Fate's Intentions (17 page)

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Authors: Dawn Nicole Stevens

BOOK: Fate's Intentions
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"I hope you don't mind, I think you got me a little dirty sleeping up against me last night. I didn't see the point in running two showers and wasting hot water." She giggled. "Not like you have anything I haven't seen anyway."

Adam couldn't seem to find any words in the stupor he found himself in. He was thrown off guard by Ashlynn making advances at him. He was usually confident and full of himself but he wasn't sure how to handle being on the other end. "Uh, um, I um, I haven't seen you, um. You are beautiful!" She was beautiful. He had never seen a woman as beautiful as the woman standing before him. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at him. She pressed herself up against him and ran her hands through his hair. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned in and kissed her. His kiss wasn't gentle, it was fierce and passionate. Ashlynn moaned and threw her head back. Adam took the opportunity to kiss her exposed neck. He kissed it up and down from her jaw to her collar bone randomly biting and licking. Ashlynn dug her nails into his back and moaned even louder when he bit her. This excited him. He slid his hands down and gripped her bottom. He squeezed as he lifted her off her feet and spun her around pushing her back up against the shower wall. Ashlynn's mind raced as he thrust up against her. She was really here with this gorgeous man and he seemed to have the same desire for her that she felt for him. The hot water stung their skin and the steam surrounded them almost as if it were pushing them together, a silent motivation to hold onto one another. Adam reached to the side and turned the water off. He swiped the shower curtain open and with Ashlynn still in his arms, he walked to the bed. He turned around and laid back with Ashlynn on top of him. He ran his hands up and down her back and then down across her thighs. He felt like he needed to explore every inch of her skin and memorize it. Nothing in his long life had ever excited him the way she did and he wasn't ever letting her go. She was his for eternity. Wolf or not, he had developed feelings for her that he would never be able to escape from. He moved his hands up and took her face in them. She opened her eyes and he stared into them. "I love you Ashlynn! I've never felt like this before! Never even close! I am head over heels in love with you!"

Ashlynn closed her eyes and nuzzled into his neck as she whispered back, "I love you too! I've never felt anything like this either and I know that if I ever leave this place I'll never feel anything like it again. I love you! Please don't ever let me go.

Adam hugged her tight. "Never!" He whispered as he rolled her onto her back and stared down into her eyes. "You are mine forever as I am yours. A lover and a friend." He slid his hands in behind her neck and kissed her. Ashlynn could feel his thumbs pressing into her jaws guiding her mouth to his. He climbed between her legs, never breaking the kiss. His left hand stayed behind her neck, cradling her head as his right hand roamed down her neck, over her chest, onto her breast. Ashlynn's skin felt as if it were tingling at the feel of his fingers on her skin. His hand squeezed her breast and then continued down her side, over her hip and down to her thigh. He pulled her leg tight against him as he squeezed it. Ashlynn moaned into his mouth as he gripped her leg. He let go and moved his hand back up her leg, over hip and up her side. She trembled as his fingers moved over her breast and up her chest. He ran his hand down over her shoulder and down her arm over the inside of her elbow. It moved down until his hand was palm to palm with hers and he placed his fingers between hers and squeezed her hand. She squeezed back and spread her legs a little further. He slid inside of her and could feel her tighten around him as he moaned simultaneously with her. Her body tensed for a moment but then relaxed as he began to thrust inside her. She kissed him harder and squeezed his hand even tighter as they moved opposite one another. Their bodies moved in a perfect rhythm against each other. They felt as if they had melted into one being as they felt each other's hearts beating with one another.

Time seemed to stop as they wiggled around against each other's flesh. Ashlynn was not the first woman he had ever been with but he was certain she would be the last. He had never had such an intimate moment with any other woman. She seemed to understand him, knowing what he wanted from her before he even thought it. She held him tight, feeling like she was a virgin all over again. This wasn't her first time either, but it was far more intense than any other time. Adam was a better lover than she could ever imagine. The emotions she felt with him inside her only heightened the experience. He could feel her insides flutter as she reached a climax. It pushed him over the edge and his body began to tremble with hers. She could feel him throbbing inside her as he climaxed as well.

They were still. Both still holding each other and caressing the other's skin. They hadn't paid attention to any of the songs playing on the radio. They were too wrapped up in one another to hear the words. But they both seemed to hear this one. At the same time they both heard the words. It was Faith Hill's 'Breathe'. Adam kissed her lips as the lyrics flowed around them. 'There's no need for words right now, cause I can feel you breath, it's washing over me, suddenly I'm melting into you, there's nothing left to prove, Baby all we need is just to be caught up in the touch, the slow and steady rush, Baby isn't that the way that love's supposed to be, I can feel you breathe'. Neither of them had ever experienced a moment more perfect than this. They laid there in each other's arms and thanked everything holy that they had found each other. And now that they had, neither of them could imagine living one more day without the other.

The sound of the radio began to fade in the background as they laid together consumed in thoughts of the affection they both felt. They drifted off to sleep only to find each other in their dreams as well.


Ashlynn opened her eyes and found Adam laying on his side staring into her face. She smiled and whispered to him, "How long have you been watching me sleep?"

He smiled and whispered back, "Not long enough. I could look at you all day!" He put his arm around her and pulled her closer. "Everything about you intrigues me and now I've been wound even tighter in your web!"

She couldn't help the giggle that escaped. "Oh, you are so stuck! You have no idea!"

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

Ashlynn laid there in his arms as he brushed his fingertips up and down her back. She had never felt happiness like this before. She leaned back and looked into his face. "Adam, I can't bare to think of this ever changing. I want our lives to be like this every day for the rest of our lives and I want every possible day with you that I can get." Adam leaned up and kissed her forehead. "Adam, I want you to make me a wolf!"

Adam's expression went blank. He swallowed hard against the lump in his throat but couldn't get it down. "Ashlynn, I would love that, but I can't ask you to give up your human life."

"But you're not asking me! I want to!" Ashlynn said sounding like she was pouting.

"I'm not saying no. We have a month until the next full moon and we have many full moons after that. Just think about it because once it's done, it's done, I can't undo it."

"I don't need to think about it! My best friend is a wolf, the man I love is a wolf, and his Uncle slash best friend is a wolf! I don't want to be the ball and chain when you three want to go do wolf things."

Adam laughed a little. "What do you mean the ball and chain when we want to go do wolf things?"

"Say we are watching a movie, all four of us. You guys see some critters run through the yard and decide you need a little more of a snack than popcorn! There you three go chasing the Easter bunny and I'll be sitting all alone, staring at a paused TV waiting for you to get back."

Adam's brow wrinkled at her. "Are you saying you're jealous because you want to eat a bunny?"

Ashlynn slapped his arm. "No! Just that I don't want to stop you guys from doing your thing but I don't really want to be alone while you go do it. I want to be included damn it!"

Adam laughed and she slapped him again. "Okay. I'll talk to Ben about it."

"Why do you need to talk to Ben about it?" She was was a little angry that Adam felt like Ben had a part in this decision.

"We are a pack Ashlynn. We talk about everything."

Ashlynn huffed. "Well in that case, Scarlett's vote should count now too!"

Adam was surprised at her argument. "I suppose you're right."

That was when the thought hit her. There wasn't any need to argue with Adam over this. She would wait to see what he and Ben's discussion over it lead to, but if all else failed, she had Scarlett. Scarlett could make her a wolf if Adam wouldn't. She grinned to herself at the scheme she was hatching. "Okay baby, you talk to Ben and you and I will discuss it some more too."

Adam laid back relaxed with her in his arms. He thought they had temporarily resolved the matter. He had no idea Ashlynn had other plans.




Chapter 19


Scarlett stretched as the sun shone through the window into her face. The blanket fell off of her as she sat up and she gripped it tight realizing she was naked. She looked down at herself and then around the room. Now she remembered. When she had came in this morning she laid on the floor. But where was everyone else? She tugged the blanket around her and ran up the steps to her room. She put on some sweat pants and a tank top and then opened her door making her way back down stairs. It was 1pm. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed some eggs and ham from the fridge. She heard a door open and shut then footsteps on the stairs. She looked around the corner and saw Ben coming downstairs as well. "Good afternoon Ben. I'm starving so I thought I'd fix some late breakfast. Are you hungry?"

"Yes. I'm always hungry when I wake up." He laughed knowing her new appetite was because of the werewolf in her. "Do you need any help?"

"Um, I think I got it under control. But thanks." She smiled at him as he sat down on one of the bar stools.

Ben talked to her as she sliced the ham. "So did you have a good time last night? What did you think?" Ben couldn't understand why he was so eager for her to enjoy her new life as a wolf.

"It was awesome! I've never felt more alive! I can't wait to do it again!" Scarlett could hardly contain her excitement. The way she felt in her wolf form out running in the wild was indescribable.

"I'm glad you are happy. We'll have to go out hunting soon. I was really surprised when you scooped up that rabbit last night!"

"I kind of surprised myself. And we should do it tonight!"

Ben smiled and nodded. "Okay. Not like I have anywhere to be."

Adam and Ashlynn appeared out of the hallway and Ashlynn smiled at the sight of Scarlett looking so happy. Having caught the tail end of the conversation she questioned them, "Do what tonight?" She wiggled her eyebrows at Scarlett who gave her a dirty look.

"We were talking about going out hunting tonight." Scarlett was smiling again.

"Oh, I see. I take it you had fun last night?" Ashlynn giggled.

"Ashlynn, I can't even begin to describe it!"

Ashlynn held her hand up and grinned. "No need to. Adam is going to make me a werewolf too!" She turned and smiled at Adam who had a worried look on his face when he saw the expression Ben had from the statement.

He ignored the two girls standing in the kitchen and looked only at Ben as he tried to explain. "She asked me about it, I told her I'd talk to you!"

Ben thought for a moment before he spoke. After a minute or so he said, "Let's all take some time to think about this and we'll sit down later and discuss it."

Scarlett was speechless as she stared at Ashlynn. When she regained use of her tongue she blurted, "You want to be a wolf too?"

Ashlynn shrugged. "Well yea, my man is a wolf. I want to be able to chase him through the bushes, not just around the bedroom! And now my best friend is a wolf too! That's just the tip of the burg!"

Scarlett giggled at Adam's blush but then squealed and hugged Ashlynn. "This will be so awesome!"

Ben looked at Adam. "We need to go to town to pick up a newspaper. We need to find out if there are any happenings around the campground if you know what I mean."

Adam nodded in understanding. "When do you want to go?"

"Soon." Ben spoke. "Maybe when we are finished breakfast."

It didn't take long for them to eat. Ben and Adam ate fast and Ashlynn wondered if Scarlett wasn't part pig too the way she gulped down the food on her plate. Ashlynn took it that she should hurry also. After breakfast Ashlynn and Scarlett gathered all the dirty dishes as Ben and Adam put everything else away. Scarlett turned the faucet on and began running some dish water but Ben stopped her. "Don't worry about those right now. If you girls want to ride to town with us, do you mind getting ready so we can leave soon?"

"Give us five minutes." Scarlett smiled at Ben and went up the stairs. Ashlynn gave Adam a kiss and then she followed.

In five minutes both girls reappeared down the stairs. Adam and Ben escorted them to the truck and the girls climbed in the backseat together. As they started out the long driveway Ashlynn waved her cell phone to Scarlett and grinned. Scarlett heard her own phone vibrate and looked down to see that she had a new message from Ashlynn. She gave Ashlynn a confused look as she opened the message.

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