Fear Me (9 page)

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Authors: B. B. Reid

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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Dash Chambers. Keiran’s best friend. His name tasted bitter on my tongue.

He continued his furious pace—never missing a beat as he watched me watch him with a smirk. Willow had yet to notice me as he continued to pleasure her so I stepped back quickly and quietly shut the door. I ran down the stairs and out the door. I couldn’t believe that I caught them like that.

So it was true…she was sleeping with the enemy.


* * *


Hey, Charlie,” I greeted when I walked through the front doors.

“Thanks again, for covering the shift. I know it’s your birthday.”

“No, problem. Sorry I couldn’t get here faster. “

“Please tell me it was finally because of a guy?”

“Not quite…”

“Well honey, that’s not a no! Congratulations!” Charlie began jumping up and down, clapping and drawing unwanted attention.

“Can we please not do this again?”

“Forgive me for being worried about your love life when you aren’t. At this rate all I see in your future are tabby cats and bowel problems. Can you imagine what that could do to a person?”

I listened to Charlie’s rants while he followed me behind the service desk and into the employee den. I had to threaten him with bodily harm when he tried to follow me into the bathroom stall. He finally went away, muttering about clueless teenagers and I quickly changed into my uniform shirt.

I picked up this job at the gym last year after Keiran had been gone for about two months. I remember feeling as if I had lost a vital piece of my life and so I picked up a few hobbies at first but couldn’t stick to them. A few weeks later, on my way to the local burger joint, I saw an ad in the window of the local gym and applied. Charlie had taken one look at me and began bemoaning my lack of a love life. He guessed that I either didn’t appreciate men or was hung up on someone who didn’t notice me. If he only knew. I tried to explain that I was only sixteen and had the rest of my life to make a love connection, but that nearly brought him to tears.

“You poor thing. It’s worse than I thought. You’re hired. I have to help you. This is my one true purpose in life.”

And I’ve worked here ever since. It was a nice distraction and gave me a chance to save some money for college. I didn’t have a clue where I wanted to go then but as long as it was far away from him I would survive.

I clipped the headset they made us wear on my jeans, clocked in and headed out to make my rounds. There was nothing like spending a few hours inhaling the aroma of sweat and watching lonely housewives lust over the half-naked, sweaty men. The gym definitely had its perks.

Charlie was back on the floor, pretending to oversee things while discreetly checking out the men as they worked out. He was a full fledge homosexual and proud of it. He also had the biggest heart and was a decent mentor in all things men though he called himself a failure because of my single status.

Later into my shift, I was deep into the membership accounts, sifting through accounts that were overdue and marking them for later when I smelled lemons. A satisfied smile covered my face as I looked up at the woman responsible. Mrs. Fletcher frequented the gym even at the age of sixty-eight, though she mostly walked on the treadmill and stair master. She sometimes brought me lemon cookies.

“Good afternoon, dear. I brought you some treats.” She set the paper bag on the counter and I immediately snatched them up.

“How are you Mrs. Fletcher?” I asked while stuffing a chewy goodness into my mouth and wishing for a cold glass of milk.

“Slow down before you choke. There are more in the bag,” she scolded.

“Oh, I know. I just want to eat enough before Charlie gets a whiff of them. He almost ate my whole stash last time.”

“Where is Charles? I need him to come set up the death trap for me.”

“Well hello,” a deep, silky smooth voice greeted.

We both turned to the attractive, middle-aged man that just walked in. He was also a frequent gym-goer, though I’ve never seen him actually work out.
Maybe he’s here to check out the men too.
I briefly wondered if Charlie would be into older men. He’d just turned thirty and this man looked to be about mid to late forties.

“Oh, hi Mr. Martin. What brings you in today?”

“To exercise might be the correct answer,” he countered with a small smile.

I smiled apologetically and took in his usual, well-kept appearance and dark wavy hair. He was tall with a muscular frame that wasn’t bulky and was always polite and charming. I always wondered if he was married but never asked. If he wasn’t gay then I could consider introducing him to my aunt. But if he wasn’t a Star Trek fan then you can forget it.

He turned to smile indulgently to Mrs. Fletcher, who was staring up at him. “Hello, Mrs. Fletcher. How are you today?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” Her tone brightened further at the attention so I studied the two to gauge their familiarity. I wasn’t aware they knew each other.

“Always nice to see you.”

“You’re too kind.” She blushed and reluctantly left when Charlie, who just got done setting the treadmill, waved her over.

His attention was now directed on me and I felt the pressure of his gaze. “How are you, little lady? What’s new?”

“Fine, thank you. Nothing much,” I lightly replied, attempting casualness.

He continued to stare as if waiting for something. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling the familiar need to hide. For the past year he has come to the gym and did much of the same. He asks questions about me and about school. One time he even asked if I was dating anyone. I remember the panic I felt when I thought he was hitting on me and it must have shown because he apologized and left the gym abruptly.

He finally handed me his membership card to swipe after a few moments. “You know, we have a promotion going on if you refer a friend to the gym, you get half off next month’s membership fees. You can even use a wife or child–”

I paused at the anger that flickered in his eyes at the mention of a wife and child. I couldn’t describe it, but it wasn’t warm and fuzzy like people who have families usually get.

“I won’t be bringing anyone,” he replied in a brusque tone. It was a far cry from the charisma he usually displayed.

“I’m sorry if I offended you, I –”

“Nonsense.” His smile was forced and didn’t quite reach his eyes. “It is me who should be sorry. My wife died some years ago. I haven’t quite gotten over her death.”

I immediately felt like an ass, not only for bringing up bad memories but the thoughts I was having about him. “Then please accept my apologies Mr. Martin.” I offered a smile and handed back his card.

“I can tell you are a very special girl, Lake. Such a shame,” he stated and then walked away. My smile immediately dropped as I watched him disappear into the locker rooms.


* * *


Thirty minutes in to my shift, I was cleaning the front windows and bobbing along to the music when I felt the breeze from the outside summer air as someone walked in.

“Welcome back. We are currently running a special promotion. If you refer a friend, you get half off next month’s fees.”

“Excellent. I’m sure Keiran would be very interested to know a certain someone works here.” I heard the gruff voice of the snake who made my skin scrawl.

I quickly turned in the opposite direction to escape when his hand clamped around my upper arm. “Not so fast, mouse,” he taunted while pulling me back towards the reception desk. He freed my arm and grinned down at me. “I’d like to apply for a membership.”

Trevor handed over his I.D. with a smug look and I reluctantly accepted it, keying in his info for the application. I could fill his eyes on me as I did so. Once I finished I handed his card back and kept a wary eye on him as he tucked it back into his pocket.

“So?” he asked with a raised brow.

“So, what?”

“Does he know you work here?”

“What’s it to you?”

“Just protecting my interests.”

“You mean your ass? Because if he finds out –”

“He won’t, and you are going to keep your mouth shut,” he warned. “What do you care anyway? He already hates you.”

“Because it’s a lot more personal now and he actually has a reason to hate me. He’s already threatened me because of you,” I whispered harshly. He slashed his hand in the air impatiently.

“I don’t care. Keep your mouth closed or I’ll threaten you too.”

He stalked away, heading for the weights and I couldn’t help hoping a weight could fall and just smash his brain in. It wouldn't wake me up from this nightmare but it would definitely make me laugh.
Now who’s the sadistic one?
I wouldn’t tempt fate in such a way because I wouldn’t be able to live with it on my conscious. It made me once again remember the fateful day everything turned to shit.


* * *


16 months ago


“Keiran Masters took over the team! He’s officially the team captain now.”

“I heard Trevor is pissed. What do you think he will do?”

“What can he do? Keiran is too bad ass for Trevor to take on.”

“Well, I’m glad Keiran is the captain. He’s a little scary but so much hotter and maybe we will actually make it to the Championship this year.”

I listened to the giggling girls gathered around the lockers next to me. I couldn’t help but listen considering the subject. I needed to stay alert if a quick get-a-way was needed. I sighed, when I realized this was just another Keiran Masters pep rally. Their unending rambling as they praised his good looks and popularity was making me nauseous so I tuned them out and finished storing my books in my locker. When I was done, I debated if I should risk lunch today. After Keiran had some girls toss a pot of chicken fat over my head for shits and giggles I avoided the cafeteria even if it meant I had to starve.

“Oh gosh, he’s coming this way,” a member of the fan club giggled. My heart started pounding fast as I quickly closed my locker to get out dodge.

“Hi Trevor,” another one giggled.

I relaxed a little and released the breath I was holding when they greeted Trevor. My relief was short lived though
when Trevor bypassed the trio without responding and headed toward me with purpose. He’d never done anything to me but he was still popular and a jock, while I was too far down the food chain to think this was going to be a friendly social call.

I was apprehensive but surprisingly he didn't scare me. Only one person scared me and thankfully he wasn't in the vicinity, so I stood my ground waiting for what was to come. He stopped and scanned my face thoroughly. He probably doesn't even know my name, I thought and almost rolled my eyes.

“Lake, right?” Wait, did I say that out loud?

I continued staring without a response. Maybe I should tell him he had the wrong person since he didn't look sure of who I was. He looked over at the trio of girls who were still standing close by glaring at me when I remained silent.

“Lake Monroe?” he tried again.

“That's her,” one of the girls offered. He continued to ignore her but grabbed onto my elbow and pulled me down the hall behind him.

“Look, I need to talk to you in private. I have a proposition for you,” he said while dragging me into the library. We passed by tables and computers and then into the bookcases until we reached an alcove. I finally found my voice once he stopped and I was sure I wouldn’t trip and plant my face in the floor.

“Listen, I don’t care what he says, I don’t perform sexual acts for money so if that's what your proposition is about you’re wasting your time. I’m sure there are plenty of girls willing to do it for free so please let me go,” I huffed out furiously.

I constantly received money and lewd notes in my locker asking for sexual favors after Keiran spread rumors last year that he saw me giving Peter Simpson oral for money in the hallway after school and then offered to do him for twenty bucks.

“I’m not after that.”

“Oh, yeah? Then what are you after?”

“We have a mutual enemy and I know how to get rid of him.”


Chapter Seven


“Yes, Aunt Carissa, everything is fine. How is Canada?” Whatever she said, I never got to hear as I walked through the door after work. The phone was ripped out of my hands and as I was being tossed on the couch, I watched it hit the wall but thankfully it didn’t seem to break.
What the –?

“You seem to be hard of hearing.”

I looked up at Keiran standing over me, expecting to find him angry but instead he was standing and talking as calmly as if he was discussing the weather. Truth be told, that scared be even more.

“I had –”

“Shut up. Why did you go to see Willow?”
So he had been watching me.

I lifted my chin and looked him square in the eye. “Because she’s my best friend and thanks to you she’s my only friend but she is mine and you don’t get to take that away.”

Aside from my aunt, Willow was the most important person in my life and the only one I loved. I used to love my parents or what I could remember of them, but as long as the truth of their disappearance evaded me, I would continue to have mixed feelings. Parents abandon their kids all the time.

When he stalked toward me, I scrambled to get away but he was quicker and dragged me, kicking and screaming, to him at the other end of the couch. He sat down, pulled me into his lap, and then wrapped my legs around his waist. His arm banded around my waist and I flinched when he fisted my hair in his hand and yanked my head back. His nostrils flared and I shivered from looking into icy eyes. It's like I could feel everything he felt.

"Is that what you think you are to her? Her
? She won't even tell you about Dash. What else does she keep from you, huh? You're not her friend...she doesn't even
you." A sound of regret and hurt ripped from my throat.

Willow didn't trust me?

I didn't want to believe it but why else wouldn't Willow talk to me about Dash? Nothing else made sense because we’d always shared everything...or at least I thought we did.

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