Fevered Hearts (8 page)

Read Fevered Hearts Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #mmf;mfm;menage;wheelchair;logging;forestry;romance;erotic romance;erotica

BOOK: Fevered Hearts
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He shoved his wheels and the chair drifted forward, within touching distance of Ward. If only Liam could get out of this fucking chair and put his arms around the man he’d hurt so badly.

“You’re shaking.” Ward’s voice was soft and filled with the rasp of caring.

Liam clamped his hands on his wheels harder. “Fuck, yeah. This is my wife we’re talking about.”

“I’ll do anything to keep her safe. I’ll stay up all night and sit with a shotgun outside your house.”

The idea had merit. If one trespasser set foot on their land, he’d find himself with built-in air conditioning—to his heart.

“The police said stuff like this rarely results in any action. It’s the threats the people get off on.” Liam bowed his head. Why hadn’t he gotten out of this chair months ago?
That’s if I can.

Ward gripped Liam’s shoulder. “We’ll take care of her. I’ll drive her to and from work.”

Liam shook his head. “What reason would you give? I had no intention of telling her about the threat, Ward.”

“What do you mean you aren’t going to tell her?” Ward’s voice raised a notch. “It’s her life—she deserves to know.”

“She’s stressed enough with this,” Liam swept a hand over his legs, “and with what happened the other night—”

“Wait. That stressed her?” Ward’s bright gaze drilled through Liam. The sapphire specks in his eyes still sent Liam reeling. And when he’d seen those eyes dark with passion as he came into Ivy’s body…

He shook himself. “I’m not sure. We haven’t exactly discussed it. But she was quiet all weekend.”

“Thoughtful quiet or filled-with-pain quiet?” Ward smacked the sole of his boot off the wooden front panel of the desk.

Liam lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “We haven’t been discussing deep topics this past year, man. But I did tell her about work and going for therapy.”

“Why the hell didn’t you talk about what happened with us, though? Dammit, Liam, she deserves that much. She has to be whirling from what happened. Her husband gave her to another man, for Chrissakes!”

Liam clenched his teeth. “I know.” He already felt shitty enough about his failure to make Ivy happy. He didn’t need Ward’s reminders.

“Then you know you should have sat down and talked about it before we went at it in that bed.”

Wrenching his wheelchair to the side, he faced away from the man’s accusatory looks. “I’m trying, all right?”

“Yeah? Doesn’t look like it from this side of the fence.”

Was that how Ward saw himself? On the outside looking in? Liam shook his head. No, that wasn’t right. In his heart, Ward stood right there with Ivy. There was no goddamn fence.

Dropping his face into his hands, Liam drew deep breaths. “What should I do?” He’d been out of control for so long, even his decisions weren’t correct, apparently. Would Ward take over if he handed him the power?

The last thing Liam wanted was to appear weak, yet he didn’t trust himself anymore. He’d chosen not to try the therapy and that decision had been woefully wrong. He’d allowed his wife to drift along on a sea without love, thinking she would be happier on her own than with half a man.

All wrong.

He spun to face Ward. The angular lines of his jaw called to Liam on a primal level, but now he saw the whole package in Ward. The friend, comrade, partner, lover. Out west, they’d only been friends and lovers. Liam had refused to give more.

“I’m sorry I didn’t show you what you meant to me when I had the chance, Ward.”

His words dropped into the silence. Something dark and pained slithered over Ward’s face, but he smoothed his features instantly.

Kicking the desk front again, he stared at his feet. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You sure as hell do. I didn’t give you a chance to be my partner, to make choices for the good of both of us. I was wrong, and I’m the first to admit it.”

Ward met his gaze. Passion and emotion were hot sparks between them. The air snapped with tension. Ward reached out and Liam caught his hand, tangled their fingers together.

“I trust you to help me make better decisions now.”

Ward’s mouth softened. He slid the pad of his thumb over Liam’s forefinger, sending energy straight to his cock. Liam barely bit off the moan of delight at the new sensation—the stronger sensation.

“You’re going to talk to Ivy too, Liam. Sit down tonight and tell her how you feel about everything.”

“Including how I feel about you.”

Ward’s Adam’s apple bobbed violently. “Are there feelings for me?”

“You know fucking well there are. I never stopped…loving you, Ward. I was just too much of an ass to admit it then. I may be weaker of body and even of mind in some ways now, but I’m man enough to say I love you.”

“Jesus,” Ward breathed. He clasped a hand around Liam’s nape and hauled him half out of his chair to meet his mouth. The crush of Ward’s lips ignited a warmth in Liam’s heart. For a long moment, they remained unmoving, lips connected, breathing each other in.

Finally, Ward pulled away, and Liam sank back into his chair. They stared at each other. Ward’s shoulders relaxed.

“We’ll post cameras all around the property. Hidden security cams. I’ll run into town and buy some now.”

“Sounds like a plan. You’d better plant them on Bose property too. It’s only a matter of time before they know we’re working together.”


Liam stared at him. While Liam might not be able to think clearly enough to always make the right decision, he knew one thing. Ward was coming for dinner tonight.

“You work on that half-million dollar contract and I’ll rig us up with security.”

Liam started. “How did you know about that? The contract just crossed my desk. I haven’t had time to go over the terms.”

Ward narrowed his eyes and a withdrawn expression stole over his face. “My faller told me about it. I thought everyone in the area knew.”

“No. I’ve only told Ivy and my father. Unless your faller knows the person who sent the contract…”

“Maybe so. I’ll look into it.”

“I know that tone. You think there’s some connection between that contract, the faller’s knowledge and this situation with the activists and threats?”

Ward chewed on the inside of his lip. “Not sure. I’ll look into it.” He dug his truck keys from his pocket and headed for the door.


Swinging around, Ward fixed his sights on Liam. He was growing more and more addicted to the heat flicking in his core.

“Ivy’s expecting you for dinner. Six o’clock. Don’t be late.”

The corner of Ward’s mouth tipped up in that sexy, come-to-bed-with-me smile Liam recalled so well. “We’ll talk to her together then.” With that, he disappeared through the door, taking his vibrancy from the room but leaving Liam lighter with happiness.

Chapter Six

It wasn’t unusual for Jacobs to know about every contract in the area. Hell, Ward could name all the companies and who they were logging for within a hundred-mile radius. But when talking about a contract lying on Liam’s desk—papers not yet signed—then it felt off.


All the way to the Mattsons’ home, Ward pondered the situation. Looking at it from every angle afforded him no more understanding than he’d known that afternoon. The only thing he did know was that after bucking twenty trees into lengths the trucks could carry out of the forest before Liam’s unsettling call, and then installing a dozen security cameras around the Bose and Mattson properties, he was whipped.

As he approached the turn-off to his sister’s house and a clean set of clothes, he glanced at the clock on the dash of his truck. Fuck, no time for a shower.

Flipping down the visor, he pulled off his hat and rubbed his unruly hair. The dark strands stuck up, not exactly matted to his head by sweat and dirt, but not the freshest. He didn’t want to come to Ivy as a grimy logger with chainsaw oil under his nails, but that’s exactly what he’d have to do because he wasn’t about to be late.

Showing her he cared enough to be on time was important. She’d had enough disappointment and heartache in the past year. Ward wasn’t about to add to it.

They’d shared a mind-blowing romp on Friday night. Days had passed since then, and Liam hadn’t asked Ivy how she felt about being loved by another man.

Ward released a harsh grunt. Liam’s head should roll for that, but the man had looked so damn
Ward didn’t have the heart to give him more than a few words of disapproval.

And after all this time, Liam had finally admitted his feelings for Ward. But what good did it do? Ivy had obviously been upset when she learned of their past relationship. She was afraid of being a stand-in rather than a bridge between them. Sure, they’d managed to pull her mind away from the topic, but when Ward left, he’d expected Liam to take up the conversation again.

She’s not going to allow us to love each other.

Knowing that, Ward had still stolen that kiss in the Mattson office.

Lightly, he rubbed his fingers over his lips, still feeling Liam’s hard mouth against his. Damn, what a snarl. Three sets of heartstrings were all knotted in one big mass. Right now, even after only one night, Ward didn’t think he could walk away without the pain of severing those strings. His history with Liam had given Ward an instant emotional tie to Ivy. His initial attraction had cultivated interest, but once he knew Liam loved her, Ward had wondered if he could too.

And now they were all in danger, especially Ivy. During the time Ward had installed the cameras, his mind had been ticking through ways to keep their crews, themselves and Ivy safe. Liam was leaning on him, and Ward wasn’t about to fail him.

He bumped down the road toward the Mattson home. The small ranch house came into view, a grayish purple shade in the fading sunlight. The yard was dotted with the tall black sentries of pines.

Ivy’s car stood in the drive and the house was still. At that moment, the door opened and behind the screen door, he spotted Ivy’s sweet face. Her long hair was drawn back in a ponytail, but a few strands had tumbled down to kiss her jaw.

Balls clenching and gut twisting, Ward climbed out of the truck. Through the mesh, their gazes locked, and Ward found himself smiling so hard his cheeks hurt. Her eyes crinkled, and then she was pushing through the door and rushing toward him.

He caught her and bore her back through the door quickly.

She wrapped her arms around Ward’s neck, and he kicked the door shut before claiming the sweet lips that were upturned and ready.

The first caress stole his sanity. He’d believed she would act indifferent, aloof. Not fall into his arms like…like a real lover, even if she had invited him over.

Liam made a noise as Ward pressed on the seam of Ivy’s lips with the point of his tongue. She opened to him and he swept the interior of her hot, sweet mouth that tasted of tomato and wine.

“Mmm.” He angled his head and drove his tongue deeper, stroking the walls of her mouth and even tasting her teeth.

Without warning, she bit him. A sharp little nip that made his cock twitch violently with want.

Groaning, he cupped her ass and hitched her against him. In the kitchen, the smoke detector went off.

Laughing, Liam whirled his chair around and headed for the disaster. But Ivy remained in Ward’s embrace.

He withdrew and stared into her bemused eyes. “That’s one hell of a welcome, woman.”

She blushed to the roots of her hair. He couldn’t resist running his fingers over the silken piece falling into her blazing eye. “Liam and I had a talk.”

Ward’s grin stretched across his face, again so wide, his jaw creaked. Damn, had it been that long since he’d smiled this way that his face was unaccustomed to it? “Good. It was overdue.”

“Yes.” She gripped Ward’s hand and led him toward the smoky kitchen. Liam had removed a pan of garlic bread from the oven and still wore the oven mitts to prove it. Seeing his friend, his former lover, in this domestic way brought a rumble of laughter to Ward’s chest.

Liam quirked a smile and yanked off the mitts. “Blackened bread is the appetizer tonight.”

“Damn,” Ivy said softly. She moved forward, a tight package of curves that drew Ward like a moth to a flame. She was pretty and fresh in jeans and a light sweater, and Liam’s hair was still wet from a shower, which left Ward feeling more like that ugly moth.

He placed a hand over his hat. “I didn’t have time to clean up after work. I’m sorry.”

Ivy smiled. “No worries. You look—”

“Great,” Liam supplied before she could finish.

Ward’s stomach bottomed out and blood rushed in his ears. “Just what exactly was your talk about?”

Caution was clear in Liam’s eyes. Ah. So he hadn’t told his wife that someone was threatening her life.

Ivy turned her face aside and fiddled with the burned bread. The blackened loaves weren’t salvageable and only good enough to throw into the fireplace. Could that be why she was tight-lipped?

“I told her how it made me feel to see you two together,” Liam said in a low voice. “How it thrilled me to see her pleasured.”

Ivy flushed. Ward caught her eye, still concerned by that bracket around her mouth. What was she holding back? Did the things she and Liam discussed displease her?

“I’m not sure where I stand,” Ward said.

Liam handed him the oven mitts. “If Ivy meeting you at the door and draping herself all over you wasn’t indication enough…”

“Liam!” She batted at her husband’s shoulder, and the crease vanished into a smile.

“We discussed this…arrangement.” She gestured for Ward to carry the spaghetti pot to the table. Then she gathered plates while Liam delved into the drawer for silverware.

Ward couldn’t tear his gaze off her swaying hips as she drifted to the table ahead of him. Liam jabbed him in the forearm with a fork. “Hey, don’t get any dirty thoughts before you’ve sampled Ivy’s spaghetti.”

“Smells great.”

“Homemade sauce,” Liam said.

The wine had already been poured for three, and a faint trace of lip gloss coated Ivy’s glass. Liam rolled up to his spot, and they handed around plates and silverware. Ward pulled the chair out for Ivy, who blushed three shades of pink before sinking between him and Liam.

Despite the strain of the day, Ward stared between Liam’s and Ivy’s happy faces and felt himself relax.

“Back to that conversation,” he said, allowing Ivy to dump a pile of pasta on his plate. “Tell me what was said.”

“Ivy admitted how much she’d needed to be fucked.”

“A man’s touch,” she cut across Liam with a laugh. “I loved having both of you touch me.”

“And you want it again?” Ward wanted nothing more than to leave behind the pasta, gather up the wine bottle and bear both lovers off to bed, where he’d dribble the decadent liquid all over their bodies and take his time lapping it up.

He tightened his hand on the stem of his glass.

“Yes. Tonight,” Liam said with a wink at his wife.

She shivered. “That’s not all we talked about. We discussed making this into a more permanent situation, Ward.” Her voice was cautious as if she were feeling him out.

Liam gave Ward a direct look—an indication that this was how they were going to keep her safe as well as orgasming nonstop, if they could help it. But that meant Liam hadn’t told her about the activists’ threats.

Ward sipped his wine, trying to process the highs and lows of his day. Hell, of his week. Seeing Liam again but finding that he was disabled. Discovering a woman he wanted more than air and learning she was married to his old lover. Even their sexual banter was entwined with the dark overtones of worry for their safety.

He let the wine permeate his head and blow away the cloud. He was here with people he adored, and he was going to make the most of it.

His cock wouldn’t let him do otherwise. It was swollen, beating his zipper, demanding its due. Glancing up, he met Liam’s stare.

“I told her about what we talked about this afternoon.”

Ward set his glass down and took up his fork. “Which was?”

Ivy leaned back in her seat, her hands in her lap and a light in her eyes that made Ward’s heart flip. “He told me that you were in love years ago. And that he still has those feelings for you, Ward.”

Liam grinned around a mouthful of spaghetti.

Ward released a long breath. His heart raced, his mind fumbled—that high and low again. Hearing that Liam loved him—always had—touched him more deeply than anything yet. But what did Ivy think of her husband’s declaration?

She placed a hand over Ward’s still one. “It’s all right.”

“She didn’t flip out,” Liam said, taking a sip of wine.

“No?” Was it too much to hope for that the pair would allow Ward to love them?

Ivy stroked his hand. “No. In fact, I’m happy to see Liam in a better place, and I’m glad you could bring that out in him.”

Ward heard a “but”. He raised Ivy’s fingers to his mouth and spattered kisses over them. “And?”

“And I’d like to see you together…in time.”

Ward let his head fall forward as her words punched the air from his lungs. Emotion welled inside him. Being granted permission to put his hands on Liam, to pull him into his arms and kiss the man he’d never stopped wanting, nearly crazed him with lust. And the idea of Ivy watching…

“God,” he breathed.

Liam reached across the table and took Ward’s and Ivy’s free hands, linking the three of them. “I propose a toast and a plan. To the three of us forming a partnership in all ways. May we be open and honest from this day forward.”

Except they were keeping Ivy in the dark about the threats.

Ivy’s gaze skittered to her plate. Though she raised it almost immediately, Ward was left with more unease. He opened his mouth to ask what she was really thinking, when a tear splashed down her velvety cheek.

“Ivy…” He moved to brush the tear away.

“I want this, Ward. It confuses me still, this physical need to have both of you. But I want more of what we shared the other night. I’d like to see you and my husband happy with each other again.”

Her gaze locked on Ward’s as if saying,
And I’d like to know the same happiness with you too.

As Ward looked from Liam’s hazel eyes to Ivy’s dark brown ones, he felt that part of his heart he’d locked up years ago burst free. He raised his glass. “To a partnership.”
I’ll keep you safe and happy and satisfied for as long as you’ll allow me.

When the wine bottle was empty, Ward set it on its side and gave it a spin. Ivy’s pussy throbbed heavily at the prospect of it landing on either her or Liam. Across the table from her, Liam’s face was flushed.

Ivy squirmed.

“Hold on, doll,” Ward said as the bottle came to a stop.

Liam leaned back in his chair, his eyes hooded as he saw who the bottle pointed to. “Ivy.”

With a sexy growl, Ward leaned in. The dark shadow of his beard called to her, and she rubbed her short nails through the scruff as he crushed his mouth to hers. Unique male flavors filled her head instantly. Musk. Marinara. Want.

As he angled his head and kissed her deeply, he ran his hand down her spine to the waist of her jeans. When he dipped a finger between the cloth and her skin, her pussy flooded.

She clenched his shirt in her fist and dragged him closer. Part of her realized how insane this was to be kissing another man—kissing him right in front of her husband. But Liam had insisted he wanted this and the light in his eyes when he said it made it true.

Dark want slipped low through her body. Just as she was beginning to lose herself to Ward’s kiss, he withdrew. Breathing hard, she bathed her lower lip with her tongue, tasting him.

“Liam, your woman needs us.”

The rolling noise of Liam’s chair moving over the tile brought Ivy’s gaze to her husband’s. Her heart trilled at the look on his rugged face—an expression she recognized from before the accident. He wanted her.

She dropped her gaze to his lap.

She didn’t mean to. She knew better—knew that he was horribly sensitive about his impotent state. But that fire in his eyes spoke of lust, and with lust came an erection.

Except in Liam’s case.

His face blanked, a ruddy flush stealing over his neck and cheeks.

She opened her mouth to stutter out an apology but Ward saved her. Very slowly and deliberately, he gripped Liam’s shoulder. Her husband issued a ragged breath and swayed toward Ward.

Liam dropped his forehead to Ward’s. The small connection raised a lump in Ivy’s throat. Swallowing hard, she battled her tears. The longing on each of their faces warmed her.

Running a hand down Liam’s arm and wrapping her fingers around Ward’s forearm, she considered their tenuous new bond. Giving up a portion of her control to these men helped her relax in a way she hadn’t since Liam got hurt. And tonight of all nights, after the tension she felt in the courtroom from Tony’s touch, Ivy needed to relax.

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