Feeling the Buzz (15 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

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“To help stem gossip about Jen’s pregnancy,
I think you and Jen should get married.”

“But what about you?” Sebastian said.

“Nothing needs to change between us. I love
both of you guys. A marriage will help people accept the baby. But we can have
a second, private ceremony with our friends where the three of us can confirm
our love for each other. Do rings and everything. A honeymoon during Jen’s next
term break.”

“I’ll be as big as a house by then,” Jen

“You love us,” Sebastian said.

“I do. I’ve changed,” Wayne said with a
grin. “I don’t fuck just anyone these days.”

“You haven’t fucked me,” Sebastian said

“But we’re getting there,” Wayne said
seriously. “And I want to. When the three of us are together it’s special. And
when I’m with either you or Jen alone it’s still special. That’s what I’m
saying. I love both of you, and I’m not backing off. No matter what our friends
and neighbors say or my family, I’m in this relationship for the long haul.”

“But marriage?” Sebastian asked.

Wayne glanced at her, and Jen got it. Of
the three of them Sebastian needed security most. A legal marriage would help
give him that security.

“I love you both, and I’m afraid you’re
stuck with me. Besides, one of you has to make an honest woman of me.”

A frown creased Sebastian’s brow. “But Jen,
what about your studies? Do you want to keep the baby?”

“Yes.” During her initial panic she’d considered
abortion, but she couldn’t do it, and now Sebastian’s approval made her glad.

“I’ve been thinking about this too,” Wayne
said. “Between the three of us we can afford childcare. Jen can still go to
varsity. We can get an apartment up in town or we can work out some way for you
to commute. Gerrard told me he’s going to varsity next year. If your schedules
mesh, he won’t mind taking you with him.”

“And we’ll do a proper ceremony for the
three of us?” Sebastian asked, his large hand covering her stomach in a
protective manner. She didn’t even think he was aware of it, but his touch
warmed her through.

“Yes,” Jen said, Wayne’s sincerity winning
her over. “We’ll make it extra special so we’ll never forget that the three of
us are a unit.” It might not be easy, but if they all pulled together, it might
work. “I could look into part-time study too. As long as I’m working toward my
degree I’ll feel as if I’m honoring my promise to my mother.”

“Stand,” Sebastian said, gently shifting
her off his lap. “Wayne, come over here.”

“What for?”

“Just do it,” Sebastian ordered. When both
she and Wayne stood in front of Sebastian, the harshness left his face,
replaced by a tender smile that lit his pale eyes. “Jen. Wayne. I love you
both. Will you marry me?”

Chapter Fourteen

Three weeks later


“Do you, Jennifer Isabel Alexander, take
Wayne Jefferson Garrett and Sebastian Lang as your husbands?”

Jen gave both men a broad smile. “I do.”

The celebrant continued, apparently unfazed
by marrying three people. Jen glanced at Wayne and Sebastian and her heart
swelled with love. This ceremony meant everything to her, even though it wasn’t
a legal one. It meant way more than the non-personal one that had married her
and Sebastian in law.

“I now pronounce you men and wife,” the
celebrant said, hesitating at this final part. “You may now kiss the bride?”

Wayne and Sebastian didn’t dawdle. They
crowded her, surrounding her front and back before kissing each other.

In the background Jen heard laughter and
cheering, but she was too busy enjoying the moment. The combination changed and
she scored kisses from both her men.

Once the kissing ended, they turned to face
their friends. Both men held her hands, and Jen couldn’t have said which man
bore the widest grin.

“Now we party,” Sebastian said.

It was the cue for everyone to converge on
them to offer congratulations. It was the happiest day of Jen’s life.

About Shelley Munro


Shelley lives in Auckland, New Zealand, with her husband and
a small, bossy dog named Scotty.

Typical New Zealanders, Shelley and her husband left home
for their big OE soon after they married (translation of New Zealand-speak: big
overseas experience), a year-long adventure lengthened to six years of roaming
the world. Enduring memories include being almost sat on by a mountain gorilla
in Rwanda, lazing on white sandy beaches in India, whale watching in Alaska,
searching for leprechauns in Ireland and dealing with ghosts in an English pub.

While travel is still a big attraction, these days Shelley
is most likely found in front of her computer following another love—that of
writing stories of romance and adventure. Other interests include watching
rugby and rugby league (strictly for research purposes *grin*), being walked by
the dog and curling up with a good book.


Shelley welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email address on her
author bio page





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Also by
Shelley Munro


Best Man

Run Deep

of Brandon Lupinus

Cavemen: Dreams of the Oasis III

Fallen Idol

Free 1: Fancy Free

Fancy Free 2:
Christmas is Coming


House of
the Cat


Last Wish

Lovers at

Lynx to
the Pharaoh

Make That
Man Mine

Mates 1: Stray Cat Strut

Mates 2: Peeping Tom

Mates 3: Scarlet Woman

Middlemarch Mates
4: Assassin

Mates 5: Cat and Mouse

Mates 6: Cat Burglar

Mates 7: Leticia’s Lover

Mates 8: CatNap

Mates 9: Tiger by the Tail

Middlemarch Mates
10: Blue Lady

Mates 11: Twin Trouble

Mates: Lightning Strikes Twice

Playing to Win

Price of Love

Resisting Tamaki

Sex Idol

Spies and Sapphires

of Fortune

in the City of Sails

Dog 1: Talking Dogs, Aliens and Purple People Eaters

Dog 2: Never Send a Dog to Do a Woman’s Job

Dog 3: Romantic Interlude



Do Bad Things with You

Print books by Shelley Munro


Cavemen: Dreams of the Oasis III


Men to Die For

Mates: Assassin

Middlemarch Mates:
Cat and Mouse

Middlemarch Mates:
Feline Lovers

Mates: Peeping Tom






in the City of Sails

Talking Dog:
Romancing the Alien



Cave Publishing








Feeling the Buzz


ISBN 9781419941528


Feeling the Buzz Copyright © 2012 Shelley Munro


Edited by Rebecca Hill

Cover design by Perry

Photos: Conrado and Lithian/Shutterstock.com


Electronic book publication September 2012


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