Female Chauvinist Pigs (20 page)

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Authors: Ariel Levy

Tags: #Politics & Social Sciences, #Social Sciences, #Gender Studies, #Feminist Theory, #Popular Culture, #Women's Studies

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Four. From Womyn to Bois

Selections from this chapter previously appeared in the article “Where the Bois Are,”
New York
magazine, January 12, 2004.

“a woman without a man”:
this sardonicism—which was put on bumper stickers, T-shirts, and buttons in the seventies—is usually attributed to Gloria Steinem. It was actually coined in 1970 by Irina Dunn, an Australian politician and journalist whose phrasing was “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” a play on “Man needs God like a fish needs a bicycle.”

“Lesbianism is a women’s liberation plot”:
According to Susan Brownmiller’s account in
In Our Time,
the Radicalesbians shut off the lights at the Second Congress to Unite Women in May 1970, which was held at a school in Manhattan. When they turned the lights back on, members of their group wearing
T-shirts were onstage and posters that proclaimed “
” and “
” lined the room.

The first installment of
The Furies: Ginny Berson and Charlotte Bunch,
The Furies,
January 1972.

“I never really wanted to grow up”:
Interview with Lissa Doty at the Lexington Club, San Francisco, September 19, 2003.

“I think non-monogamy is a part”:
Interview with Sienna, Brooklyn, New York, September 8, 2003.

“It’s just wild to me”:
Telephone interview with Deb Schwartz, October 10, 2003.

“I’m so against the whole butch-femme”:
Interview with Julien Rosskam, Brooklyn, New York, September 10, 2003.

“I’ve noticed a lot of different levels”:
e-mail from Ian sent on August 4, 2003. Our conversation in Brooklyn, New York, took place on August 23, 2003.

she had met “maybe thirty”:
I interviewed Sarah at my apartment in New York City on August 24, 2003.

On a warm fall night, Diana Cage:
I interviewed Diana Cage and her friends at the Lexington Club in San Francisco on September 18, 2003. I accompanied Gibson to Club Galia in San Francisco on September 19, 2003.

Five. Pigs in Training

In December 2002:
Emma Stickgold, “Sexual Incident Reported on Silver Lake School Bus,”
Boston Globe,
March 26, 2004.

1999 in Talbot County:
Laura Sessions Stepp, “Parents Are Alarmed by an Unsettling New Fad in Middle Schools: Oral Sex,”
Washington Post,
July 8, 1999.

two thirteen-year-olds in Beaver County: The Oprah Winfrey Show,
Harpo Productions, Inc., March 25, 2004.

an eighth-grade girl at Horace Mann:
Daphne Merkin, “The Paris Hilton Effect,”
New York
magazine, May 10, 2004.

senior at Manhattan’s Trinity School:
I spoke with students from the New York City schools Trinity, Fieldston, Horace Mann, and Saint Ann’s in June 2004.

“I don’t care if a baby”:
Laura Sessions Stepp, “Playboy’s Bunny Hops Into Teens’ Closets: Sexist Symbol of ’60s Now a Hot Seller,”
Washington Post,
June 17, 2003.

“i love their style”:
e-mails from Jessica received August 6, 2004.

“Plus I have a really great schedule”:
Interview with David at the Royal Ground Coffee House & Art Gallery, Oakland, California, September 1, 2004.

“Definitely girls hook up”:
Interview with Anne at Jamba Juice, Oakland, California, September 6, 2004.

“always the biggest dork”:
Interview with Robin, Berkeley, California, September 7, 2004.

“in the many hundreds of studies”:
Deborah L. Tolman,
Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk About Sexuality
(Harvard University Press, 2002).

“The majority of high school students”:
According to the CDC’s 2001 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 60.5 percent of twelfth graders have had sexual intercourse.

Eighty percent of Americans:
Sexual Information and Education Clearinghouse of the United States.

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute:
Teenagers’ Sexual and Reproductive Health: Developed Countries, www.agi-usa.org/pubs/fb_teens.html.

“voluntary but unwanted”:
2003 National Survey of Adolescents and Young Adults: Sexual Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, www.kff.org/youthhivstds/3218-index.cfm.

The April 2005 issue:
“Harper’s Index,”
magazine, April 2005.

Six. Shopping for Sex

“This is not how women talk”:
Ann Coulter, reprinted in
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)
(Crown Forum, 2004).

a feathery pair of mules:
“I Heart NY,”
Sexand the City,
Season 4, Episode 66.

Another episode was devoted:
“A Woman’s Right to Shoes,” Season 6, Episode 83.

“I don’t believe in the Republican party”:
“Politically Erect,” Season 3, Episode 32.

A do-gooder asked if Carrie:
“Attack of the Five Foot Ten Woman,” Season 3, Episode 33.

“should be on every woman’s night table”: The Oprah Winfrey Show,
Harpo Productions, Inc., September 22, 2004.

On the occasion of the thirtieth:
“Sex and What Women Want Now,” 92nd Street YMHA, New York, June 17, 2003.

“interviewed over three thousand women”:
Pearlstein was rounding up. The Center for the Advancement of Women commissioned the Princeton Survey Research Associates, Inc., who interviewed 2,329 women for their 2001 report “Progress and Perils: How Gender Issues Unite and Divide Women.”

“The fantasy of the porn star”:
Timothy Greenfield-Sanders,
Thinking XXX
(HBO Films, 2004).

between $8 billion and $15 billion:
Joshua Kurlantzick, “Strip Club’s Cover Charge Is Voter Registration Card,”
New York Times,
October 5, 2004.

presented to the American Psychological Association:
Abigail Zuger, “Many Prostitutes Suffer Combat Disorder, Study Finds,”
New York Times,
August 18, 1998.

“Pornography is a specific form”:
Melissa Farley, Preface,
Prostitution, Trafficking, and Traumatic Stress
(Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press, 2003).

“I literally have thoughts like”:
Interview with Annie at her home in Massachusetts, August 4, 2004.

“I hooked up with this guy in Vegas”:
Interview with Meg at the Standard Hotel, Los Angeles, February 16, 2002.

“The great thing about Miami”:
Interview with Lynn Frailey, Miami, April 11, 2003.


which was
The gay marriage certificates issued in Massachusetts are not actually substantive, because they can’t offer crucial federal benefits like Social Security, parental rights, or inheritance protection, which we consider central to the institution of marriage.

In opinion polls:
According to Gallup polls in which people were asked “Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as being between a man and a woman, thus barring marriages between gay or lesbian couples?” the percentage of respondents who answered in favor was 50 percent in July 2003, 53 percent in February 2004, and 50 percent in March 2004. In the November 2004 election, ballot measures banning same-sex marriage and/or civil unions passed overwhelmingly in eleven states.


First, thanks to Dan Conaway for making this book happen.

I would also like to thank my talented editor Liz Stein for believing in this book, my agent Lane Zachary for believing in me, and my fact checker Yael Kohen for believing in due diligence. Thanks to Nicole Kalian and Dominick Anfuso at Free Press for the great gift of their enthusiasm.

John Homans has been my friend and editor at
New York
magazine for eight years. We worked together on the article “Female Chauvinist Pigs” on which this book is based. He and Adam Moss, our editor-in-chief, were both gracious and supportive while I periodically disappeared to write this book. Working with them is deeply rewarding and, more often than not, a lot of fun.

Amanda Fortini and Susan Dominus shared their insights with me and helped me to think about things in new ways. My former professors Joel Pfister, Richard Slotkin, and Khachig Tololyan generously held my hand through the research and writing of the Uncle Tom section. I am also extremely grateful to the following people for their favors, ideas, and encouragement throughout this process: Jesse Blockton, Kristina Dechter, Michael Goff, Isabel Gonzalez, Dee Dee Gordon, Vanessa Grigoriadis, Matt Hyams, Meredith Kahn, David Klagsbrun, Erika Malm, Craig Marks, Caroline Miller, Emily Nussbaum, Maer Roshan, René Steinke, Ahna Tessler, Jennie Thompson, Jennifer Wachtell, and Elisa Zonana. Special thanks to Emma Jemima Jacobson-Sive for a decade and counting of friendship and inspiration, and to M, whose talents as a writer and editor are exceeded only by his talents as a matchmaker.

Finally, thanks to Amy Norquist, for everything.


Abercrombie & Fitch


Abstinence-only sex education

Abzug, Bella

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)


Acuff, Amy

Adolescent Family Life Act

Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape

Aguilera, Christina

Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI)

Albright, Madeleine

Alexander, Dolores

Amateur sex tapes

American Psychological Association

Anderson, Pamela

Apprentice, The
(television show)

Arden, Alex


Autobiography of Malcolm X

Ayers, Bill

Bachelor, The
(television show)

Bailey, Fenton

Baldwin, James

Banff Television Festival

Banned from Television

Barbato, Randy

Barbie dolls

Baumgardner, Jennifer

Beard, Amanda

Beaver County, Pennsylvania

Behrendt, Greg

Big Life (in Advertising), A
(Wells Lawrence)

Bild Lilli

Bird, Caroline

Birth control pill

Bishop, John

Blanchard, Keith

B’lo, Manhattan


Born Female: The High Cost of Keeping Women Down


Braniff Airlines

Bravo, Jack

Brazile, Donna

Breast implants

Broadcasting and Cable Hall of Fame

Brokaw, Tom

Brown, Tina

Brownmiller, Susan

Bruce, Lenny

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(television show)

Bunny logo

“Bunny’s Tale, A” (Steinem)

Bunny Years, The

Bush, George W.

Bushnell, Candace

Butch flight

Byrd, Robin

Cafferty, Jennifer

Cage, Diana


Cardio Striptease classes

Carmichael, Stokely

Carolla, Adam

Carrilero, Pierre

Carter, John Mack

Carter, Nick

Cattrall, Kim

Ceballos, Jacqui

Center for the Advancement of Women

Centers for Disease Control

Charlie’s Angels

Charlie’s Angels
(television show)

Cheap Thrills

Childhood sexual abuse

Chisholm, Shirley

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil rights movement

Civil War

Clark, Haley

Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Hillary



Club Galia, San Francisco

College education

Collins, Joan

Columbia University

Comedy Central

Committee of 200

Confessions of an Heiress

Consciousness-raising groups


Cope, Debbie

Costa, Jeff

Coulter, Ann

Couric, Katie

Cowan, Peggy

Craig’s List


Crumb, Robert

Crunch gyms

“Dear Bill and Hillary” (Dworkin)

Desire, sexual

Desperate Housewives
(television show)

Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl

Dick Cavett Show

Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk About Sexuality


Divorce rate

Doe v. Bolton

Doherty, Shannon

Doonan, Simon

Doty, Lissa

Dubrow, Terry

Dworkin, Andrea

Dyke TV

Eagle, San Francisco


Eisenberg, Erin

Eisenberg, Shaina

Eisenstadt v. Baird

Electra, Carmen


Emancipation Proclamation

Emily’s List


Entertainment industry, women in top positions in

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)


Evangelical Christianity

Everett, Rupert

“Everybody’s Protest Novel” (Baldwin)

Fallaci, Oriana



Farley, Melissa

Fashion shows

Fear of Flying

Fed-Up Queers

Female Chauvinist Pig (FCP)

Feminine Mystique, The



Feminist Party

FHM (For Him Magazine)

Fieldston School, New York City


Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Frailey, Lynn

Francis, Joe

Freud, Sigmund

Friday, Nancy

Friedan, Betty

(television show)


FTMs (female-to-male transsexuals)

Furies, The

Furnas, J. C.

Gallagher, Melinda

Gallup poll (2001)

Gay marriage

Gerlach, Carrie

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader

Girls Gone Wild


Gitlin, Todd


Grabowski, Marilyn

Gray, Macy

Green, Sam

Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy

Grigoriadis, Vanessa

G-String Divas
(television show)

Haley, Alex

Hardwick, Elizabeth


Harry, Debbie

Harvard University

Havard, Linda

HBO (Home Box Office)

Head-Royce School, Oakland

Hefner, Christie

Hefner, Hugh

Heftler, Jennifer

Henderson, Mary C.

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

He’s Just Not That Into You

Hilton, Paris

Hilton Hotels

Hinton, William

Hite, Shere

Hite Report, The: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality


Horace Mann School, New York City

Horn, Bill



Howard Stern
(television show)

How to Make Love Like a Porn Star

Hudnut, William

“In Bed with Fairy Butch,”


Indianapolis, Indiana

In Our Time: Memoir of a Revolution


International Documentary Association

Jackson, Janet

Jameson, Jenna

Jennings, Peter

Jive Records

Joe Millionaire
(television show)

John, Elton

Johnson, Betsey

Jones, Grace

Jong, Erica

Joplin, Janis


Kellison, Daniel

Kennedy, Flo

Kerouac, Jack

Kimmel, Jimmy

King, Larry

King, Michael Patrick

Kingston, Massachusetts 1450

Klum, Heidi

Koedt, Anne

Koppel, Ted


Kramer, Emily

Ladies’ Home Journal

Lad Mag

La Guardia, Fiorello

La Motta, Vicky

Lap dancing

Lauer, Matt

Law & Order
(television show)

Leist, Mia

Leno, Jay


Lexington Club, San Francisco

Life of Luxury
(television show)

Lifetime Intimate Portrait
(television show)

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindsay, John

Lisa Marie


Loophole woman

Lorde, Audre

Lords, Traci

Lotney, Karlyn

MacKinnon, Catharine


Magazine industry

Malcolm X

Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future
(Baumgardner and Richards)

Man Show, The
(television show)

Mao Tse-tung

March for Women’s Lives (2004)

Marriott Hotels

Martin, Dean

Mary Boone Gallery, New York City

Mary Tyler Moore Show, The
(television show)


McCarthy, Mary

Means, Cyril

Meow Mix, Manhattan

Millay, Edna St. Vincent

Miller, Earl

Millet, Kate


Miss America Pageant

Missionary position intercourse

Moorcock, Michael

Moore, Mary Tyler

Morgan, Robin

Moss, Kate

Mother Courage restaurant New York City

Movie industry

My Secret Garden

“Myth of Vaginal Orgasm, The” (Koedt)

National Abortion Rights Action League

National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL)

National Foundation for Jewish Culture

National Organization for Women (NOW)

Legal Defense and Education Fund
Second Congress to Unite Women (1970)


Nevins, Sheila

New Left

Newmark, Craig

New Yorker, The

New York Radical Women

New York Times

New York Times Magazine

New York Women in Film & Television

Nixon, Richard

Notes from the First Year
(New York Radical Women)

Olympic athletes

On Our Backs

Oral sex

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