FavoriteObsession (28 page)

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Authors: Nancy Corrigan

BOOK: FavoriteObsession
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“Stop, Mira, just stop. Fighting me makes me want to tame
you. I won’t do that to you. Now calm down.”

She did as he ordered. No way did she want him to try to
make her submit to him. She’d already given herself to Josh. Anyone else who’d
attempt it would suffer. She might not want Aron but she didn’t want to hurt
him either. What she’d just done to him was bad enough.

“That’s my good girl.” He kissed her neck.

She growled at his words. “I am not yours nor will I ever
fulfill the prophecy with you.”

He used his hold on her head to force her to meet his gaze.
“You refuse me?”

The pain in his eyes hurt her. Seeing it pushed some of her
fear and anger back. “I have to, Aron.”

“I will worship you, Mira.”

She didn’t doubt he’d try. The knowledge only made this
worse. “Will you let me marry Josh?”

“Never. I won’t—”

“Then that’s your answer. I won’t give him up. I can’t.
Now,” she shoved at his chest, “let me go.”

The back door flew open. Josh’s rage crashed over her. She
flinched even knowing he hadn’t directed it at her. He projected power,
strength and confidence. All traits that left her weak inside.

“Get your hands off my mate.”

Aron tensed. Questions and disbelief burned in his eyes. She
didn’t have answers he’d want to hear or understand. She couldn’t deny her
connection to Josh. She simply couldn’t explain it nor did she truly understand
what it meant. Lips pressed together, she met his gaze and let him see the

“Impossible, Mira. It’s impossible.”

Josh stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her
waist. She heard him inhale deeply. A groan escaped his throat, one that jacked
up her desire another notch. The response while in another male’s arms left her
feeling dirty. She couldn’t have stopped it. Her instincts didn’t care if Aron
hovered close or watched them. As long as she got Josh’s cock inside her, she
wouldn’t have cared if the entire pride or the bar patrons cheered them on.


“Mira.” He buried his face into the fall of her hair. She
hadn’t bothered dying it since she’d planned on waiting at his house. The
appreciative rumble that shook his chest rewarded her. He’d been telling her
for months to stop covering it up. Humans would think it was a funky dye job.
At the moment, she wanted to test the theory if only to hear Josh’s approval
over seeing it.

Aron loosened his grip, allowing Josh to pull her more
firmly against him, but held her captive in his pleading eyes. “Don’t waste
tonight, Mira. Josh might’ve claimed your heart but he cannot fulfill the
prophecy. You’ll conceive if you take a shifter mate into your body.”

Josh tugged her away. In one quick move, he spun her so they
were chest to chest. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, clinging to him
and wishing she’d never have to let him go. “Mira will not take another man to
her bed. Understand, Aron. She’s mine. I’ve tried to tell you stubborn-ass
shifters that for months. I knew it the second I saw her.”

“She can’t be yours. Don’t be foolish,” Aron said.

“Waiting so long to claim her is the only foolish thing I’ve

He gave her mate bite a small lick. She moaned. Sweeping
waves of sensation whipped through her body to settle low. Her inner muscles
tightened. One more little flick and she’d come. She wiggled against him,
silently urging him to meet her needs. He eased away instead. She gripped his
shoulders, ready to take what he wouldn’t give. A small pat to her bottom
stopped her. She waited on what he’d do and wasn’t disappointed.

Josh nuzzled against her, his adoration clear in the gentle
circular caress and something she knew Aron would understand. “I’ll fight
anyone who tries to take her away.”

“You’ll lose, human. You know that.”

The rumble of Josh’s laugh reverberated through her chest
and zipped straight to her womb. The confident sound slapped Aron’s words back
to him and Josh’s deliberate snubbing as he dipped his head to brush his lips
over her skin enhanced the rebuff.

Aron’s answering growl would’ve concerned her but Josh
demanded her attention. He clamped his mouth over the thumping bite. She
stilled, waiting with bated breath for what he’d do to her. With his teeth
pressed into the four raised brands, he flicked the tip of his tongue to the
center. Time stretched while Aron snarled and Josh’s heart beat steadily.

Finally, he groaned and gave them both what they desired. A
rough suck and he sent her careening into a powerful orgasm. Her limbs seized
as waves rolled through her body from the bite on her shoulder to the center of
her core. The clenching of her inner muscles seemed to last forever. She cried
out, not bothering to muffle the sound.

Each pull yanked another crest over her, made her sheath
squeeze on air. The emptiness in her core disturbed her. She needed Josh’s cock
inside her, stretching her and giving her a hard length to massage. The unfulfilled
yearning threatened to ruin her release. She shoved it away knowing he’d see to
her desires. Soon. Very, very soon.

She cradled his head. The last of her orgasm flowed over
her. She sagged in his embrace for the briefest of moments before the lust
returned, stronger than before.

“Josh, need…”

He kissed his way up her neck to her ear. “I know, my Mira.
I know.”

She felt the brush of his short hair against her skin as he
turned his head to face the male at her back. The stiffening of his body told
her he and Aron had resumed their dominance battle.

After a moment, Aron cursed. “When he’s gone, come to me.
We’ll finish what we should’ve centuries ago.
will give you the babes
prophesized to grow in your womb, no other shifter. That is my vow to you.”

His scent faded and Josh’s familiar one cocooned her. He
nibbled over her vein. “God, you smell so good.”

“I’m…I’m fertile.” Her heart ached admitting the truth,
knowing it meant nothing for them.

He exhaled a shaky groan that spoke of stark hunger and need.
The sound cut at her and made her sadness grow. She pushed it aside before it
took root.

“You need me. Don’t you, kitten?”

She licked her dry lips, focused on answering him, not the
crazy lust making her burn. “Yes, I want you to fu—” She choked on the word. “I
want you to make love to me.”

He skimmed his lips along her jaw, leaving tingling
awareness in his wake. With a contented groan, he kissed her. The slow,
reverent strokes of his tongue tugged on her heart. His love and devotion
filled her up. The fire sensitizing her body eased enough to allow her to enjoy
his attentions. The needs didn’t fade. He’d only banked them, setting them to

On and on, he made love to her mouth. She sifted her fingers
through his silky hair and poured her adoration back to him, letting all her
worries fade away.

He broke the kiss and blue eyes that looked too bright in
the darkness met hers. “If I could father your kids, would you choose me?”

“Yes, yes, Josh. I…I…” She couldn’t get the words out. They
stuck in her throat.

He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. With their breaths
mixing, he murmured, “I know you do, kitten. I feel the same. Always and
forever, just like I said yesterday.”

He started walking toward his car. She squeezed his arm.
“Josh, I can’t wait. Need you now.”

“You sure? The only place we can go is my office. Kade’s
inside the bar along with many of the wolf shifters trying to contain the mess
Micah caused. He paid off a bunch of college students to start a fight. Police
will be coming. Kade will handle it but the shifters will know what we’re

“Don’t care. Need you.”

Josh pressed his lips to hers. “Then you can have me, any
way you want.”


Chapter Twenty-Eight



Josh turned the word around in his head. He knew the meaning
of it but couldn’t get passed the implications of what it actually meant.
going to be a dad.

Mira skimmed her fingertips along his cheek. “I feel as
though I’ve been waiting for you all my life, Josh.”

He grinned. “You have, kitten.”

“I don’t understand.”

He debated telling her about the cats sharing his body but
decided against it. They had plenty of time to talk.

“I’m your destiny, Mira. Your choice. That’s all you need to
remember.” He pushed the door open and carried her inside before she voiced the
questions he saw reflected in her eyes.

The blast of music and laughter assaulted him. The ripe
scent of sweat and perfumes churned his gut. He paused and buried his nose in
Mira’s colorful hair. A deep breath of spring rain and life pushed the
unpleasant smells away.

His woman, his life, his everything.

He pressed his lips to her ear. “I love you, Mira. Always
and forever.”

She sucked in a rough breath. Knowing their relationship
still scared her, he kissed her so she didn’t have to admit the truth. He
didn’t need the words. She did.

She pulled him closer and yanked at his shirt, her intent
clear. He broke the kiss and grasped her wrist to stop her from tugging his
pants down. Her swollen, moist lips tempted him to continue what they were
doing. He couldn’t. Any more of her sweet mouth and he’d fuck her right there.
Mira might not care. Shifters didn’t mind public sex but he did. No way would
he allow anyone to see her body.

He tucked her closer, pushing her head into the crook of his
neck and headed toward his office. A few friends glanced his way and gave him a
thumbs up. Bob, one of the workers from Zeb’s farm, stared at him. Josh paused
mid-step. The predators inside him raised their heads. Rage pulsed in his
veins. They didn’t like him. He posed a threat.
They wanted to rip
him apart.

“Please, Josh. I hurt.”

Mira’s desperate voice yanked his focus back to her. Mouth
parted, she panted. A flush stained her cheeks. Lines etched the delicate skin
by her eyes. His pulse kicked up to match her runaway rhythm.

“What’s wrong?”

She gripped his shirt and pulled herself up so they were eye
to eye. “It’s the mating heat. I need to fuck. I need to pull my mate’s seed
free.” She cupped his cheeks. “I need

He groaned and took her mouth on a rough kiss. He shoved the
concern over Zeb’s employee away. Finding out why Bob had glared at him could
wait. Mira couldn’t.

She rubbed her core against him. The heat radiating from her
triggered something inside him, a mating urge to match hers. His dick hardened
to the point of being painful and the zipper biting into it tortured him. Josh
reached for the door handle, twisted it and shoved it open. They stumbled
inside and he slammed it closed with his foot.

Without windows, the darkened interior of his office left
them in pitch-black. A week ago, he would’ve needed to flick the switch on the
wall for the overhead fluorescents. Not anymore. The sliver of light sneaking
under the door brightened the room enough. Besides, he didn’t need to see to
love Mira. He’d memorized every inch of her body already.

He crowded her against the door and used his hips to pin her
so she’d stop writhing over him. The urgency to sink his cock inside her beat
at him but he refused to give in to the animalistic impulse. She deserved his
devotion. And dear god, he’d give it to her if it killed him. He gripped the
hem of her shirt and tugged it over her head. The gorgeous breasts he revealed
looked plumper. Her nipples stood erect. Each rough breath she took lifted
them, begged him to close his mouth around the points and suck.

Hands circling her waist, he lifted her, bringing those
luscious buds closer. She sifted her fingers through his hair and used her hold
to direct his head to them. No need for her unspoken order. He wanted the same.
He drew one nipple into his mouth and sucked.

“Gods, yes.”

Her shuddered sigh pleased him and her whimper as he laved
her stimulated flesh urged him on. The yearning to give her pleasure warred
with the need to spill his seed inside her and get her with child. They’d make
their triplets tonight. Two boys and a girl, the ones he’d dreamt about.

He ran his tongue around her nipple once more and eased
back. Dilated, hungry eyes latched on to his. “I’m going to make love to you,
kitten. What we’ll create tonight will be a result of our commitment. You
understand?” She didn’t. He saw the confusion in her eyes. “Do you trust me?”

She nodded. No hesitation.

“Good. Then, let’s fulfill our destiny.”

He kissed her. Affection fed the melding of their mouths.
Lust took over. She returned the fevered kiss as if she too wanted to crawl
inside him as much as he did her. Each thrust of her tongue, each moan he
swallowed increased his need. She ground her moist center against him. Her
frustrated groans betrayed her growing desperation. Not yet. He hadn’t
worshiped her enough.

He grasped her ankles and gently pried her legs off him.
Once assured she stood on her own two feet, he cupped one glorious breast and
raised it to his lips. He pressed kisses to the heavy flesh and licked the hard

“Again, do that again.”

He grinned at the command and gave her what she demanded. He
circled her areola with the tip of his tongue then flicked the tip. Once,
twice. Her breath escaped in a rush. He captured the point with his teeth and
tugged. She cried out, all the encouragement he needed. He repeated the teasing
until she dug talons into his shoulders.

The bite of pain did it for him. He fucking loved knowing he
broke through her control. She’d never bled him. Even the times when she’d been
lost to orgasm, she’d held on to her wild side. Not tonight. No, tonight she
treated him as her mate in truth, able to withstand her primal drives.

His gums ached, his fangs eager to descend. He fought their
emergence only because he worried they’d be enough to cut through her
desire-ridden haze. He didn’t want to deal with Mira’s questions now, even
though he had the answers. The images his cats had showed him when he and Mira
had first made love explained everything. He wouldn’t be able to shift, but
he’d have claws and fangs.

He let the thoughts go and focused on Mira. Releasing her
breast, he moved to the other, treating it to the same attention. The scent of
her arousal filled the room. It took on a richer tinge. Sweet, honeyed…ripe.
The buildup of her signature from the first night they’d made love and all the
encounters since had primed them both.

Now. He had to be inside her now.

He reached between them, popped the button on his jeans and
shoved his pants down. His dick sprang free. Without any more foreplay, knowing
she didn’t need it, he joined them in one hard thrust.

Mira cried out. Her sheath clamped down on him so hard his
heart skipped a beat. He rode out her orgasm. She raked her claws down his
back. He ignored the blood soaking his t-shirt. The small bite of pain felt
more like a reward than anything else.

As soon as the waves eased, she whimpered. Actual pain
seized her body. It resonated through the link he shared with her. Shame filled
him. He’d wanted to pleasure her, but this wasn’t about how many orgasms he
could pull from her. This joining went deeper than that but it was simpler too.

She needed a good, hard fuck. Lucky for them both, he could
give it to her.

He pulled his dick back so only her nether lips squeezed the
head, and waited a heartbeat until her lust-hazed eyes focused on him.

“You’re mine, Mira. Mine. Always and forever.”

He thrust into her quivering core. She cried out but he kept
up the pace of his driving cock, pushing her higher. As long as he kept moving,
she wouldn’t hurt. Her pants and breathy groans confirmed it. He dragged his
rigid shaft in and out, pounding into her and shaking the door at her back.

“Gods, yes. Fuck me harder.”

Her breathy command forced him to do exactly that. He
couldn’t deny her if he tried. With the strength humming in his limbs, he
slammed into her, hitting her cervix with a thump that whipped vibrations up
his cock. Again and again, he smacked the mouth of her womb until the tightness
in his balls grew unbearable. He stilled with his erection lodged deep and let
the orgasm dancing along Mira’s sheath take hold.

She screamed his name. In a rolling wave that whipped from
the base of his dick to the head, her clenching muscles massaged his seed free.
He didn’t fight this time. He groaned and filled her up.

Love you, kitten. Love you. Always and forever.

He didn’t know if she heard him but the way she tightened
her arms around him made him think she did.

On and on their joint orgasm flowed over them until he gave
her everything. She sagged in his arms. He eased out of her core and swung her
unconscious body into his arms.

Dressed in only her short skirt and sexy black boots, she
could’ve passed for a naughty temptress.
My personal goddess.

He pressed his lips to hers. “My mate, my heart, my love.”

With her body cradled in his arms, he kicked off his boots
and made his way to the couch. He stretched out on the surface with Mira on top
of him. Slowly, he petted her hair. She might be asleep, but she’d feel the
soft caresses and know she was safe.

“We did it, kitten. We broke the rules and made our own.”
With a little help from the gods he’d been convinced hated them both.

Now if only he could remember what else the goddess had told
him after she lectured him about his stubbornness, but he couldn’t wrap his
mind around the memory. He was too sated and too damn happy. Later, he’d worry
about it later.


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