Fearless (The Blue Fire Saga) (21 page)

BOOK: Fearless (The Blue Fire Saga)
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Leesa frowned
, remembering the underground rumblings a short while ago
She wondered if Dominic had seen that in his dream.

my magic was coming more easily
because there was so much magical volkaane energy

“I think that might
part of it,
but not all of it,
” Dominic replied. “It may also be the reason these ancient powers don’t sleep completely there.
be playing a role
as well

Leesa tried to make sense of what Dominic was telling her.
“What will happen if these powers, whatever they are,

My dream did not show me that—only that
the result could be deadly. We cannot risk it.
There are enough unknowns at play already.
You need to return home immediately.”

Rave brought me
here because the black waziri were prowling around campus,” Leesa told him. “They even sent some zombies into my dorm. Not to my floor, though,” she added, not wanting to worry him. “Rave and his friends took care of them without magic.”

Dominic was si
lent for a moment. “I think my renegade brethren
were probably
trying to
provoke some reaction
with the zombies
, be
cause I used my magic near your dorm
. The danger is gone
, though—f
now, at least. I can sense
all three
of them
are closer to me than to you

Leesa was glad to hear
the black waziri
were gone, but
not that they were getting closer to Dominic.

“How close
to you are they
asked worriedly.

Not close enough to be an immediate threat, but one
of them
enough that I need to get moving. I’ve been zigzagging about this city
all day
on buses and in taxis, hoping to make our foes
think there might be
some reason I’m here, and that there was nothing really special about Connecticut.”

“Go, then,” Leesa said
, sensing the urgency in Dominic’s voice
. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll have Rave take me home as soon as we hang up. Please be careful.”

“I will
. Good-bye for now, Leesa. I do
t know when I’ll be able to check in on you again.”

“Good-bye,” Leesa said, but Dominic had already hung up. She turned to Rave. “You heard all that?”

Rave nodded. “Yes. I’ll take you home as soon as you gather up your things. Then I need to come back here and tell the Council of Elders what Domin
ic said. I’m not sure if there’
s anything we can do about the powers he mentioned, but we need to discuss it, at least.”

Leesa didn’t like hearing that Rave would be leaving as soon as he got her back, but she unde
rstood why he had to return home


she said as she
began stuffing her clothes into her backpack. She was disappointed
at having
to leave—she’d planned to stay through the weekend before returning to school. At least
Dominic had assured her that
the blac
k wizards were gone
That was certainly good news. She prayed that
would be able to continue to avoid them, and that the
Noises, whatever they were, would go back to sleep.






eep in the
bowels of the grotto
that served as home to the three-score vampires
the Connecticut coven,
the vampire Marcio
paced back and forth, trying
to ignore the unsettling pull that had been stealing over him for the past few days. The caverns, which had been cut beneath the hills just east of the Connecticut River by an ancient underground river that had long since vanished, consisted of four levels and dozens of chambers of varying sizes. For centuries, the vampires had been shaping the place to suit their needs.

Marcio had been
vampire for almost
four hundred year
s. He had been transformed in his early twenties back in Italy, and for several centuries
had been content to hunt the Italian countryside, with occasional forays
into the neighboring countries to the
He had come to America e
arly in the twentieth century
when a need for adventure caused him to take passage
aboard the ill-fated
When the ship went down, he simply swam west
until he reached land
He had roamed New England alone for a few decades before falling in with the coven
just after World War Two, when America’s increased military might and
widespread ownership of modern
weapons created a greater need for the safety a
nd security of a group and a place to hide

was one o
f the more experienced and
powerful members of the coven. Not one of the High Council,
but not far below them in strength
As such, h
e should not be so troubled by this strange, unfamiliar urge, but he was. At first, he thought it was simply
fanning his blood thirst, so yesterday
he had
the human feeder he kept chained in
the lowest levels of the cavern. To avoid drawing attention to their existence by constant killings, many of the coven’s vampires kept a human captive as a living blood bank. Others fed mainly on animal blood. Marcio had drunk his fill from his feeder, but
blood had done nothing to quiet the
creeping over him
The pull
was akin to an urge to hunt, yet
unlike any hunting urge he had ever felt.
Even more troubling was that the pull
kept getting stronger.

Finally, he decided to fight it no longe
r. He would give himself over to the feeling
and see where it took him. To leave the caverns in these dangerous days required
two more vampires to accompany him.
Unsure exactly what to expect on his foray outside, h
e wanted companions who were
powerful and who
might be willing to bend some of the strictures the Council had put in place
at least overlook it if he did
. He
knew exactly who to

Marcio spun on his heels and headed out into the passageway.
He strode up one level
and stopped outside the entrance to the
he wanted
. As he hoped,
Dara and Genevieve were inside.

Their chamber was furnished and decorated much more lavishly than any oth
er in the caverns. A large four-
poster bed covered by a black lace
canopy dominated the space. There was also a scallop-backed couch upholstered in
against one wall
Behind the couch, t
hick velour curtains
hioned of matching
red cloth covered
wall, giving the impressi
on there was a window
rather than
merely more
stone. The
plush, exotic
décor suited the chamber’s
occupants perfectly.

Genevieve lay
stretched out on her back
on the couch
her feet
. She looked
totally relaxed
gently scrubbed her feet with a pumice stone. Genevieve was wearing an ornate black silk robe embossed with gold trim. Her
shiny black hair
was pinned atop her head. Dara was dressed in a ti
ght black dress that resembled
corset. Her long brown hair hung loose over her shoulders. Marcio had never known two vampires who were more comfortable with each other. Genevieve was the domin
ant and more powerful of the pair
, but Dara was strong in her own right.

The two
together even before they became vampires, working
as a pair in
exclusive Paris
ian brothel
One night, a particularly seductive
caused a vampire client to lose control
He quickly drained them of their blood and turned them vampire.
Not long after
, Genevieve drove a wooden
stake through his chest
while Dara distracted him
. They
fled Europe before the vampire’s comrades could find them.

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