Fates' Destiny (17 page)

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Authors: BD Bond

BOOK: Fates' Destiny
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She felt his head come to rest ato
p hers as his embrace tightened, his strong hands gently caressing the bare skin of her back. She, too, tightened around his waist, thinking how she never wanted to let him go.

his head lifted and his arms fell away from her. Her eyes popped open and her arms slacked at the sudden movement. She looked up at him as he backed away from her; multiple emotions marred his handsome face.

“I, um,” He stuttered. “I
gotta go.” And before anyone could say anything he was out of the pool and out the door.

Destiny felt like she was standing in the middle of a crowded room naked. Embarrassed, exposed, bare. She wrapped her arms around her middle desperately trying to pull herself together and hide.

“I’ll be back.” She heard Luke but couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She knew she’d probably burst into tears if she did. Either that or throw up.

She heard the door close but no other sound. Not Anna’s
giggle or water splashing. Nothing. The room was completely still but she could feel everyone’s eyes on her making her feel even worse.

“Hey.” She heard Kenna at her side. Then she felt her hand rest gently on her back. “Why don’t we get out of here? I’d
love to go for a walk in the backyard.”

Destiny glanced at her to see her smile but her blue eyes were full of sympathy.
She couldn’t hold back. She had to know what Kenna thought.

“What just happened?”
Her words barely a whisper.

Her smile
faltered ever so slightly as her hand ran down Destiny’s back and then up. “I’m not suppose to tell you but Luke told me that Adam is attracted to you but he’s having a lot of trouble letting go of his wife.”

Destiny was rocked by her confession. She knew he was having problems letting go but she had no idea he was attracted to her.

“Really?” She asked and Kenna nodded.

Destiny’s eyes lowered to the water as the truth poured from her lips.

“I like him too.” And his sudden reaction hurt her.

“I know.” Kenna’s hand
slid from her back around her waist as she said, “Come on. Let’s get some fresh air.”


~              ~              ~


Adam paced the floor of his office frantically. He was completely freaked about what had just happened… About what could’ve happened… About what he wanted to happen.

His body was tense, ridged, aching to feel her touch again. His mind was begging for him to strip her naked, bury
himself in her, and make her scream his name over and over until they were both completely sated. But his heart… His heart reminded him of his faithfulness to his wife.

He had to do something. Fire her or something. He couldn’t keep doing this to himself. He couldn’t have her no matter how much he wanted her. He was married and he loved his wife with everything in him. It didn’t matter that she was gone. He still loved her and he wouldn’t betray her. He wouldn’t.

“What the fuck was that?” Luke stormed in, slamming the door behind him. His dark eyes furious, his face tight and flushed. He was pissed and Luke never got pissed.

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” He continued his rant. “Do you have any idea how bad you just hurt her?”

He hurt her? He stopped as the fact sent a sharp pain through his heart. Then he shook his head. He didn’t care. He couldn’t care.

“I’m going to have to fire her.” He admitted as he started pacing again.

“Fire her?” Luke raged incredulity. “Now I know you’ve lost your fucking mind. Tell me Adam. Do you honestly think that would work?”

“Yes.” He answered without looking at him. It had to. It was his only option.

“Ok. Then answer this. Do you think your children would ever forgive you? Do you honestly think you’ll ever forgive yourself?”

He finally stopped and turned to his brother. “I don’t know what else to do.”


              ~              ~


Luke couldn’t hold back anymore. Adam needed to wake up before he completely destroyed his family and possibly his life.

“Damn it Adam!”
He slammed his fist into a stack of papers resting on the corner of Adam’s desk as all his frustration exploded out of him. “Liz is dead!” He hated being so blunt but he didn’t have it in him to tip toe around his brother’s misery anymore. “She’s dead Adam! She’s not coming back! She wanted you to be happy! She wanted you to move on! And you’re too stubborn to see that Destiny cares about you despite how much of an ass you are to her!”

When Luke saw the muscle twitch under his brother’s eye he knew he’d struck a nerve but he wasn’t sorry for it. He nee
ded to hear everything Luke had to say.

With a couple of long strides Adam and Luke were nose to nose. Even though Luke had to look up at his brother he wasn’t intimidated. Adam could kick his ass with ease but Luke wasn’t backing down.
Getting his ass handed to him by his big brother would be worth it as long as his message got through his thick skull.

“I’m not an
ass to her.” He growled through clinched teeth.

That’s what he’s mad about? Luke was shocked. Of all the blunt things he said about Liz being dead and never coming back he was mad because he told hi
m that he was an ass to Destiny?

“Yes you are.” Luke retorted. “You afraid of your own feelings and because of that you treat her like shit. You know what?” A thought occurred to him. “You’re right Adam. You should fire her. You should send her on her way and get her away from you. All you’re doing is playing with her emotions and screwing with her head. She’s better off without you. Now,” Luke was done with his brother. He just couldn’t look at him anymore. “I’m done. I’m sick of worrying about you and trying to help you. I got my own shit to worry about.”
His own happiness to worry about.

Without another word he stormed back out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

A second after closing the door he heard his brother yell, “Fuck you Luke!”

just shook his head sadly with a sigh. That man needed help big time but Luke didn’t have it in him to try any longer. If Adam wanted to waste away then that was his choice.

With that in mind, Luke walked back into the pool area.


              ~              ~


Kenna was right. The fresh air did help… A little… Very little… Ok, not at all but she’d make Kenna think that it did.

The two of them relaxed on a couple of lounge chairs as the children played
. Ali brought out her camera and was taking pictures of Anna and Jason in front of the fountain, in the gardens, all over the place. She’d even flashed a couple of her and Kenna; some with their knowledge, some without.

They talked nothing of what had happened. Instead they chattered away about trivial things like movies that they wanted to see in theaters and going shopping next week. Apparently a new clothing boutique opened downtown and Kenna was positive Destiny would love it.

“Here you guys are?”

Luke strolled across the grass. He’d changed out of his swim shorts and into a pair of lig
ht tan cargo shorts that hung just below his knees and a red tee shirt.

Destiny smiled as he approached and
lowered onto the chair at Kenna’s feet.

“Everything ok?”
Destiny had to ask even though she wasn’t sure she wanted the answer.

Luke studied her for a moment and then he spoke.

“Destiny, I’ve never been one to interfere in someone’s life but I feel the need to suggest that you move out of here.”

“What?” Destiny and Kenna both gasped in unison.

“Is he planning to fire me?” Destiny couldn’t believe it. She could understand it considering his predicament but she couldn’t believe it.

“I don’t know.” Luke answered honestly. “I don’t think so but I think it may be better for you if you move back into your apartment and just come here when
you’re needed. Look,” He rested his elbows on his knees and locked his hands together in front of him. “I’m worried about you. My brother is stubborn and I’m worried that he’s just going to continue to hurt you. You don’t deserve that. I’m just thinking this may be in your best interest.”

He made a lot of sense. Mayb
e she should. After all Adam did hurt her and probably would continue to.

But then again, even though she’s only been there a short time she couldn’t imagine not being there 24/7. Who would help Jason when a girl problem kept him up at night? Or hold Anna when she had a bad dream?

Their dad would.
She told herself.
You need to get away from here.

She agreed with a sigh as her eyes lowered, her heart twisting with desolates. “You may be right Luke.”

“Hey.” He reached over and laid a comforting hand on her leg, pulling her attention back to him. She looked up to see his kindly smile. “It’s going to be ok. You’ll still get to see the kids.”

She knew that but her heart foolishly wanted so much more.



Chapter 29


fell and things carried on normally. Luke and Kenna left shortly after the little talk Luke had with Destiny because they had a dinner date. The kids ate, bathed, and went to bed. And not once did Adam come out of his office. He didn’t even call Richard to bring him dinner.

Destiny tried not to care. She tried and failed. It didn’t matter what he did or how much he hurt her she still cared about him. He wasn’t acting this way because he was a mean person. He was acting this way because he was
man in love with his wife.

Destiny understood. It stung but she understood. And that’s why she’s decided to do as Luke suggested.

Once everyone was settled she walked down to his office. She hesitated at the door and readied herself to tell him of her decision. It was going to be better this way. She’d arrive in time to get the kids off to school. Then she’d go home and a little before it was time for them to get home she’d head back over there. After they were settled in their beds and Anna read to she’d head home and spend the rest of the night alone.

She sniffed back her sadness and knocked. When she didn’t get a reply she turned the knob, eased the door open, and poked her head in.

He sat at his desk, the back of his chair facing her, his sneakered feet anchored on the window frame. The blinds were open allowing the light of the full moon to beam in. 

“Adam?” She asked softly and got no acknowledgment.

Fine. Maybe it was better this way. She’d be able to tell him her plan easier without his dark eyes staring at her anyway.

“Look, I know you’re going through some pretty tough issues and I get it. I understand.
But I don’t like the way you make me feel. I don’t like the sudden mood swings and confusion you cause me. One minute you’re hot and the next you’re cold. And I just can’t take it anymore.” She paused for a breath. “So I’ve decided that I’m going to continue to work for you if you want but I’m going to move back into my apartment.”

The sudden drop of his feet made her jump. He snapped around and she almost gasped at the sight. Gone was the man who was enjoying himself earlier and in his place was a man tormented. He looked as though he’d aged
10 years over the time he’d been in his office. His dark eyes were blood shot and his dark hair was in shambles.

“You’re leaving?” There was a slight crack to his question.

She shook her head, holding herself together. “I’m not quitting. I’m just not going to live here anymore. I think this would be better for both of us.”

“No Destiny.” He pushed out of his chair and rounded his desk. “It won’t be better for me.” He stood in front of her, looking down into her eyes. “I don’t want you to leave.”

His soft confession caused tears to form in her throat.

“I can’t stay here anymore Adam. I’m a physiatrist so I know when someone is messing with my head. I’ve studied human behavior for years.”

“I don’t want to mess with your head.” He gently took her hands in his. “I just want you. That’s it.”

That was all she could take. The tears she’d been holding back broke free and rolled down her cheeks. He wants her now but what about later? Would he want her and then push her away? She shook her head. She couldn’t allow him to hurt her.

“I’m sorry.” She pulled her hands from his. “I need to go.”

She turned on wobbly legs and started for the door.

“No!” He grabbed her hand
and with a hard jerk pulled her back to him and enclosed his arms around her.

“Let me go Adam.” She pushed against his chest only to have him tighten his grip around her.

“No Destiny. I don’t want to let you go. I don’t want to ever let you go.”

The next thing she knew his lips were pressed against hers.
She froze as red flags went up in her head. The rational part of her screamed for her to stop this. To get away from him before he hurt her again. But she found herself falling into his kiss.

His kiss became hard… deep… passio
nate and that was it. What little control she had snapped. All rational thought was shot.

She returned his kiss, her fingers digging into his biceps.

His hand thread into her hair at the base of her skull and he tipped her head back to sink deeper into her.

Then he took a step into her forcing her to step back. He pushed her until she felt the cool wall against her back. His fingers then left her hair, slid down her body till they came to rest on her thighs, and in one quick motion he lifted her. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him and locked them in place.

His lips left hers and traveled across her cheek to just below her ear.

“I want you so bad.” He whispered as he made his way down her neck, his rough kiss igniting her everywhere his lips touched.

“I want you too.” She whispered, laying her head back on the wall to give him full access to the sensitive area, one arm around his shoulders, the other gripping his hair.

“I don’t want to be gentle.” He bit down on the skin at her neck and shoulder. The pleasurable pain almost made her come apart right then.

“Not gentle.” She panted. She didn’t want him to be gentle either. She wanted
him wild, rough, passionate. She wanted it more than her next breath. 

His hands gave her thighs
a hard squeeze and slid upward. She tensed and then relaxed as his hands went under her shirt and slid up the bare skin of her sides. In one quick motion her shirt was jerked over her head and thrown to the floor. He locked her in another kiss as his fingers yanked her bra straps from her shoulders and shoved her bra down, uncovering her breasts.

“Oh hell yeah.”
He growled against her lips as one hand went back to her thigh and the other palmed a breast.

She didn’t hesitate to release him and grip the back of his shirt. She needed to touch him. She needed to feel his skin against hers. With one tug his shirt was on the floor with hers.

He pressed harder against her with a deep growl when her nails dug into his back. Then his hand released her breast and traveled down her belly. He tugged at the button of her jeans until it popped free. She dropped her legs. He didn’t break their kiss as he shoved her jeans and panties down. She held him tight as she worked her clothes the rest of the way off.

He gripped her thighs again and hauled her back up, pinning her to the wall. She could feel him under her and absently wondered when he’d removed his shorts.

“Now.” She demanded on a breath, unable to contain her desire for him any longer.

e did exactly as she demanded, slamming into her so hard she cried out.

He stilled at the sound she made and gentled his kiss.

“I’m sorry.”

She shook her head and bucked into.

“More.” She whispered and without a second thought he slammed into her again… and again… and again. Harder and faster with every cry that escaped her.

Tension built
and built with every thrust until she was unable to control herself and erupted around him. He soon followed.

He held her against the wall as they both caught their breath. Destiny couldn’t believe what had just happened as her senses returned and she couldn’t bring herself to regret it. The only thing that worried her was his regret but when he lifted his head off her shoulder and smiled at her she knew he didn’t regret it right now.

“Destiny,” He said softly as he ran his fingertips over her temple and hooked her hair behind her ear. “I just want you to know that I plan on doing that again before we go to sleep tonight.”

She laughed as she nodded her agreement.

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