Fierce Defender: Book 2, Hard to Handle trilogy (7 page)

BOOK: Fierce Defender: Book 2, Hard to Handle trilogy
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“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” Vincent reproached him. “Stand the fuck up straight, and pull your pants up when you speak to me. You’re a despicable example of a human being. Just for the honor of being in my presence, you should be on your knees begging to suck my cock.”

Enrique looked at his boss with uncertainty.
Did the man really want him to suck his cock?
He was about to ask when Vincent cut him off.

“I told you that I wanted the package brought to me the second that it was delivered, did I not?”

Enrique got it now. The Boss was just trying to make it clear he was still in charge.
That was a close one
, he thought, glad he hadn’t dropped to his knees before he’d figured it out.

“I’m sorry, Boss,” he said in what Vincent had once told him mirrored a fake Hollywood version of what a Mexican thug was supposed to sound like. “I told that fucker, Pablo, to bring it down fifteen minutes ago when it got here.”

“Come here,” Vincent commanded. Enrique’s mind flashed back to the possibility that the Boss really did want a blow job. He strutted over towards him, and when he was close enough, Vincent smacked him across the face with the back of his hand, knocking him on his ass and causing blood to spurt from his nose and mouth.

“Fuck!” Enrique yelled. “What was that for?”

“For being a lying little fuck-head,” Vincent told him. “I just got off the phone with the sender of the package. It’s been sitting up here for over an hour. What the hell is going on up here that you haven’t had time to bring it to me?”

Enrique was trying to get his bearings back. His ears were ringing, and he was thinking he would have much rather had Heston’s cock in his mouth than be bitch-slapped like that. He tried to think of a plausible reason that he hadn’t taken the package down. The truth was, he and his boys had been smoking some good weed and watching the Playboy channel on the eighty-inch plasma television set in the living room. He opened his sore mouth to speak.

Before the words came out, Vincent said, “Lie to me again, you stupid fuck, and I’ll cut your head off.”

Enrique believed him. “We were screwing around, sir. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

“Funny how you suddenly lost your fake Vato accent,” Vincent sneered. “Get your worthless ass up and bring me my package.”

Enrique scrambled to his feet. His pants dropped to his ankles as he did, and as Vincent watched him hobble away, holding them up with one hand, Enrique knew the Boos was shaking his head.

“Worthless,” he spat again.


Sutherland Springs, Texas

Wednesday, Almost Noon


Eva knew she should get up. Even though she was still worried about Hank, it was her day off, and she had a lot to do. There was laundry, and grocery shopping, and she wanted to work on her novel… Yet, she continued to lie there in the bed, surrounded by the heady aroma of the lovemaking that she and Zack had engaged in over the past few hours. He had finally torn himself away and gone into work. He had a one o’clock appointment and wanted to get the paperwork ready before the client arrived. Before he left, he promised that if he heard anything about Hank, he would let her know.

Eva had planned on getting up right after he left. But as she had lain there, she’d let her mind wander back over their conversation that morning. Earlier, while sitting on Zack’s lap, she had convinced him to finally tell her his thoughts about Hank.

“You know that the Witness Protection program won’t just relocate him, right? They’ll set him up with a whole new identity that will involve working and being a part of a community. They could very well have arranged a job for him already.”

“Yes, Gray told Hank all of that. I had suggested they get him a job where he can work with his hands. I think it would be good for him.”

“As do I,” Zack said as he ran his hands up from her waist towards her breasts.

Eva slapped them back down. “Go on.”

Zack grinned at her lecherously again and then said, “I’m not saying anything that we both don’t already know. Hank is severely allergic to work. I think the thought of going somewhere he would be expected to work every day to earn a paycheck, like the rest of us, was too much for him.”

Eva nodded. She wasn’t mad. It was actually almost exactly what she was thinking. But…

“Where do you think he went this morning? He’s obviously not going to be able to live off of me if he’s in hiding.”

“I don’t know,” Zack said, now nuzzling his face against her chest and trying to work her robe open. “Maybe he already had a plan.”

“Maybe…” Eva said thoughtfully. Then suddenly, she felt Zack’s lips on the nipple he had freed from underneath the robe. She took in a sharp breath and, losing all other rational thought, wrapped his hair in her hands and held it in place as he sucked, nibbled, and licked her pert nipple. She eventually reached down and loosened the tie on the robe so that he’d have access to both her breasts; the other was getting jealous.

Once the robe was out of the way, Zack, still sucking a nipple in and out of his mouth, reached down between her legs and slipped his thumb and index finger underneath the edge of her wet panties. He used his thumb to rub her swollen clit and slipped his finger inside where she was hot and wet. Thanks to his hard cock pressing against her while they’d been talking, she was ready.

She arched her back and moaned. Zack released her nipple and looked up at her. “Are we finished talking for now?” he asked.

“Hell, yes,” she said in a breathless voice. Zack grinned, and taking his hand from her panties, he picked her up and carried her down the hall to the bedroom, kissing and nuzzling her neck along the way. Dropping her down on the bed, he proceeded to remove his clothes. Eva quickly shed her robe and panties, just as Zack dropped to his knees next to the bed.

Eva shivered, now alone and naked in the bed, remembering how Zack’s sweet lips had traveled up her inner thigh and then brushed softly against her swollen lips, teasing her as they crossed over and made their way down the inside of the other leg. His delicious touch had caused her to squirm. As she remembered his head coming back up, and his tongue flicking out and making contact with her aching clit, she let her hands travel down her body and come to rest along the outer edges of her pussy.

She closed her eyes tightly and remembered how he had ran his tongue, slowly at first, along her slit, up and down, driving her crazy with desire. She was so caught up in the memory that she barely noticed her own fingers now emulating his actions. She visualized how he had pulled her hips down further towards him so that his tongue could snake inside of her. Her finger, as if with a mind of its own, slipped inside of her. She then remembered panting heavily and saying:

“Oh God, yes… Zack… Fuck me with your tongue… Oh, baby, it feels so good.”

She moaned loudly, unsure if it had come out of her now, or if it was just a memory. Either way, she was horny again and wishing Zack was here to replace her fingers with his tongue. She kept her eyes closed and pictured him between her legs. She loved to watch him as he licked and sucked and nibbled on her clit. He looked so sexy, and now, as she envisioned it, she couldn’t stand it anymore. She’d had enough of her gentle rubbing and tweaking.

She reached over to the nightstand next to the bed and down to the bottom drawer, then felt underneath her undergarments where her toys lay. Zack had bought them for her. He liked to watch her play. She wished he was here to watch her now, but she would have to make do with the memories…

Laying down on her back and spreading her legs, she closed her eyes once more. She took her right breast in her left hand, and as she squeezed and kneaded it, she used her right hand to stroke the life-like vibrator along the outside of her pussy lips. She let the head of it drift down to push against her clit. Using her thumb to turn the toy on, she lay there in ecstasy as it vibrated against her, causing her already wet pussy to gush with juices.

She was ready, and as she lifted her legs up and tucked her feet under each side of her hips, she remembered back to this morning when, after driving her wild by licking her pussy for what seemed like hours, Zack had finally driven his throbbing cock deep inside of her. She plunged the vibrating toy now, deep inside of her wet pussy, still rolling and pinching her nipples. Her hips bucked as she remembered Zack kissing her just before he came, his hot tongue still wet with her juices, and she had tasted herself as both of their bodies had tensed up just before they’d had a mind-blowing mutual orgasm.

Eva was ready again. She pushed the toy in deeper. It still didn’t fill her up the way Zack’s cock did, but it would have to do. She let go of her breasts and grabbed the sheet, balling it up in her hand as her pussy contracted around the hard faux dick inside of her, and she came once more.

She shuddered as she retracted the vibrator and turned it off. She lay there, sweating and panting, sure now more than ever she needed to get up and do laundry. The sheet underneath her was soaked. She rolled her body to an upright position, and as soon as her feet hit the floor, her cell phone began ringing.

Eva loved sex, and when she was having it, or masturbating and thinking about having it, she felt no qualms about it at all. But since she was about sixteen, she always had a mild feeling of guilt after masturbating. She had that now and jumped as the ringing of the phone broke the silence in the room, making her feel suddenly like she wasn’t alone, and that whoever was calling knew what she had just done.

She reached for the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Trish. Her guilt rolled away instantly. Her friend was a bigger pervert than she was.

“Hi lady,” she said as she answered. “What’s up?”

“I told Tyler,” Trish said.

Eva wasn’t able to read her tone. “And…?” she prompted. “Was he mad like you were afraid he would be?”

Trish giggled. “No, he’s ecstatic. He took the day off work, and we’ve been having congratulatory sex all morning.”

Eva thought about what had been happening in her own bed all morning and smiled. It must be going around the neighborhood.

“So you decided to call and tell me about it?” she joked.

“No, but if you want to hear about it…”

“Um, no. Thank you,” Eva declined, knowing Trish was just messing with her.

“I called to see if you and Zack wanted to join us for dinner tonight? Tyler wants to have a big ole barbecue to celebrate. I told him to wait for the weekend when everyone could stay late and have a good time, but he’s too excited. He wants to do it tonight.”

Eva smiled. She was so happy Tyler had taken it well. She really believed they were going to be great parents. “I would love to be there,” she told Trish. “I’ll have to check with Zack. I don’t think he has plans, but I hate to speak for him.”

“That’ll change,” Trish said with a giggle. “Eventually, you’ll do all the talking for both of you. I’m going to call Mitch and Flynn and the rest of those idiots. I’ll see you and Zack about seven?”

“Sounds great,” Eva told her. “Did you need me to bring anything?”

“Just your beautiful self, and your hot fiancé.”

Eva smiled again. “Bye, Mama!”

Trish giggled. “That suits me, doesn’t it? Mama! I’m going to be a mama!”

Eva hung up, still smiling. Trish’s energy and excitement had snaked its way through the phone. She headed for the shower, making a list in her head of the things she was going to accomplish today.


Brownsville, Texas

Wednesday, Noon


Vincent sat on the sofa next to Marcella and opened the large plain-brown package. Inside, as promised by his “Boss,” were the papers that he and Marcella would need to relocate. There were clothes in the box too. Vincent pulled them out, and he and Marcella both made a face at the poor quality of them. The jeans looked like they had been purchased at the swap meet, a sale held at the fairgrounds every weekend. There was a pair for each of them, as well as long-sleeved shirts, denim jackets, and two tacky looking pairs of boots. A small baggie held an assortment of cheap costume jewelry and make-up.

It was perfect.

Vincent smiled, and handing the women’s clothing to Marcella, he said, “Put these on, wear your hair up big and high, and put on a lot of make-up.” Right away, she went to do as he said.

Meanwhile, Vincent put on the men’s clothing. He went into the small bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. The clothes alone made him practically unrecognizable. However, he needed to look like the pictures on the identification cards in the box. Opening the bathroom cabinet, he took out the box of Miss Clairol stored there.

“Marcella!” he called.

She came to the doorway of the bathroom. If he hadn’t known it was her, he wouldn’t have recognized her. The cheap clothing fit her snugly. The button-up shirt barely contained her large breasts. She had it tied at the waist, and a tasty-looking morsel of her soft, flat belly was showing. Her hair was piled high on her head and ratted out; the black liner underneath her eyes rivaled that of Cleopatra’s, if he ignored the white shadow that started at her lid and ended underneath her brow.

“Aye, sexy lady,” he said with a grin.

Marcella blushed. “I feel cheap in these clothes, but if you like them, that’s all that matters.”

Vincent sat down in a chair and held a towel around his shoulders as Marcella applied the contents of the Miss Clairol bottle to his head. When she had combed it through all of his hair, she set the timer for twenty minutes. Vincent looked her up and down once more and licked his lips. The way the cheap jeans fit her lovely plump ass was giving him a hard-on. Marcella noticed, and without waiting to be asked, she knelt down in front of him, unzipped his pants, and took his cock in her mouth.

“God, you’re excellent at that,” he told her as she ran her tongue along the shaft and then gently sucked the head of it into her mouth, only stopping when it had reached the back of her throat. She repeated her movements, and added a few more along the way, until Vincent’s body tensed and he filled her mouth with his cum. He shuddered as he watched her swallow it. She wiped her lips on the back of her hand and helped him tuck himself back inside his shorts and zip up his pants, just as the timer let out a sharp “ding,” bringing them back to the task at hand.

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