Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (41 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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Wanting him now with a desperate need, she
took pity on him and holding him erect, she eased herself slowly onto him until
he was fully seated. Her hands on his chest, she began to undulate against the
steely feel of him inside, gasping as he hit her sensitive spot with each of
her movements. Her first orgasm took her by surprise and after a brief pause,
she began to search for the second, pushing herself harder onto him with each

He loved this, watching her take her
pleasure from him, using him for her own means. Her cheeks flushed, breasts
swaying with each movement and her tight, wet pussy gripping him. He quickly
shoved a hand between them to squeeze his cock again as she found her pace and
achieved her goal, her juices pooling in his groin as she worked immediately
towards number three.

Leaning back now, her hands on his shins,
back arched, marvellous breasts pointing to the ceiling as she rode him, she
gasped out “Help me.” And sighed with relief as his thumb pressed against her
clit and began a rhythmic circling. A scream tore from her as she came,
instantly stilling.

Straightening and smiling down at him, she
walked her hands up his chest before pressing herself against him and kissing
him. His strong arms wrapped around her, pinning her own to her side and she
felt him raise his knees behind her, planting his feet firmly against the
mattress seconds before setting a frantic pace and pushing himself to finally
achieve the orgasm he’d been holding off.

His deep groan of satisfaction had her
pussy clenching around him. She did that to him, her man, her alpha male. She
had no idea now why she had waited so long to be with him, such a waste of time
when she really considered it. She slide from his body to cuddle against him,
drifting slowly back to sleep.


Chapter Thirty


“What was that?” She sat up, straining to
listen, thinking she had imagined the sound.

Dragging his hands over his face and
glancing at his watch, Paul reached for her and pulled her back to his side.
“It’ll be Mum. She insists on doing my cleaning.”

Pushing herself away from him, she glared
down at him “Your Mother is here?” She asked but continued before he could
answer. “Oh God, do you think she heard us?”

Stretching languorously and laughing, he
simply replied “Oh yeah, she heard.”

Suzanne slapped a hand down hard onto his
chest, smirking when it cut off his laughter, “You are such an arse. How
embarrassing.” She scooted off the bed and flitted across to the bathroom. “You
need to go and do damage control.” She hissed before closing the bathroom door.

“Come on Suzie, its fine.” He leant
against the door, speaking against the wood. When he received no reply he
sighed and reached for his clothes. “Shit.”

“I came to see if you were awake and
wanted breakfast.” Monica stated before Paul had a chance to talk. “I saw far
more of you than I ever intended too. You should have closed your door.”

Kissing his mother on the cheek, he parked
his behind on one of the kitchen stools, scratched his head and regarded her,
wondering just how much she had seen. “I forgot it was your morning to be here
and I prefer the door open, it gets too hot otherwise.”

Tutting, Monica turned away, murmuring
“Things were certainly steamy.” Before she placed a mug of tea in front of him.
“She’s married.”

“Not anymore.”

Sighing at his answer, she persisted.
“You’re married.”

Taking a large gulp of his tea, instantly
regretting it as it seared his tongue and roof of his mouth, Paul reached for
his briefcase as he swallowed and rubbed his chest in an effort to ease the
burn. Flicking open the locks, he reached for his divorce papers and laid them
out in front of Monica. “It’s just a technicality now mum, A few more weeks and
I’m officially divorced.”

“Oh Paul.”

“Don’t say that. I hate it when you say

“There has never been a divorce in either
the Jensen or Paloma families. When will you stop trying to be the black

“Never?” He asked. “Look at me go. The
pioneer of the Jensen divorce. Feel free to follow my example.” He snapped and
then apologised on a sigh. “I love her. She’s all I have ever wanted. We are
both free to pursue the other and we both want this. I’m a better person with
her in my life.”

“Are you sure it isn’t just remnants of a
school boy infatuation?”

“No. It’s always been her. It’s just taken
me this long to realise what a fool I’ve been. I’m done with all the women, the
affairs, the subterfuge. I want her. I will do anything to get her and keep
her. I’ll move heaven and earth for her and be the man she needs me to be to
ensure she stays in my life.”

Monica turned away so he didn’t see her
smile. At last her baby boy was growing up and was sure of what he wanted. Her
heart soared with pride.

Since her divorce, Suzanne had returned to
work and was loving every second of it. She was determined that she and Paul
would take things slow. Ok, she’d jumped his bones. Twice, that first night but
that was just to re-kindle the flame wasn’t it?

Truth was, he rarely left her thoughts and
returning home to an empty house and even emptier bed was growing old very
quickly. They spoke on the phone several times throughout the day but with them
both leading busy lives, time together was at a premium and Paul was not a man
to be satisfied with a five minute quickie.

He had kept her on tender hooks all week
explaining in detail just how he would have her writhing and screaming the next
time he saw her. At this rate, her battery operated boyfriend was in danger of
filing a complaint of abuse against her. She was convinced Paul should run his
own sex chat line, his voice alone was enough to stir her senses and the words
that came from his beautiful full lips would catch even the coldest heart on
fire. The best thing about it all? He was hers. At last.

Rushing home from work and getting dinner
on the go, she hopped in the shower in preparation of a very good evening. They
finally both had some free time and Paul had agreed to come over for dinner.

With a towel wrapped around her, she
revved up her hairdryer and styled her hair before running down the stairs to
check on their meal. She stopped dead in the kitchen when she saw Cameron
peering into the oven.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“Baby,” He turned to face her. “Is this
for me?”

“You don’t live here anymore Cam, the
house is mine, we agreed, how did you even get in?”

“I’ve got the spare key.” He held up his
key ring. “Suzanne, I think we were a little hasty getting divorced like we
did. I want you back baby, can we try again?”

“Don’t call me that, you know I don’t like
it.” She snapped although she loved the word from Paul’s mouth. “We are
through, I don’t love you, I don’t think I ever did. I was in love with the
idea of being married. Stupidly. You are a good man but you can’t give me what
I want. It’s not your fault the marriage failed, it’s mine. I married the wrong


“No buts, leave your keys and get out
Cameron, there is nothing here for you anymore.” She pointed towards the front
door. “Leave.”

Pocketing the keys, Cameron turned to
leave. “I’ll fight for you.”

“Don’t bother. Just move on.”

She was still wrapped in her towel when
the doorbell rang. The sight of Paul with strawberries, flowers and champagne
made her smile even as her tears began to flow.

Mortified that he’d somehow upset her, he
put his gifts on the floor and swept her into his arms, holding her tight.
“What’s wrong?”

Shaking her head and pushing away from him
so he’d put her down, she swept her tears away and reached for the flowers.
“Nothing.” She walked to the kitchen and began looking for a vase. Cameron had
never bought her flowers.

“Bullshit Suzie.” He was close behind her.

She didn’t look at him as she snipped the
stems from the flowers. “When I got out of the shower, Cameron was here.”

“How did he get in?”

“Apparently, he kept the spare set of

He turned her to face him. “Which you
relieved him off before you kicked him out yes?”

“No, he put them in his pocket and left.”

“For fucks sake Suzie.” He dragged his
fingers through his hair as he turned to leave.

“Where are you going?”

“Lock the door behind me. I won’t be

He was back within half an hour. She
watched as he dragged a toolbox from the back seat of his car and without a
word set about changing the locks on both doors and adding additional security
to both.

Although she loved to watch him work, she
stopped him as he moved from the front door to the back. “We are supposed to be
having a nice evening together. Dinner is already ruined. Please just come and
sit down.”

“This won’t take long. We can order some
food in. I won’t have him waltzing in here any time he chooses Suzie, that’s
just not on. Let him try it now.”

Pouring them both a glass of wine, she
watched as he completed the second lock. “I will feel safer knowing he can’t
get in unless I let him.”
“Why would you let him?” Paul rounded on her. “Your divorce is final, the house
is in your name, you have no reason to speak to him, it’s not like you have
kids to haggle over.

Smiling, she took a sip of her wine and
looked up at him. “Are you jealous?”

“Damn right I’m jealous.” He confirmed.
“He had you for six long years. Yes I counted before you ask. He didn’t make
you happy. Only I can do that, but you pushed me away for him. You are mine
now, he doesn’t get to come sniffing around you anymore.”

Later, much later, having eaten a large
meal along with the quick disposal of two bottles of very good wine, they lay
entwined in each other’s arms a comfortable silence surrounding them.

Paul was slowly drifting off to sleep,
happy and content but wondering why at age twenty six he was too tired for sex
when Suzanne stirred, sitting up to look at him.

“Does this bother you?” She asked.

Frowning and scratching at his stubble as
he turned onto his back, he asked, “Does what bother me?”

“This. Being in the bed that I shared with

He stretched, smiled and pulled her flat
against his chest. “It’s now the bed you share with me and I’m guessing it’s
going to see a hell of a lot more action in the days to come than it has in the
last six years so no, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.”

Smoothing her hand down his firm stomach
and stroking lower, she pressed her lips to his chest “Just not tonight by the
feel of things.”

“I’m tired Suzie.” He yawned and moved her
hand away.

“If you weren’t such a control freak, you
could take a few days off now and then.” She chided as she settled against him.

“I’ve worked hard for everything I have.
I’m not about to hand it over to someone else to fuck it up.”

“Control freak.”

Over the next few months, they got into
the habit of spending equal amounts of time at the others abode. Paul found he
couldn’t get enough of her and he missed her sorely on the nights they were

Suzanne would catch herself day dreaming
about Paul at the most inopportune moments. Several times a day she berated
herself for behaving like a love sick teenager over a relationship that was inevitable
since its conception.

This weekend would be a test of them as a
couple. Paul’s son was coming for a long weekend and it would be the first time
since Gavin had been a toddler that she would see him. Paul had warned her that
the boy could be stroppy and uncommunicative especially without his sidekick
Novak in tow.

Paul had been so embroiled in his
relationship with Suzanne that he had woefully neglected his children. He just
never seemed to find the time to strike a happy balance. Guilt niggled at him
but then he would see the woman in his life and it would vanish into thin air.
But that little voice of conscience nagged at him, telling him he was no better
than his father.

Gavin went straight to the kitchen looking
for food after politely greeting his father and Suzanne. Paul hovered nervously
on the fringes of the living area as Carmen and Suzanne summed each other up.

Suddenly, Suzanne blurted “You have the
most stunning eyes I have ever seen.”

Paul’s jaw hit the ground, Suzanne wasn’t
given easily to compliments. He dared a look at Carmen but couldn’t judge her
mood, her cheeks were flushed whether in embarrassment or anger he wasn’t sure.

“Thank you.” Carmen stammered.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you but
your eyes are amazing and you have the complete exotic look working for you.”
Suzanne continued, finally fully understanding why Paul had fallen for her
hook, line and sinker.

“Er Suzie, are you ok?” Paul felt like he
had to say something.

Waving him away, “You shush, I’m having a
girl crush moment.”

Paul turned away, catching his son’s eye
and raised his eyebrows. Moving closer to the boy he whispered that they’d
sneak out and leave the women to it. Gavin readily agreed.

He had planned to spend the evening
getting his son acquainted with the woman in his life but the best laid plans
often go awry. No less than four of the staff called in sick all having eaten
at the same establishment the previous night and being struck down by food
poisoning. For the first time, he hesitated about going down to the club, even
with Suzanne reassuring him that she and his son would be fine, he left her
with instructions to call him at the first sign of a problem. She just rolled
her eyes and ushered him out of the door.

He left locking up the club to Jez that
night and called it a night at two. He snuck into his apartment conscious of
the fact that the tiny third bedroom was right by the main entrance. The sound
of the lock turning seemed to echo in the hallway but after a pregnant pause
and no sounds of stirring, he toed off his trainers and made his way to the
open plan living room.

There he found Suzanne, curled up in an
armchair, wrapped in one of the throws from the sofa, dozing as she watched the
tv, volume only a smidge above mute. He crouched down in front of her, waiting
for her to see him. Her lazy smile his reward and she snuggled into him as he
lifted her into his arms and carried her up to his bedroom.

Stripping and washing down in the bathroom
before sliding beneath the covers, he waited for her to wiggle in beside him.
“Why are you still awake? I’m a big boy now, I can get myself home.”

“You don’t have to tell me you’re a big
boy, I am very well aware of that. I just wanted to let you know that Gavin had
a very good evening, he was neither sullen nor uncommunicative and went to bed
when he was told without a fuss.”

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