Feather Light (Knead Me) (13 page)

BOOK: Feather Light (Knead Me)
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This time, he held her by the waist with her back resting against his stomach. Parker guided his cock to her entrance, and then held back while her walls adjusted to the intrusion. She hissed, feeling pain intermingled with pleasure. When he filled her, he moved her hips in a grinding motion, making sure she felt him inside her. Kelly moaned and dug her fingers into his thighs.

“Go ahead. You can touch me.”

The order was what she’d been waiting for. Raring to go, she bent forward and slid her hands down to the base of his penis to stroke his balls. He shivered with undisguised satisfaction and rained kisses on the back of her neck, pushing her closer to the edge. As if he knew she was close to reaching her peak, he gripped her waist tighter and pumped harder. The exquisite sound they created together was a lovely music she’d never forget. Their bodies pounded as one in rhythmic synchronicity—in tune with each other. 

“Scream for me, Ann. Come!” It was as if her body was already trained to respond to his command; she clenched, her walls tightened, and she burst into ecstasy with a scream. Parker kept pounding into her for several moments before he grunted and convulsed as his release gushed out, his fingers digging into her skin. Kelly kept twisting and moving her hips in circles until he relaxed and wrapped his arms around her. 

“Sweet . . .” he murmured.

Kelly rested her back against his chest, and they stayed that way for some time before either one of them gathered the strength to move.

“Thank you, Parker.” Satisfied, she closed her eyes.

After they’d cleaned up, they went back to bed, content to hold each other. Kelly rested her head on his chest, loving the feel of his strong arms around her.

“How did you know?” he asked several minutes later.

She propped her chin on Parker’s chest. “I had no idea, at first, but I kept thinking about it the entire time we were together that night. After you left, my curiosity won, and I scoured the Internet for answers. I read a particular article from one of your ex . . . um . . . a past girlfriend.”

His jaw muscles clenched. “And how do you feel about it?”

Parker traced his fingers along her back, and she arched her body in response to his gentle touch, feeling the heat rising in her once more.

“I’m not sure. It’s different. I don’t know that much about it, but I want to be with you, so I’m willing to give it a try if you’re willing to show me. I had no idea how my body would respond. It was amazing. Was it too silly, Parker? Were you disappointed?” Kelly thumbed his nipple until he moaned. 

“Don’t tease me. I don’t tire easily.” He smiled, and then turned to watch her, his eyes moving, searching. “It’s not for everyone, this
, but there’s no need to doubt yourself. It shows your daring personality and need to please. I find that endearing, and I’m touched by your effort. I’ll let you be who you are, because no two couples practice this way of life the same way. We’ll learn from each other and find ‘our style’ together.”

Kelly couldn’t answer. He was talking as if he wanted her for the long haul. Although she’d enjoyed every minute of it, she still wondered if she had what it took to be the designated follower. She wanted to be, if it meant being with him, but she was still unsure.

“Am I going to see you again?” Parker asked.

“I can’t make promises, but I’ll call you when I’m in town. You have my number, so anytime you want to talk to me, just leave me a voicemail, and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”

His expression soured for a moment before he smiled again. “I guess I’ll just have to wait for your call, then.”

She leaned forward and captured his mouth with hers.

“I promise I’ll call.”

Parker fell asleep right after, but rest didn’t come so quickly for her. While she lay beside him, she couldn’t help feeling guilty for hiding her identity from him. There was no doubt the man fascinated her. He’d been gentle, despite the control he’d exhibited in the bedroom, but there was something about his tender touch and unspoken sentiments that made her want to know more. It made Kelly wonder if it were possible to trust another man again.

As strange as it seemed, her vow to stay away from any type of relationship had been disregarded after their first night together. With her chaotic life, she needed order, and in Parker’s arms, she felt secure and peaceful. When she was with him, she forgot the misery of being alone, of being lost and afraid. Granted, this was only their third meeting, but Parker, in his own way, had given her a glimpse of how life could still be normal and safe. Celebrity life gave her all the glitter and wealth any woman could ever ask for, but it also placed her up on a lofty pedestal where she felt the need to hide her misery and tears. The cameras only saw her smile, not her true feelings; those she kept hidden from judgment.

She’d be a hypocrite if she denied that she enjoyed her celebrity status, but the glitz and glamour came at a price. Existing under a microscope left a lot to be desired. All Kelly longed for now was a moment of peace from time to time. It wasn’t too much to ask. This night with Parker had been heaven, but how long could it last? The very minute the media found out about him, he’d be under that microscope with her, guarding his every move and watching every word that came out of his mouth. Would he still want to be with her after discovering what she had to offer? Would he choose another woman over her just like Matthew had?

Kelly snuggled closer to Parker, fearing the time when he’d tell her that he couldn’t handle being with her. Closing her eyes, she wished for the courage to let him in and reveal her true identity. She hoped he would still look at her the same way after realizing his quiet life would soon be over.

Sleep came fast, but within a few hours, Parker woke up with the urge for release, his dreams of Ann fueling the fire once again. Still wrapped around her like a blanket, he trailed his fingers along her body. Ann mumbled incoherent words while his hands explored every glorious arc of her body. She was perfect—too perfect.

He wasn’t one to subject himself to crippling doubts, but the woman lying next to him raised some questions that he couldn’t ignore. What was she doing with a man like him when she could have anyone she wanted? Even without the benefit of sight, she felt beautiful to him. Her curves said as much, and her ample breasts told him the same thing. Her skin felt like expensive velvet beneath his fingers, and her scent was to die for. Was he just a novelty for her? Someone she wanted at the moment and would later grow tired of, just like Rebecca had? He gritted his teeth at the thought. God, his questions would kill him.

Parker had never been a pussy, but this woman was making him less confident than usual. He wanted her—there was no doubt about it. But what he wanted was to know how she felt about
the man, and not the persona that the press portrayed or the stigma associated with his blindness.

“Parker?” Ann mumbled, soundly sleepy.

“Yeah?” He traced his fingertips along her face without knowing what he was searching for.

“What are you thinking?”

He dithered, unsure of how to answer. “I’m just thinking about how I can see you more often. I don’t think this ‘once every two weeks or so’ is going to work for me.”

“I’m sorry, but my schedule is a little tight. Would a phone call every day work?”

Parker sighed. Since when had he turned into a Needy Nancy? “I’ll take what I can get.”

“Can I ask you one favor?” Ann lifted her face closer, and he could almost see its contours.


“Can you make love to me again?”

He smiled and felt the jackhammer in him come alive. “You don’t even have to ask twice.”

Chapter 8

When Parker awoke, he had no idea of the time. The room was bathed in light as far as he could see. If his guess was correct, sunlight was streaming in through the glass doors that led straight to the beach. The steady sound of lapping waves and crying seagulls was a nice change from the usual sound of kids riding their bikes in his neighborhood. His three-bedroom townhouse sat in a convenient but busy enclave. Its proximity to the supermarket, dry-cleaners, theater, and bank made it easy for him to live independently.

He had no idea where his clothes were—they could be anywhere in the room. Then he remembered he had left them in the bathroom when he’d showered. Parker wanted to get up to check his phone for messages, and maybe check the time, too. By the intensity of the light coming from the windows, it had to be around ten or eleven. His stomach growled, establishing the fact that his guess was most likely accurate. He tried to move, but Ann’s body was draped across him.

And what do you know?
His hand was cupping her breast, staking ownership. Parker smiled, enjoying the feel of her against him and the way their bodies melded together as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He could get used to waking up next to her every morning.

Ann raked her hand across his chest, and then moved it toward his dick, her fingers caressing his skin. She inched closer, igniting the sleeping flame within him. “Are you awake?” Traces of sleep colored her tone.

“Yes, you?” He smiled at the trace of sleepiness in her voice. Shifting to face her, he slipped an arm underneath her head to cradle her closer.

“Um . . . hmm . . .”

“Got plans today?”

“Yeah . . . I’m planning on going horseback riding,” she answered with a hint of mischief in her voice.

“Sounds like fun.”

Parker lifted her chin and focused on her face, trying to gauge her mood. Last night had been great, even though he knew very little about the woman next to him, except for a few tidbits of information she had shared. He was literally groping in the dark, trying to learn some things about her.

“Yep . . . in fact, I’m going to start now.” Ann sat up and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist, her red hair covering her face. “Giddyap horsey.” She slapped his thigh.

Parker chuckled and grabbed her waist. “You’re full of energy—you keep going and going and going.” He pulled her down until she was lying horizontal on top of him. His shaft twitched, awakened. “Can you feel that, sweetheart?” Her teasing had made him harder. He pressed his erection to her center, and her body bucked rodeo-style.

“Oh yeah,” she answered as she gyrated, her moist hub rubbing and leaving kisses on his sensitive skin.

“You’re going to kill me.”

Ann continued moving, eliciting roguish pleasures in him. It took a tremendous amount of self-control to rein in the raging inferno she’d started. With their faces close enough to touch, he could almost see her, see that she was gazing down at him as she continued to “ride” him.

“I would love to pleasure you again, but we need to eat.” He kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth and lapping hers several times. When she responded with a moan, Parker touched his forehead to hers. “Let’s do something else, like talk and try to learn more about each other. As much as I enjoy making love to you, there are other things I look for in a relationship.” He laughed. “I know it’s a bit odd—most people think men have insatiable sexual appetites, right?


“I’m afraid I’m losing ground here. I don’t want you to think I’m some sort of perverted control freak. The bedroom is the only place I intend to practice more power over you. It’s what I need so I can feel like I still have a say in my own life.”

Parker felt her stiffen.

“And you think that you’ll find gratification by controlling me in the bedroom?” Ann’s voice held a hint of defiance.

He held her face and gazed in the general direction of her eyes. “Don’t misunderstand me. I’m just talking about the bedroom. Out there, it’s a different story. I can’t do much if we’re out there, because there will always be a certain degree of dependence in my life, no matter how much I want to believe otherwise.”

She grazed her mouth against his lips and relaxed a little. “It’s going to be a work in progress,” she whispered.

“I appreciate your efforts—trying to please me with that appetizing setup last night—but it left out the most important aspect of this lifestyle that I want to remain intact.”

“Is control that important to you?”

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