Fifty Bales of Hay (12 page)

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Authors: Rachael Treasure

BOOK: Fifty Bales of Hay
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‘Gold!’ Katie said. ‘Pure gold!’

She watched as the boys tackled each other and fell about like a pile of rollicking puppies, wrestling wildly, straining, young healthy limbs tangled. They grunted with effort, their chests rising and falling with hysterical laughter. Katie glimpsed their tackle on the flop between their legs, as they rumbled and hauled against each other. She liked the look of the muscular thighs of Tim, short though his legs were, and the way the blond hair on his chest looked soft to touch. Skip had a nice, high, rounded arse, which would be good to grab in the missionary position pump, thought Katie. And as for Knackers, well … if he was anything to go by on the slack, he’d be a good bull when he was on the full. He had a massive dong!

It was too hard to choose with them all raucous and tumbling like that. Katie decided to instil some order. She stood abruptly, took the show ribbons that hung from Ben’s shoulders and strode out into the showring, shouting, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! It is now time for our most prestigious event. Drumroll, please, Dave…’ She swept her arm in Dave’s direction, who thrummed his boots on the steel flooring of the spectator stands. ‘I give you the Supreme Champion Boy of the Show!’

The boys looked up at her from where they panted, still lying in their nude-style world wrestling pile. They took in Katie’s stance, looking for all the world like Wonder Woman out to get a bit. Her broad shoulders, tapering to a cinched-in waist, the long curving line of her strong, muscled legs in tight skinny jeans that ran to her Dogger work boots, her shining, glossy dark hair falling over her
shoulders and a nice set of dairy pillows that held themselves out like a full spinnaker sail in front of her. It was Katie’s tits that held the boys’ eyes and their imaginations. The boys, who saw Katie from time to time on the show circuit, all talked about Katie’s norks when she wasn’t in earshot to punch them. They surmised how they might swing and sway and jiggle when she was on the buck. The boys often talked of Katie and fantasised about her. They all loved Katie. She was a good chick-bloke. A good mate, and bloody funny. And when they had their beer-goggles on, she was hot and a girl they would ‘do’. But most of the time she was one of them. Part of the crew. She was always up for any kind of fun. And here she was, at it again.

‘Hands and knees, boys. Now! In a line,’ she commanded. The boys, up for the laugh, obeyed her.

‘Hold on!’ Dave shouted from the stand. He suddenly stood and began to tear off his clothes. ‘Wait for me!’

The other boys whooped and hollered when Dave revealed lily-white skin that was fuzzed with red hair from his chest to his toes. He cupped his hands over his privates and grinned as he tiptoed over to the pile of naked men.

‘What? So what if it’s red?’ he said, looking down, frowning at his own body. He shrugged. ‘At least my mother loves me, no matter what.’

‘Only a mother could! Didn’t know rangas could enter,’ Skip said.

‘Git out of it, you red beast,’ Tim said. ‘This judging class is only for us Angus studs. Not a throwback ginger minge like you. You can’t be in the line-up!’

Ignoring him, Dave eagerly joined them on all fours.

Skip eyed Dave’s tufts of curling ginger pubic hair. ‘Why hello, fanta pants!’

‘Shut the fuck up, Skipper,’ Dave said.

Skip gave him a shove and for a moment the wrestle was on until Katie’s loud whistle pierced the air.

‘Enough, bulls! Line-up, now!’

The boys settled and quietened. Dave spluttered laughter at the situation he found himself in. Knackers grinned like a village idiot. From the stands, Ben looked skywards to the rafters, rolled his eyes and blew out a tired breath.

‘We are so gunna get sprung!’ he said.

‘Hey, Benno,’ called Tim. ‘You joining us?’

‘Yes, Ben,’ Katie said, turning to him. ‘Are you entering the Supreme Champion Boy of the Show? There’s a trophy for the champ.’

‘Me? Nah, mate, count me out.’

‘Suit yourself,’ she said, then turned back to the other boys. As she looked at them naked before her, lined up on all fours, she felt a shiver of power ripple through her body and a rush of desire that made her nipples sting ever so slightly.

Suddenly her one-of-the-boys demeanour altered altogether. Her voice deepened provocatively. ‘I’ve decided, on seeing you studs before me, that the trophy tonight … will be me.’ She pointed to herself. ‘For one night only. Anything you want me to do, I’ll do. If you want to “do” me, I’ll do you.’

The boys’ mood instantly shifted. Desire flared in some of their eyes. Others swallowed nervously at the prospect.

Ben glanced at her, his face pale, his dark eyes uncertain. He grabbed up the bottle and stalked out of the pavilion.

‘Where’re you going?’ she demanded, her eyes narrowing.

He didn’t answer. She brushed the thought away that he was angry with her and turned her attention back to the boys.

‘Everyone else in? Who would like Miss Katie as a prize?’

All of them nodded gleefully. Katie smiled at her control. Earlier today, when she stood in the judging line-up with the washed and glossed Ardlain Hereford cattle, she had conjured up this scenario in her mind. Right from when the last ribbon was draped across the wide shoulders of Supreme Champion Bull of the Show, Katie had been on a mission to get the boys to where they were right now … in the showring, naked, for her to play with.

Katie, who had been involved in junior judging of livestock with her high school group since she was thirteen, was no stranger to the process of judging beasts. It was easy to play-act this role. She stood alongside Tim, beginning at his head.

‘Now, let’s take a look at this stud. What have we here?’ She placed her fingertips on his crown and ran her fingers firmly over his scalp, stooping over him, making sure his eyes could not miss the deep, tanned line of cleavage framed by her tight-fitting red R.B. Sellars work shirt, undone very
low. She ran her finger over his lips lightly and grabbing his jaw, opened his mouth. She nodded and smiled.

‘Good, nice teeth. Good-looking head.’ Then she ran her hands over his scalp again. ‘Glossy, healthy coat. Good muscling on the neck and shoulders,’ she said, her touch drifting lower. ‘Nice back line, but what about the legs and the business end? Would you make the stud herd? Are you leggy enough to get up on a girl?’ Her dominatrix tone of voice, and her touch on his skin, flowed through Tim’s body and hit his cock. As she ran her fingertips firmly down the muscles of his back, he remained on all fours, but she could see goosebumps travelling over his white skin.

By the time her hands roved over his buttocks his cock was raging hard, the head of it almost touching his flat stomach as it flexed in excitement. It was small, but neat, as far as penises went. She noticed the other boys were starting to harden up. She felt a gush of wetness between her legs. Could she do it? Could she take them all on? Or should she not pig out on this smorgasboard lined up before her … should she just choose the one? Could she stop at just one?

‘I see you’re ready for joining,’ she said to Tim. ‘I like that in a stud.’ She lightly slapped him on the arse and walked over to Skip.

Katie began the same process. She liked the feel of Skip’s soft, blond-brown hair, the way his golden skin ran over his taut muscles. His job as a fencing contractor showed through on his body: his arm muscles rolled beautifully under his skin down to his strong tanned
hands, where his long fingers were splayed on the fake-grass carpet, and he had lovely broad shoulders. The weight of him would feel good beneath her. She ran her hand over his back, pressing her fingertips into his flesh as if fat-scoring a prime lamb.

‘Oh, that is one nice bit of beef,’ she said. She slapped him hard on the buttock, then she left him suddenly and moved to inspect Knackers.

‘Hey!’ protested Skip. ‘Aren’t you going to check my nuts, baby? I could be a better stud than those guys for you.’

‘Quiet, you!’ she said commandingly. Another flush of wanting came deep within her. She could barely believe her luck — or, rather, her cleverness at creating this scene before her. All these boys, aroused and ready for her. She couldn’t wait. She was raging with horniness. She wanted to take them all. But should she? Something outside herself seemed to be trying to reach her. Annoyed by the invasion in her mind, she tried to focus on the moment.

She moved to Knackers, where she smoothed a palm over Knackers’s freckled back and noticed the hairs tufting on his shoulders. That ruled him out. She liked a cleanskin man on the shoulders. She gave a cursory glance at Dave, ruffling his red hair.

‘You are a genetic freak even though I love you, but sorry, Dave, you’re end of the line.’

‘Aw!’ Dave protested.

‘I’ve made my decision,’ she said as she began to drape the ribbons across the backs of the boys, finishing with Skip as the Supreme Champion Boy of the Show. She laid the
thick tricoloured sash across his wide, perfect shoulders, then swung a leg over his back and sat astride him.

‘Giddy up, cowboy,’ she said. ‘You are the winner. What is it you want me to do for you?’

Skip rolled over on his back, desire in his eyes, Katie still straddling him, his cock nudging at the seams of her jeans where her ready pussy waited hungrily. The other boys crowded around, filled with intrigue and lust as they watched Katie begin to French kiss Skip slowly.

Suddenly a loud, deep voice shouted into the echoing void of the show pavilion. ‘Oi! Security! Stay right there!’

Pandemonium ensued. The boys instantly scattered, most of them forgetting their pile of clothing by the stands, just bolting, naked, for the shadows. Skip pushed Katie off him and ran. Katie was left there, sprawled on the ground in stunned surprise. She watched as Dave picked up his clothes and raced for the big door, slipping out with a rattle of tin.

Katie stood up and looked to where the voice had come from, a look of worry crossing her face. But then, she reasoned, the voice of the security guard had been male. She could play this one. She decided she’d check him out before she ran. Adrenaline coursed through her system and excitement roamed across her face. She could get into trouble … but Katie loved trouble. She waited for the guard to come, but nothing happened

‘Hello?’ she said, her voice echoing in the giant empty pavilion.

There was a loud clank and the building was suddenly consumed by darkness. The show was over.
She swallowed nervously. This was not how she’d planned it. Katie was about to run, but she couldn’t see a thing. It was pitch black. She spun about when she heard a noise behind her.

‘Hello,’ she said, the nervousness quavering her voice a little. ‘This is creeping me out. Who’s there?’

She remained in the middle of the showring and felt fear grab her.

Suddenly a torch flicked on. The light in her face was blinding. She held her hand up to reduce the glare.

‘Just what do you think you are doing?’ came the stern voice. ‘This is show property! You should be ashamed of yourself.’

‘Hang on a minute,’ Katie said, a quizzical smile lighting her face. ‘Ben? Is that you?’

No answer. The torch came nearer.

‘Stop it,’ Katie said, putting an arm up to her face and turning her head away. ‘You’re blinding me.’

‘Shut up. You’re under arrest.’

‘It is you, Ben. Isn’t it? You sly and dirty dog! You scared the crap out—’

‘Quiet!’ he shouted. His voice in the darkness was harsh. Angry, even. ‘I said, you are under arrest.’

She laughed nervously. He sounded really upset. Really angry.

‘What for, Ben?’

The light was turned away slightly as his voice softened. ‘For getting so lost in life that you think it’s okay to gangbang a bunch of blokes.’

‘That’s it?’ Katie was seeing red now. ‘Fuck off, Ben. What I do is my business.’

‘No, I won’t fuck off! Oh, Katie, I wish you would wake up. I wish you could see you are so cut up about your mum dying that you are one angry bird and you hate your dad so much that you have no room to love yourself.’

‘Fuck off, Ben,’ she said angrily to the darkness, ‘I can do what I like. I’m not lost in life, you tosser. I’m living life to the full. And you just ruined my night.’

‘Ruined it? You’re causing chaos, Katie! Living life to the full is letting yourself be loved. Not slutting about with so much denial that you can’t see you’re treating yourself poorly. And treating blokes like shit, not to mention the wives and girlfriends you’ve inadvertently hurt. You need self-love, Katie, not fifty fucks.’

‘Bugger off, Mr Dalai fucking Lama. I get plenty of love,’ Katie said. ‘Go away, Ben, and leave me alone. Loser.’

‘Katie,’ he said softly, ‘I’ve been watching you. For a year now. It has got to stop. You think you’re having fun. But what is really going on? Huh? How do you really feel the next day? How do you really feel? Afterwards.’

‘I can do whatever the fuck I want. And why should you care!’ she shouted then, turning her back to where his voice was coming from, every muscle in her body tense. Emotion buried far below bubbled up from an unknown place. She could feel Ben in the darkness. Not his body, but his energy. She recalled all the times he’d hovered near when she’d shagged some other guy. It was he who had brought her coffee in the morning in the cattle stalls,
and bacon and egg rolls when she was hungover, and made her laugh when she felt like crying. It was he who called her on a Wednesday night, after memories of the weekend adventures with other men had turned cold in Katie’s heart. It was Ben, Katie thought. Ben. He was the Supreme Champion. A Champion of Kindness. Tears spilled down her cheeks. Angrily she swiped them away.

‘How dare you,’ she said.

She heard the torch switch off and she was left in the pitch black. Next she felt a hand reach out for hers. His touch was gentle. Coaxing. And then his arms were about her from behind. She felt the warmth and solidity of his big body press against her back. Softly Ben shivered the palms of his hands up and over the skin of her arms. She felt as if an angel had touched her. She sighed a long breath that seemed to soften her whole being.

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