Fever (31 page)

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Authors: Tim Riley

BOOK: Fever
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“I Might Have Been Queen”

“I'm Into Something Good”

“I'm Livin' in Shame”

“I'm Only Sleeping”

“I'm Sorry”

“I'm Walkin'”

“In a Hand or a Face”

“In Bloom”

“Independence Day”


“In the Flesh”

“In the Ghetto”

“Into the Fire”

“I Shall Be Released”

“Is That All There Is?”

“Is This What I Get for Loving You?”

“I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For”

“Is Your Love in Vain”

“I Thank You”

I, Tina

“It Might as Well Rain Until September”

“It's Gonna Work Out Fine”

“It's Growing”

“It's My Party”

“It's Too Late”

“It's Too Soon to Know”

“It Takes Two”

“I've Been Loving You Too Long”

“I Wanna Be Where the Bands Are”

“I Wanna Marry You”

“I Want a Guy”

“I Want You”

“I Wish I Were Blind”

Jackson, LaToya

Jackson, Luscious

Jackson, Michael

Jagger, Mick

“Jailhouse Rock”

“Jersey Girl”

“Jimmy Mack”

Joel, Billy

John, Elton

“Johnny B. Goode”

“Johnny Bye Bye”

Johnson, Dolores

Johnson, Robert

“Join Together”

Jolson, Al

Jones, Brian

Jones, George

Jones, Marti

Jones, Norah

Jones, Tom

Joni Mitchell (Song to a Seagull)

Joplin, Janis

Jordan, Neil

“Judgment of the Moon and the Stars”


“Just Because”

“Just Between You and Me”

“Justify My Love”

“Just Like a Woman”

Kaplan, Ira

Kaye, Lenny

“Keep Your Hands Off My Baby”

Keisker, Marion

“Kentucky Rain”

Kerr, Jim

“Kids Are Alright, The”

“Killing of Georgie, The”

King, Ben E.

King, Bobby

King, Carole

King's Record Shop




“Kitty's Back”

Klein, Larry

Kleinbard, Annette

Knight, Gladys, and the Pips

Knight, Holly

“Knockin' Around the Zoo”

Knopfler, Mark

Kooper, Al

Kramer, Lee

Krasnow, Bob

Ladies of the Canyon

Landau, Jon

“Land of Hope and Dreams”

“Land of Nightmares”

Last of the Independents

Last Temptation of Elvis, The

“Last Time, The”

“Last Time I Saw Richard, The”

Last Waltz, The

Lauper, Cyndi



“Leader of the Pack”

“Learning the Game”

Learning to Crawl

“Leave My Kitten Alone”

“Leave Us Alone”

“Leaving Here”

Led Zeppelin

Lee, Brenda

Lee, Peggy

Leiber, Jerry

Leland, John

Lennon, John

Lennon, Julian

Lennon, Sean

Lennox, Annie

Leonard, Patrick

“Let Me Go the Right Way”

“Let's Be Friends (Skin to Skin)”

“Let's Get Physical”

“Let's Spend the Night Together”

“Let's Stay Together”

Lewis, Jerry Lee

Lewis, Smiley


“Light of Day”

“Like a Prayer”

Little Anthony and the Imperials

“Little by Little”

Little Eva

Little Richard

Little Steven

Little Willie John


Live at Leeds

Live in Barcelona

Live in New York

Live Through This

“Living Proof”

“Loco-Motion, The”

Lofgren, Nils



“Lonely Nights”

“Lonely Teardrops”

“Lonesome Day”

“Lonesome Town”

“Long Live Rock”

“Long Snake Moan”

“Long Tall Sally”

“Long Way to Be Happy”

“Look in My Eyes”

Loose Screw

“Lost in the Flood”

Louise, Tina


Love, Courtney

Love, Darlene

Love and Theft

“Love Child”

“Love Hurts”

“Love Is Strange”

“Love Me”

“Love Me Tender”

“Love Minus Zero (No Limit)”

“Love Reign O'er Me”

Love Wars

“Love Will Keep Us Together”

“Loving You”

Lowe, Nick

Lucente, Bob

“Lucky Star”

Lucky Town

“Lucky Town”

Lyle, Graham

Lymon, Frankie

Lynch, David

McCartney, Paul

McCrea, Earl-Jean

McDonald, Michael

McDowell, Fred

McGuinn, Roger

McKee, Maria

McLean, Don

McPhatter, Clyde

McQueen, Steve

McVie, Christine

McVie, John

“Mad About You”


Madsen, Michael

Mainly Rock 'N' Roll

“Mama Said”

Mammas and the Pappas

Manfred Mann Earth Band

“Manic Depression”

“Manic Monday”

“Man Overboard”

“Mansion on the Hill”

“Man's Job”

“Man Smart, Woman Smarter”

Manson, Marilyn

Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The

“Man Who Sold the World, The”

Marcus, Greil

Marsh, Ian Craig

Martha and the Vandellas

Martin, Dean

Martin, George

Martin, Max


“Mary's Place”


“Material Girl”

Mathis, Johnny



“May This Be Love”


Merchant, Natalie

Methany, Pat

“Mickey's Monkey”

“Middle of the Road”

Miles, Vera

Miles of Aisles

“Milkcow Blues Boogie”


Mineo, Sal

Mingus, Charles


Mirror Ball

Mitchell, Joni

Mitchum, Robert


Modern Folk Quartet


Monroe, Marilyn


Moody Blues

Moon, Keith

Moore, Demi

Moore, Sam

Moore, Thurston

Morissette, Alanis

“Morning Train [Nine to Five]”

Morrison, Van

Morton, Shadow

“Mr. Lee”

“Murder Incorporated”

Murray, Juggy


Music of Quality and Distinction

“My Baby Thinks He's a Train”

“My Best Was Never Good Enough for You”

“My Boyfriend's Back”

“My City of Ruins”

“My Ding-A-Ling”

“My Father's House”

“My Generation”

“My Girl”

“My Guy”

“My Hometown”

“My Love Will Not Let You Down”

“My Old Man”



Nelson, Ricky

Nelson, Willie


Newman, Randy

Newton-John, Olivia

“New York City Serenade”

Nicholson, Jack

Nick of Time

“Nick of Time”

Nicks, Stevie

Night of the Hunter, The

Night Ride Home

Nine Inch Nails

Nine Lives



“Norwegian Wood”

“No Surrender”

“Not Fade Away”

“Nothing Compares 2 U”

“Nothing Man”

Notorious Byrd Brothers, The

“Nutbush City Limits”

O'Brien, Brendan

O'Connor, Sinéad

Off the Wall

“Oh Boy”

“Oh! Carol”

“Oh How Happy”

Oldham, Andrew Loog

Oldman, Gary

“Once Upon a Time”

“One Fine Day”

“One Headlight”

“One Night” (Elvis Presley)

“One Night” (Smiley Lewis)

“One Night with You”

“One Step Up”

“One Way or Another”

“One Who Really Loves You, The”

“Only You Know and I Know”

Ono, Yoko

On the Waterfront

“Oop Shoop”


Orbison, Roy


Osborne, Will

“Our Lips Are Sealed”

“Our Little Angel”

“Out in the Street”

“Out in the Streets”

“Out on the Street”

Outta Season


Pallenberg, Anita

Palmer, Robert

Pang, May

Pareles, Jon

Parker, Colonel Tom

Parker, Little Junior

Parsons, Gram

“Part of You, Part of Me”

Parton, Dolly

Pastorius, Jaco

“Peaches 'n' Cream”

Pearl Jam

“Peggy Sue”


Peter and Gordon

Pet Shop Boys

Pet Sounds

Pfaff, Kristen

Phair, Liz


Phillips, Julianne

Phillips, Sam

“Pictures of Lily”

“Picture This”

“Pink Cadillac”

Pink Floyd

Pitt, Brad

Plastic Ono Band

“Please Don't Go”

“Please Mr. Postman”

“Please, Please, Please”

Plotkin, Chuck

“Point Blank”

Pointer Sisters


Pomus, Doc

Pop, Iggy

Presley, Elvis

Springsteen and


Pretenders II

Previn, Soon-Yi

“Price You Pay, The”


Prine, John

“Private Dancer”

“Promise, The”

“Promised Land”

“Proud Mary”

“Prove It All Night”

“Punk Meets the Godfather, The”

“Pure and Easy”




“Quick One While He's Away, A”


“Racing in the Street”


“Raise Your Hand”

Raitt, Bonnie



“Rave On”

Ray, Johnnie

Ray, Nicholas

Ray of Light

Raysor, Barrett and D.

“Real World”

Reconsider Baby

Redding, Otis

Reddy, Helen

Reed, Lou

“Reet Petite”

Reeves, Martha


Reparata and the Delrons


Reznor, Trent

Rhodes, Emmit

Rhythm and Romance

Richards, Keith

“Ricky Wants a Man of Her Own”

Rid of Me

Righteous Brothers

Right or Wrong

“Rip Her to Shreds”

Rising, The

“Rising, The”

Ritchie, Guy

“River” (Joni Mitchell)

River, The

“River, The” (Bruce Springsteen)

“River Deep, Mountain High”

Robinson, Smokey


Rock 'n' Roll

Roddam, Franc

Rolling Stones

“Roll of the Dice”

“Roll Over Beethoven”


Ronstadt, Linda

“Room Full of Mirrors”


Ross, Annie

Ross, Barbara

Ross, Diana

Rotten, Johnny


Rourke, Mickey

Rowe, Deborah

“Ruby Tuesday”




“Runaway Train”

Run, Devil, Run

Ryder, Mitch

“Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands”

Saint, Cathy

Sam and Dave

“Same Situation”

Sands, Evie



Sarandon, Susan

“Save the Last Dance for Me”

“Say Goodbye to Hollywood”

Scialfa, Patti

Scott, Ridley

Scott, Toby

Scott, Tom

“Sea and Sand”


“Secret Garden”

Sedaka, Neil

“Seeker, The”

“See Me, Feel Me”

“Send His Love to Me”

“Serve the Servants”

Seven-Year Ache


“Sex Kills”

Sex Pistols

Shades of Blue

Shadows and Light


Shannon, Del

Shay, Jonathan

“She Belongs to Me”

Sheffield, Rob

Sheila E.

Shepherd, Cybil

“She's a Rainbow”

“She's the One”


Shoot Out the Lights

“Shop Around”

“Show Some Respect”


Shuman, Mort

“Shut Out the Light”

Sid and Nancy

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