Read Feeling Hot Online

Authors: Elle Kennedy

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Feeling Hot (22 page)

BOOK: Feeling Hot
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Jen gawked at their bare chests, trim hips, muscular legs—pure sensory overload. She’d never seen so much smooth, tanned skin and bulging muscles. They were so utterly
that all the moisture left her mouth. Her throat felt like it was coated with sandpaper.

“On the bed,” Cash ordered.

The low, sexy command made her shiver. All uncertainty forgotten, she got on the mattress and stretched out on her back. A second later, there was a SEAL on either side of her, and two hot mouths latched onto her breasts.

Her hips shot off the bed.

Dylan chuckled. “Everything okay, Blondie?”


Her eyes fluttered closed as the men feasted on her. Two tongues darted out to lick her nipples, and when she bucked in surprise, two sets of hands dug into her hips to keep her still. They suckled her, twin groans of approval vibrating in her breasts and bringing goose bumps to her skin.

The mattress dipped, and cool air met her nipple as Cash’s mouth left it. She shivered when his lips grazed her ribcage, then her navel, her pubic bone, her inner thigh. While Dylan continued playing with her breasts, Cash crouched at the foot of the bed and spread her legs. His hot breath tickled her core. Anticipation poured into her.

When his tongue flicked over her clit, she moaned with abandon and shifted restlessly on the bed.

“You like how Cash licks your pussy?” Dylan muttered before moving his mouth to her neck and nipping at her flesh.


“You want my tongue down there too?”

She trembled uncontrollably, unable to believe this was actually happening.

Without awaiting her reply, Dylan joined Cash between her legs. Cash immediately retreated to let his friend have a taste.

Jen groaned at the sudden change of pressure. “Oh…

Dylan’s mouth was gentler, teasing her with feather-light kisses and long, drawn-out licks. As shivers danced over her naked flesh, she released a soft sigh of sheer contentment. And yet the moment she relaxed, losing herself in those sweet, gentle ministrations, he licked his way down her slit, speared his tongue into her core and made her scream with pleasure.

She’d barely recovered from the shocking invasion when he lifted his head to give Cash another turn.

She looked down, her heart pounding like a jackhammer. One dark head, one blond one. Between her legs. Oh God. It was too much. They took turns teasing her into oblivion. Slow, fast, gentle, rough. A whirlwind of sensation fogged her brain and racked her body.

“Too much,” she choked out. “It’s so good…so…good. You’re going to make me explode.”

“That’s the point.” Cash laughed, and then he slid two fingers into her sopping wet channel and she nearly bucked off the bed.

Dylan captured her clit with his mouth and started to suck in earnest, his low groans vibrating in that sensitive nub.

And just when she thought she’d reached the ultimate pinnacle of arousal, she heard Cash mutter, “Want a taste?”

Dylan’s mouth abruptly left her.

Jen’s eyes flew open in time to see Cash slide those two long fingers directly into his friend’s mouth. Dylan sucked her juices from his friend’s fingers and growled with approval. “Fuck, she’s sweet.”

Cash caught her expression and grinned. “You okay, sweetheart?”

“I…God, I…”

No words. She had no words. Both men chuckled before resuming their posts—Cash filled her with his fingers, Dylan tended to her clit, and it wasn’t long before every muscle in her body tightened and she came in a long, keening rush. The climax was so intense she tried to wiggle away, but squirming proved to be an exercise in futility. Strong hands held her in place, husky voices murmured encouragement as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into her.

When she was able to function again, she found both men kneeling in front of her, sporting matching grins.

“Don’t you dare high-five,” she grumbled.

“We already did. You were coming too hard to notice.” Dylan’s green eyes gleamed with sinful promise. “Ready for round two, or did we wear you out?”

Gulping, she eyed the blatant evidence of their arousal, the unconcealed hunger in their expressions. She was unable to fight the resulting burst of panic as she suddenly realized she really hadn’t thought this through.

Cash laid his palm flat on her belly. “What’s wrong?”

“I…um…” She licked her lips. “I’m not sure about the whole, um, double penetration thing.”

Dylan chuckled. “Not into ass play, are you?”

Her cheeks heated. “I’ve never tried it. I guess we could, if you—”

“No,” Cash interrupted. He moved his hand over her stomach in a tender caress. “This isn’t about us. It’s about you, and if you’re not comfortable with something, then it’s a no-go. Right, Dylan?”

“Right.” The other man didn’t even hesitate.

Relief trickled through her. As incredible as this entire encounter was, she wasn’t ready to jump into the darkly unfamiliar.

The bed creaked as Cash climbed off it and walked over to the dresser. He opened the top drawer, grabbed a couple of condoms and rejoined them.

“How about Dylan watches for now?” he said roughly, rolling on a condom as he met her eyes. “Does that sound good?”

She nodded, overcome by a fresh surge of anticipation.

The bed squeaked again as Cash got on his knees and positioned himself between her thighs. Keeping their gazes locked, he drove into her, filling her completely.

Jen gasped.

Dylan, who was on his knees beside them, seemed to enjoy her reaction. With a faint smile, he tweaked one of her nipples and said, “Does he feel good inside you, honey?”

She choked out an assent.

Dylan brought his hand to the juncture of her thighs and idly stroked her clit. With his other hand, he pumped his shaft, watching as Cash’s cock tunneled in and out of her core. Having another man there, touching her while Cash moved inside her, was so deliciously surreal.

As Cash slowed his pace and shortened his strokes, Dylan lowered his mouth to the top of her sex, laving her clit with his tongue. His face was inches from Cash’s cock, and he must have been licking more than her clit because Cash suddenly released an agonized groan.

“That is one talented tongue,” he rasped at his friend, those blue eyes dark with desire.

“You know it.” Chuckling, Dylan sat up and began stroking his own shaft again.

Jen reached for him, more than happy to help him out, but to her shock, Cash’s hand beat her to it.

He pumped his friend’s cock harder than she would’ve ever dreamed of doing, but Dylan didn’t seem to mind. The blond SEAL groaned, his head lolling to the side as he pushed his erection into Cash’s hand.

Heat pulsed between Jen’s legs. These men were going to kill her. They weren’t fulfilling just one of her fantasies, but two, and as unbearable tension seized her core, she rocked her hips to meet Cash’s hurried thrusts. It didn’t take long for her to explode, and Cash wasn’t far behind.

.” His big body trembled, his expression filling with rapture. The climax had him sagging forward. His cheek brushed over her nipple, tongue darting out to lick that tight bud as his hot breath warmed her skin.

When he withdrew, she whimpered in disappointment, longing for that feeling of completion. Then, remembering she had another man just dying to complete her, she turned to Dylan with a faint smile. “What are you waiting for?”

“You sure, Blondie?”

“Mmm-hmmm. I want you inside me.”

His green eyes smoldered. “Roll over. Get on your hands and knees.”

Despite the fact that her muscles had turned to jelly, she managed to roll onto her stomach and prop herself on her hands and knees. The mattress shifted again. Cash knelt in front of her and brought his semi-erect cock to her mouth.

“Tease me for a bit,” he said huskily.

Her tongue came out to explore just as Dylan moved behind her. She moaned when the tip of his cock brushed over her swollen opening. She had no idea how many times she’d come already, but the second he drove into her, she knew another orgasm was imminent, especially when he adjusted his angle and hit a sweet spot she hadn’t known existed.

“Oh, honey, you’re tight,” Dylan mumbled.

He rammed into her with absolutely no finesse, while Cash rubbed his hardening cock against her lips. The mattress squeaked out a reckless rhythm as Dylan pumped into her, hitting that spectacular spot with each stroke. Ripples of pleasure gathered in her belly, growing stronger when Dylan reached beneath her and strummed her clit with his thumb and forefinger.

Jen came with a loud cry. The second her lips opened, Cash pushed his now-stiff cock into her mouth. He pumped his hips, once, twice, and then he moaned and come spurted onto her tongue. A third groan joined the mix and Dylan’s sweat-soaked chest layered over her back as he shuddered with release.

Erratic breathing heated the air as the three of them recovered from the sexual tornado that had just swept through the room. As she fell forward on her elbows, she heard hoarse laughter—it took her a second to realize it had come from her.

“Are you all right?” Cash asked in a surprisingly tender voice.

She lifted her head and met his eyes, another laugh tickling her throat. “Three words,” she croaked, her entire body throbbing with lingering pleasure. “Best. Ménage. Ever.”



“You realize you haven’t stopped smiling all morning?” Cash leaned in the bathroom doorway, watching Jen brush her hair in front of the mirror. That shit-eating grin on her face widened when their eyes met in the reflection.

“I can’t help it,” she answered. “I keep thinking about last night.”

Yeah, so was he, but he doubted the reason for his preoccupation aligned with Jen’s. That threesome had taken things to a whole new level—he and Dylan had crossed a line he hadn’t imagined they’d ever cross. And sure, there hadn’t been any awkwardness last night when Dylan left, but the tequila had still been burning a path through Cash’s veins at that point.

Now, sober and in the light of day, he didn’t feel as confident.

Memories of last night kept flashing across his mind: Dylan’s mouth surrounding his cock, the hard length of Dylan’s erection pulsing in his hand…

Christ. How would he ever look his friend in the eye again?

“You’re not happy.”

Jen’s strained voice interrupted his troubled thoughts, and he met her eyes, confused by the flicker of shame he saw there.

“Oh God. You think less of me, don’t you?” she blurted out.

Of course not.”

He came up and wrapped his arms around her from behind, lacing his fingers over her flat belly as he leaned in to kiss her neck. Her silky blonde hair tickled his chin, the sweet scent of it filling his nose.

Jen continued to watch him in the mirror. “So you don’t think I’m a huge slut for sleeping with your best friend last night?”

He had to smile. “Not at all.”

Distress crossed her face. “Having sex with two men at the same time isn’t normal, Cash. It’s…deviant.”

Now a laugh escaped his mouth. “Deviant? Come on, you don’t actually believe that, do you?” He hurried on before she could answer. “You know what kind of raunchy shit happens behind closed doors? What we did last night was probably vanilla in comparison to what other

Her lips twitched. “I guess.”

“We’re adults, sweetheart. We can invite whomever we want into our bed, and as long as everyone involved is into it, then there’s nothing wrong with that. Okay?”

“Okay.” She bit her bottom lip. “So then why did you look so unhappy before?”

Cash hesitated. “I was thinking about Dylan. Me and Dylan…what we did.”

She set the hairbrush on the edge of the sink and turned to face him. “Fooling around with another guy doesn’t take away from your hetero masculinity, you know that, right? It’s perfectly healthy to explore some bi-curiosities.”

“That’s not it.”

“So you’re not embarrassed about what happened?”

“No. I’m just wondering if this will change anything between us,” he confessed. “He’s my best friend. I don’t want things to get…weird.”

“He seemed fine when he left last night.”

Cash smiled ruefully. “Alcohol has a remarkable way of making everything seem like a good idea.”

She stepped forward and looped her arms around his neck. He had to tilt his head to look down at her, which continued to surprise him. He kept forgetting how tiny she was—probably because her sunny smiles and big heart seemed to fill up any room she was in.

When she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him, he experienced a rare burst of tenderness. His chest tightened, his brain going fuzzy when she deepened the kiss. As much as he loved having sex with this woman, it was her kisses he was growing addicted to. Her sweet taste, her pliant lips, the tiny moan she let out each time their tongues met.

She’d gotten under his skin. He couldn’t deny it any longer, and he couldn’t pretend their conversation in the car yesterday hadn’t affected him. He’d tried to brush it off. Told himself he wasn’t bothered by Jen’s reminder that the fling would end as scheduled when three weeks were up. But hell. It
bother him. He didn’t like having that end date looming over him like a thundercloud.

BOOK: Feeling Hot
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