Fearless in Tibet: The Life of the Mystic Terton Sogyal (45 page)

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Page 9
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 23
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 29
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 30
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 77
: courtesy of Dzongsar Monastery, Tibet

Page 89
: courtesy of the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, Staten Island, NY

Page 117
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 123
: courtesy of Dzongsar Monastery, Tibet

Page 125
: courtesy of Sogyal Rinpoche

Page 131
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 153
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 157
: courtesy of Sogyal Rinpoche

Page 193
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 205
: photo by Alak Gurong, Orgyen Jikdrel Chöying Dorje, circa 1913

Page 213
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 217
: photo by Matteo Pistono

Page 253
: photo by Jurek Schreiner

Page 258
: courtesy of Khenpo Jikme Phuntsok

Page 261
: courtesy of Rigpa


Matteo Pistono is a writer, photographer, and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism. Pistono lived and traveled throughout Tibet and the Himalayas for a decade, bringing to the West graphic accounts and photos of China’s human rights abuses in Tibet, detailed in his memoir,
In the Shadow of the Buddha
(Dutton 2011). Pistono’s writings and photographs about Tibetan and Himalayan cultural, political, and spiritual landscapes have appeared in
The Washington Post,
In-Pictures, The Global Post, Men’s Journal, Kyoto Journal,
HIMAL South Asia.
He is the founder of Nekorpa (
), a nonprofit foundation working to protect sacred pilgrimage sites around the world, and he sits on the executive council of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists, and the board of directors of Rigpa Fellowship and the Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture. Pistono and his wife, Monica, divide their time between Wyoming, Washington, D.C., and Asia.

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