Read Fifteen Going on Grown Up Online

Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

Fifteen Going on Grown Up (46 page)

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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“Wow, what can I say Clia? You look absolutely gorgeous.”

Rhys exclaimed kissing her on the lips. She smiled and returned the compliment.

“Stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely…can’t think of any more.”

Gregg told Corrinne also kissing her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Wes came forward to greet Hally and stood looking at her. He took her hand and gently kissed the back of it.

“You are more beautiful than any words can say.”

He told her. She flicked her eyelashes at him and gave him the biggest smile ever.

“And you are the most handsome man in the universe.”

The parents arranged their offspring in various combinations and poses to take numerous photographs. The girls stood together, then the boys, then couples and all six. Hally’s dad brought out a tray with champagne and goblets and more photos were taken as the cork was popped and flew high into the sky. Each holding a small glass of champagne the girls were photographed individually with the climbing rose as background. Then again, couples, parents, other family members and finally the six.

“Phew, now I know what a model must feel like.”

Hally said to her friends. They all giggled watching the boys who had huddled together and were whispering.

“What are they up to?”

Clia said. The boys broke apart and came towards them, each one with a hand behind his back. They stood in front of the girls and all together gave each girl a small transparent box. Inside each box was a delicate orchid corsage. The girls smiled and hugged the boys and after placing the flowers on their wrist more photographs were taken.

“The car’s here Hally.”

Dad announced and the whole group moved through the house to the front where a gleaming, sleek, black stretch limousine had just pulled up.

The six stood next to the car having yet more photos taken whilst their families and neighbours stood and watched. Eventually one by one, the boys handed the girls elegantly into the car and climbed in after them. Slowly the driver edged away from the kerb as they waved from the windows and moved off down the street. Their destination was The Old Crown Hotel in the centre of town which the school had used many times before and knew provided excellent food and entertainment for the students.

Cars of all descriptions were parked and lined up waiting to park outside the hotel. Girls dressed in gowns of various styles and colours emerged from the cars and as they mingled, looked like a beautiful rainbow, floating and shifting as they glided towards the entrance. Some with male escorts, some just in all girl groups. Most of the boys were in black tuxedos, but a few had added colour of their own and come in white, blue and maroon. All looked happy and excited for the evening ahead. Hally and Wes walked arm in arm followed by Corrinne and Gregg and Rhys and Clia. On the way in they met up with other students and the girls all squealed and complimented each other’s dress. The boys nodding or shaking hands with other lads they knew. The entire party was gently herded through the entrance lobby and into a large hall by teachers and hotel workers. The room had a dance floor at its centre and round tables surrounding the floor, all seating six. There was a table plan on a large board and each group or couple found their names and headed for their designated table. Hally and her group found their table right on the edge of the dance floor and sat down. Each table had a flower arrangement and menus in the middle.

The meal comprised of three courses with three choices of starter, main and dessert. Hally really didn’t take much notice of the taste of her food but found it pleasant enough. She was far more interested in watching the other students, chatting with Wes and her friends and waiting for the meal to end and the band to begin. Finally when the tables were cleared a local band of three men and two women began to tune up their instruments and check their microphones. The lead singer introduced the group and then they began to play. At first no one moved from their tables, they all just sat and listened, some singing along a little, others tapping their feet. After a few songs, a small group of girls moved onto the dance floor, staying close to the edge and tentatively jigged to the music. When the song ended they sat down again, but as the next song started they got up again and were joined by a few other groups. Gradually more and more people got up and headed for the dance floor, less and less sitting down between songs. Eventually the whole party was in full swing, the tables left empty until students and guests needed to sit and rest or get drinks.

Hally, Corrinne and Clia danced close to their table. Sometimes the boys joined them but mostly sat out of the more vigorous tunes preferring the slower melodies where they could dance up close to their girlfriends. Occasionally other girls they knew would come over and chat or dance, but most of the evening was spent with just them and the boys. When the band took a break, Hally and Wes wandered out of the tall French windows at the back of the hall into the garden of the hotel. The air was sweet and fresh after the stuffiness and heat of the hall as they strolled hand in hand along the pathways, shrubs on either side of them. They saw other couples and groups of girls and boys all getting away from the heat too as they found a solitary bench and sat down. Wes draped his arm over her shoulder and she leaned against him.

“It’s a great night isn’t it?”

She whispered.


He replied and took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. As usual his kiss ignited the fire within her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. He rubbed his hands up and down her back sending shivers throughout her body. She did not want him to stop and felt bereft when he backed away.

“Too many people around.”

He whispered huskily and even though she wanted to grab him and put her hands all over him, she knew he was right. After all they didn’t want to get thrown out for not behaving. Taking her hand Wes led her back inside and the evening continued happily.

The limousine was waiting at midnight when they all emerged from the hotel. They piled in, all tired and no longer so concerned with elegance. The girls’ feet were sore from dancing in high heels all night much to the amusement of the boys. Hally slouched on one of the seats her legs stretched out across Wes. He pulled her shoes off and rubbed her toes. It tickled but soothed at the same time. Corrinne and Clia followed suit both sighing as their shoes were removed and their feet freed from constriction. Gregg took one of Corrinne’s feet in between both his hands and held it away from him.

“Phew Corry, do I have to rub these, they’re a bit whiffy.”

Corrinne took a swipe at him but he ducked laughing loudly. Rhys looked at Clia and opened his mouth to speak. She pointed at him.

“Not a word.”

She warned. He laughed and said.

“Would I?”

Clia nodded. Instead he covered his mouth with a fist and pretended to cough but with a very audible.

“Smelly feet.”

Laughing, Clia took a swing at him but missed as the car bumped over a hole in the road. This brought more laughter from all of them which continued as they arrived at Corrinne’s house. Gregg and Corrinne climbed out saying goodnight and the driver pulled away from the kerb heading for Clia’s house. As she lived close to Corrinne this didn’t take long and soon she and Rhys were also saying goodnight.

Alone in the car, Hally snuggled up to Wes and closed her eyes. She didn’t think she could ever feel as content as she did just then. She had almost dozed off when the driver pulled over outside her house. Wes climbed out and took Hally’s hand to help her out. She still had her shoes in her other hand so once out of the car, Wes lifted her and carried her to the house. In his arms she fumbled in her bag for her key and finally plucked it out and opened the door. Wes lowered her onto the carpet and she plodded tiredly towards the lounge, her hair having come loose and her makeup smudged. Mum and dad were still up watching television and smiled when they saw her.

“The princess has turned into a frog.”

Dad mocked her. Hally giggled and plonked down next to him on the sofa lifting her feet and draping them over the arm. Wes sat down in the armchair.

“Did you have a good time?”

Mum asked.

“Absolutely wonderful.”

Hally told her parents closing her eyes and resting her head on her father’s shoulder. Wes looked at her and said.

“She’s worn out, been dancing most of the night. I should get off home.”

Hally opened her eyes quickly but didn’t get up.

“Oh do you have to?”

She said in a little girl voice. Wes laughed and nodded.

“Yes I do and you need to get some sleep.”

Hally pouted. Dad nudged her and said to Wes.

“I’ll run you home, you look done in too.”

Wes thanked him and stood up. He leaned over Hally and gave her a kiss and when she tried to get up to go with them he stopped her telling her she should go to bed and he would see her tomorrow. Reluctantly she let him go and he headed off out the back door with dad.

Dragging herself to a sitting position on the sofa Hally turned to her mum and asked if she would help her get out of the dress. Mum told her she would and took her daughter’s hand pulling her up. Hally put an arm through her mum’s and let her lead her up the stairs to her bedroom. Once inside mum unzipped her dress and gently eased it over her head. She turned to hang it up and when she looked back Hally was already under her duvet with her eyes closed.

“Did you take your stockings off baby?”

Mum asked gently lifting a tendril of hair away from her face. With her eyes still closed Hally nodded, so mum leaned over, kissed her goodnight and left the room turning the light off.

Chapter 18

What Next?

A few days after the prom Wes rang her telling her he had some news for her. He told her his parents had arranged to take Ellie to a holiday park for a long weekend break so would have the house to himself for a few days. Hally at once became excited and apprehensive at the same time. She texted Corrinne and Clia and asked them to come round and knowing their friend they responded almost immediately.

“So what do you think I should do?”

She asked her friends as they sat
on the deck enjoying the sunshine.

“Hals what do you want to do?”

Clia asked her.

“Well I know what I’d like to do, but don’t know if I should.”

She replied.

“You know, maybe you shouldn’t try and plan anything. Just see what happens and how you feel at the time.”

Corrinne told her.

“Has Wes asked you to stay over?”

Corrinne asked and Hally realised that he had actually only told her he would have the house to himself. He hadn’t mentioned anything about her staying with him.

“Actually no. Oh I don’t know what to think anymore.”

Hally said dejectedly.

“Hey sweetie, don’t let it get you down. It’s not a big deal.”

Hally knew her friend was right but lately how she felt every time Wes came near her was becoming a very big deal. Just then Wes came through the gate and seeing him their conversation stopped in its tracks.

“Are my ears burning?”

He asked with a smile and a kiss for Hally. She blushed lightly but it was Clia who replied.

“Just girl talk.”

Wes grinned and then said.

“Did Hally tell you about my parents going away?”

Corrinne and Clia both nodded.

“So Hally, are you going to ask your mum and dad if you can come and stay over?”

He said it casually. She was surprised and didn’t quite know what to say.


She stammered. Wes looked at her with concern.

“It’s alright babe, if you don’t want to I won’t be upset. I just thought we could spend a bit of time alone. I bought that new DVD you wanted to see and well it would be nice to just curl up and watch it quietly.”

Hally now looked concerned.

“It’s fine Wes really, I just didn’t know if you wanted me to stay over. Of course I’ll ask them. I’m sure they will say yes anyway.”

Corrinne and Clia gave her a little knowing smirk, both aware that Hally had skirted the truth completely but withholding their friend’s secret.

After dinner that evening Hally waited until Nathan asked if he could get down and her mum had cleared the table of the plates. She sat holding her glass of orange juice reluctant to broach the subject but anxious to hear what her parents had to say about it. Swallowing the last of her juice Hally took a deep breath and said.

“Mum, dad, Wes’ parents are going away next weekend and he wants to know if I can stay over. What do you think?”

Mum finished loading the dishwasher and came back to the table sitting next to her daughter.

“Well it’s really up to you my angel. Do you want to stay over or do you want us to say no?”

Hally picked at a crumb on the table.

“I want to stay over.”

She mumbled hesitating and not sure of what to say next. Dad stood up saying.

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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