Father Of The Brat (19 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Bevarly

BOOK: Father Of The Brat
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Carver and Rachel looked first at each other, then at Maddy, both breaking out in wide smiles.

“It’s a good family,” Rachel assured her. “You’ll like it. You just have to remember to follow the rules. I hope you don’t smoke…”

Carver wrapped one arm around Maddy, the other around Rachel, kissing each one on the cheek. He wondered how on earth he’d ever gotten so lucky, decided not to worry about it, and led them toward the stairs. Together, the three of them went down to breakfast. They were going to need a big meal to start the rest of their lives off right.

eISBN 978-14592-7870-7


Copyright © 1996 by Elizabeth Bevarly

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