Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant (26 page)

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Authors: Humberto Fontova

Tags: #Politics, #Non-Fiction

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During almost two years in Castro’s dungeons, Oliva and his men lived under a daily death sentence. Escaping that sentence would have been easy: simply sign the little confession (Communists
just love
bullshit paperwork!) saying they were “mercenaries of the Yankee imperialists.”
Neither Oliva nor any of his men signed the document. His hundreds of men stood solidly with their commander. “We will die with dignity!” snapped Oliva at a furious Fernandez again, and again, and again. To a Castroite such an attitude not only enrages but baffles. It is an honor for me to include General Erneido Oliva’s name among those who helped me with this project.
Among the many other Bay of Pigs vets who helped were Alberto “Pilo” Fontova, Fernando Marquet, and Esteban Bovo—part of a list too long to mention. Miami radio star Ninoska Perez-Castellon was also on hand, informing me, directing me, amusing me. Señora Ela Manero saved me many a trip to the library with her painstaking research.
Considering the topic, this could have been a very morose book. I like to think I sidestepped that, and did so with the help of all my invaluable collaborators. So,
muchisimas gracias!
And one more thing. On the home stretch of completing this book, with my tongue hanging, with the crowds roaring, with the finish line in sight, I almost lost my life in a hideous accident. On September 11, 2004, as it turned out.
I was thrown from my bicycle and plunged off a tall bridge, bounced off sharp steel girders on the way down, and finally landed face and head first, twenty feet below on jagged boulders. I remained there unconscious and bleeding heavily for half an hour till passersby rushed to the rescue.
The result: fractured skull, subdermal hematoma, smashed eye and orbit, eight-inch gash in the forehead with cracked skull exposed, leg and hip broken in six places, five ribs broken along with arm and hand, and various internal injuries. The first few days in intensive care the speculations ran to survival. We cleared that one. Then came speculations about paralysis, life in a wheelchair (I’m a maniacal outdoorsman, not a happy prospect). We cleared that one. Then came speculations concerning severe brain damage from the horrific trauma to the head (I write and speak for a living, again not a happy prospect).
Well, to end this depressing screed, this past Christmas season, by a process not easily explained by the fine folks who removed prayer from schools and mangers from courthouses, I found myself not just merrily celebrating the holidays along with this book’s completion, along with my dad’s seventy-eighth birthday, along with my twenty-sixth wedding anniversary, along with my parents’ fifty-fifth anniversary, along with my daughter’s engagement—but
at the multifarious and raucous celebrations!
And I’m talking everything from the Hustle and Bump to the Boot-Scootin-Boogie and Cha-Cha-Cha! I was on a crutch and wearing an eyepatch—so, okay, I wasn’t exactly John Travolta. But STILL!
So that takes care of the physical recovery, you say. Now how ’bout that brain damage? Well, these rollicking festivities also found me as engaging, witty, erudite, sparkling, talkative, boisterous . . . Oh hi, honey. (My darling wife often reads over my shoulder, making helpful suggestions.)
“A bit wordy, Humberto. Just write as ‘
as ever.’ ”
“Thanks, honey!” You get the point, amigos. Thanks to a chorus of prayers, thanks to a positively suffocating avalanche of moral (and physical) support from my family, and a crowd of—
fair-weather, by any means—friends (led by Chris and Cindy Keys, along with the Raymond family) I find myself firmly back in the saddle. And this book is the result.
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