Read Fifty Shades of Alice in Wonderland Online

Authors: Melinda Duchamp

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Erotica

Fifty Shades of Alice in Wonderland (3 page)

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Alice in Wonderland
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Alice couldn’t quite find her voice. Her pelvis was tight against Pilar’s, and she could feel his bulge. She tried to squirm away, but he held her fast, and all Alice succeeded in doing was rubbing against it.

“What do you mean?” she whispered.

“Naughty girls should be punished. Tell me you’ve been naughty, and I’ll take you over my knee and slap your bare bottom right now.”

Alice stopped trying to pull away. The potion was too powerful, the feeling building within her too good. She rubbed her hard nipples across Pilar’s rough leather vest, and tried to grind her hips against him.

“Yes,” Pilar said. “You are naughty, aren’t you? Perhaps you need a spanking. Something like this.”

Pilar brought his hand down on Alice’s naked posterior, and the loud slap was almost as startling as the contact. After a brief sting, her bottom began to warm up where he’d smacked it.

Alice squeezed her eyes shut. She’d never felt like this before. This man, this complete stranger, had just struck her. She should go to the authorities, hire a lawyer, file charges. But instead, her whole body began to tingle, and though she hated herself for how she felt, Alice wanted more than anything for him to smack her again.

“I… I am naughty,” she managed.

Pilar rubbed the area he’d punished, and then moved his strong, thick fingers lower, between her legs. Alice gasped. No one had ever touched her there before. When she and Lewis made love, he just stuck it in quickly. And Alice had never touched herself. She believed those parts of her were dirty and strange, and treated them as if they belonged to another person.

But Pilar did more than just touch. His index finger lightly stroked her from beneath, first the left side, then the right. She wondered if he had put something on his hand because it was so slick, and then she realized with utter shame it was her own juices.


His other hand came down suddenly, smacking her bottom again, and Alice gasped and her eyes and mouth opened wide. The mixed sensations were extraordinary. The tenderness of his fingers, the firm cruelty of his palm, combining together to make her writhe against her own will.

Then Pilar’s finger began to slowly enter her.

“I knew you were naughty, Alice.”

“Yes,” she gasped as he penetrated deeper. “I am naughty.”

“Do you want to know what I do to naughty girls?”

“Oh, yes… Caterpillar.”

Alice was abruptly released, so fast her legs couldn’t support her and she fell onto the floor. She looked up at Pilar, confused and ready to cry.

“What is it? Did I do something?”

“You said the safeword,” Pilar said. “So I stopped.”

“What? No! I just… it’s your name, I was just calling your name.”

Pilar’s face brightened. “Ah. I understand. So shall I spank you? I can place you in the stocks and whip your butt and thighs with a crop.”

Alice couldn’t help but stare at the wooden stocks. She instantly imagined herself bent over, her head and hands trapped, Pilar behind her with a leather riding crop, punishing her bare flesh.

An abhorrent, repellant image. So why did it make her quiver so? Why did she want to try it?

“Never mind,” Pilar said. “That appears to be too advanced for you. We’ll begin with something easier. Stand up.”

Alice waited for him to offer his hand, but he simply stood there. She slowly got to her feet.

“Walk over to the wheel.”

Alice glanced at the large, wooden wheel, braced against the wall like a giant clock. It frightened her, made her legs weak to the point where she thought she would fall again.

“Walk to it.”

Alice did, each step like walking through thick molasses. When Alice reached it, she saw the four thick leather straps on the edges, made to hold a person spread-eagle. In the center was an even thicker belt, meant to cinch around the victim’s waist.

Alice trembled, her whole body shaking.

“Lean against the wheel,” Pilar ordered.

“I… I don’t…”

Suddenly Pilar was behind her, one hand clutching her breasts, the other pressed to her belly.

“This is for your own good, Alice,” he said, his fingers descending. “I’m doing it to help you. Do you understand?”


Once again his finger entered her. But this time he began to move it in and out, like Lewis when they made love. But unlike Lewis, Pilar didn’t seem to be in a race to the finish. He moved slowly, luxuriously, until she wanted to beg him to move faster.

“Lean against the wheel.”

“Uh… uh…”


“Okay… okay…”

And the next thing Alice knew she was backed up against the terrible wheel and Pilar was strapping her into place. First her waist. Then her hands. Then her left foot. As he knelt down, stretching out her right foot, spreading her legs, Alice tensed up and began to resist. Pilar’s head was only inches away from her most private parts, and Alice felt shame like she’d never felt before.

How could she have gotten to this point? A complete stranger, strapping her to a giant wheel? Even more embarrassing, her hips seemed to have developed a mind of their own, and they heaved forward toward Pilar as if trying to touch him.

Then, suddenly, her other ankle was bound, and Alice had never been so exposed in her life.

“Try to get away,” Pilar said.

She strained. She pulled. But the wicked straps were tight, and she couldn’t close her legs, couldn’t get free. Alice was bound there, spread open before a man she barely knew, revealing parts of her even her doctor had never seen. Alice fought tears, a blush creeping up over her whole body, her sore bottom pressed against the rough wood of the wheel. This couldn’t possibly get worse.

Then it did. Pilar went to a cabinet and withdrew a length of white rope.

“This is silk bondage rope I received after training with a
in Japan. I am going to tie it around your knees and thighs to restrict your pelvic movement and spread you wider.”

“Please, don’t. I beg of you.”

But Pilar didn’t listen. He looped the rope around her right knee and up her thigh, then cruelly pulled it back against the wheel and tied it off. Pilar repeated the procedure with the left leg, the rope so tight it forced her pelvis forward. Alice tried to struggle, but it was no use. She had lost all ability to move her lower regions, except for the tiniest of circles.

Pilar was so close she could feel his hot, peppermint breath on her. She chanced a humiliated look down, and could see his lips were almost touching her hair down there.

“This won’t do,” Pilar said. “I can’t see what I’m doing. I must shave you.”

“No! Please don’t, Pilar. Untie me at once.”

But Pilar was back to his cabinet, and when he returned it was with a safety razor, a bowl, and a brush.

He spent a moment twirling the brush in the soap bowl, making a lather. The brush had round, bushy bristles, and when it was sufficiently covered with foam he began to spread it on Alice.

The lather was warm and smelled of sandalwood, and when it touched her she gasped at the sensation. It felt like washing, but not. When she washed herself down there, Alice used a soapy rag and was quick and businesslike. Pilar was gentler, slower. Alice felt as if he was dragging the process out, stroking her left and then right. Up, then down. Sometimes he missed the hair completely, going lower. Alice began to get lost in the rhythm. She closed her eyes, flexing her hips, trying to press into him. But just as she was ready to beg him to put a finger inside her again, Pilar withdrew the brush and began to shave her.

Unlike the gentle rhythm of the brush strokes, the razor was cold, stiff, and unyielding. The pleasant sensations were replaced by panic. What if he cuts me by accident? And even worse, what will I look like when he finishes? A few deft strokes later, and Pilar was done. He brought a pitcher of warm water, pouring it over Alice, washing away the remaining hair and lather, leaving her as naked and vulnerable as the day she was born.

“Would you like to see?” he asked. “I can fetch a mirror.”

Part of her did, but she was so mortified at being laid so bare that she couldn’t speak. She couldn’t understand how Pilar could even stand to look at it. Those parts of her were ugly and dirty. They were used for childbirth and nothing more. Staring at them was abnormal and perverted.

“Beautiful,” Pilar whispered.

Alice wasn’t sure she heard him right.

“Pink and perfect and beautiful. I know we have just met, but would it be okay if I kissed you there?”

Alice couldn’t believe her ears. Why would he possibly want to do something like that?

But her hips began to make a little circle, and Alice couldn’t stop the movement.

“One kiss then,” Pilar said.

His lips touched hers, and Alice gasped. He was so soft, so tender, and she had an overwhelming urge to press against him. Maybe this is what she’d been missing her whole life. Maybe this was what sex was supposed to be like. She thought of Lewis, her boyfriend, kneeling between her legs, kissing her as Pilar did, and a low moan escaped her throat.

“Thank you,” Pilar said, pulling away. “Now it is time to get to work. I’m afraid it is going to take some time, and may be a bit uncomfortable. To fully extract all of the blue potion, I’m going to have to build you up and tease you beyond what you feel you can endure.”

“Tease… me?”

“Have you never been teased before, woman?”

“I… I don’t know.”

Pilar rubbed his beard. “You aren’t a virgin.”

“No. I have a boyfriend named Lewis.”

“Does Lewis satisfy you?”

“He’s a very nice man.”

“I mean sexually, Alice. Does he satisfy you?”

“I… I love Lewis. Being intimate with him makes me feel close, but… he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. I’m afraid I don’t either…”

Her voice trailed off. Talking about her lovemaking failures was almost as humiliating as being spread open before a stranger.

“To tease is to arouse without release,” Pilar said. “Like this.”

Immediately, Pilar pressed his face against her. But this time it wasn’t a kiss. He began to lick.

Alice began to plead with him to stop, that this was dirty, but it felt like something had ignited inside her loins. Throbbing, but times ten. Pilar licked around her opening, then put his tongue deep inside her, flicking it in and out rapidly. Then he moved up higher, finding a sensitive spot between her lips, and when he touched it the feeling was so intense it almost brought pain. She cried out, and Pilar stayed on that spot; slow, fat, languid strokes until the almost-pain became something else, a warmth that began to spread throughout her whole body.

This was it, Alice thought. This was what she’d heard about. How sex was supposed to be. It felt amazing, and just kept getting better and better. Her hips were bucking now, wanting to capture Pilar’s tongue, and he increased his tempo and pressure, pushing his finger up inside her, and the feeling built and built until—

Suddenly Pilar was gone. Alice continued to buck, straining against the ropes and shackles.

“Please! Please don’t stop!”

“That,” Pilar said, wiping a hand across his glistening chin, “is teasing.”

“No!” Alice said. “Please don’t stop. It’s too cruel to bear.”

She almost squealed with delight as Pilar pressed his face to her again. All she needed was a few more seconds, a few more licks, and—

“Do you want me to stop?” Pilar said, pulling away.

“No! God, no!”

Alice was so close. So near experiencing what she longed so much to experience. Her whole life, she’d felt like a broken doll, missing an essential piece. But now she felt like a woman. A full-blooded, sexy woman. Alice wanted sex. She wanted it so bad she almost felt like crying.

“Do you want me to lick you again?” Pilar asked.


“Or would you prefer I mount you?”

The thought made Alice shudder.

“Oh, mount me,” Alice said, close to tears. She’d never used such a vulgar command before. “Please mount me!”

Pilar stood up. Alice eyed the bulge in his leather pants. It seemed monstrous.

“Do it,” she begged. She felt like her lower regions were on fire.

“Would you like it if I spanked you now?” Pilar asked. “What if I took the riding crop and tapped you where I just shaved? Would you like that?”

The very idea was abominable, but Alice was so excited that if anything touched her there, even something as terrible as a riding crop, it would send her right over the edge.

“I… I would like that.”

“Beg me to spank you.”

“Please… Pilar. Please spank me.”

“Beg me to lick you again.”

“Please. Lick me, Pilar.”

“Do you want me inside you?”

“Yes! Oh, yes!”

“No,” Pilar said.

Alice cried out in frustration. She tugged against her bounds, thrusting her hips into empty air without relief.

Pilar reached out, gave her cheek a tender caress, and then moved his hands to her breasts. His rough fingers found her nipples and began to tug.

Alice’s breath caught in her throat. Somehow all of the burning in her loins had suddenly transferred to her breasts.

“Harder,” she said.

Pilar gave each a small pinch, and Alice grunted in appreciation.

“I’ll be right back,” he said, releasing her.

No! No, no, no!

Alice squirmed and strained and begged for him not to leave. She felt completely out of control, more frustrated than she’d ever been in her life. This teasing was intolerable, and she thought about using the safeword just so that wicked Pilar would untie her so she could touch herself.

However, she didn’t say the safeword. Because deep down, Alice realized she liked being teased.

It made no sense. It was like being hungry, and not being able to eat an apple only a few inches away. Or being terribly hot and thirsty and denying yourself a cool glass of lemonade. Or having an irresistible itch on your arm and being unable to scratch it.

But it was more than that. Alice yearned to know what other ways Pilar could torment her. She wanted to see how much teasing she could take before she burst. The throb had become a steady thrum of pleasure. Pilar’s tongue on her most intimate parts had awoken some primitive beast in her.

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Alice in Wonderland
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