Fear Me (29 page)

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Authors: B. B. Reid

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Fear Me
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The tables have now turned and it was me who was out for revenge. It was insulting for him to think that after everything he’d done and tried to take away that we could just start over and be friends. Fuck that. I was out for blood. I was surprised at how fast Willow agreed. I didn’t have a plan yet but it was all that was on my mind. He had a lesson to learn and I was going to teach it to him.

I went straight home after school with Willow tagging along. By the time I made it home I knew exactly what I needed to do when I remembered the girl in the photo. But in order for my plan to work, I had to tell Willow everything. Starting with the day at the pharmacy. By the time I finished, Willow had just wished every sort of harm there was on Keiran. Needless to say, our friendship was completely restored after that. She started to blame herself for not seeing it sooner but I told her that was a load of crap. Keiran was a master at manipulation. No one was to blame but him.

“So, what do we do?”

I pulled out the photo and handed it to her. “We find out who she is and how Keiran knows her.”

“Ok, but why?”

I hesitated before answering. “I think he killed this girl.”

“What!” she shrieked.

“Willow, calm down.”

“I can’t calm down. Why do you think he murdered that little girl?”

“I found the locket the girl is wearing in his closet with a gun.”

“Oh my God.”

“We just have to –”

“Lake, are you seriously thinking about crossing him
knowing that he

“Yes,” I said without hesitation. “I don’t have a choice. He threatened my aunt and tried to ruin our friendship. He can’t get away with this.”


“Dash hurt you too. Don’t you want closure?”

“How does Dash fit into all this?”

“He’s his best friend. For all we know he may have something to do with it too or at least know about it. You know what they say; birds of a feather and all that. If not, then we find another way. Either way, they are going to pay for what they did.”

She put her head in her hands and muttered, “This is crazy.”

“We aren’t doing anything wrong or illegal. If Keiran did not kill this girl then we have nothing to worry about.”

“Lake, I really think this is your anger speaking. This isn’t you. When you said make them pay I thought you meant flatten their tires or something.”

“Willow, I would never make you do something you don’t want to do. Friends don’t do that.”

“Friends also don’t allow other friends to put themselves in danger. What if he did kill her? He found out about your so-called involvement before. What makes you think he won’t again? This time it’d be for real.”

“I’m aware of that. Look, he told me he wants to be friends. I figure if I play along and be his friend I can find out about her. An innocent girl died and it could have easily been my aunt next. She’s all I have besides you.”

“And you’re all I have Lake. I have my family but you are my only friend. What if he hurts you?”

“He’s hurt me for ten years, Willow. I think I can handle it.”

“Don’t do this,” she pleaded.

I shook my head and felt a feeling of desperation wash over me. “I have to.”


* * *

I was beyond nervous when I entered school the next morning. I hadn’t heard from Keiran since the library yesterday and although it was my plan to befriend him like he wanted I didn’t know how to go about it after I’d basically told him to get fucked. I figured I would let him get the ball rolling.

My opportunity came in English when Mrs. Connors asked me to read a passage in the text. Fortunately for me the seat Keiran designated for us in English the first day became my permanent seat so I was able to sit next to him. He never said a word to me though. He didn’t even look at me.

I was texting Willow who had been begging me non-stop to drop it when I heard the teacher call my name. I looked up to find Mrs. Connors glaring at me and I knew I was caught texting. She was saying something that I didn’t catch.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“I would like you to read the passage in the text.”
. I had no clue where we were.

I was also apprehensive about reading in class because of my dyslexia. I usually received reading assignments ahead of time to read them before hand and memorized the passages. Because of this I was able to remain in normal classes. I had a good handle on it but I still felt self-conscious. I was held back a year in the first grade because they misdiagnosed my trouble to read and thought it best to make me repeat the grade. I called it fate. I couldn’t imagine having classes with Keiran for the past ten years.

My hesitation was becoming painfully apparent to the rest of the class. I took this risk so I could have normalcy. I also didn’t want to give Keiran more ammunition.

“Pick someone else.”

My head was down but I knew who said the words. I looked up to find him watching me before he turned cold eyes on the teacher.

“Mr. Masters, I will not have you disrespecting me in my classroom.”

“Tough. She isn’t reading. Pick…someone…else.”

“She will read or she will leave my class.”

She was kicking me out?
Before I could protest, Keiran grabbed my hand and led me out the classroom before returning back inside. I stood, confused in the empty hallway before he returned with our backpacks.

“What are you doing?”

“We’re leaving.”

“We can’t! Are you insane?”

He grabbed my hand, ignoring me until we were standing in the parking lot next to his car. “Get in,” he ordered.

“No.” I crossed my arms and stood in place.

“Don’t fuck with me right now, “he threatened.

“Kiss my ass.”

I was bent over the hood of car before I could blink with him pressed against my back breathing into my ear. “I’m more tempted to spank it right now if you don’t shut the fuck up.”

I fought against his hold, which was a mistake when I felt his erection grow against my ass. “Don’t touch me.”

“Why? Because you like it so much? I watched you squirm this past week every time I was even near you. You crave it don’t you?”

“You wish.”

“I do wish. Every fucking night I wish and I dream. I think about the classroom the most. Do you remember?” he taunted. “Yeah you do.”

He lifted his chest off my back and ran his hand down my spine causing me to arch my back. His hand reached my ass, trailing lower until he cupped me.

“Would you like me to do it again? I could eat your little pussy right here on the hood of my car. It would be my pleasure…and yours.”

He rubbed his lower body against me creating a delicious friction and I moaned. “Please. Someone will see.”

“Let’s make a deal. You get your ass in the car or I give you what we both know you want, right here.”

I got in the car.

We ended up at Pies, Shakes, & Things to grab a few burgers after we left school. Well one for me and three for Keiran. I shook my head at his appetite. Men.

I couldn’t believe we were skipping. It was something I’d never done before and I thought about how many times my aunt would kill me if she found out. She writes sci-fi so she knows things.

“Can we go back now?” I finally asked after we finished eating.

“Just eat my food and ditch me huh? Heartless.”

“As I recall, you kidnapped me from school.”

He shrugged. “I could have eaten you instead of the burger.” My face grew hot and I tried not to melt in my seat. “You’re squirming again,” he observed with a smirk.

“Can you stop?” I was irritated that he was calling me out on my shit.

“Am I bad company?”

“You’re unwanted company.”

“Don’t be such a bitch.”

“I have every right to be! Or did you forget?” I didn’t care if I sounded like a shrew. How dare he call me a bitch after the hell he put me through?

“I didn’t forget. You remind me every chance you get. Can’t you let that go?”

“No. I don’t trust you.”

“I want to be friends.”

I laughed, “That won’t happen.” But it would. This was my chance.

He was about to respond when the chime over the door sounded and an expensively dressed woman with short brown hair entered. She looked out of place as she looked around as if searching for someone.

“Fuck. Let’s go,” he stated throwing money on the table.

“Keiran?” She stepped over to our table just as we were rising to leave. “I thought that was your car I saw outside. How are you darling?’ She moved to hug him but he sidestepped her bringing me with him and headed for the door.

“Take care of yourself, Joan,” he said not bothering to answer her question.

“Tell your uncle to call me!” she called out. I so wanted to know who that was and why Keiran was rude to her. Then again, Keiran was rude to everyone.


* * *

watched his fingers clench and unclench the steering wheel as we drove. His mood had shifted from playful to dark and I didn’t know if it was my refusal to have anything to do with him or his run-in with Joan. I was curious what kind of relationship she had with the uncle I have yet to meet.

“Does your uncle have work that keeps him away? I’ve never seen him around.” I decided to start off asking unassuming questions.

“Why do you want to know?”

“Think of it as an interview of sorts.”

“An interview? For what?” He briefly took his eyes off the road and regarded me with narrowed eyes.

“You said you wanted to be friends.” He grunted.

“You are something else you know that?”

I stared at him wide-eyed, projecting innocence. “What do you mean?”

He shook his head and licked those luscious lips and I instantly remembered the way they tasted. Like mint and sin. “Tell you what – we play for your answer.”

“Play?” I watched him warily.

“Basketball. One on One.”

“But you’ll beat me. It won’t be a fair fight.”

“I’ll make it easy. If you can get two shots before I get ten I will answer your question.”

“It’s just a simple question that needs a simple answer.”

“I’ll sweeten the deal. I’ll answer one question for each additional shot you can make. Two shots get you your first answer. Every shot after that gets you an additional answer to any question you want to ask.”

This could work for me.
“Any question?”

He nodded and waited for my answer. “What do you get out of it?” There had to be a catch, I thought as we pulled into his driveway.

“If I win then you give us a shot.”

He didn’t hesitate to answer and it was then that I knew I’d been setup. My heart pounded in anticipation but it wasn’t for the game. “To be friends?” I clarified.

He looked into my eyes and I knew they were exposing my deepest desires and showing him exactly how much I wanted him. The forbidden was always the hardest to fight. I just hope he couldn’t also see how much I hate him.


“You know it will be much more than that but if that’s what you need to tell yourself then fine. Friends.” He sneered the word out, mocking me.

“I could say no,” I stated.

“But you won’t.” His jaw clenched and I could tell he was on edge. He was right. I couldn’t say no. I wanted answers.

“Let’s do it.”


* * *


I was growing frustrated but I refused to quit. Quitting would only mean he would win by default and I wasn’t about to just hand my sanity over to him. I managed to score one shot so far but Keiran had already scored seven. At this rate he would surely win but the fat lady hadn’t sung yet. No way.

I figured if I stopped staring at his biceps long enough I could score a few more shots. He changed into a muscle shirt before we started playing and I’d been drooling ever since. After seeing the fierce way he played with Keenan and the skilled way he way he played at the game I knew he was taking it easy on me but I still couldn’t deliver.

“Foul!” I called after he slapped my ass and took a shot. Eight. He grinned and dribbled the ball between his legs watching me.

“Doesn’t that mean I get a free shot?”

“Nope. That just means you get the ball. He passed it to me and I quickly took a shot before he could try to steal it from me. It bounced off the rim and he was there to catch it, dunking the ball and scoring his ninth shot.

So much for taking it easy.

“Why are you toying with me?” I heard the whine in my voice and cursed. I sounded like the numerous bimbos at school. I always thought they were born like that but maybe it was just male attention that made them act like that.

“I’m not. You’re giving up.”

“And you’re cheating.”

“I’m fighting for what I want. Are you?” He raised an eyebrow and wiped the sweat off his forehead with his shirt.

I got a peek at his glistening abs and felt my own tummy flutter. I touched my stomach, feeling the soft skin. He was hard where I was soft. Sculpted where I was smooth. I longed to rub against him to compare the difference.

“I can always show you more. Just say the word.” Shit. He caught me staring. I dropped my hand and got my head back in the game.

I was dribbling the ball fighting to keep the ball as he kept guard on me. We were close. Real close. Our breath mingled and our bodies touched. I grew hotter from a different kind of heat when my hip lodged into his groin.

“You know what I think? I think what you really want is to give in but you want the decision to be taken away from you so you won’t feel so guilty.”

I faltered and lost the ball to him as he effortlessly took a shot. I heard the telltale swish of the net signaling that he’d just won out match. The world seemed to stop until it was only us as we stared at each other. He was gauging my reaction and I knew he saw my need when his eyes darkened with lust.

“I win,” he gloated. The only sound that could be heard was the basketball bouncing in the background until that too stopped.


Chapter Nineteen


He drove me home to shower and change with a promise that we could return to school for third period. I was upset that I’d already missed Volleyball. Willow had texted me, wondering where I was, and I sent her the condensed version of what happened in English.

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