Fighting Fate (9 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Finn

BOOK: Fighting Fate
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Pushing into the kitchen, which led to the deck and pool, Dax found who he was looking for. Bruno was at the kitchen table with a thick smoothie and a nine millimetre flat on the table top under his palm. Their captive was at the centre isle brushing spices onto skewers of chicken, onions, and peppers. When she saw him she fell to her knees as Bruno expected her to do, Dax had to admit that he liked the instant submission, but she never acted that way when they were alone.

‘Up,’ he said to her. ‘Carry on.’ She went back to what she’d been doing and he looked again to the gun.

‘We're having company tonight,’ Bruno said before Dax had the chance to question the gun.

‘Company?’ he asked, crossing to stand behind his female who carried on with her job.

‘The guys are coming over, we're gonna throw on the grill and have ourselves a party.’

‘Brad coming?’

‘No, he's got business. I talked to him about today. You did good.’

‘I got the job done. Brad should have sent me in two weeks ago.’

‘You were busy. We'll celebrate today's success tonight.’

‘I don't need praise for doing my job.’

His fingers crawled onto her hips, managing to creep under to top of her shorts, the cut offs he'd instructed her to wear. After telling her not to wear the bikinis Dax had spoken to Bruno about it, making up some cock and bull tale about how dressing her every morning took away more of her free will. The truth was, he just wanted something on her that didn’t give Bruno such easy access to flesh. Bruno didn’t argue, thank god, because Dax couldn’t be bothered wasting the energy with the man.

Not like when the Minx contradicted him; fighting with her got his blood turning to lava. Then she would throw him for a loop and comply with the simplest of mundane requests and the pyro clastic fumes of torture intoxicated him. This broad was as stubborn as him, but she had a smart head on her shoulders which she used to her advantage as much as she did that explosive body.

Possessing one another was impossible, he knew that their fates were not intertwined. Their paths would continue to cross; he was destined to see her become entrenched in the Stark family, in the position of Trystan's wife. Eventually the time they shared here would be no more than a memory and no one would know what had happened in their bedroom, except them.

If there was a woman in the world for him, one he could trust, then she was as close as he would get. But he couldn't open himself, or that possibility, to her because he would have to give her up. He couldn't bring himself to explain that to her because he knew that she would object and he couldn't deal with the aggravation she would visit on him when there was nothing he could do to alter any of the facts.

‘Did this one behave?’ he asked, bumping his chin on his female’s head, actually wanting to know if Bruno had felt provoked into punishing her, which might provoke Dax into doing some punishing of his own, but not of her.

‘She’s got the place in great shape for the guys, and she’s prepping for the grill. I think she’s going to have the time of her life tonight. Meeting the crew is a big step and she’ll sure be kept busy.’

Dax didn’t move, but her ass shifted back just slightly, enough to rub that rump on his dick and as though she’d cast a spell on his blood it did as she had silently requested and began to fill his now distracted organ.

‘How long we got until they show?’ Dax asked Bruno.

‘About an hour.’

Bringing his hand away from her hip he spanked her right ass cheek, and her body jolted in response. ‘Then you’re done here,’ he said to her. ‘I need something to wear, get upstairs and iron my shirt.’


‘I don’t know yet,’ he said, ‘start at one side of my closet and work your way across.’

That was the kind of comment that he would never get away with upstairs, but she bumped him with her ass again and toddled away upstairs, just like he’d told her to without complaint.

‘Who’s coming?’ Dax asked, when she was out of sight.

‘Don’t know, whoever shows up… they’re gonna love her.’

The light in Bruno’s eyes was wicked, and Dax knew just the kind of things that would be expected of his female, because he’d been to these kinds of parties before. These were the type of parties that he’d frequented with Trystan since they were kids.

‘If they want female company then they better bring it with them.’

Bruno’s grin twitched, then vanished. ‘What?’

‘None of them are to touch her.’

‘Wait a minute, Dax, she’s not your woman, our job here—‘

‘Is to get her ready for Trystan. It might be a laugh now, but Trystan won’t be happy to marry a woman that every other guy has got his hands on first.’ Bruno’s eyes drifted as he considered this. ‘He’ll want them all to want her, and he’ll want to be able to offer her out as he sees fit. If she’s already done the rounds—‘

‘How do you think he’ll feel about what you’ve done with her?’

Dax shrugged. ‘I’ve fucked Trystan’s women before. I know how to be discreet… I think we need to change up the game.’


‘We’ve made her obedient, right? We know she’ll open her legs when Tryst wants it and she’s not likely to cause a fuss.’


‘Now we need to teach her how to be a proper wife to her man. Make sure that she knows she’ll be expected to carry herself with a bit of class. The last thing Tryst wants is a cheap ho,’ he said, using Trystan’s own words.

‘So we dress her up pretty tonight, let her know it’s her job to play the hostess who turns a blind eye?’

‘That’s it.’

‘So we better get you some company,’ Bruno said, removing his hand from the gun to retrieve his cell phone from the back pocket of his shorts.

‘The guys will bring women. There will be plenty to go around.’

‘Mauri wants her to spend some time at the mansion before Trystan gets back, to make sure she’s up to muster… and that she fits into the dress.’ Bruno’s grin returned and Dax forced himself to try and return it, but he knew his expression came out as more of a grimace than a smile.

He went to the fridge to get a beer. ‘I’m going to check on her,’ he said, twisting off the cap and tossing it away before he left the room.

Chapter Nine



Taking a long drink from the ice-cold bottle, Dax went up the stairs and into the bedroom. Lowering the bottle from his lips, his surprise at the vision she presented must have registered, but the Minx said nothing about it. She remained where she was, lying in the middle of their bed, naked, with her knees pulled up and far apart giving him a sweet view of the snatch she was juicing up for him.

Her fingers toyed with her clit then moved south to circle her opening, which she then probed with the tip of her index finger.

‘Don’t be shy,’ she purred, sliding her finger out of herself, she brought it to her lips to lick the length of it. ‘Come over here.’

If he’d needed any more evidence that he’d failed in his task of whipping her into shape then this was it. She wasn’t supposed to be seducing him without fear, he was meant to be intimidating her into submission, and with most women his act worked. How she had seen through him and embraced his nature, he wasn’t sure, but this was the proof that she had.

‘Not a chance,’ he said, and he didn’t even try to stop his smile. Unfortunately, the scorch of blood flooding his dick brought him to an aching arousal, that he needed to loosen his jeans to alleviate, but he couldn’t do that now or she’d think that he had plans to use the organ he liberated.

The real torture came in watching those fluttering eyelashes tempting him, and the mountains of her gorgeous tits calling for his hands, and that cunt… already it was swollen and wet enough for him to slide in without any prep time. He could see the glisten of her delicious nectar coating the ripe, pink flesh begging him to sink his cock into it.

‘You said I’d come to crave you, that I’d be addicted to your spunk, and here it is, Dax, that day has come. I want you. I need it. I need you to fuck me now. I need your dick—‘

‘What is going on here?’ he asked, putting the beer bottle on the dresser and crossing to the bottom of the bed.

That move didn’t earn him any break though, she rose onto her knees on the end of the bed and hooked her arms around his neck. ‘Come to bed,’ she said, pouting those lips and murmuring out her words. ‘Get rid of your clothes and come to bed with me, please tough guy.’

Her husky whispers did nothing for the blood going south but this was too suspicious for him to give in to, she’d never been this easy even when she was horny as fuck… and those times he loved to take advantage of. ‘You’re supposed to fight with me, Minx. You’re supposed to be here against your will.’

‘Is that what you need?’ she asked, unbuttoning his jeans for him, and sliding her hand into them. Coiling her fingers around him, she used her whole arm to massage his shaft. Her shoulder pressed into his chest as it bobbed up and down so the rhythmic motion vibrated through his whole form. ‘Do you need me to beg for release? Please let me go, Master, please, please.’

‘Ok,’ he said, snatching her shoulders he gave her such a shove that she bounced on the mattress when she landed on it. ‘What’s going on? You think you can keep me here all night? That if I get into bed with you we’re going to be there until morning and you’ll miss the party?’

‘No.’ She shook her head and got back onto her knees, but the act was gone.

‘You’re supposed to be up here ironing shirts.’

Pointing behind him, he turned to see that there was a black shirt hanging on the closet door. ‘Wear that one, you look hot and dangerous, and it makes the colour of your eyes more intense.’

Usually he picked out her wardrobe, and now she was doing it for him. The funny thing was that he didn’t care, because he wasn’t really bothered about clothes. Her picking something out gave him a break on making the decision himself. He told her what to wear, what to eat and when, he told her when to sleep and when to open her legs, giving her this tiny bit of control meant nothing.

‘And the act?’ he asked, scrutinising how she sat with her hands curled around each other on her lap and her eyes lowered to the bed.

‘How many men are coming over tonight?’ she murmured.

‘I don’t know. Could be five, could be ten, could be fifty. I really don’t know.’

‘Ok, we don’t have very much time. Do you have any lubricant?’ she asked and when her eyes came up to his, he read fear in them for the first time.

Scratching the side of his neck, he tried not to be affected by this rare vulnerability that she was showing him. ‘You looked pretty lubed up there already, babygirl. I don’t think you need—‘

‘It’s not for that.’

‘I’m not following.’

‘You said… you told me once that when the guys came over I’d have a lot of cocks to keep happy. It’s my guess that the men who are coming over tonight won’t be as understanding about my reluctance as you have been.’

‘Reluctance,’ he said, he’d fucked her every way that had been invented and she’d been the one to kiss him first. She had never been reluctant about anything, except one thing.

She got up off the bed and went to the dresser where he’d put down his beer, she picked up the bottle and downed the liquid, one long gulp at a time until it was all gone.

‘Do you have anything stronger?’ she asked him, putting the bottle down. ‘Or maybe some Valium? If you have a mickey—‘

‘You want me to drug you before I have sex with you?’ he asked. ‘Isn’t it a bit late for that?’

The fear was gone and replaced instead with a pleading determination. ‘I want you to drug me before they have sex with me. I’ll drink anything you give me, Dax, take anything. I trust that you’ll—‘

‘You’re getting ahead of yourself, babygirl,’ he said, taking her hand and leading her back to seat her on his side of the bed. ‘No one will be having sex with you.’

‘No one?’ The fact that she was actually genuinely shocked angered him for some reason that he couldn’t decipher.

‘Well I’ll still expect you to put out when I bring you up to bed. But I’m the only guy who’ll get to touch you. If anyone else tries it, you come to me, and I’ll deal with him.’

‘Oh, Dax!’ Her exuberance almost knocked him sideways when she leapt forward and wound her naked form all around him, burying her face in his shoulder. ‘I was so worried! I really thought they’d all be trying to take a piece of me, and if there were a few of them who wanted me at once… I’ve never done the anal thing and… I thought I was… I was going to ask you to take me that way now, to ease me into it, you know, maybe to make it easier for me tonight when I had them all inside me at once.’

‘I opened my mouth too soon,’ he said. ‘I just did myself out of a chance to fuck your asshole.’

Much to his surprise, she laughed and increased the grip of her arms around his neck. The manoeuvre felt too intimate, to be holding her like this, without expectation of sex, and for no purpose other than to make her feel better, or rather for her to show him her gratitude.

Gripping her elbows, he tugged her away from him, but she remained in his lap, seemingly unaware of his discomfort. Touching his forearms, she rubbed her hands up until her fingers disappeared up the sleeves of his tee-shirt, it was too intimate, this touching each other and holding each other. But he had no time to get away, she frowned and his anxiety vanished to make way for his curiosity.

One of her hands dropped away, and the other slid down until she was tracing the shape of his tattoo, examining the dragon he’d had inked a decade ago. But it wasn’t the dragon that fascinated her, what had her attention was the plant coiling itself around the dragon’s feet. The nest of vines from which the dragon emerged when it had to hunt for sustenance, and the place it would always return to as its sanctuary.

‘What?’ he asked.

‘Is this where the dragon lives?’ she asked.


‘When I first saw it I thought it was pulling the dragon down, that it was trying to hold him back.’

‘No,’ he said, bringing his arm around to show her the full picture he pulled up the short sleeve of his tee-shirt. ‘That’s the dragon’s lair, where it hides so that predators can’t find it. The plant offers him the chance to peek out, to see what’s going on without being seen. It’s his refuge.’

A smile became a whisper of a laugh, and she continued to trace the shape of the leaves. ‘That’s funny.’

‘Why is that funny?’ he asked. He’d been accused of his tattoos being a lot of things, and funny was not one of them.

‘It’s ivy,’ she murmured, her amused expression brought those long lashes back to him.


The smile became wider and she shook her head. ‘Nothing.’

‘It’s something.’

‘Nothing you have to worry about,’ she said, and when she lifted her arms this time the embrace had promise of more.

He didn’t shy from her kiss, and though it was slower and much less urgent that the kisses he was used to sharing with her, it was just as stimulating. Already his jeans were open, so when she climbed up onto him and coiled her legs around him she had complete access to slide herself onto his dick. Yet, when she did, it was a surprise because he was still basking in the new sensation of such a tender, mellow kiss. His clothed body held her naked one and splaying his hands on her back he felt for the first time how small and fragile she truly was.

This woman acted as though the world was no formidable force. She acted like she was the equal of, or superior to, any adversary. The glaring truth was that he could identify with her bull-headed stubbornness and refusal to show vulnerability. Because he was a man who knew how to fight and how to handle himself, he could get away with being arrogant and few people would have the balls to call him on it. As such, he didn’t have many vulnerabilities. This kiss was teaching him that his female was fast becoming one of them.

What he had said to Bruno was true, every word. But he hadn’t said it with Trystan’s best interests at heart, he wasn’t even sure he’d said it with his female’s interest at heart either. The idea of watching other men paw her, or make love to her…

Breaking their kiss stopped the rhythmic motion of her hips. Her tempo had been the same lazy pace, drawing more intimacy into the moment as her pussy swallowed and released him with each undulation.

‘What?’ she asked, her mouth was red and puffy, the rasp of stubble burn on her chin and lips heightened their rosy colour and her eyes were glossy, swimming in a dream. ‘I don’t feel good?’

Elevating her ass, she relaxed and her core enveloped him again. He hissed when she squeezed and caressed him from within her tight passage.

‘No,’ he said, though she felt better than incredible.

‘Ok,’ she said, undeterred.

The hitch of breath that left her lungs when she expelled him out of her slick channel rustled every hair on his body. But when she slithered off the bed and onto her knees on the floor, he tensed.

Her complete focus was on the engorged head of his cock, she licked him like a lollipop then sucked him deep and slurped her way back. Stroking the length of him with one hand and tickling his balls with the other, she smiled and kissed the tip of him.

‘I taste so much better on you,’ she said and opened her mouth, but he pushed her away.

‘Fucking stop it.’

Bounding off the bed, he had no chance of getting his jeans done up again, so he tugged his tee-shirt down over his groin.

‘It’s ok,’ she said.

A woman who had just been fucking a guy and had been told she didn’t feel good, shouldn’t be understanding. Nor should one who had been shoved away when sucking a guy off.

Spinning around, he saw her on her knees where she’d been before. ‘What the fuck?’ he asked.

‘Performance anxiety is probably normal in a guy who has spent his life taking drugs and partying. You’re already hard,’ she said, walking on her knees across the floor. ‘If you relax and let me—‘

‘I don’t fucking think so,’ he said, marching to her he got hold of her hair and hauled her back to the bed.

Sitting down he turned her over his knee and began to spank. She yelped and whimpered, clutching his calf and trying to lift her head but he held her down reining blow after blow on that tight ass watching it grow pinker and redden, but he kept going.

He’d never thought of making love with a woman and he’d never consoled one, thus doing himself out of a sex act he craved to complete with her; like fucking her up the ass. This woman took him into her body as though she had some sort of claim on him, but he was supposed to have claimed her.

The hot body that mesmerised him and the sassy mouth that tormented him shouldn’t belong to a man like Trystan, but it was her destiny. Trystan wouldn’t appreciate her, he would want to change her and no one should be allowed to alter this sexy, dynamic woman who was capable of miracles.

Except it was thoughts like that which made Dax push her away and act like he was now. He wanted her to remain the same because he couldn’t imagine a better woman and that thought was dangerous. She didn’t belong to him and she never would. He couldn’t let himself believe otherwise, not for a second.

Rolling her off his lap, she went to the floor and he stared at the glow of her abraded flesh. ‘What was that for?’ she panted, remaining face down and still at his feet.

‘Making me want you,’ he confessed. When she tried to move he put a boot on her ass and pushed down. ‘Don’t move.’

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