Fever (Blood Moon Rising, #1) (16 page)

Read Fever (Blood Moon Rising, #1) Online

Authors: Lola Taylor

Tags: #paranormal romance, #erotic romance, #bbw, #shifter romance, #werewolf romance, #big beautiful woman

BOOK: Fever (Blood Moon Rising, #1)
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He lowered himself inside her, pushing
her walls apart as he made her stretch. She sighed with pleasure as
he went deeper, and she brought her hips up to meet his, allowing
him full access. “Deeper,” she breathed. She reached around and
pressed his butt down. Another inch and he was fully

He groaned deep in his throat, arching
his back and holding that position for a few seconds before
beginning to work his hips. He kissed her, and she closed her eyes,
forgetting she was lying under the stars, being watched by a group
of strangers who began chanting in a language she didn’t

The strange blue light enveloped them
both, seeming to leak out of his skin and covering hers. The tattoo
along her hand lit up like starlight, as did the Mark along his
shoulder, where he explained his maker had bite him.

Faster and faster Gage pumped, their
lovemaking turning into something feral. She could feel herself
coming to climax, could feel the fire growing with every stroke.
The light intensified, lighting up the area.

Danica,” Gage breathed
against her neck.

Yes,” she said, clawing at
his back and whimpering. “Yes, more. Oh, Gage.”

She cried out as she came, arching her
back and writhing as pleasure exploded deep inside her. Gage
growled about the same time, arching his back and pumping hard and
deep as he deposited his seed inside her. The light burst from
them, and the crowd cheered with whoops and hollars.

When the light receeded, Danica and
Gage lay there soaked in sweat, staring at each other. Her eyes
followed the traces of swirling blue tattoo along his shoulders and
arms. An identical one ran all the way from her hand and up her
arm, flowering along her chest and down the other arm. Only mated
wolves had these types of “complete tattoos,” Gage had explained to
her the night before. Which meant…

Are we…?” she

Yes.” He reached up and
pulled her face toward his, kissing her softly. “We are

She rested her head against his.

He smiled. “Forever.”


The party commenced shortly
thereafter. Gage, cloaked in his ceremonial robe again, stood near
the fire watching his mate with a smile. The other members of the
pack were greeting her, welcoming her into their fold with hugs and
kisses on the cheek.

A warm glow filled Gage’s chest. He
had heard the mating bond was unlike any kind of human tie, like
literally becoming “whole.” It had been a long time since he’d seen
his pack this happy, and his Danica was all smiles as she warmly
embraced her blood brothers, though her eyes kept cutting to him
every now and then.

His cock quivered in anticipation of
later that night when he took her back up to his - no, their -
bedroom. Mating with her had been everything he had dreamed it
would be. And he planned to make her dizzy with pleasure

Nik came up beside him, taking a swig
of a beer. Tables had been setup with refreshments, including
several kegs, and a stereo system had been brought outside with an
extension cord. “Congrats,” Nik said.

Thanks.” He sighed. “I’m
glad I can stop worrying about this whole mating fever thing

But now you have a mate to
take care of.”

I wouldn’t have it any
other way.”

Nik grinned and offered him the beer.
Gage accepted it and took a long pull. It was ice-cold, the only
way to drink a beer in Gage’s opinion.

So I just got a call from
Verika,” Nik said.

Gage raised a brow. “Thinking about
rekindling things?”

No, no. Some things are
best left alone.” He smiled ruefully.

Gage had never said it aloud, but he
thought some part of Nik hadn’t let Verika go. She was the closest
he’d come to loving someone, but when he didn’t Mark her, they both
knew it was only a matter of time before he found his mate and the
bond tore their relationship apart. Gage felt bad for them. It was
both the gift and the curse of being a were.

She subpoenaed the calling
records from the manor.”

Gage tensed at the grave expression on
Nik’s face. “And?”

Turns out, several
late-night calls were going to a private number.” Nik looked at
him. “Gage, the calls were all coming from the manor.”

Do we know whom the calls
were going to?”

No,” Nik said with a
frustrated sigh. “Someone’s got the line protected by magic.
Verika’s working on breaking it.” He was quiet for a moment. “You
know what this means, right?” he said quietly.

Gage inhaled a breath and let it out
slowly. “Yeah.” He looked his brother in the eyes.

It means someone in my
pack has possibly betrayed us.”




Book two,
, coming


If there’s one thing Nik Johnson can’t stand,
it’s the thought of finding his mate. Which, apparently, he’ll have
to do soon since his mating fever has finally arrived. With his
thoughts still hung-up on his former lover, he’s given up the hope
of ever finding a love that perfect again. Until he meets

Alara Crescent has had anything but a charmed
life, despite her family’s status as ruling family within the
werewolf world. Ridiculed constantly for her weight by her cruel
mother and father, she’s beginning to wonder if she’ll ever be
accepted for who she truly is. Then one fateful encounter delivers
her right into the arms of the man she’s destined to

When someone starts assassinating the royal
family, Nik takes it upon himself to protect the woman he’s Marked
- a woman who would as soon bite him than love him. Despite their
prejudices, can the two of them find true love before the Blood
Moon rises?



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If you have a moment, I’d really
appreciate some honest ratings and reviews, especially over at
Goodreads, Amazon, B&N, All Romance, and any other online
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Her Dark Desires

(now .99!)

(coming soon!)


Blood Moon

(now .99!)

(coming soon!)




Lola Taylor is a pen name
for my, erm, “steamier” novels. I like books that make me laugh,
gasp, and swoon, which is what I try to shoot for in my stories.
I’m a sucker for fantasy books, particularly those involving
vampires and the supernatural – especially while said vampire is
sweeping a gal off her feet. I like horror movies, playing around
in Photoshop, and wearing the battery down on my e-reader. I have
two rescued kitties, and a husband who hates to read but gives me
his unconditional support, all the same. During the day, I work in
a cubicle for customer service and hash out new story ideas in my
many notebooks. At night, I get down and dirty with my keyboard. I
Game of Thrones,
reading manga, and have a slight Hobby Lobby




Come friend me or shoot me a message.
Unlike my characters, I won’t bite!



User ID for all my social media sites
is sitename.com/lolataylorbooks





[email protected]

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