Feel The Fire (Unforgettable Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Feel The Fire (Unforgettable Series)
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Jonas came alive when Toni’s hands tug at his pants waistline. So much so that he was already grinding his throbbing sex against her thin silk robe and loving the way that she was grinding back.

He smiled against her lips. How refreshing it was to be entangled with a woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it—and yet there was nothing selfish about her lovemaking. She made sure to give as much pleasure as she took. Toni fed his starving body and still had a way of making him beg for more.

Who wouldn’t like that in a woman?

Toni rolled Jonas over and saddled up on top. Her gaze latched onto his as she sucked in her bottom lip and teased him mercilessly by untying her robe’s belt at a snail’s pace.

When she’d finally slid the thin sash from around her waist and her robe parted down the center, Jonas wrenched his gaze from her heavy stare and dipped it down her body until it landed on her V of black curls.

Lord have mercy.
“Miss me?” she questioned softly.
Jonas bobbed his head and when she shed the robe from her shoulders, his mouth watered and he repeatedly licked his lips.

A laugh tumbled from her lips, teasing and mocking him; but he was so delirious with lust, he didn’t give a damn. His greedy hands cupped her full breasts, his fingers and thumbs gently rotated her perked nipples until she gasped and squirmed with pleasure.

Two could play this game.
“Do you like that?” he asked, sitting straight up. When she stalled to answer, his fingers tightened on her nipples. “Um?”
“Y-yes,” she panted.

He smiled and planted a trail of kisses along her collarbone and then blazed a new trail through the valley between her breasts. Lord, she smelled good.

“Let me finish helping you out of these pants,” she suggested.

Nodding, he released her breasts and allowed her to push him back down onto the bed’s pillows. He watched her through the mesh of his curly eyelashes while she crawled backwards and tugged his pants and boxers down. His swollen sex sprang ramrod-straight into the air the moment the material glided off his hips and he didn’t miss the glow of pleasure in her eyes.

When he was at last stripped nude, Toni perfected her catlike crawl back up his body and stopped when she’d reached his towering erection.

Curious of what she would do next, Jonas folded his arms behind his head and continued to watch her. Apparently, Toni wasn’t finished teasing him. Her gaze found his through his curtain of lashes as she eased her head down before his throbbing cock.

Her warm breath, drifting across his taut flesh was enough to do him in, but he kept his jaw set in restraint. Yet after a few seconds of this unusual standoff, his hips lifted and nudged his quivering sex against her lips.

Another sly smile slid across her full lips. “Is there something you want?” she asked.

Jonas didn’t know when it had started, but he was suddenly aware his breathing was reduced to short puffs while his heart raced as if he’d just finished hiking up Mount Everest.

“Hmm?” she asked, and then slowly slid her tongue up his shaft once like it was her favorite lollipop.
He nodded and then nudged his cock against her mouth again.
She gave it another long lick.
Another nudge.
Another lick.

On the fourth lick, he was damn near ready to explode. Now how in the hell had she managed that? Her eyes narrowed on him as if suspecting his eruption and she gave him a disapproving shake of her head. “I don’t think so, baby.”

She cat-crawled the rest of the way up his body and then stopped when her knees cradled the sides of his head on the pillow.

Jonas gladly lifted his head and plunge his tongue deep into her pink cave. When she quivered in response, he lifted his arms and locked them around her hips. The power ball was back in his court and he was determined to hold onto it for as long as possible.

His tongue dived, twirled and pulsed inside of her. The room filled with the sound of her sighs, gasps and whimpers. Her orgasm, no doubt, hit with an Olympic time and her knees bucked as she tried to crawl away.

However, Jonas felt the need to teach her a lesson and kept his arm locked around her hips and his tongue lapping at her flowing juices until another orgasm wrenched a scream from her hoarse throat.

Satisfied, he released her and she slumped over to the other side of the bed, panting as though she’d narrowly escaped his wild feasting with her life.

Jonas grabbed his pants from the floor and retrieved a condom from his wallet. Energized and emboldened by his short-lived dominance, he coaxed her legs and planted himself between. To his surprise, his hands trembled as he slid the latex over his straining flesh. He was desperate to get inside of her.

Still feeling loose-limbed and languid after her two incredible orgasms, a lazy smile slithered onto Toni’s face as she watched Jonas’s eyes glaze with unfettered passion. Her gaze drank in his gloriously nude body while she allowed him to toss her legs over his shoulders. When she felt his heavy shaft against her vaginal lips, she sucked in a breath in preparation of his body’s invasions—but it wasn’t enough.

He glided into her with one swift thrust and robbed them both of their very breath. He started off with long, measured strokes while rolling his eyes and sucking air through his teeth but after a long while, his pace quickened and the room’s temperature rose to sweltering.

Dizzy and mumbling incoherently, Toni spiraled into sensory overload. Their heated flesh burned against each other while she made a feral wish that this night could last forever. Another orgasm rose to the surface as their rhythm turned frantic.

Her body jerked, contracting around his shaft, once, twice, and then another cry tore from her throat as a dazzling orgasm erupted within.

Jonas dove deeper, growling and praying at the same time. A storm of emotions rumbled and clashed with within him. God, how he loved her body—loved what it could do and how it made him feel. Finally, their body’s friction ignited something within and transformed his growls into a lion roar. He flinched, jerked and, at last, exploded inside of her.

When the last of his orgasm drained into her, he slumped forward and rested his head on the crook of her neck. “Oh, Toni. What have you done to me?”

Chapter 20


“How dare you leave me stranded at that club,” Patsy roared, storming into his office.
Jonas clamped his mouth shut and took his punishment because to offer an explanation would just land him into deeper hot water.

“How could you do that to me?” the incensed attorney raged. “I only had my ID and a tube of lipstick on me. Care to know how I made it home?”

“Patsy, I apologize. Something urgent came up,” he regretfully lied.

“Urgent my ass. The bouncer told me you ran out of there looking for some woman. Most likely the one you kept staring at when you were supposed to be paying attention to me!”

Damn. Why didn’t he keep his mouth shut?
An hour later, when he walked through the doors of T&B Entertainment, Ophelia opened a second can of whoop-ass.
“How dare you walk out the minute my girls take the stage? Their sole reason for performing was for you!”
Damn. He’d forgotten about SisterSol.
“Are you getting some kind of cheap thrill having everyone jump through hoops for you?”
“Sorry, something urgent came up.”
“Urgent my ass! The bouncer told us you ran out of there looking for some woman.”
“Probably that same woman I caught you staring at up in VIP,” Solomon grunted.

Jonas swore under his breath. Apparently a hundred dollar tip didn’t buy silence nowadays. He chuckled to himself, but his amusement sent the wrong message to his business partners.

“I’m so glad wasting our time amuses you,” Marcel said, bitingly.

Jonas tried to look contrite, but it was difficult since he couldn’t stop the glorious images of Toni streaming through his mind. The woman was thoroughly intoxicating to the point he found it difficult to stick to his plan: sex only.

The fact of the matter was: he wasn’t ready to cast her aside. He would...eventually; but for right now, he wanted to get to know her better.

What was her story? What made her tick? And why in the hell hadn’t someone snatched her off the market?

The last question caused laughter to rumble inside his chest. Toni Wright loved men and her independence too much. He imagined a man would have to hogtie Toni and drag her to the altar.

He laughed again.

“Are you high, drunk or have you finally lost what few marbles you had left?” Marcel questioned.

Jonas cleared his throat and glanced around the table. All eyes were on him. “Fine. Fine. We’ll sign the group,” he said, caving. After all, it wouldn’t hurt for him to give in a little. He glanced down at his watch and pushed away from the conference table. “I better go. I have somewhere I need to be.”

Marcel and Solomon also glanced at their watch.

“But we’re in the middle of a meeting.”

“Well, I’m sure you two can carry on without me,” he said, standing and then strolling toward the door. “Michelle can get me on my mobile if you need anything.” He breezed out of the conference room, slamming the door behind him.

Marcel and Solomon’s gazes zoomed to each other.

“We’ve got to do something about him,” Solomon said. “And soon.”


Toni couldn’t stop smiling and feeling like a silly schoolgirl. Each time she thought about how Jonas worked her body, she experienced an orgasmic thrill that had her slumping back in her chair and craving a cigarette.

And she didn’t even smoke.

After a few hours of this, the evitable question: how long would this last-surfaced in her mind.

How long did she
it last? For months, she’d wanted him, now she had him-twice-and she was in that awkward phase when she estimated or counted down when it was time to move on.

she wanted to move on.

“If,” she repeatedly whispered up to the ceiling.

The last time she came across this crossroad was with Brian. She chose to stick around and that had turned into a colossal mistake. Sooner or later, men became too possessive too clingy.

She couldn’t breathe in clingy relationships.

There was no mistake about it: that danger lurked in Jonas’s eyes. Just look at how he’d stormed over to her place, searching for another man-as if he had the right.

For the first time that morning, Toni’s smile waned. She refused to belong to any man.
Love is a woman’s greatest downfall.

Anna, Toni’s new secretary, buzzed into her office. “Ms. Wright, there’s a Brian Olson here to see you.”
Toni groaned and wondered why she didn’t rent out an office with a back door.
“Ms. Wright?”
“Yes, yes.” She sighed and glanced at her watch. “Send him in.” Toni straightened in her chair.
Seconds later, Brian entered her small office, wearing a wide smile and clutching an obviously heavy briefcase.
“Morning, Brian,” she greeted in her best cheerful voice. “What bring you by this morning?”

His awkward laugh bounced off the office’s thin walls before he took his seat. “Are you kidding me? You ran out of the club so fast the other night we never got around to discussing business.”

“Oh? I thought you used business as a ruse to get me there.”

He released another laugh, but there was something wrong with his body language. Tension was his shoulders, eyes and facial features. “I thought I’d said something wrong and uh, decided to swing by your place and-”

“But you don’t know where I live,” she said, her hackles started to rise.
“Actually, I, uh, sort of Googled you.”
The goddamn World Wide Web.
“You showed up at my place and...”
His eyes snapped to hers. “You had company.”
The energy shifted in the room, bolting Toni to her feet. “You need to leave.”

Brian didn’t move. Instead, he shook his head while a crooked smile played across his face. “You really don’t waste time, do you?”

“Brian, we’d agreed it was over.”

He glared, his eyes darkening within seconds. “What kind of game are you playing by sleeping with one of the partners your practice is suing?” Finally, he set his briefcase on the floor and stood from his chair. “I may be mistaken, but I think something like this would fall under ‘conflict of interest.’ What do you think?”

“I think you’re out of line.”
“I think you’re nothing but a whore.”
Toni stomped her foot. “Get out!”
Again, Brian ignored the order and bolted around her office desk to wrench hold of her arms.
Toni screamed and her office door burst open.

She blinked for several seconds before she believed her own eyes. Jonas had Brian smashed up against a wall with his hands twisted behind his back.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, man?” Jonas roared.
Brian tried to speak, but Jonas rammed the nervous attorney’s head back into the wall.

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