Fault or Virtue: An Imaginative Retelling of Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' (6 page)

BOOK: Fault or Virtue: An Imaginative Retelling of Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'
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Elizabeth held back her comments, acknowledging that there was a small chance
that she’d have to remain a few days to look after Jane, and only said, “How wonderful
for you. I did not mean to intrude but I only wished to see my sister, I hope she is well
enough so that I might take her home.”

Caroline jumped at the opportunity to act as hostess and sweetly replied, “Of
course, Miss Elizabeth! But I can assure you Jane has had the best care here.”
Darcy remained frozen in place, though neither lady had noticed his inattention.
She is more striking than I dared recall
, he thought,
and she remains just as angry with
me as ever.

Elizabeth was relieved to find that her sister was well indeed, but it was generally
acknowledged that she was not well enough to be moved.
“My kind friends will not hear of me returning home until I am better, Lizzy, but I
feel I am such an imposition to them,” whispered Jane when she awoke to find her
favorite sister sitting next to her. Elizabeth reassured her the best she could manage and
kept her doubts to herself. Mr. Bingley would certainly have favored Jane’s extended
stay, but Elizabeth also guessed that Caroline would use the distraction to get more time
with Mr. Darcy. She relished the idea of her mother and Miss Bingley having so much in
common in the matter of securing husbands.
Elizabeth remained mostly in the company of her sister, venturing out only to take
her meals. Even then, however, she did not spend most of these moments with the hosts,
as her sister’s sleeping schedule did not often match their dining one. Elizabeth was glad
of the solitude and happy that she did not interrupt Caroline’s efforts to corner Darcy. She
did not relish Caroline’s company in the first place, but she always had a queer feeling
when she was around the two of them, as if Caroline meant to pounce at any moment lest
Elizabeth showed any sign of competition.
If only Caroline knew how much I cared for
her Mr. Darcy, I might become her only female friend.

On the second morning since her arrival, Elizabeth quietly sought a servant to
deliver a list of requirements to Longbourn, mostly specific tealeaves and soup
ingredients that she hoped would relieve her sister. To her dismay, however, she found
Mr. Bingley and Darcy instead.

“Miss Elizabeth, you look well this morning. I hope your sister is the same,” said

Bingley, and catching sight of the list, added, “is there anything you need?”
“My sister is quite well, sir. I cannot express enough my gratitude for your
kindness in looking after her. She is in far better comfort here than she would have been
at home. I was just hoping to send a note to Longbourn this morning.”
“Of course, Miss Elizabeth. I can’t but help to notice that it is a list you’re
sending, is there anything you require that I might have? Anything is at your disposal.”
“I cannot hear of trespassing upon your kindness anymore, Mr. Bingley. It is
merely a few things that I hope will hurry the healing process. I do not wish to burden
you any longer than necessary,” her earnestness caught Darcy’s attention. He was
impressed by the level of dedication Elizabeth showed towards her sister, never had he
seen such sincerity amongst those of his society. He was reminded of his own sister, and
fell into deep reflection.

“Miss Elizabeth, I assure you that I am most happy to be of assistance in restoring
your sister’s health,” Bingley said as he glanced at the Elizabeth’s list, “but now I’m
embarrassed to admit that I do not recognize most of what you require.” Elizabeth’s
laugh brought Darcy’s attention back to the present and he fixed his gaze on the pleasing
shape of her mouth when she smiled. “This for example.” Bingley fixed his finger on a
difficultly-pronounced herb.

“That is to relieve headaches,” her eyes followed his finger moving down the list,
“sore throat, easy sleep…” he stopped at her request of bouillon. Elizabeth delighted
Darcy with yet another laugh and explained, “and that is her favorite soup, Mr. Bingley.”

Bingley colored and smiled, “Ah, of course. Bouillon. If I may, I will see if my
kitchen is stocked with any of these things. Bouillon, I am sure I can get you very

“I cannot thank you enough, Mr. Bingley.”

“It is my pleasure, Miss Elizabeth. I only hope that you’re taking enough care of
yourself. I would not wish you becoming ill looking so diligently after your sister.”
Darcy began before he could catch himself, “My friend is right, Miss Elizabeth. It
would not do to have two sick Bennets under our roof. We could not be so fortunate as to
have bouillon be your favorite soup also, and so we would be quite ill-equipped to care
for you if you found yourself too indisposed to make more lists.”
Elizabeth arched her brow and fixed him with a serious gaze, “And so what do
you suggest, Mr. Darcy?”
“I know you are fond of walking. I suggest the side garden, Miss Elizabeth, and
then perhaps a nice book.”
“Wonderful, Darcy!” Bingley proclaimed.
Elizabeth found herself caught in Darcy’s unreadable look, and so had neither
protest, nor gratitude to voice. She could only silently wish that Miss Bingley would not
accompany them nor find out.

Chapter 10

In ten minutes time, Elizabeth found herself quite alone with Mr. Darcy. The
pleasantness of the walk made up for the lack of conversation, and time passed quite

Darcy wondered at Elizabeth’s failure to inquire as to his hasty return. He had
imagined, or worried rather, that the course of their conversation would go just as they
had in the past. When Elizabeth had been brought before them upon her arrival Darcy
was reminded of when she had referred to Caroline as
Miss Bingley. He and Charles
had seen enough of Caroline’s behavior to discount it, but to a stranger, a perceptive
stranger, her behavior was embarrassing and ill mannered. He hoped the perceptive Miss
Elizabeth would also gather that he had no intentions towards Miss Bingley. Either way,
he realized, it didn’t matter.
Miss Elizabeth may believe what she likes, and it can be of
no consequence to me.

“You are quiet this morning, Miss Bennet,” he threw her a sidelong glance that
was met with a smile.
“You are always quiet, Mr. Darcy. Perhaps I wanted to try it for myself.”

Darcy took a long breath in, savoring the feeling of again finding himself in Miss

Elizabeth’s company.
“And what have you surmised?”
“It offers me minimal opportunity for laughter.” They lapsed into silence again,

and Elizabeth grew worried she had offended him. “By the turn of our last conversation, I
did not think you would be returning to Netherfield.”

“You should be at no loss as to why I have returned, Miss Elizabeth.” He fixed
her with a steady gaze that made her cheeks warm, but she could not help thinking of
Miss Bingley.

“You’re right, Mr. Darcy,” she could not afford to miss the opportunity this
presented, “Miss Bingley has made your reasons for returning quite clear.”
, Darcy cursed himself for allowing Caroline’s behavior to continue, yet he
had already done everything in his power to persuade her to give up hope. No other
woman of the
was this persistent. Nor could they be, as no one else had a brother to
which Darcy was a close friend.
I must reply with something clever so as to change the
he realized.
“I must have improved my conversations skills since last we met, for you are
finding ample reasons to laugh.”
“Perhaps I only have Miss Bingley to thank for that,” she noted the touch of
defensiveness in her voice and hoped that he would not catch it.
Darcy was too busy silently cursing himself again to notice.
“Then I must thank her also, for it is a pleasure indeed to hear you.”
I will be safe
with one compliment, will I not? Perhaps it will save me from some more japes about
Caroline Bingley.
She reflected over his meaning but concluded that if he meant anything serious by
it, she’d rather not know. Serious discussions rarely had an opportunity for humor. Some,
she found fortunate enough to be riddled with ridiculousness, but she was beginning to
think that Darcy was less absurd than she originally thought. Or maybe, she reasoned, she
had begun to look upon everyone differently in light of her acquaintance with Mr.
Collins. For who could appear so in comparison with that man?
She fixed him with a serious face and replied, “Besides the infrequent opportunity
to catch the sound of my laughter, Mr. Darcy, what has brought you back to
Netherfield?” He looked slightly frustrated at her maneuver of the conversation, and took
a second to reply.
“A very wise woman of my acquaintance said that one’s opinion of a place would
strengthen and improve with the length of his stay. I have come to hope this is true,” he
flashed her with a reserved smile, “And I hope also that the inhabitants of such a place
will come to soften their opinion of such a blind, stubborn, and boorish visitor.”
She waited for the shock of his words to ware off. She was flattered that he had
remembered her words and that they could have had such an effect on him. His pleasant
manner of speaking and his gentle stare began to have quite an effect on her as well.
is this gentleman and where was he hiding when we first met?
“Blind would have been perhaps the best way to view the people of Meryton at
their best, Mr. Darcy. Deaf ears would certainly recommend us also.”


Darcy chuckled and looked at his feet before meeting her eyes and replying, “Ah,
but I have already stated my preference for the sound of your laughter.”
She is stunning
when she blushes, I must remember that.

Elizabeth felt as if she cheeks would remain red all day, and worried that her
discomposure might be noticed. She therefore attempted to hide her face behind her
book, but soon found Miss Bingley’s rather one-sided conversation with Mr. Darcy to be
too diverting to continue the act.

“Did you notice the abundance of violets in the garden this morning, Mr. Darcy?”
Caroline asked after she had gleaned disappointing results from the other topics that had
been raised.

She knows!
Elizabeth realized. Since her and Mr. Darcy had not been disturbed on
their walk in the garden, Elizabeth had assumed Miss Bingley remained unaware of the
outing. Had she been watching them? Though there had been nothing unusual about the
walk, Elizabeth doubted this would improve Caroline’s opinion of her.

“I do not know if I noticed that flower specifically, but I did note that the garden
was looking particularly beautiful this morning.” It had been Darcy’s longest answer yet,
and he had even put down his quill to answer her. His eyes briefly met with Elizabeth’s
and she could not make out the meaning of his glance.

“Violets are a favorite of your sisters, are they not, Mr. Darcy?” pride seeped
through Caroline’s voice as she cut the eye contact between them.
“I believe they were the last I heard the topic mentioned in her presence,
.” Elizabeth would swear that Mr. Darcy had emphasized her name.
This is interesting!
Thought Elizabeth. She was unsure about their relationship
thus far. Caroline’s opinion was obvious, but Darcy’s was less discernable. At the
assembly Elizabeth had thought that by the similar looks of dissatisfaction on their faces
that they were destined for one another, but perhaps she was wrong. Mr. Darcy seemed a
little different now, after the walk. Could the favoritism be one-sided?
Poor Miss
She thought.
, Elizabeth realized,
poor Mr. Darcy!
“I had asked that they be especially planted in the garden in case she accompanied
you, Darcy. Did I not, Charles? I am sad she could not join you. Charles and I quite adore
spending time with her.”
I would be safe forgetting anyone’s name in the room if I have Miss Bingley in my
Elizabeth found that Miss Bingley often used her brother’s name in order to
garner his acquiescence, and often repeated it.
“My sister would be pleased to hear that,” Darcy said, “but I must admit that I
never thought of bringing her here. She is not yet out and it will not do to have her
mingling with society that I am unfamiliar with.” He resumed his letter. Elizabeth was
touched by the obvious devotion to his sister. Caroline, however, found a different way to
interpret his meaning.
“You were quite right, Mr. Darcy. I could not see her amongst this society at all.”
She shot a glance at Elizabeth and was struck by her complexion, “My, Miss Elizabeth!
What can you be reading? You look decidedly out of sorts.” Elizabeth’s embarrassment
grew as the object of her thoughts turned to study her.
If she means to humiliate me, then
I must avoid being so.

“I have merely caught up in the amusement a good book can bring, Miss

Bingley.” Elizabeth saw Darcy’s eyes narrow and return to his letter.
“Miss Eliza is a great walker and reader, rarely finding time for anything else, is
that true?” Miss Bingley barked rather forcefully.
“I deserve no such praise nor such censure.”
Miss Bingley, dissatisfied, turned away and gave up the attack.
“Miss Darcy is simply one of the most accomplished women of my acquaintance.
Wouldn’t you agree, Charles?” She began to shuffle through the variety of music sheets
lying on the pianoforte.
“I would, absolutely,” he replied to his sister’s provocation, adding, “It is amazing
to me that young women are all accomplished as they are.”
“What do you mean, Charles?” Caroline said, spinning around in a fury that
suggested she wanted to hear no more on the subject.
Unaware, or too accustomed to his sister’s fury, Bingley replied innocently,
“They all paint tables and net purses, paint, sing, and play. It is more than I can do, to be
“The word is applied too liberally, Bingley. Accomplished must extend beyond
the common tasks and talents of a young lady,” said Darcy, rising momentarily from his
writing desk.
“You must comprehend a great deal on the subject,” said Elizabeth, setting down
her book.
“I do.”
“Indeed,” cried Caroline on his behalf, strutting about the room. “After all, his
sister is a lady allowed the term. I cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen
women who are
accomplished. Why, one must have a thorough knowledge of
music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages to deserve the word; and she
must possess a certain something in her air and manner of speech and the way in which
she carries herself or the word would be but half deserved.”
“And to all this she must add the improvement of her mind by extensive reading,”
finished Darcy.
“I no longer wonder at your knowing only six accomplished women,” Elizabeth
said, exasperated. “I rather wonder at your knowing any.”
“Are you so severe upon your own sex?”
“I never saw such a women. She would be a rather fearsome thing to behold, I
Elizabeth could not hear the specifics of Caroline’s retaliation over the roar of
Bingley’s laughter, but she did spy a slip of a smile flash across Darcy’s face.
How can he voice such preposterous opinions one moment and nearly laugh when
I counter it? When does he truly mean what he says?
When Caroline saw that the battle was lost, she sat down at the small pianoforte
and began to play. Elizabeth was unsurprised to find that she was a skillful player, but
that she played without much feeling. It was a lively Scottish tune, one that Elizabeth
knew she would not be able to concentrate on her book through.
“Do you not wish to take such an opportunity to dance a reel, Miss Elizabeth?”
Mr. Darcy startled her by asking.
What could he mean?

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