Feather Light (Knead Me) (19 page)

BOOK: Feather Light (Knead Me)
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A wishful moan escaped her lips. She shuddered while he played with her nipples, pinching each one. Then he climbed on top of her, securing her legs within his own. Her mound became his playground. He licked it, his warm breath caressing her folds and making her cry out in want.

Kelly pushed her mound up to meet his mouth and keep the fire burning in her already-heated core. She wished his tongue would alleviate the pain in her kitty, but the more he taunted and probed, the more he made her throb with need.

“My lord, I want thee within,” she whispered.

“Thou will have me, my lady. Patience is a virtue thou lacketh. I will teach thee fortitude and endurance.” Parker dove down to her tits again. This time, he sucked long and hard at her nipples, making her breasts swell.

The sound of her strangled breathing and the banging of her heart against her ribs made it impossible to think. He cupped her tits and lasciviously stroked her swollen mounds with his tongue. Kelly groaned while she attempted to deny her own orgasm, panting, straining, and yelping with the effort to stop the inevitable.

“My lord . . . thy actions make it impossible for me to fulfill . . . thy request,” she cried as the throbbing between her legs increased.

Parker raised his head. The glow of the candlelight reflected the wicked gleam in his eyes. “Thou shalt be steadfast in thy efforts, my lady.” Again, he flicked his tongue across each nipple with renewed enthusiasm. 

Kelly was forced to resort to grunting in an attempt to keep from climaxing. No matter how unladylike she sounded, it worked, stopping her from reaching the peak and buying her more time. Parker continued his teasing while he traveled down to her stomach. She was overheating as his firm tongue flitted along her skin, and she twisted her body to meet his mouth—to feel his caress.

It would only take a matter of seconds before she exploded. Her orgasm was coming closer, and her mind begged for release as the last of her self-control slipped away. She clawed at his muscled arms and wrapped her legs tight around his torso.

She threw in the towel. “Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!”

The moment Parker lifted his head in response to her weakened cry, her release came hard and sweet. Kelly gasped in bliss as her core unclenched with satisfaction. She tried to focus on his unreadable expression and felt an overwhelming embarrassment for being weak.

“Alas, I failed thee.” 

Parker shook his head and shifted his body so that their faces were almost touching. “Thou didn’t fail me. Thou hast done what I asked of thee. You used your safety net to alert me of your discomfort. No punishment will be given when such action is necessary. I applaud you for being obedient but also for expressing your true feelings.” He kissed the tip of her nose. 

“Would my lord give me another chance?” She cupped his face in her palms, loving every minute of being with such a wonderful man.

“We have all night, my lady. But for now, I must feed you.” Parker eased his body off hers and climbed down from the table. She took his offer of a hand and let him help her sit up. “Dress and come to the kitchen.”

Kelly jumped off the table after he left and hurried to get dressed. Parker was in the process of lighting several candles when she walked into the dining room. He flashed a gracious smile and pulled out a chair for her.

“Sit, my lady.”

“Verily, I’m pleased with thy hospitality.” She took her seat. Seeming like they were off the role-playing, Kelly began to relax but decided it was best to ask first. “Permission to speak freely, my lord?”

“Of course.” Parker’s eyes were focused on her.

“Is there anything I can do to help?

Parker shook his head. “Serving you is such a pleasure.”

He went to the kitchen and returned with a platter of roasted chicken garnished with rosemary, parsley, and orange wedges, surrounded by fries. Her stomach growled, and she looked at Parker in embarrassment. Even though he couldn’t see her face, he let out a hearty laugh. He returned to the kitchen once more and came back with two wine glasses.

“Can you do me a favor and open the bottle of wine you brought?”

“Of course.” Glad to have something to do, she hurried and retrieved the bottle from the bathroom and found Parker cutting the chicken with remarkable ease.

“Corkscrew is in the first drawer.”

Parker pointed to the kitchen’s center island. She uncorked the bottle and poured for both of them.

“We are eating with these.” He wiggled his fingers in her direction. At that same moment, they both headed to the sink to wash their hands.

Dinner was delicious. Kelly decided after they’d enjoyed his home-cooked meal, that nothing Parker did should surprise her anymore. There seemed to be nothing the man wasn’t good at. They engaged in relaxed conversation, focusing on each other’s pleasure. They touched as they ate and fed each other.

“You’re not only a master in the bedroom but also an excellent cook,” Kelly said, then licked each of her fingers. It was liberating to be doing something unconventional for a change.

“I still have room for dessert.” Parker cleared the plates from the table. Kelly stared in surprise. She had no idea what was on his mind.

He strode from the kitchen with a determined look on his face. Without a word, he pulled her to her feet and lifted her onto the table. He seized her mouth while snaking his hands underneath her skirt to release her belt. As soon as the lock disengaged, he pulled his leggings down without breaking their kiss.

Savoring the taste of his mouth on hers, she linked her legs behind him when he pressed his erection against her clit. A wave of uncontrollable desire spread through her, making her ache and throb. He continued to tease her before he speared his hard lance into her opening. Kelly groaned at the delicious intrusion. When he filled her, Parker began pumping at an enchanting pace, creating friction while his shaft pushed her into a maddening frenzy.

He watched her with hungered passion when his thrusts grew more urgent. The veins in his arms bulged as he held her. “I’m going to come,” he whispered in a ragged voice.

“Come . . . come.” She dug her fingers in his shoulders, urging him on.

Parker let out a feral cry as his body convulsed. Kelly savored the feel of his wonderful release within her, and then peaked herself a moment later. He kept grinding long after she’d collapsed against his hard body. They held each other for a long time, enjoying each other’s embrace before Parker abruptly pulled away.

“Damn it! I forgot to wear a condom.”

Kelly hadn’t realized they had been unprotected until he’d mentioned it. “Oh, my. It slipped my mind, too.” Her stomach lurched, and she was afraid to even think of the possibility. She tried to count the days in her mind, but it was difficult to do because of the irregularity of her menstrual cycle.

“We got carried away . . . I mean,
got carried away. I apologize for my carelessness.” Parker was staring into her eyes, searching.

She felt a mixture of apprehension and delight, and she wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry at the absurdity of their situation. Regardless, this night with Parker had been fabulous, and she wasn’t going to allow the uncertainty to dampen her high.

Kelly smiled up at him. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Is there a possibility that you could . . . um . . . get pregnant?” He cupped her face and pulled her closer to him.

“Let’s cross that bridge once we get there.”

What was the point of worrying about it when she had no idea what to expect? Prudence had given way to carelessness, and there was no one to blame for her own mistake. She’d known better. But for now, Kelly refused to dwell on the situation and would worry about it when the time came—if it ever.

Parker drew a long sigh of relief. She wasn’t sure if she should feel happy or insulted.

“Will you tell me if you are? Heck, just let me know either way.” Parker looked at her, filled with expectation.

Kelly nodded, and then remembered once again that she had to say something. “I promise I will.”

One thing was for certain—she was going to tell Parker about her lies first thing in the morning. But for now, she just wanted to enjoy the evening with him and not ruin the mood.

“I have something for you,” she said, changing the subject. Kelly pressed the item into his palm.

Parker jiggled the square, flat case. “What is it?”

“I wanted to get you a card, but since you couldn’t read it, I decided to record my sentiments so you could listen to them.” She felt silly for acting on a whim.

He grinned and pulled her onto his lap. Kelly rested her head against his chest and savored the perfect moment.

“Thank you. This is the sweetest and most thoughtful gift anyone’s ever given me.” He closed his eyes and trailed his finger around her lips. “I haven’t told you this before—and you have to understand it isn’t easy for me to talk about my blindness—but I want you to know that I feel so lucky to have met you. I never thought a guy like me could ever find a woman who would accept me just the way I am.”

“Oh, Parker. You have so much to offer, and you have given me far more than I deserve. I don’t care that you can’t see me, because I know you feel me and you know what’s in my heart.”

“What’s in your heart, Ann? Tell me.”

He kissed her with so much affection that she was moved to tears. She sighed, wanting to tell him how she’d fallen for him. Kelly brushed the wisp of hair from his eyes while she searched for the right words to say.

“I want you like I’ve never wanted another man. You’ve touched my heart and made me ache to love again.”

His kiss was long and intense and filled with promise.

“I intend to keep that ache burning until you fall in love with me. I’ll be the happiest man alive when that day comes.”

Kelly shuddered at the weight of his words. The day was already upon her, but she couldn’t quite speak the truth, not until she was certain Parker felt the same way about the real her.

After they shared the cleanup duty, they retreated back to his bedroom. This time, she managed to rein in her excitement. Pleased with her obedience, Parker took her to new heights, worshiping her and making her feel loved and desired. He controlled the tempo of their lovemaking, but he gave her room to enjoy every lingering sensation along the way.

Exhausted but content, they ended their marathon well past midnight. When she succumbed to sleep, Parker’s arms were tightly wrapped around her, and the issue of their unprotected romp had already been forgotten. The last thing she remembered was listening to the soft cadence of their hearts beating in perfect rhythm.

A sharp ring jolted her awake. Kelly glanced around, not quite remembering where she was. A strong arm tightened around her waist, a reminder of what happiness meant. She snuggled closer, locking her legs around his, but the phone rang again.

She jumped when she realized it was her phone causing the noise. She had no intention of answering it until she saw the name flashing from the caller ID. Jessica wouldn’t call unless it was important, and besides, it was way too early for her press junket, which wouldn’t start until late in the afternoon.

“Jessica, what’s wrong?” she whispered.

“You better get your ass back to your house. I’ll meet you there.” The urgency in Jessica’s voice was enough to sound the warning bells inside Kelly’s head. She was wide-awake now.

She shot up, despite Parker’s steely arms around her.

“Ann, go back to sleep,” he murmured.

“It’s an important call, sweetie. Hold on.” Kelly cupped the receiver and hissed at her friend. “What’s going on?”

“You might want to wait until you get home to ask.”

“Tell me now.”

“Your face is on the front of a tabloid. It looks like the exclusive work of your most hated paparazzo.” It took several moments for the words to sink in. “I don’t want you talking to anyone. Just hurry back. Dave will be meeting us there, too.”

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