Fierce (15 page)

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Authors: Clarissa Wild

BOOK: Fierce
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“Let’s face it, you thought I was a sweet,
troubled guy, who just needed a friend. And now you find out how wrong you are
about me.”

Refusing to speak, I just stare at him in
blind hatred.

I hate him. I seriously hate his guts.

“You can give me the silent treatment all
you want, but we’re going to talk. Eventually. I can wait.”

“Fuck you! I saw you in there … Pathetic.
Scarlet’s with Brody. How could you do that?” I’m fuming, and I feel like a
dragon spitting fire. I just want to shout swearwords at him all day long.

He chortles. “Brody was right there with
us. Do you think he’d be relaxing on a couch with a bunch of girls if he
minded?” Hunter shakes his head. “You’ve got it all wrong. Scarlet’s the one in
pain. She was just looking for some distraction.”

“Whatever.” I turn my head so I don’t have
to look at him anymore.

Hunter squints, carefully assessing my

“Regardless, I’m not going to let you just
walk away from here.”

“And you think you can stop me? Not a
chance.” Now I’m squirming again, twisting in his arms.

He muffles another laugh and grabs me by my
arms, leaning in. “Want to test out that theory?”

There’s a sly half-smile on his face, and
all I can do is purse my lips together and boil in my own anger.

Hunter puts me down in front of him, grabs
my hand and drags me to a car. Protesting isn’t of any use. His strength is
triple my own.

He opens the passenger’s side door and
points inside. “Get in.”

“Since when do you have a car?” I say.

“Borrowed it. Now get in.”

“I don’t want to,” I snap.

“Do you want to stay here all night? Or do
you want to go home?”

“I don’t care.”

“Get. In,” he says crudely.


“Goddammit, get inside or I’ll lift you up
and lock you in myself.”

He looks so determined it’s intimidating.

Swallowing, I take a deep breath and step
inside the car.

“Stay there,” he orders, as he walks to the
other side of the car and gets in.

My arms are crossed as he starts the car.
The engine rumbles, and Hunter gives me a piercing glare before the car races
away with screeching tires.

Chapter 17



Chewing my cheek, I stare out the window.
Rain is pouring down, blocking my view, but I will not turn around. I try not
to even glance at him. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of making me
look at him.

I don’t want to peek at him for even one
second. Not anymore.

“Before I take you home, I need you to do
something for me.”

Snorting, I shake my head and refuse to

“Talk,” he says.

It’s quiet. I keep my mouth firmly shut as
Hunter switches up the gear. We race through the streets as if it’s a racing

“You’re really mad, aren’t you?” he says.

“Damn right I am,” I snap.

Shit, I broke my own promise of not talking
to him.

He chuckles. “You’re getting worked up over

“You were trading drugs again! I wouldn’t
be surprised if you took some yourself, too.”

He laughs, and it’s a deep, husky sound
that turns my insides to mush. I don’t want to feel that way, but I still do.

“I only sell it. I don’t take it. I told
you, I hate that stuff. I would never take it unless they forced me to.”

“Well, you were at that party, which is
already bad enough.”

“You were there, too,” he scoffs. “Quite a
surprise to me. I can’t believe you showed up there. Do you even know how
fucking dangerous that is, huh?”

“I was looking for you. Jaret brought me.
It was his idea.”

“Yeah, and I’m going to thoroughly thank
him for that later.” He furrows his brows in an annoyed manner.

“Don’t blame it on him. I didn’t say no. I
wanted to see what you were doing, and I was right all along.”

“Oh? So now you’re the one watching me?”
One of his eyebrows lifts, and on his face is a cheeky smile.

I just want to give him a smack on the

“You’re following me, checking what I do.
You went to a party in
dress, just to keep up with me.”

His eyes swipe over my body, and my pussy
clenches with need I don’t want to feel, but do.

“You’ve changed, Leafy.”

“Don’t call me that,” I snap.

“Why? You think it’s a bad name?” The smug
smile on his face makes me roll my eyes.

“You’re laughing at me.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are. You always do that.”

“No. I just like to see you riled up.”

I sigh. “Whatever.”

He steps on the gas, making the car go even
faster. It’s scaring me a bit. There are puddles on the road and the windshield
is spattered with rain. We might slip if he makes a turn here.

“Can we go slower, please?” I mutter.

He ignores my question. “You know what I
think? I think you’re jealous.”


“You heard me. Scarlet was all over me, and
you hate that.”

Pursing my lips, I snort, trying to show
him that I do
care. I definitely don’t care. At all.

Okay, maybe I do.

He ripped my heart out. I don’t want to
admit it, however.

“You don’t have to say it. I already know
you like me.”

A flush spreads across my neck and cheeks,
and I try to hide it behind my hair.

“You wished it was you purring up against
me instead of her.”

“Shut up!” I say, and he chuckles. “Just
stop it.”

“Oh, I’m only getting started.”

“Can we just go home?” I mutter, sighing.

Suddenly the car starts to rattle, and
smoke rises up from the engine.

Shit. Now this.

I can’t believe what a disaster this night
is turning into. First I find out my best friend is in love with me, and now
she’s avoiding me. I find out Hunter’s a drug dealer for some shady guys, and
he gets into fights because of the same people. And I thought Scarlet and Brody
were a couple … guess that’s a thing of the past, too.

Seeing her put her fingers on him makes me
so goddamn angry, I could scream.

What a night.

“Fuck,” Hunter mutters, as we go slower and

The car starts to sputter, and the engine
stops running after a while. Then we come to a halt.

“Yes. We’re fucked,” I say.

Dammit. I just want to go home, lock myself
up in my room, and sleep. I don’t have time for this.

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Hunter
steps out of the car and starts dialing some number.

He’s just standing there, calling, in the
middle of a rainstorm.

However, I don’t want to wait for him to
call someone and get us some help. Maybe I can see what the problem is. I’m not
a champion when it comes to cars, but I can at least try. It’s better than

I step outside and shiver when cold drops
of water land on my skin. I’m wearing nothing but a flimsy black dress, and
it’s goddamn pouring out here.

“Half an hour? Cool. Bye.” Those three
sentences are all I catch of his conversation.

I walk to the front of the car, shaking
rigorously from the sheer cold. I lift the hood and peer inside. Blowing away
the smoke that is suffocating me, I check if everything’s still in order.
There’s nothing leaking out, so that’s a plus.

Oh, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing

“You a car mechanic now, too?”

I jolt up and the hood slams shut in front
of me. Hunter’s behind me, standing way too close for comfort.

“I just want to get this fixed as soon as
possible,” I say.

He chuckles. “Relax. They’re coming. I got
it covered. Get in the car before you’re soaked to the bone.”

Crossing my arms, I turn around and sigh.
“I think I can make my own decisions.”

He’s right in front of me, literally in my
face, his lips curved mischievously. “You don’t just want to go home quickly.
You want to get away from me. You’re avoiding it,” he chimes.

“That’s right.”

“You don’t want to admit you don’t like
seeing me with other chicks. You want me for yourself.” He leans in and places
his big hands on the hood, trapping me between his arms. The air is suddenly
thick, and it feels hard to breathe.

“You’re an ass and you know it,” I snap.

He laughs. “You’re still under the
impression that I was enjoying the party.”

“You sure looked like you had fun with

“Hmm … and that’s where you’re wrong.”

He leans in so close, our foreheads almost
touch. He’s taunting me, gauging my reaction. I won’t give in to his games. I
won’t lose. Not this time.

My teeth are chattering, but I won’t stop
looking him straight in the eye.

“She just wants to numb the pain. They all
do. That’s what I give them. I know what you’re thinking, but it couldn’t be
further from the truth. My only role at that party was to hand out drugs.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if it was more
than that,” I retort. “You let them feel you up. Of course I’m thinking that’s
also one of the things you do.”

He chuckles. “Thanks for the compliment. I
feel flattered, but no, I’m not a gigolo,” he muses. “God. You almost sound
like a girlfriend.”

My eyes widen and my entire body heats up
from his comment. Only now do I notice his black t-shirt is completely soaked,
and sticks to his delicious body. I can see every nook, each dent, all the hard
lines and curves of his muscles. It’s almost … bare. Just the mere thought of
seeing him naked is turning my brains to mush.

“Oh, did I strike a nerve?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
My hands are shivering, so I clench the car behind me. It doesn’t stop the

“You know, I quite like this quibbling. It
got some fun back into my life,” he says, chortling.

“You’re just provoking me.”

He frowns, but his lips still show his
amusement. “I’m dead serious. It’s funny seeing you get so worked up over


“Hmm … no, I know what you want. You want
to be the first to tame me. And you want me to ravage you.”

He squints, flashing a grin that’s making
me flush so badly.

My folds are getting wet, I can feel it. I
can’t help myself, even though I feel so fucking bad for feeling like this
right now. He just does that to me.

But all he wants is to incite me to get

“You’re just making a joke out of this.”

“Why would I?” His eyes are half-mast now.

“Because I told you I never really had a
boyfriend before, and you think that’s funny.”

He closes his eyes, cocks his head and
laughs loudly. I just stare at him, fazed.

“You really don’t see it, do you?” he says
after a while.


“I’ve tried to keep you away from me. To
show you that I’m a bastard. To make you see that I’m fucking messed up. And
you still want me.”

I suck in my lip as he says those last

“Who said I want you? You keep putting
those words into my mouth. I never said anything like that.”

He muffles a laugh, but it sounds more like
a guttural groan instead. The sound turns on every part of my body. It’s hard
to ignore my pulsing nub, and the overwhelming need to let him be the first to
take me.

My body is telling me to jump his bones,
while my brain is telling me to run as fast as I can. I don’t know what I
really want anymore.

“And don’t say those things about

He shakes his head. “But you can?”

“Yes, well―”

“Oh, just shut up already.”

Suddenly he inches closer and presses his
lips firmly down onto mine.

My eyes are wide open. Hunter’s lips are
crushing mine. He’s kissing me.

Am I dreaming?

His hot mouth covers mine and ravishes me.
Alternating soft kisses with harsh ones, he’s driving me insane.

My eyes close as he keeps kissing me.

He’s so fucking good at this, I swear I’m
going to faint. I’ve never been kissed like this before. He’s like a predator,
a prowling animal, and I’m the feast he’s indulging himself with.

His long, lavish licks turn me on so much
that I moan in his mouth. He responds with a groan, sending shocks through my
entire body.

We’re kissing in the middle of nowhere, in
the rain, both wet and wild, and it’s amazing.

Soon his hands find their way to the small
of my back where he digs his fingers into my skin. His kisses are sexy and
sensual, and everything I imagined them being. Licking my lips in between his
kisses, he forces my mouth to part and dips his tongue inside. He explores my
mouth, and lets his hands reign freely over my back. Everywhere he goes, goose
bumps pop up, and my body trembles from his touch.

Hunter steps closer and puts his hands on
my waist. He lifts me up and sets me down on the hood of the car with no
problem, continuing his wolfish raid on me. My thighs go watery as his legs
part mine. He nudges me open, getting closer and closer as if he wants to claim
my body right here, right now.

With his full, beautiful mouth on mine, I
give up the fight. He’s tempted me, chased me, persuaded me, and now I’m his.

His scorching kisses feel so hungry, so
full of desire, I can’t help but get completely wound up.

He moans one last time before retreating
and gazing right at me. I don’t want him to stop. The sensual look in his eyes
seeps into every one of my pores, awakening my blooming sexuality.

“You’re not fighting me anymore …” I don’t
know if that’s a question or a statement. His husky voice turns me upside down
and makes me feel so aroused.

“I told you I give girls what they want.” The
smug smile on his face is both annoyingly sexy as it is fucking vexing. “I knew
I’d get you eventually.”

Only after a few seconds does it register
what he just said. Am I just a chase? He’s been planning this?

He’s still making a joke out of this, even after
kissing me.

Then I realize I played right into his
hands. He did that on purpose. I let him chase me and claim his prize.

He won.

I push him forward and wriggle my way under
his arm to get away.

“Hey, where are you going?” he says, coming
after me.

“I’m gonna sit in the car and wait this

“Why?” He catches up to me and grabs my

“Because you’re still playing with me.”

“What?” he says, his brows edging toward
each other.

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