Read Fight For Me Online

Authors: Hayden Braeburn

Tags: #romance, #romantic suspense, #romance series, #the everetts of tyler, #hayden braeburn

Fight For Me (4 page)

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e swore under his breath.
They were having an important conversation but she wanted to stop
to attend to his aching cock. Worst part of it was he was going to
let her. “We'll talk later,” he promised with as stern a look as
was possible when a woman was unzipping a man's pants.

Wow,” she murmured before
taking him into her mouth slowly. She worked him with her tongue,
her small whimper when he wove his fingers in her hair making him
impossibly harder. She moved up and down his thick shaft as she
held herself up with one hand, the other finding its way into her
panties, teasing them both to near oblivion before he was able to
say, “Enough.”

he pulled her mouth from
him, her right hand still inside her jeans. God, he wanted them in
his mouth, he wanted her in his mouth. He tugged her fingers free
and slid them between his lips, barely suppressing a groan as he
sucked the tangy essence from her hand. “Let me,” he

he pulled her hand from
his, her full lips twisting into a small frown. “It's a little late
to ask this, but please tell me you're clean.”

For once in his life, it had slipped his
mind. “
Of course.”

he stripped out of her
jeans and panties, her t-shirt coming off quickly as well. “Good. I
am too, and I'm protected,” she promised as she straddled him

He wanted to feast on her, but she had other
plans. S
he wasted no time impaling herself, her
dark eyes widening and her breath coming out in a hiss as she
adjusted to take his full length, and he hoped the stretch was only
slightly uncomfortable. God, she felt amazing wrapped around him,
hot and slick and just as tight as he'd imagined, it was all he
could do not to just shift his hips and slam into her.


e cupped her face with
his left hand. “You're driving, darlin',” he told her before he
kissed her again, taking possession of her mouth as easily as she
had his cock.

He appreciated that she
was mindful of his still-healing wounds and bound arm as she
rose and fell on the hard length of him. She took him deep with
every down stroke, her left hand toying with herself as she rode
him hard, her mouth barely leaving his as she worked herself into a
frenzy. He felt his climax coming and clenched the hand on her hip.
He wasn't about to blow before he felt her lose control, and drove
himself into her furiously. His side and back protested, his arm
was pinned between them and the couch and was falling asleep, but
nothing mattered except for the woman riding him like a bronco. She
let out a scream when her muscles clamped him tightly, milking him,
and he finally let himself come, pouring himself into

He'd just been ridden hard by Cassidy, his
name a barely discernible scream on her lips, and although he
didn't regret it emotionally, his body was wracked with pain.
“Cassie,” he rasped. “Darlin', that was some of the most explosive
lovin' I've ever had, but I need...” his voice faded away and black
spots floated in his vision. Damn, he wanted to see her, too, her
luscious body bathed in sunlight. She was still above him, he was
still inside her, but something was horribly wrong.


Chapter Three


What happened?” Doctor
Caleb Everett questioned his sister, his dark eyes assessing his

Good question. Just last night she had vowed
to stay away from him, and this morning she had thoroughly fucked
Dylan, resulting in his current unconscious state. Just what had
come over her? She gave herself a mental kick. She knew exactly
what had come over her—lust. She'd wanted the man since she saw him
lying in a hospital bed after putting his life on the line for a
stranger. The fact that he had turned out to be even sexier than
her fantasies had made him irresistible. Dammit. The rash decision
to give in, to live the fantasy just for a moment had hurt him. She
needed to stay away, to listen to her rational self and not the
romantic one who had taken control.

She felt her brother's stare and
shifted on her feet. It was one thing to have
amazing sex with a still-healing man, another to hurt him in the
process, but to tell her brother? She swallowed. “ and
now he's...”

aleb turned his gaze to
his sister, one dark eyebrow raised. “It's like that, is

h, God. It was so like
that. It shouldn't have been, and she was trying to regret the
mind-blowing sex that had made Dylan pass out cold. She'd hurt him,
and now her brother was there with his eyebrows practically in his
hair. She managed a nod. “Uh-huh.”

aleb finished his initial
examination of his patient, stifling a chuckle in the

You've worn him out, dear
sis. It doesn't look like he's been taking his pain meds, and it's
very likely you just overwhelmed his system, with the,” he paused,
a knowing smile on his lips,“exertion.”

he pulled in a deep
breath, letting it out slowly. She needed to stop being embarrassed
and suck it up. She coughed. Sucking was something she had done
just this morning. Maybe if she'd stopped there, they wouldn't be
here right now. What if she'd made his recovery longer? “I didn't
set him back did I? He's going crazy cooped up with only one
working arm.”

I think rest is what he
needs.” He pinned her with a chastising look. “No more fun and
games for a while, either.”

he was seriously having
this conversation with her younger brother. She knew he was a
doctor, and that was all fine and dandy, but he was still her baby
brother. She squared her shoulders and ignored her embarrassment as
well as she could, giving him a nod. “Noted.”


Can a person go crazy
with boredom?” Dylan asked aloud to no one. Cassidy had been called
into court, and she wanted him to stay in bed—a frilly, girlie bed
she refused to share with him. She didn't want to wear him out
again. Dammit. He hauled himself out of the lacy bed covers and
made his way to the bathroom. Cassie didn't want him to shower
while in the house alone, didn't want him to be alone, period, but
she had work to do—good work—and he wasn't an invalid. Yes, he had
passed out after lovemaking, but that was almost two weeks ago now,
and he was much stronger now than he had been even then.

He was more worried about her than himself,
but she promised to stay close to Easton. The pretty boy might not
offer much in the way of protection, but he was better than
nothing. She made a good point that the courthouse was both
adjacent to the Aylesford PD and populated with bailiffs and other
officers, but he was still uncomfortable. Cars weren't blown up for
no reason, and prosecutors were targeted regularly. While she was
sure someone had it out for him, he knew that wasn't the case.

After his shower he would
pull up what he could on her past cases, try and piece something
together. He wished she would just hand him the files, or make him
a list, but she was so convinced he was the intended target she
hadn't been forthcoming, deflecting and side-stepping whenever he
brought it up

Tonight was her brother's
wedding, and Mason had asked him to stand up beside him with Caleb,
and he was determined to do just that. Aside from the sling he'd
wear over his tuxedo, he refused to look like a man who couldn't
take care of himself, or his woman. He shook his head.
Just when had he decided Cassidy was his woman?
He stared at himself in the mirror. Not only that, but his beard
made him look like he spent his time felling trees. He'd have to
have Cassie run him by for a haircut and a trim before the wedding.
Lumberjacks and tuxedos didn't mix. He shook his head at himself.
He might not be looking forward to spending hours in a monkey suit,
but if it got Cassie back in his arms, or arm at least, it would be
worth it.


Cassidy, if you look at
the clock one more time, you're going to give yourself whiplash,”
Rochelle said with a laugh.

he forced herself to
laugh along with her right-hand woman. “I know, I just have to
leave today by four.”

I understand. James and I
were invited.” She looked at the clock herself. “It's only two.
Let's hammer out this plea agreement and call it a day. James is
supposed to make sure Felicia and Jordan are ready to go to his
parents, but I don't have a lot of faith in that man's child
wrangling skills right now.”

Tough time?”

Felicia is fourteen,
Jordan is eleven. Do I really need to explain more?”

he laughed. “Nope. I
remember Cam when she was in high school. That girl made us all

Exactly.” She rubbed her
hands together. “I love James, but he's ready to murder her most
days. I don't know what I'm going to do with them.”

It'll work out. It always

What's this about
refusing police protection?” Rochelle asked, the abrupt subject
change jarring Cassidy.

That was nearly two weeks
ago,” she answered with a shrug. “Dylan is staying with me, and
although Blue is now in the great junkyard in the sky, nothing else
has happened.”

ochelle smirked at the
younger woman. “Nothing has happened, huh?”

Is it that obvious?” She
wasn't supposed to be an easy read, but the two of them had worked
together for a long time now. She was surprised when the other
woman broke into great gales of laughter.

No, Cass, it isn't that
obvious, but you're normally much more guarded.” She grabbed
Cassidy's hands in her own then, pulling her around to face her
fully. “You haven't let yourself open up to a man since Adam, and
I'm happy to see you are finally letting your walls

he jerked her hands from
her friend's grasp. “Dylan's nothing like Adam. He'd never cheat.”
She bit her lip. “I mean, it's not like that. He's just here to
heal, and then he goes back home.”

And home is where,


So, forty minutes from

When you put it like
that...” she trailed off, not sure where she was going with the

ochelle shot her a
scathing look. “Cassidy Everett, I have never known you to be a

I'm not being a...” She
stopped, not allowing herself to think about Rochelle's point.
“Let's just get that flippin' plea agreement figured out and put
this case to bed.”

ith a sigh, Rochelle sat
back down at her desk. “Fine, but ignoring the problem never makes
it go away.”

I'm ignoring you

Me, you can ignore. Six
and half feet of muscled white man at your house? Honey, you can't
ignore that.”

I can sure


ylan sucked in a breath.
Cassidy looked amazing in a dress the color of the walls in his
room, her hair piled atop her head. “You look good enough to

You clean up well,
yourself,” she replied with a smile. Her voice was husky, lusty,
and he shot a thank you heavenward. Maybe she wasn't going to
ignore the heat between them tonight.

f they didn't have to be
at her parent's house in half an hour, she'd find herself tossed on
a bed, his arm be damned. “You okay driving the Bronco?”

I've been driving it all
week,” she replied with a tight smile. She bent to slide her feet
into high-heeled sandals and let out a sigh. “We need to buy a new

e was distracted by her
amazing backside covered by soft fabric and almost missed her use
of “we”. Instead of pointing it out, he merely used her words,
“What should we buy?”

I loved Blue, so I might
just replace her.”

You do whatever makes you
happy, darlin'. I'll be able to drive soon.”

he turned, her smile
bright. “I hope so.”

Tired of chauffeuring me

I know you hate being

he was right, but he
didn't want to travel this road of conversation. “We're gonna be
late, darlin'.”


Can you believe Mason
picked out these dresses?” Camryn Everett exclaimed when she saw
her older sister.

assidy ran a hand down
the celery colored chiffon dress held up by one floral strap over
her left shoulder. Her bubbly baby sister was dressed to match, her
auburn hair twisted into an elegant updo. “I helped.”

Of course you did,” Cam
said through a giggle. “I should've guessed with the

Kat likes green, too!”
Cassidy protested.

Yeah, but it's your
favorite color.”

er little sister might be
onto something there. She'd just opened her mouth to spit out a
pithy retort when she heard a car door slam, and she peeked at her
phone screen. Mason was punctual—the bride and groom had arrived.
Cam was around the corner like a shot. “Kat! Come back here with
Cass and Mom and me!”

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