Fearful Cravings

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Authors: Tessa Kealey

BOOK: Fearful Cravings
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Fearful Cravings


By Tessa Kealey


Copyright 2013 Tessa Kealey

Table of Contents


Chapter 1             

Chapter 2             

Chapter 3             

Chapter 4             

Chapter 5             

Chapter 6             

Chapter 7             

Chapter 8             

Chapter 9             

Chapter 10              

Chapter 11             

Chapter 12             

Chapter 13             

Chapter 14             

Chapter 15             

Chapter 16             

Chapter 17             

Chapter 18             

Chapter 19             


Chapter 1


Chloe almost tripped as they stumbled onto the elevator. It would help if Chloe and her date stopped kissing while they walked. Neither of them cared to. The heat of this encounter had built up over many weeks. Not that she'd met him before. She'd seen him every weekend at Smash. Whether by herself or with her friends, Chloe was at Smash every weekend. He'd always been there with someone else in the past.


At first, the two caught each other's eye while ordering drinks at the bar. There was a chemistry in that look. A heat that she wished could be explored. Every week, she flirted from a distance. Small, quick smiles and eye contact. Last weekend, they had taken it a step further. They both happened to be on the dance floor with someone else. She had picked up a guy in the bar to dance with, and he was dancing with the woman he'd entered the club with that night. While on the dance floor with their partners, Chloe had danced close to hers grinding suggestively while maintaining eye contact with the other guy.


Tonight, he had come alone to the club. He was hers, and she planned on using his body to the fullest.


She pinned him up against the wall of the elevator. The kisses were hot, heavy and the panting filled the space as Chloe slapped at the floor indicator buttons. Finally with a groan, she broke away from the kiss and whispered, "Save my place, so I don't forget." She couldn't get the right floor button by touch, so she turned towards the button panel.


He chuckled against her skin laying kisses down the side of her neck as he slipped up behind her. He brushed light, blonde waves of her hair out of his way. The spot he was paying attention to made her weak, and her eyes slipped closed before she could hit a button. Hers was the fifth floor of the modest apartment building, but they might not make it to her apartment. Elevator sex sounded fantastic.




The elevator doors opened. Another couple boarded the elevator. It had never left the ground floor because the Chloe and her date were intertwined in their consuming kiss. Chloe turned to see who had boarded the elevator. Her newest neighbor. He'd moved in a few weeks ago. She had caught a glimpse of him carrying some boxes into the elevator. Extremely sexy. Dark, brown hair stylishly cut and deep brown eyes. His smile was slightly crooked which she found strangely appealing. One corner of his mouth twitched higher than the other . He smiled as he boarded the elevator and saw Chloe with her date.


They all murmured hello. Chloe managed to hit the fifth floor button at the same time her neighbor reached for his button. They bumped hands and Chloe's little gasp was barely noticeable. Even to her date who was still hugged tight against her. She blamed it on how sexually charged she was. The fault of her date's hard body pressed against hers.


Chloe looked up and locked gazes with her neighbor. He grinned at Chloe then shifted his attention back to his date. As Chloe's date went back to kissing her neck, she watched her neighbor's hand skimming over his date's back and down to lightly cup her ass and squeeze. He leaned down and whispered something into his date's ear which caused the woman to laugh nervously.


Chloe could feel heat building. The kisses to her sensitive neck were making her head spin, but there was something about her neighbor that had her attention. He was kneading his date's ass, his fingers digging into her flesh and spreading her cheeks as he whispered into her ear. Chloe's pulse was racing. What was he saying to her? Was he talking about her ass and the plans he had for it?


When she finally dragged her gaze up again, he was staring at her with that smile and their eyes locked. Chloe let out a shaky sigh and smiled back at him. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Chloe and her date exited the elevator. Chloe turned back for one last glance at her neighbor. Just before the elevator doors closed, Chloe saw him pin his date to the wall and kiss her - hard.




Chloe quickly dragged her date to her apartment. She was seriously turned on and needed release. They kissed all the way to her bedroom. She tugged his shirt over his head and ran fingers over his chest. Her nails dragged lightly from his chest to his stomach. He moaned and fumbled with his belt. Pants, shoes and boxers got tossed.


She pushed him down onto her bed and straddled his waist. He looked up at her, maybe slightly surprised by her aggression. The widening of his eyes was the only indication, he was more than willing to play along when she lifted her dress over her head. As the tight material released her full breasts, he groped them, sucked the nipples into his mouth. She pushed on his shoulders as she slid down his body. Her hair tickled along his sides as she made her way lower.


Sometimes Chloe liked to suck on a cock when it was soft so she could feel it growing in her mouth but that wouldn't be happening tonight. He was already solid when she wrapped her mouth around the flared head. He moaned deep in his throat and slipped a hand into her hair. She loved when a man made that sound for her. He brushed strands of hair away from her face as he watched his cock disappearing past her full, wet lips. She held his gaze, flicked her tongue around the head and let more of it into her mouth. Head and shaft disappeared with an agonizing slowness.


He whispered, "Oh, baby. Yeah. Just like that."


She sighed inwardly when she realized that he wasn't going to grab her head. He wasn't going to take initiative at all. She finished sucking his cock with a bit less enthusiasm than when she started. She crawled up his body, slid her thong to the side and positioned his cock at her entrance. His hands on her hips didn't encourage, there was no urgency, no digging fingertips into her flesh. No burning need to fuck her. She eased his cock into her pussy. She rode him soft and gentle at first to get used to his width. In the back of her head, a little disappointed voice was expressing disapproval with his technique. He lay beneath her moaning occasionally but content to let her do all the work, to control the pace and reach her own orgasm on her time.


She threw her head back, shuddered and her pussy clenched around him. He threw in a few humps against her and climaxed. She collapsed beside him with her eyes closed.


His breathing evened out and Chloe panicked. She shoved him lightly in the arm. "Hey. Are you awake?"


He mumbled, "Uh huh."


"You have to go. I have a ton of errands to do in the morning."


Like the sex, he didn't contribute much to the conversation. He dressed and left. Chloe flopped on her bed and contemplated her sex life. She could admit that she was a sexual free spirit. She was slightly aggressive when she was out with her girlfriends at the club. When she saw a man she thought was hot, she had no problem taking the initiative, sauntering over and starting up a conversation. It meant she got some men like the one tonight, but eventually she'd hit on one that could match her sexual enthusiasm.


She really did have errands in the morning and a weekend meeting to attend. She drifted off to thoughts of her unsatisfying sex life.


Chapter 2


The next morning, Chloe did some necessary food shopping and cleaned her apartment. She was quick about it since she was meeting her best friend for lunch. She had to give a marketing presentation to a new client, but this lunch had been planned weeks ago. She wouldn't dream of canceling. She barely saw Danica since her friend had gotten married last year.


When she saw Danica sitting at a small bistro table out on the sidewalk, she couldn't help grinning and waving at her friend like they'd done when meeting up in the high school cafeteria. They'd met as scared freshman and struck up an instant friendship. Danica and Chloe couldn't have been more different. In high school, Danica had been tall, stick-thin and awkward. She'd been all elbows and knees. She'd filled in a little since, but that wasn't the only reason Danica was more sophisticated now. She was still thin, but carried herself with class and elegance. Even when meeting Chloe for a simple lunch, Danica's raven hair was swept back in an elegant twist, and her light sundress was the perfect outfit for sitting out in the sun on a beautiful spring day.


Chloe hadn't changed much since high school. Her light blond hair was still unruly. Chloe always had a head of curls that bordered on frizzy if she wasn't careful. She was shorter than Danica and fuller in the hips and bust. She was brash, aggressive and sometimes a bit too loud in high school. She had loved making the shy Danica cringe with her blunt language. They had both matured, but Chloe was still the more outspoken of the two women.


They hugged tight and Chloe could feel tears prickling the backs of her eyes.


Chloe hadn't realized until that moment how much she missed her best friend. "I'm sorry I'm late. I had a trillion things to do. Don't laugh. It was literally a trillion."


She couldn't stop smiling at Danica. "How've you been? Tell me all the details of married life. Does he make you do all the dishes? Vacuum nude while he watches Sports Center?"


Danica laughed. "Hardly. Although, I do often wear nothing under my apron when I'm cooking him meatloaf on Sundays."


"Seriously. I've missed you. You've been keeping all to yourself."


Chloe was a little worried about losing her friend to marriage. That's what happened between married and single friends. Their lives drifted apart. Priorities shifted and changed. It had been about five months since they'd spent any real time together.


The waiter approached. Danica ordered a chicken salad sandwich and Chloe ordered a simple salad. She would have ordered a meal, but she wanted to eat light since she had the new client presentation in a few hours.


Danica sighed wistfully as the handsome waiter left.


Chloe laughed, "You can't have him. If anything, I'm the one that needs to hit on that waiter, not you. You have a great guy."


Danica grinned and with laughter in her voice said, "I know I do, but a girl can look at the menu, just not sample anything on it."


She grew serious and reached across the table to squeeze Chloe's hand. "Really, tell me how you are. You seem...something. I can't quite put my finger on it. We have been friends for too long for you to hold back on me. Spill."


Chloe sighed. "I don't want to be a Debbie Downer here. We're here to catch up, not listen to me complain. It's the same old thing about my love life. I'm not even searching for a relationship. I'd be content with someone who is be able to keep up with me sexually. To be more...aggressive. To at least keep pace. Is that too much to ask?"


Danica flinched as the waiter slipped a plate in front of her. Chloe boldly stared up into his eyes and with a flash of a grin said, "Well, is it?"


He chuckled, put down Chloe's salad and said, "No. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that."


Danica shook her head with amusement. "You're too aggressive, Clo. And you could be scaring them off."


"If they are that easily frightened, they're not what I'm looking for anyway. What's wrong with aggressively pursuing what I want?"


"There is nothing wrong with it, Clo. Just be aware of the kind of man you get when you aggressively chase them. It's the kind of vibe you put out into the world. Men who are laid back, and content for you to do all the work; those are the kinds of men you are attracting if you do all of the work in the beginning, like chasing them down, flirting with them..." Danica grinned. “...clubbing them over the head and dragging them back to your girl-cave.”


Chloe snorted laughter.


It was easy for Danica to say. She had a wonderful husband who adored her while Chloe searched for something elusive that she couldn't even name.


They finished lunch, hugged and promised to call more often.


Chloe checked her slim, gold wristwatch and realized she had about thirty minutes to get to her downtown office. Normally, she had no problem catching the subway, but with only thirty minutes to get to her office and a new client to impress, she whistled for a cab.


When two passed by without slowing, she stepped into the street and practically hopped into the path of the next one. The cab driver laid on the brakes narrowly missing her. She ran to the back passenger side door, and jumped in before the driver could take off. Aggression worked for her.


"Are you crazy, lady? I almost hit you!"


"But you didn't. Luckily, you've had recent brake work. Corner of Delancey and Tremont, please."


The cabdriver muttered under his breath, but Chloe would give him a generous tip. He'd get over it. She was mentally preparing her presentation while sending messages to her assistant, Tom, who was waiting at the office. He'd arrived early to set the equipment she would need, bring in refreshments for the meeting and put any finishing touches on the slide-show. They'd been working like crazy for the past week on the pitch for this potential new client.


The new client, Martin Walker, was the owner of Walker and Sons which was founded in the early 70s. For 30 years, they had sold finely-tailored men's suits. Mr. Walker wanted to talk about expansion, and sought some marketing presentations before he chose a firm to represent their new marketing campaign. 


Chloe's boss was putting pressure on her to land this account. It would be the largest account that the small firm had so far. Her firm handled mid-sized businesses almost exclusively. Walker and Sons existed on the high end of the small to medium businesses that they catered to, and would bring more money to the company than any of the other clients combined.


Walker and Sons wanted an updated image, and they needed to expand their brand to include more casual elegance. Other firms might have pitched casual sports wear. Chloe planned on pitching sexy, elegant casual wear. The tailored suits that Walker and Sons were famous for were made of quality materials and were worn by a sophisticated client. Big business and Fortune 500 company presidents wore Walker and Sons suits. Mr. Walker seemed reluctant to make his brand accessible to the every day man.


She over-tipped the cab driver and strutted confidently into the building. After boarding the elevator, she smoothed her skirt, and plucked delicately at a loose thread in the button of her blouse. She'd worn a business suit with a skirt that flashed to just above her knees. The skirt and jacket were traditional business wear. Chloe had dressed with care this morning. The client was a traditionalist, and she wanted to put him at ease while trying to introduce him to a new concept. She smoothed her curls using the door of the elevator as a mirror. It was a cloudy, distorted image. She wanted to be sure she was presentable.


Even though she was early to the meeting, the client was already waiting. A gray-haired, distinguished-looking gentleman in a traditional three piece suit rose from a waiting room chair as she exited the elevator. Chloe flinched, but smoothly covered her unease. Her smile was warm.


“Mr. Walker. I'm Chloe Daniels. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.”


He nodded stiffly and shook her offered hand. “Ms. Daniels, a pleasure to meet you as well.”


“My assistant is waiting for us in the conference room if you'll follow me.”


She hoped Tom was finished with the last tweaks of the presentation. Chloe had been hoping to review it once more before the pitch meeting, but Mr. Walker showing up early certainly stopped her from doing that.


As she ushered Mr. Walker into the conference room, she made eye contact with Tom. He gave her panicked eye signals. She shrugged at him and rolled her eyes. 


The buffet table at the back of the room had refreshments which Chloe swept her hand over in offering. “Would you like something to eat, Mr. Walker, or can we get you some coffee?”


Mr. Walker sniffed. “Young lady, I certainly did not come here for pastries. I have been sitting in your very uncomfortable reception chair for some time while I waited for you to show up for our meeting.  I have a full day planned. Let's get on with it if you please.


Chloe stifled the indignation. He was early by more than twenty minutes!


“Of course, sir. If you would have a seat, we can get right to it.”


Chloe wasn't pitching an every man accessibility. She was going to pitch a sexier kind of client. A powerful man with a suit; a jungle predator in the boardroom. James Bond in a suit drinking martinis and brokering billion-dollar deals. Her pitch was full of understated elegance and animal magnetism. The customer was an updated version of the clientele that Walker and Sons based their business on for the past thirty years. The marketing campaign included gorgeous models that oozed sex appeal.


She poured on the charm as slide after slide flickered across the projection screen. She showed him charts, projected business models and potential ad campaign slogans. Everything spoke elegance, class and sex appeal, but in an understated way she thought he would appreciate, would appeal to his loyal customers and bring in a younger generation of business executives.


Chloe's passion was helping small businesses with marketing, branding and promotional campaigns. She honestly believed she was the best choice for Mr. Walker's business and that compassion and honest sincerity rang through her presentation.


“Well, young lady, I have to say I enjoyed your presentation. You've captured the right mixture of Walker and Sons past and our future. My son is the driving force behind the new business structure and diversifying our brand. If I decide to hire your firm, you'll be working with him.”


Without another word, he smoothed his jacket, nodded at both Chloe and Tom, and left the offices.


She stared at the closed door for a moment in stunned silence. Turning to Tom, she let out a shocked laugh. “Hm. I'm not sure what just happened.”


Tom shook his head while digging through the muffins and crullers. He grabbed a coffee and a bear claw before slumping into one of the conference room chairs with a huff.


“I don't know what happened, either. That was one strange dude. He seemed happy though, right? Do you think?” He dug into the bear claw, eyed the buffet filled with food that would be inedible by morning and sighed. “What are we going to do with all this food?”


She grabbed a blueberry muffin, slipped off her heels and lounged in the chair across from him laughing, “Who told you to buy all those freakin' donuts?”


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