Feral Awakening (The Feral Series-Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Feral Awakening (The Feral Series-Book 2)
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 After several moments
she began to relax when there were no further signs of her deranged predator.
everything is fine. I just have to keep moving.
She hated that her hike had
been ruined. She usually enjoyed the trip home. Now she was too tense to
appreciate the forest.

 Seeing a tree with
strange marks on it she slowed to have a look.
What is this? Some kind of
antler rubbings from the deer?
Kat took a closer look and ran a finger
along the scarred bark. The scratches were deep, like something with large
claws used the tree as its personal scratching post, or perhaps… it was marking
its territory. Do bears mark trees like this? There usually were no bears in
this area but maybe someone forgot to tell the bear that.

 Suddenly something
landed behind her with a thump on the ground. Kat screamed and jumped away from
whatever it was, prepared to run. The sudden rush of adrenaline making her
hands shaky, her panicked gaze narrowed in on the small object. Taking deep
breaths, she calmed a bit when she realized how small it was and that it thankfully
wasn’t moving.

 “What the hell?” Daring
to inch closer to the object she froze in horror when she realized what was on
the forest floor in front of her. The wide eyed stare of a deer’s face stared
up at her.

 “No, No, No! This is
not happening!” Backing away from the deer’s head Kat scanned the trees above
Oh god! Where did it come from?

Kat scanned the forest around her, her head jerking from side to side, her
panicked breaths sounding harsh in the silent woods. A large dark shape darted
from behind a tree, moving out of sight behind another.

 Terror and adrenaline shot
through Kat’s system making her limbs shake. This was so wrong. No animal she
knew of would move like that. It was completely unnatural.

 Her breath coming in
short terrified pants, Kat began to take small steps backwards down the trail,
moving as quietly as she could.
Oh God! Oh God!
Oh God!
A low
growl echoed from the trees in front of her. Kat’s body locked up with fear. Her
lungs screamed as she held her breath, afraid to make any sound.
Oh God,
fight or run! … Fight!
Kat’s hand shook violently as she quietly began to
reach behind her for her backpack but it was too late. The forest thundered as
the beast roared and came crashing through the trees headed straight for her.

No time! Run!
a yell Kat took off at a full sprint. Adrenaline and terror pulsed through her
body. She could hear the monster snarling as it crashed through the woods
behind her.
Run! Run! Run! Oh God, it’s too close!
Pumping her legs as
fast as they would go, Kat screamed as she was jerked off of her feet. The
straps of her backpack, slicing into her shoulders. The forest blurred before
her eyes as she was thrown sideways. Pain hammered up her arms and legs as she
came crashing down on the hard dirt of the forest floor on her hands and knees.

 The monster bit harder
into the backpack and Kat could feel its teeth pressing into her back as it
ripped through the fabric. Frantic, Kat let her shoulders drop behind her and
struggled to free herself from the backpack.

 Free of the pack, she
clawed her way back up to her feet and began to run. She screamed as something
slammed into her shoulder and sent her sprawling back to the forest floor where
she landed with a jolt on her back.

 The wind knocked out
of her, she gasped for air and struggled to drag herself backwards away from
the monster. Now that she was on her back she got her first real view of the
beast. It was huge and hairy with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth and long
black claws. Its face was elongated and lupine. The monster stood over seven feet
tall and was pure power and muscle. One thought ran through her disbelieving
and panic seized mind.

 Kat screamed as the
beast’s claw tipped hand shot out and sank deeply into her ankle. Its massive
claws sliced through her jeans as it drug her across the ground. Kat desperately
clawed at the ground as the monster pulled her closer. Raising her free leg,
she kicked the beast in the head with all her strength. Dropping her leg it
roared at her in rage.

 Regaining her feet Kat
once again ran into the forest. She heard the best snarl just before its claws
raked down her back, tearing through her skin and sending her crashing head
first into a tree. Pain thundered through her skull and blazed down her
shoulder. She struggled to remain conscious as a cut on her head trickled blood
down her cheek.

 The beast grabbed her
ankle and drug her beneath its massive body. It held her pinned beneath it as it
suddenly threw back its head and howled in triumph. The sound sent terror
blazing down her spine.

“…and now I am
going to die.”
Kat realized with horror. Beating at the monster with her
fists, Kat slammed the palm of her hand into its eye just as its massive teeth
prepared to sink into her neck. Momentarily thrown off target by the blow to
its eye, the monster’s enormous teeth sank into her shoulder. Kat screamed in
pain as its teeth pierced her skin and sank deep into muscle.

 A furious snarling
roar suddenly thundered through the forest from behind the monster and then the
beast was ripped away from her. Struggling to sit up, Kat groaned in horror to
see that there were now not just one but two beasts.

 The second monster was
slightly different than the first. It more closely resembled a man. It was huge
but slightly smaller than the monster that had attacked her. His face was less
lupine but still full of razor sharp teeth and although it was hairy the hair
thinned out approaching his waist and hands revealing human looking skin. Its
hands were tipped in the same black claws as it snarled and slashed at the
larger monster.

 The two beasts moved
at an inhuman speed that was hard to follow, biting and slashing at each other
as they fought. Their powerful bodies crashed into the surrounding trees,
splintering them on impact.

 Spotting the remains
of her backpack, Kat slowly and painfully drug herself across the forest floor.
Dragging her injured leg behind her she army crawled on her elbows. She dared
not look back at the battling monsters instead she focused on reaching her
goal. Sounds of their fighting thundered throughout the woods. She struggled to
remain conscious as she used all of her remaining strength to stagger to her
feet. Favoring her damaged ankle she used the tree for balance as she stood
swaying for a moment. She could feel blood trickling down her arm from her
injured shoulder.

 Kat focused on the two
battling beast again. The smaller beast seemed to be losing. The larger monster
slammed him to the ground with such force that Kat could feel the impact
through the forest floor beneath her feet. Preparing for a death blow, it threw
back its head and roared in triumph before rearing back its massive claw tipped

 A deafening explosion
tore through the forest as a gun shot rang out. The larger monster’s body
jerked violently as a bullet ripped through its chest and straight through its
black heart. Three more shots rang out as each bullet slammed into the beast’s
chest with surprising accuracy.

 Giving up its kill the
monster turned to face Kat. Throwing its arms wide it screeched in rage and
then seemed to gather itself up to launch at her.

 Kat could see her
death in its horrible glowing eyes. Oh god! How was it still on its feet? She
was almost certain more than one shot had gone through its heart. Struggling to
focus her blearing vision she only had a heartbeat to steady her shaking gun
and aim for its head. Just as she flexed her finger to pull the trigger, the
smaller beast lept from the ground, rising up behind the monster. Placing his
hands on either side of the monsters head it ripped its head sideways with a
sickening crack. The monsters neck broken, it flailed its powerful arms as the smaller
beast continued to twist it around.

 Kat’s vision bleared
and she dug her nails into the tree to keep from falling down. When her eyes
cleared again the monsters head was no longer attached to its massive shoulders
but instead laid on the ground several feet away.

 Kat’s hand shook as
she struggled to hold up her still smoking gun. The sudden silence was almost
as shocking as the gun blast had been. Keeping the gun aimed at the remaining
monster Kat gasped for breath. Slowly it fell to its knees besides the slain
beast. The expression on its lupine face was filled with pain and possibly even
remorse. Although it had won the battle his posture screamed defeat.

 Moving away from the
tree that had been supporting her, Kat inched closer to the kneeling beast. He
bled from so many wounds Kat wasn’t sure how he remained upright. As she got
closer Kat could his eyes shift to watch her wearily. Kat swayed for a moment
as she stood in front of it, undecided about what to do. Black spots began to
appear in her vision. This monster hadn’t attacked her.

 Golden eyes met hers,
stirring something familiar in the back of her memories. A look of resignation
entered his eyes, as he waited for her to pull the trigger.

 It seemed as if an
eternity passed as she held her gun pointed at him. She couldn’t do it. She
just couldn’t do it. Kat remove her finger from the trigger and lowered the
gun. Stumbling back from the beast she struggled to remain on her feet. Tripping,
she crashed down onto one knee. Her vision blurred as she struggle to keep the
beast in focus. Collapsing to the ground, the darkness claimed her as she lost
her battle to remain conscious.

Chapter 3


 Ronan could do nothing
but watch as Kat fell onto the forest floor. Had he seen a glimpse of
recognition in her eyes? Was that what had kept her from shooting him? He knelt
there quietly for a moment, focusing on his injuries. His wounds were extensive
and would need some time to heal. Struggling to stand up he snarled at the pain
the movement caused him. His body still burned with adrenaline from the fight
and the need to protect the little female pounded through his veins.

 The scent of her blood
filled him with rage. The feral had almost killed her while trying to mark her
as its mate. If he had been any later…

 Ronan struggled to his
feet. The forest spun around him as he finally stood up. Staggering across the
space that separated him from Kat he fell to his knees besides her broken form.
Growling low he examined the deep wound the feral’s bite left in her shoulder. Raw
and bleeding claw marks lay in sharp contrast to the pale satiny skin of her
back. He could see by her shredded pants leg that there was another bite wound
on her ankle. How she had managed to stand up long enough to shot the feral he
didn’t know.

 Looking down at his
chest he could see that his own wounds hadn’t stopped bleeding yet. The damage
to his body was too extensive, he would need to get her somewhere more secure
while they both healed. Bracing himself he used the last of his strength to
scoop her small body up in his massive arms.

 He had come to know
these woods well in the last few days while he hunted the feral. The feral
werewolf had crossed into his territory a month and a half ago. He had tracked
the beast across four states now, always one step behind. Any other feral would
have simply turned on him, fighting to the death, but not this one. This one
wanted to be hunted. It wanted him close. It wanted him to see the destruction
it left in its path. With this one it was personal.

 Darrin had been a
member of his pack. They were cousins even… family. For weeks they had been on
the move and then for some reason Darrin had slowed. Something or someone had
caught his attention in Eureka Springs, his trail centering around a small farm
house in the valley. As he tracked him to the small house he soon realized what
had drawn the beast.

 A pure-blooded female
werewolf. Her scent filled the woods around the little house. His first scent
of her almost knocked him on his ass he was so shocked. It was impossible for a
pure-blooded female werewolf to be out here alone away from the protection of
her pack. Their females were rare and the Lykan packs protected them fiercely.

 His first instinct had
been to grab the little female and run with her. He had been afraid though that
they wouldn’t be able to out run the feral, especially if she resisted him. Instead
of hunting the feral he would be on the defensive, putting him at a
disadvantage. If he had run with her they would have both ended up dead and he
couldn’t take the chance.

 He had watched over
her, getting as close as he dared, even standing guard outside of her shop. He
decided he would have to take the feral out before it got to her. It had been a
mistake. The feral had laid a false trail down in the valley, leading him away
from her and then circled back to get Kat. It had almost killed her in its
attempt to claim her as its own. A dark rage filled him at the thought. With a
shake of his head he pushed the feeling back. He had clearly gotten too
attached to the little female since he had spent so much time watching over
her. He would have to be more careful, he didn’t need attachments.

 Through a haze of pain
and exhaustion Ronan was still painfully aware of the female in his arms. Her
mahogany locks had come out of its pony tail and cascaded over his bare arm,
teasing his skin. The soft curves of her body were pressed tightly against his
chest. He just barely stopped himself from burying his face into hair and
inhaling her scent. With a growl of self-disgust he determinedly refocused his
attention on simply putting one foot in front of the other. He would get her to
safety and then be rid of her.

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