Read Fight Online

Authors: London Casey,Ana W. Fawkes

Fight (10 page)

BOOK: Fight
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I said.

I can

t take it anymore. They fucking set you up out
there, Tripp.

know, darling,

he said. He
touched my face with his bloody hand.

know. It

s okay. I knew it
was coming. Sometimes in life you have to take a hit or two.

I swallowed hard.

This guy wasn

t just hot, he was romantic.
Edgy, gritty, sure, but behind those dark and wild eyes, there was a man with a
big heart.

I lifted my right hand to his face
and rubbed at the corner of his lip. I touched his cut.

Does it hurt?


Tripp said.

You just have to accept the
pain. Move on. Let go.

I leaned forward and pressed my
lips to the cut. I kissed once, twice, inched my lips to the left so our lips
pressed together. I opened my mouth, wanting to taste his tongue again. Tripp
kissed me back, setting my body on fire.

My other hand slipped into his open

As if the guy couldn

t get any sexier, he wasn

t wearing anything but jeans.

My fingertips felt a thatch of hair
and then the thick root of his dick. I slipped my palm down along his shaft,
trying to find the head of his cock. It seemed like I never would, that he was
forever long. When my fingertips felt his thick and fleshy tip, I turned my
hand and curled my fingers. I jerked him, my hand shaking with anticipation, my
mind racing, body aching, already wondering how he was going to fit inside me.

Tripp groaned as we kissed. I
slipped my hand down his face to his chest. I traced the lines of muscle, all
the way down to his stomach. The ripples of his abs were hard ridges. No wonder
the guy could take a punch and just keep going. He was built to fight.

With his cock in my hand

I knew he was also built
to fuck.

He was against the sink, his hands
at my waist, struggling between holding me close and pushing me away.

He broke the kiss, my mouth open,
my tongue still searching for his mouth.


he whispered.

You don

t know what it

like after a fight.

pushed me away a little.

fucking anger. The fucking rage. My blood pumping a million times over.

I nodded. I was burning from the
inside out.



Tripp said. His lip snarled at

But when I touch you,

s ten times that
feeling. If you don

t take
your hand off my dick

I squeezed tighter at him. My other
hand moved from his stomach to his jeans and pushed them down. His cock popped
free and I ran my fingertips down his shaft.

Tripp gritted his teeth and brought
his hands to the front of my pants.

Before I knew it

it was all happening.

Tripp opened my pants and pushed
them down, panties too. Down to my knees and he stepped forward, tearing them
down to my ankles. I hurried to step out of them, fighting with damn shoes,
trying my best not to look like a fool.

His hands came up my legs and
around to my ass. He squeezed tight and lifted me. I threw my legs around his
body and was eye level with him. We started to kiss. The hottest and sloppiest
kiss of my entire life. Our tongues fought, battling, rolling back and forth. I
groaned into his mouth and he growled back at me.

Tripp slowly turned, putting me
against the sink.

He kissed down my neck and ran his
teeth along the other side of my neck.

His right hand moved between our
bodies and he touched between my legs. His thick fingers touched my pussy,
opening me. Two fingers darted inside and he groaned.


he said.


re so tight for me.

me then,

I said. I was
desperate. I couldn

remember being so turned on before.

Now, Tripp. Please.

He grinned.

He enjoyed me begging.

His fingers left my body and the
feel was replaced by his cock. When he touched me, I gasped. I lost my breath,
breaking our kiss, looking down. I watched his cock press at me, tearing me
open, filling me in a way I knew never existed.

Just halfway inside me, I was
holding onto his shirt for dear life, seeking relief. But I wanted more. My
body craved more. Everything about it was so fucking wrong. Being in the
bathroom in the clubhouse of the Red Aces MC. Tripp was supposed to be
protecting me. It was all too risky, but so well worth it.

Tripp pulled back and then thrust
at me, burying deep inside me.

I felt a tearing feeling that sent
a rush of pain. I threw my head back, crying out, the pain quickly becoming a
warm pleasure. My head smacked the mirror with a hard
. I felt my
hair pull a little and knew we had broken the mirror.

Seven years bad luck? If it was
with Tripp and his cock, it was worth it.

Tripp started to pump at me,
fucking me hard, making my body accept him as fast as he wanted to go.

It felt so good. There was so much
pressure. Each time I thought my insides were going to explode there was a
fresh wave of pleasure to overtake the pressure and pain. My legs were wrapped
tight around Tripp

s body,
my ankles locked. I held his shirt at the sides, shaking as I pulled, wanting
him more and more.

Our mouths and tongue flirted,
randomly touching as we breathed heavy at each other. Our eyes were open,
staring at each other. I couldn

remember ever feeling so controlled before. Just staring in his eyes as he
fucked me

it was like it
was changing me.

His thrusts grew harder and deeper.
He grunted each time he came forward, filling me. I licked at his top lip, my
bottom lip quivering. His mouth then came over my bottom lip, sucking for a
second, then overtaking my mouth completely. I hurried to move a hand to the
back of his head.

We kissed and kissed as he sped up.
I could actually feel his cock getting thicker, ready to let go. I dug my ankles
into his back, pulling, wanting it. His tongue sought out my neck again, going
down to the top of my shirt. Yeah, maybe this wasn

t the romantic, making love dream that I had locked
somewhere in the back of my mind.

But what was wrong with a good, hard


I looked down and forced Tripp to
kiss me again. His tongue explored my mouth, his mouth opening wider as he
groaned. His cock started to pulse, releasing as he thrust deep and held there.
His hands grabbed my ass, his fingers digging so tight, it hurt. Yet again,
another good hurt.

His lower half flexed hard with
each push and release of his cock. He filled me, leaving me almost breathless
as our kiss broke for the last time. My mouth was open, my body bouncing gently
with each thrust he offered, taking good care of my insides. I couldn

t tell where my own pleasure
began and ended. It was like a constant orgasm.

Tripp slowed and finally stopped.
He was still inside me. His hands opened and ran up my body to my face. I was
used to it being long over by now. Never anything that lingered like this.
Never anything that felt like it could have meaning.


Tripp said.


in deep shit. Such deep, deep shit.

know. It

s worth it. Right?

Tripp gently kissed me.

Come on, we have to get moving.

He pulled from me with a warm gush
that left my body paralyzed. I gripped the edge of the sink as my lower half
tingled. It took me a good minute to regain composure and get dressed.

When I turned around, sure enough,
the mirror was broken.


Tripp put his hand to my lower back
and opened the bathroom door.

Stoney stood there, arms crossed.



I said.

Stoney nodded to Tripp.

You and I need to have a talk.
Right now.






We were outside.

The clubhouse was behind us, lots
of noise and partying going on inside. My car was parked at the end of the lot,
Winter waiting there. As long as I could see her, I felt comfortable.

I made fists and looked at my
knuckles. Freshly cut, damp with blood.

A little regret surged through my

I shouldn

t have fucked Winter. I mean, realistically it did
no good for anyone in any situation. Except it felt really good. And she really
liked it. She begged for it.

The biggest problem?

I wanted to do it again. And again.
And again.

Stoney sat next to me, smoking a
cigar and drinking a bottle of whiskey. He offered it to me and I shook my
head. I had to drive. I had to protect Winter. Christ, what was I thinking? I
could barely protect her from myself.

Even if she had been the one to
burst into the bathroom and come after me. I should have kept her at arm

s length. Shit, I could have
just touched her again. Gotten her off and kept her away from me.


s no hard feelings,

Stoney finally spoke.

I mean, what happened there.

guys holding me and letting Harlan get a couple shots. It

s good. I get it. Pride.


guys are rattled,


Hard times for the
MC. I don

t want to send
them out there starting wars. Then you show up and have control. We don

t share kindly.

I looked at Stoney.


He shrugged his shoulders.

She should have been kept close
to the club. I thought Aldo was going to send down some thugs to guard her
door. Nothing else. Give me a chance to regroup. You have to be careful where

re stepping now, Tripp.

re in deep water.

know how to swim,

I said.

Stoney laughed.


d do great in a leather cut, my friend.


m nobody

s bitch.



I gritted my teeth.

Yeah. I guess.


m going to tell you
something. Do what you want with it.



s a crew up north called Skull
X. They

re real bad guys.


s bad guys everywhere.


Stoney said.

These are

bad guys. Take anything you think about bad people
and double it, easily. They can

be controlled, just contained.


re telling me this why?

Stoney sucked on his cigar. He blew
out smoke.

They took down

know this?


long have you known this?

it happened,

Stoney said.

you don

t have your boys up
there tearing them apart?


s not how they work,

Stoney said.

If we rolled up, they

d destroy us. They

re powerful. They

re not as much of a MC as they
are an underground fighting ring. They see everything. They know everything.
Far beyond anything I could imagine.


re afraid of these

I said.

a thing I like to admit, Tripp. I

telling you because I appreciate your guts. You

got some serious balls. And if you know what you


I don

t know, maybe Aldo

I stood up and turned to face

You expect me to
ask Aldo to help you? Fuck you, Stoney. You want help, then ask. If you know
who did this, then why am I here? If they wanted Rocky, they got him. Why
bother with Winter?

Stoney took his cigar out of his
mouth and rolled it between his fingers.

know what they

d do to her?
I mean, I have no love for Winter. She

an old lady. A dime a dozen, Tripp. But if Skull X got her.

He shook his head.

I thought if Aldo sent some
muscle, it could end a little easier. But one guy? That won

t cut it.

I backed up a little.

Try me then. I

m here to protect her and that

s what I

m going to do. You waited until now to tell me
this? After her car was rigged with a bomb?


t Skull X,

Stoney said.

And it wasn

t anything that would have
killed her.

are you talking about?

had my guys do it,


Thought if I
rattled you enough, Aldo would send more help.

fucking put her life in danger

I moved at Stoney and he pulled out
a gun.

Deep water, Tripp.
Deep fucking water. I

m the
President of the Red Aces MC. That might not mean much to you, but just know,
in this clubhouse, this compound, there are eyes watching. You raise a fist at
me, you

ll eat a bullet.

I faced Stoney and his gun. I wasn

t afraid of dying. But I was
afraid of leaving Winter alone. With Stoney. With the Red Aces. And with
whatever the hell the Skull X guys were.

about what you just said to me,

I said.

think about what I just said to you,

Stoney said. He stood up and tucked his gun away. He stuck his cigar in his
mouth and said in a choppy voice,

take Winter and get the fuck out of here. I

said more than enough.

I turned and started to walk away.



s voice yelled.

I looked back.


many people get to walk out of here twice standing. Consider yourself lucky.

The truth of it?

I only considered myself lucky
when I looked at Winter.


BOOK: Fight
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