.” He stood suddenly. “But we are going to take every precaution to make
sure that doesn’t happen. Are you on the Pill?”

She nodded but couldn’t speak. Her heart was breaking. He
still thought she was a monster and she couldn’t blame him.

“I’m going to my office. I’ll come to your room at ten. Find
somewhere to put the dog too. I don’t want to hear it barking all night long.”

He started to walk out and she asked, “Aren’t you going to

The hard look in his eyes made her flinch. “I’ve lost my

The silence that followed after he was gone was almost
unbearable. Mrs. Ingram brought in dinner and served as if nothing was wrong
but Shannon wasn’t hungry.

“Dear, you need to eat something. You are skin and bone. And
I know for a fact you didn’t eat much of your lunch.”

She smiled back at the older woman. How could she explain
that she was used to eating small meals—that she couldn’t afford much and so
she had adapted? Would the kind housekeeper understand that if Shannon ate too
much she would get sick?

She closed her eyes. Sometimes the pain caused by an empty
stomach was too much to bear. In the past she would fill the void with cheap
wine or vodka. Alcohol was cheaper to buy than a fulfilling meal. Nowadays she
settled on nibbling on crackers here and there to fight off the tides of nausea
she felt.

“Dear? Is everything okay?” Mrs. Ingram asked, concern
filling her voice.

Shannon opened her eyes. “Sorry, I’m still tired. Working
two jobs was really taking a toll on me.” She looked at the food spread out
before her and picked up a roll. “Everything looks great. Thank you.”

Mrs. Ingram seemed satisfied and left her alone in the large
dining room. Shannon took a bite of the warm roll and then gasped in surprise.
It was coated with honey butter, her favorite. She took a closer look at
everything in front of her.

There was pot roast with little baby carrots cooked with it,
the mashed potatoes were made using red potatoes and the green beans were French
style. All her favorites—or everything she had liked eight years ago.

Silent tears began to fall as she took another bite of the
roll. Dev wasn’t going to come out and say it but he obviously still cared
about her. She set the rest of the bread down. She might not be able to take
back the past but she could do everything in her power to please him for the
next month.

She grabbed the contract and left the dining room with a new
goal in mind. Dev made an effort to pick things she would like and now it was
her turn to do the same. She ran into Mrs. Ingram in the hallway.

“Finished already?”

“Yes, everything was delicious.” She bit her lip and then
asked, “Is it possible for me to have some strawberries and whipped cream
brought up to my room?”

Mrs. Ingram’s face lit up with a knowing smile. “Of course.
Give me five minutes and I will bring them up. I’ll also add a bottle of

She shook her head. “No champagne please.”

“All right, dear.” If Mrs. Ingram found her request odd, she
had the courtesy to hide her surprise.

Shannon took in a deep breath and went upstairs. Alice
looked up from the bed when Shannon entered the room. Hmm, where on earth could
she put Alice while she and Dev…worked on things?

Mrs. Ingram knocked and walked in. “Here you go, dear.” She
set the tray with the goodies on the bed. “Is there anything else I can do for

“I hate to ask but do you know where I can put Alice for the
rest of the night?”

Lord, if Mrs. Ingram didn’t know what she was up to before,
now her plan was clear.

Mrs. Ingram didn’t miss a beat. “Why that sweet little puppy
can stay with me. I used to have a Chihuahua and I miss her so much. I can
bring Alice back in the morning, if you like.” She paused and then added, “Or
you can come and get her whenever you want.”

“Thank you so much. Come here, Alice.”

At the mention of her name, Alice’s ears perked up.

“Oh look at you, you angel,” Mrs. Ingram cooed as she
scooped up the puppy.

Shannon held her breath as she waited to see how the dog
would react. Alice simply licked Mrs. Ingram in the face and then went back to
sleep in her arms.

Shannon laughed. “I think she likes you.”

“The feeling is mutual.” Mrs. Ingram walked to the door. “If
you need anything else, just ring.”

When she was gone, Shannon walked into the massive closet
and went to the dresser filled with lingerie. Before, she had been too
embarrassed to examine the articles of underwear too closely. Now she was
excited to find the perfect thing to wear. It had been a while since she had a
reason to dress up and wanting to please Dev fueled the fire she felt in her

She pulled out a teal bra designed to resemble two flowers.
The centers of the cups were cut out in circles so her nipples would be bare.
She grinned. Perfect. She opened the next drawer and found the matching thong
then chose a pair of silver high heels.

“Devlin James, you are in for a treat,” she said with a

Now all she needed to do was wait for him to come. She
In more ways than one


Chapter Nine


Dev sat at his desk, staring at the wall. Shit. For the
second time since Shannon’s arrival he found himself hiding in his room. She
hadn’t even been there twenty-four hours and she was already turning his world
upside down.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was ten. Being a man
of his word, he finished off his protein drink and stood. His cock jumped in
his pants and he had to smile. He had always been able to get hard at the
thought of seeing her.

He walked up the stairs, taking his time. Part of him was
excited but the other half wondered if he was playing with fire. Was it really
worth it to spend time with Shannon or would he be better off if he let her go?

He reached her door and paused. A soft glow came from
underneath it. He opened the door and stood with his mouth hanging open. The
room was flooded in candlelight and Shannon stood in front of him wearing the
sexiest piece of lingerie he had ever seen. His gaze ran her body up and down,
not wanting to miss anything.

The high heels she wore made her legs seem longer and lean.
One of her hands rested against her hip. He knew if she turned around, her ass
would look just as good with that sexy lacy thong. He looked at her flat
stomach. She inhaled as if she felt his gaze.

He continued to lift his gaze up the line of her body and
his cock jumped to life at the sight of her full breasts in the barely there
bra. Her nipples hardened under his stare. Holy shit. He needed to give his
personal shopper a raise. She had outdone herself with this outfit.

Shannon stirred slightly and he noticed she held a
strawberry dipped in whipped cream. She smiled at him and then let the whipped
cream hit her nipple. He thought it was an accident until she did the same
thing to the other breast.

Without saying a word she stepped toward him. Her heels made
a familiar clicking sound on the marble floor and he closed his eyes for a
moment. When he opened them she stood in front of him.

She took a bite of the strawberry and then held it up for
him to do the same. His lips closed over the piece of fruit and the juicy
sweetness exploded in his mouth. He held onto her hand and then licked her
fingers. Oh, he wanted to lick more but she pulled away.

He started to open his mouth to say something but she pulled
his head down to hers. Their tongues were dancing before their mouths even met.
He could taste the strawberries on her and he groaned.

“Dev,” she whispered. “I think you forgot some.”

She took a step back and pushed back her shoulders,
thrusting her chest forward. Her nipples stood erect, begging for his
attention. He leaned down and caught one with his mouth. The whipped cream and
the taste of her skin made his stomach flip. God, she was so sweet.

Her fingers wove through his hair, urging him on. He gently scraped
her nipple with his teeth. A throaty moan filled the room and he couldn’t be
sure which one of them made the sound.

“Harder,” she whispered.

He lifted his eyes to look at her and she nodded. Excitement
coursed through his veins and he began sucking her nipple, pulling his head
back and forth.

“Yes,” she moaned. “More.”

He continued to tease her nipple and moved his hand down to
her thong. He knew without dipping into her folds that she would be wet for
him. She always was and he found it so sexy.

“Spread your legs.”

She did and he began to tantalize her other nipple in
reward. When they were younger Shannon had always shied away from anything
other than missionary sex. He wondered how far she would be willing to go now.
He pulled her thong aside and spread her juices around. Her clit was budded and
he flicked his thumbnail over it.

Her body jerked in response and she pressed herself closer.
He smiled against her breast. Oh if she liked that, then she was going to love
what happened next. He flicked her clit again but this time he scraped his
teeth against her nipple at the same time.

“Oh!” she cried out.

He pulled his mouth away from her breast. “Turn around and
keep your legs spread.”

She was spinning around before he finished speaking. He
grinned. He liked this new, willing Shannon. The whipped cream sat on a tray on
the bed. He walked over and picked it up. When he turned she was watching him
with fire in her eyes.

He put some cream on his finger and held it out to her. She
wrapped her full lips around it and moved her head back and forth. God, he
would have her mouth around his cock before the month was over.

She must have been thinking the same thing because she asked
playfully, “When do I get my treat?”

Her gaze landed on the bulge in his jeans and he grinned.
“Later, babe. Right now I want to enjoy getting to know your body again.” He
put his hand on her hip and patted her.

She laughed and he loved the sound. Her true laughs were
rare and he missed hearing them.

“I’ll hold you to that,” she replied.

He caught her mouth in a quick kiss and then went behind
her. She started to turn but he stopped her. Not seeing was half the thrill.

“No peeking. I’ll blindfold you if you look. Understand?”

She nodded and he took a moment to appreciate the view
before his eyes. She stood with her hands planted on her hips. Her curvy ass
was rounder than he remembered but he loved it. And her legs…god, they went on
for miles in those heels.

He stood behind her so they were almost touching but not
quite. Heat radiated from her. There had always been heat between them, which
had been part of their problems in the past.

Sometimes the heat had led to arguments. Sometimes he had
become so pissed he left in a rage. His mother used to get so angry with him
for being so much like his old man. He swallowed. He never wanted to be like
his old man. He shook his head. Now wasn’t the time to think about that.

He pushed her hair over her shoulder so he could see the tattoo
on her neck. The small kitten winked back at him and he touched it.

“I remember when you got this,” he said. “I thought your old
man was going to shoot me when he found out.”

She laughed. “Dad never understood why a person would want
to ‘destroy’ their body in that way. He didn’t believe it was my idea to get the

Dev chuckled. “I think I was more shocked than he was that
you went through with it.”

“Oh? I think people just tend to underestimate me.”

He didn’t reply but leaned forward and wiped whipped cream
over the tattoo. She jumped as it hit her skin and then goosebumps popped up.

He grinned and made a trail of cream from her neck all the
way to her ass. He wanted her to know where this was going. And he wanted her
panting by the time they got there. God knew he was.


Shannon forced herself not to look over her shoulder as Dev
made a trail down her back. Oh, his meaning was clear and she shivered. She
heard him set the can down and then the room fell silent.

After a moment, curiosity got the better of her and she glanced
over her shoulder. The minute she did, his hand slapped against her ass cheek.
He hit hard enough to sting but not enough to really hurt. The sound of the
spanking was what shocked her.

“Dev! What—?”

His hand landed against her skin again. This time a little

“If you look one more time, I will spank you right here,
right on your pussy. Understand?”

His hand cupped her mound and her hips lifted in response.
What would it feel like to have him spank her there? Her heart pounded and her
stomach churned with excitement. Without thinking, she looked over her shoulder

She watched as he lifted his hand. Her entire body jerked as
his palm landed against her pussy and she cried out. The lacy thong created
friction between his hand and her clit. Again he spanked her. She felt a
tightening in the pit of her stomach.

“I’m so close to coming,” she panted. “More!”

He lifted his hand and her entire body waited for the sting
against her pussy.


He didn’t say anything but began licking the whipped cream
from her neck. Her head fell to the side to give him better access. Her body
was so tense from wanting more that even his tongue against her skin felt
different. Maybe it
different this time. Before, she had been too
scared to try anything like this.

“I’m not going to spank you again—you’re too close to
coming,” he said against her neck. “It would reward you to come and you haven’t
earned a reward yet.”

Was he serious or just teasing her? “What do I have to do to
earn a reward?”

“Please me.”

Her body hummed and she replied, “How do you want me to
please you? Do you want me to suck your dick? Give you a hand job? Ride you
cowgirl style?”

His hot breath hit the middle of her back as he made his way
down. “Oh, you will eventually do all those things but not tonight. Tonight you
can please me by letting me enjoy your body. You won’t come until I say you can

There was something about him being so…dominating that made
her heart speed up. He had always known what he wanted but it was different
having him tell her.

“I know your body as well as you, Shannon. I can tell when
you get close. Each time that happens I will stop and pleasure another area of
your body.”

“And if I come without your permission?”

She waited to hear his answer, both dreading and excited for
his response.

“If you come without permission, then I won’t fuck you
tonight. That will be your punishment.”

Oh, he was playing dirty! Just hearing him talk had her
close to an orgasm.


She nodded.

“Good. Now go to the bed and lie on your stomach.”

She started to take off her shoes but he stopped her. “Leave
them on.”

She walked over to the bed and moved the tray with the
strawberries to the side. Then she climbed onto the silky sheets and lay on her
stomach. She turned her head to the side, making sure she couldn’t see him, but
she realized she could see their reflections in the mirror.

He stared back at her with a smile.

“I had that mirror put in with you in mind,” he said as he
walked into the closet.

When he came back he carried four silk scarves. She hadn’t
noticed them before but now she wondered why he had them. He walked over to her
right foot and tied one of the scarves around her ankle. He then tied the other
end to the bed frame.

Her face flushed as she realized he was tying her up. He
went to the other side of the bed and did the same to her left ankle. She
tentatively moved them and found she had a little range before the scarves cut
into her skin.

“Normally I’d tie you up on your back so you can see
everything I’m about to do but not tonight. Tonight I want you to wonder what
my next move is going to be before it happens. I want you to want my touch so
badly you are crying out my name but are unable to reach me.”

She met his eyes as he tied her left wrist. Fire burned
behind his stare and she trembled in excitement. She had never seen this side
of him. He finished tying her up and then pulled one last scarf from his

Her heart pounded with the unknown as he put it over her
eyes and tied it securely. The silk smelled of his cologne and she inhaled

“Okay?” he asked next to her ear.

She nodded then heard him walking away. Her ears strained
against the silence, trying to figure out where he was and what he was doing.
She held her breath. Something cold touched her foot and she jumped.

The sensation went from cold to warm to almost hot. Slowly
the phantom item moved up her leg, past her calf and to her thigh. His hand
went against her thong and pulled, ripping the flimsy material right off her

She smiled. “I could have taken that off before you tied me

“I wanted to take it off, Shannon,” he replied as the item
touched her skin again.

Slowly he moved it to her ass cheek, then lower. Her hips
lifted and she strained, trying to feel the sensation against her pussy. She
was so wet she could feel her juices running down her thighs.

Suddenly he pulled the item away.

“I can tell you’re getting close to coming, Shannon. Your
skin is flushing that sexy shade of pink so no more ice right now.”

Ice? The phantom item had been a simple piece of ice? How
could something so familiar seem so exotic? She waited for him to touch her
again but nothing happened. He was still near her though. His cologne kept
drifting toward her.

“Dev?” she asked.

Suddenly his hand landed against her ass. Her pussy clenched
in response and she cried out in pleasure. The ice had cooled her skin and the
smack felt as if he’d ignited an inferno. He did it again and she struggled
against her bindings to be closer to him.

His deep chuckle set her body on fire.

“I can see you need some time to cool down. I will come back
in exactly five minutes. Understand?”

She nodded. Five minutes didn’t seem that long.


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