Feral Cravings

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: Feral Cravings
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Feral Cravings


©Copyright Jenika Snow 2010

Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright July 2010

Edited by Elizabeth Delisi

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,

, Lincoln,
, United Kingdom



This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers.
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Jenika Snow







I want to thank everyone who believed in me, who gave me the courage to write what I love, and who supported me all the way. I also want to thank my editor, Liz, who has been awesome throughout this whole process. Thank you!



Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
mentioned in this work of fiction:


Kodak: Eastman Kodak Company

Beatles: Apple Corps Limited






They all stood in a semicircle, the thick evergreens and blue spruces lending shade as well as protection from the outside world. Two alphas stepped forward, emitting their strength, power and dominance. Both males stood in their human forms, masculinity pouring off them in waves. The others sat on their haunches, their natural form that of the
wolf. They were an ancient race, a society of shape-shifting creatures that, at will, could morph into humans or wolves. Humans saw them as a myth, as nothing more than creatures in horror movies. Werewolves they had been called, but they were so much more than that. They lent strength and power to each other, gave encouragement and knowledge.

Their hearts were untamed, but their souls were free. Always searching for their mate, they would do everything in their power to find that one being that would make them whole, that would complete them in a way that was unimaginable to mere mortals. For without that one person, they would forever be lost, submitting to their animal nature and letting the wildness consume them.

The two alpha males scanned their surroundings, knowing the time to find their mate had come. The
knew there was nothing more important than finding that one person that could connect them in a way no other could. The alphas needed their mate, needed to find the female that could bring them together and further the line of their great species. She would be the one woman they loved, protected and cherished. She was the reason they were still here, forever searching for her until they finally possessed her and showed her pleasure the likes of which she had never experienced. Once they found her, they would never let her go.

Chapter One



My name is Alice McKnight and I’m not who everyone thinks I am. There is something that hums deep within me, a slow burn that’s just waiting for that right gasoline to ignite it. I want something wild and uninhibited, something that has me gasping for air. I guess it really wasn’t
I wanted, but
who could unleash those feelings inside of me. It’s a craving that no matter what, I can’t get control of.

I had the same routine every morning—slip on either black dress pants or a tweed skirt, pull my hair into a bun, stop at the local coffee shop and grab an espresso, and head towards the highlight of my life…work. I worked at Hawthorn Law, a small, but successful law firm in the small town of Crestview,
. I was a secretary there—actually, the only secretary since it was a one-attorney business. The town itself was beautiful and quiet, very picturesque—the kind that would make Kodak envious.

My desk was made to look like oak, but actually it was just pressed wood. That’s pretty much how everything was at Hawthorn Law—made to look expensive, but it was really just crap. My boss was a pompous ass, the kind of guy that got women only because he drove a BMW and had a set of porcelain veneers. He wouldn’t be that bad looking if his foul attitude didn’t overshadow everything else. I’d quit if I didn’t need the job, but in a small town like Crestview, you took what you could get. My routine at work was pretty much the same as the rest of my life, boring and predictable.

I opened the office for the day—seven in the morning—even though Mr. Hawthorn didn’t get in until eight. I made sure to finish my espresso before I even entered the building, because I was going to need that extra boost of caffeine to face the day. I hung up my coat and turned on my computer, waiting for it to warm up while I started a fresh brew of coffee and checked the messages. You’d be surprised how busy a law firm could be in a small town. The hour went by fairly quickly, and I saw Mr. Hawthorn’s shiny new BMW pull into the prime parking spot…right in front of the building. I rolled my eyes and rose from my seat, because for whatever reason, Charlie—aka Mr. Hawthorn—thought it was professional. “Good morning, Mr. Hawthorn.” I gave him the cup already prefilled with black coffee and smiled. His short blond hair was slicked back, his tailored designer suit pressed to perfection. He slipped off his glasses because for some reason, he thought eight in the morning was too bright.

“Good morning, Alice.”

He took the coffee from my hand and took a test sip, and before he even finished it, I knew he was going to make a face. Sure enough, a slight grimace crossed his features and I knew it was because the coffee was pretty damn strong. He didn’t say anything, though, just continued to drink it even though he hated it. I made him coffee once that he claimed was “too weak,” and so every time after that, I made sure to make it as strong as possible. He didn’t complain because I had a sneaking suspicion he thought real men drank it that strong. He was the most
man I’d ever met, and yet he felt he had to put up a front. I didn’t care, though. I pretended I didn’t notice and started rambling off his messages and appointments for the day. I knew he wasn’t listening to me, but I went through the motions. Luckily, it was Friday and I wouldn’t have to deal with any of this for two whole days.

The day went by quickly and when he finally took off at one—which he did every Friday—I breathed a sigh of relief and started the process of closing up. I had to stay at the office for another two hours, but it was usually slow the last day of the week, so it wasn’t too bad. I leant back in my chair and signed onto the internet. My phone rang and I rolled my eyes, but quickly turned myself into the professional. “Hawthorn Law, may I help you?”

“Alice, it’s me, you can cut the professional crap.”

I smiled as Halle’s voice floated through the receiver. “Hey, what’s up?” Halle used to do the accounting at the law office, but when she ended up sleeping with Charlie, which I might add was because she was drunk, she felt too awkward to work with him and moved on. I didn’t fault her for her mistake, though; she did have her beer goggles on and when Charlie wants to be charming, he can be.

“What are you doing tonight?”

“What? You actually have a night off?” Halle worked in the neighbouring town of Forrest Haven, a town known for its wildlife preservation. It was forty-five minutes north of Crestview, but even though the distance wasn’t great, we didn’t get to see each other much.
Halle was a big shot over there—well, as big as you could get in a small town, anyway. She was the head accountant at Wolf Lodge, a hotel and ski resort that catered to the wealthy and elite.

“The Wolf Lodge is hosting a banquet dinner for the
black wolf on Friday,
Saturday they’re throwing a blow-out party. I thought if you didn’t have any plans, you could spend the weekend at my place.”

I didn’t even need to think about it. I needed to get away from Crestview, even if it were for only a weekend. “A wolf banquet dinner at Wolf Lodge?” I didn’t bothering hiding the humour in my voice.

“What better place to have it?”

“Where and when?” It wasn’t like I was going to go out on my own and find that kind of rush, but a wolf banquet dinner didn’t seem like much of a thrill. I guessed I would take what I could get.

Chapter Two



I took the winding mountain road like an expert driver. The snow was starting to come down, a little harder than the weather man had predicted. The music from the radio was on low, the sounds of the Beatles’
Across the Universe
filling my car and having me singing along—badly, might I add—at the top of my lungs. I was only a few minutes from Forrest Haven, that little town that was so perfect, so quaint, it was even more picturesque then Crestview. The glowing lights of the town came into view and I concentrated on the roads, now getting slick from the snow. Halle lived in a ridiculously priced cabin, but you paid when lived in a town like Forest Haven. I passed the expensive shops and restaurants. Most of the residents of the town had property high in the mountains and away from ‘reality’. I turned onto

Mountain Spring Road
, Halle
’s street, and made my way through the quaint and quiet neighbourhood. Every street in town had a cute and upbeat name, something that fit in with the surrounding mountains, or the lush vegetation.

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