Fate Interrupted 3 (18 page)

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Authors: Kaitlyn Cross

BOOK: Fate Interrupted 3
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Up and down.

Up and down.

“Put it in me,”
she begged him.

He watched his twitching
rod part her smooth pussy in two, making Evy’s body quiver. He grabbed her hair
and, oh so gently, eased his swollen head inside. Evy moaned as her warmth
wrapped around him once again. He pulled harder on her hair, tipping her head
back, and shoved his hard cock in to the base. Evy cried out in pleasure,
resting her elbows on the table and constricting every muscle in her body. The
alley door popped open, banging noisily against the yellow wall.

Their heads
jerked to the hallway they couldn’t see down.

“Brooke!” Evy
whispered, spinning around and pulling her shirt down over her breasts.

Dean bent over
and grabbed the crumpled jeans around his ankles.

“Oh, don’t let
me interrupt!”

Evy shrieked in

Dean looked up,
pants raised to his knees, heart dropping off a cliff to the jagged rocks below.
Megan stood there in black high heels with water dripping from her hair and mascara
running down her cheeks. She spread her legs to steady herself, stretching the
tight hem of a navy blue dress with black sides that made her look even slimmer
than she already was. Dean remained bent over, frozen with shock. He was so
busy trying to believe his eyes he didn’t even notice the gun in her hand.

Megan raised the
revolver and pointed it at his face, a sinister grin sliding across her shiny
“Hi handsome.”




Dean yanked his
jeans up. “What the fuck, Megan!”

A hollow laugh
rolled from her lips. “What? You don’t think my daddy ever took me to the
range? He’s a Republican, you asshole! Now, put – your – hands – up.” When he faltered,
Megan pulled the gun’s hammer back, locking it into place with a solid click.

Dean shot his
hands into the air and his pants took his boxers to the floor around his black
“All right!
Just take it easy!”

“I’ll take it
any way I can get it.” Her eyes traipsed down his bare chest and stopped on his
shrinking penis. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Still
the most beautiful cock I’ve ever tasted.” Her tongue lazily swept across her
lips as she fondly admired him. Her eyes darted to Evy when she reached for the
jeans bunched around her Nikes.

Megan swung the
.38 Special over to her. “Ah, ah, ah,” she said, gesturing with the compact weapon.
“On the table!”

Evy traded a
frightened look with Dean and stingily slid up onto the cold table,
nonchalantly reaching for her jeans again.

“Are you deaf,
bitch?” Megan’s face hardened into something that – combined with the runny
mascara and wet hair – reminded Dean of a Stephen King movie. “You move again
and I will smear your brains against the
wall,” she slurred, aiming the gun at Evy’s head.

“Megan,” Dean
shouted, trying to draw her attention. “If you don’t put that gun down, you are
going to lose custody of your child. Is that what you want?”

Her eyes drifted
back to him but not the gun. She kept that on Evy.

“But if you leave right now we won’t call the
police and you can go home, home to your little boy.”

Megan thought it
over for a tense moment, eyes thinning, and then threw her head back and howled
with drunken laughter. “Life I believe that!”

“You will lose
Jack if you don’t! He needs you.”

Her eyes sobered
a bit.

Evy stared down
the barrel of the gun, shivering against the cold slab beneath her. She glanced
at her cell phone on the table. If she could reach it, they might have a
chance. Suddenly, the three feet between her and the phone looked more like a
mile. To make matters worse, it was between her and Megan.

Megan blinked
water from her eyes. “No, you were right, Dean, I can’t raise a child. Not
alone anyway. It’s too much.”

“That’s not true,”
he barked.

“You said it

“I was just
pissed, but we both know you are a great mom.”

“My mom has
changed more diapers on that baby than I have!” The gun shook a little in her
hand. She focused in on his cock again and shrugged limply. “What can I say? Motherhood
just isn’t for me.” Evy made the slightest movement toward her cell phone and
Megan tightened her grip. “You!” she shouted, causing Evy to freeze. “Lean back
on your elbows!”

“Megan, please,”
Evy said softly, “this is not the answer but we can help you find it. There are
places you can…”

Megan stepped
forward, aiming the gun at Evy’s mouth. “Lean back,” she said slowly, knocking
the cell phone to the floor where the back came off and the battery popped

Evy did as she
said, the cold table numbing her butt cheeks.

Megan’s eyes
wandered between Evy’s legs. “Nice, Evy. Where do you get waxed?”

Dean made a move
toward Megan, a move hampered by the pants around his ankles, and she swung the
gun to him in a heartbeat. “I will shoot you in the face!” she screamed, turning
red with anger and morphing into something unrecognizable. She lowered the gun to
his midsection.
“Or in the dick.”

Dean cupped his
privates, shielding them from the bullet as much as her intrusive eyes.

Megan laughed.
“But what good would Dean Jacobs be without that wonderful cock hanging between
his legs?” She looked at Evy out the corner of her eye. “You ever let him put
it in your ass, Evy?” She shivered a little with a coy grin cutting through her
shiny cheeks. “There’s nothing quite like it.”

“Jesus Christ,
Megan, put down the fucking gun!” Dean said.

“Get your hands
up, man-whore!”

He spoke through
gritted teeth. “You need to leave.”

She turned the
gun back on Evy. “I will kill her right now. She’s the reason for all of this in
the first place.”

“Megan,” he said
in a softer voice, “this is not her fault. It’s no one’s fault. Sometimes
things just don’t work out.”

“They should
have,” she replied weakly.

“Well, they

“You took
everything from me!”

He flinched with
the outburst while Evy remained frozen with fear and staring down the barrel of
the black weapon.

Megan’s bottom
lip trembled. “You think I’ll just turn the other cheek and go away?” She wiped
water from her cheeks and softened her voice. “Why couldn’t you just love me?”

Dean opened his
mouth, grasping at words.
“Because I love, Evy.”

“Evy!” Megan
said, the gun shaking in her hand.
“Fucking Evy!”

“You can’t pick
who you fall in love with.”

“You didn’t even

Thunder rolled above
the shop and the lights sputtered.

Dean watched her
finger curl around the trigger, his heartbeat thumping in his ears.

Megan bore holes
through Dean. “Guys like you should have to pay for what you’ve done.” She
shook her head, dripping water to the floor. “You took my father,” she said in
a low voice. “My mom had to sell our house to pay for his trial and now she
lives in a two bedroom apartment.” She clenched her jaw, pointing the gun at
“An apartment!”
Megan’s chest heaved beneath her
pretty dress and Dean couldn’t tell if she was crying or if it was the rainwater
dripping from her matted hair. She cleared her throat and composed herself,
wiping her eyes and smearing black streaks across her cheeks. “And the father
of my child will have nothing to do with him.” A soft laugh somersaulted from
her red lips. “Probably because I don’t know who the father is.”

Dean stared at
her in the stunned silence that followed, his hands in the air, penis dangling between
his legs. Lighting flashed up front, illuminating a red booth in the corner.

Megan adjusted
her grip on the .38 and steadied her aim, flashing Evy a toothy grin. “Now, I’m
going to take something from you, Dean.”

“You can’t be
serious!” he yelled. “Stop and look at what you’re doing.”

Megan suddenly
pointed the gun at her head. “Is this what you’d rather see? Because I’ll do it,
Dean! You think I care?”

Their chests
rose and fell in the quiet between them. Lightning sparked and thunder rattled
the windows.

Megan pressed
the barrel harder against her temple, wincing in pain. “I’ve got nothing to

“You have
everything to lose,” Dean managed to say; even though part of him wished she
would just pull the trigger and end this right now. He could feel Evy safe in
his arms, stroking her hair with the weight of the world lifted from their

Instead, Megan
directed the gun back to Evy, crushing his fantasy. “But I’d rather see what
you two were doing before I so rudely interrupted.” She glared at Evy, singing
her with hate, and gestured with the gun. “Get down on your knees in front of

Evy’s brow
folded, heart clapping as hard as the thunder outside. The lights flickered and
nearly went out. “Megan, you’ve had too much to drink,” Evy said. “This isn’t
what you want. I know how much you love your little boy. For his sake, please

Megan fired a
shot just over Evy’s head, sinking a slug into the walk-in cooler door. The loud
retort pierced their ears and echoed inside their swirling heads. Evy jumped, a
shrill cry fleeing her lips. Thunder cracked again as the storm increased with
intensity, vibrating the mixing bowls against the tiled floor. The smell of
gunpowder filled the room.

Megan aimed at
Evy’s face, anger coursing through her bloodshot eyes. “Get on your knees,

“Okay, okay,”
Evy sniveled, sliding down from the table and kneeling in front of Dean. She
wiped tears from her cheeks and traded a frightened look with him, the floor
cold against her bare knees. Dean looked down at her with his hands up and pants
down, a helpless look attached to his face.

“Now, put him in
your mouth.”

Evy turned to
Megan, her face souring. “You sick, bitch.”

Megan turned the
gun on Dean. “I’ll fucking shoot him right now! Be one less cocksucker in the

“Okay, you’ve
made your point!” Dean said, a tendon stretching in his neck. “Now get out!”

Megan curled her
finger tightly around the trigger, glowering at Evy. “And you better get him
nice and hard, too, because I
watch him fuck
your brains out.”

“You’re insane,”
Evy said, barely above a whisper.

“Then you know
I’ll pull this trigger.”

Dean glanced
around the room, desperately searching for something he could use as a weapon.
There were few options. A rolling pin sat on the wire rack of dry goods behind
him, a dirty knife near the sink, a large metal spoon on the floor by his feet.
All just out of arm’s reach. If Megan missed with her first shot, he might have
a chance. She was drunk and her aim probably off but it was tight quarters.
Even a drunk could hit its mark with two chances in a room this size.

Megan’s gaze
bounced on Dean, almost as if she was reading his mind. “And if you don’t get
hard, Deano, I’m going to shoot you in the stomach and watch you die a slow,
painful death – which is exactly what a slut like you deserves.”

“This is
bullshit,” he grumbled, pulling his pants up and buckling the belt. “You
shoot me? Go a-fucking-head!”

“Dean!” Evy

Surprise swept
across Megan’s face. She adjusted her grip on the small weapon and smiled.
“As you wish.”

The backdoor
clicked open.

“I’m not having
baby making sex in that haunted house ever again and that’s final, Ben!” Brooke’s
voice floated down the hallway as footsteps came closer. “It’s either here or a

Megan’s eyes
darted to the hall, giving Dean just enough time to make his move. He grabbed
the rolling pin and threw it with everything he had, striking Megan squarely in
the side of the face.

The gun went

Dean screamed.




Jon pinned
Tasha’s legs behind his arms and pumped harder, his bangs swinging back and
forth across his eyes, sweat glistening on his forehead. Tasha tipped her head
back and screamed, her face twisting in the light spilling in from the kitchen.
The couch squeaked against the floor. Jon rammed her with everything he had,
not caring about the neighbors below. He didn’t live here. It was a
free-for-all, and her cries of pleasure only made him hotter. He gritted his
teeth, teetering on the brink. She felt too good and there was no turning back
now. He pressed on, slamming his hard cock into her tight wetness until Tasha
curled her toes and cried out his name.

“God, I love
fucking you.”

“I want you to cum
on my tits,” she panted, staring up at him through fiery eyes.

Jon watched
Tasha massage her breasts with both hands, warming them up for his landing. He licked
his lips, breath hot and heavy. “Oh shit,” he groaned, pulling out and scooting

She grabbed his
wet iron and jerked him off in a dizzying blur. Jon clenched his jaw and held
his breath, exploding onto her tits, painting them with shuddering strokes. Her
hand kept working, milking him for every drop until his release finally slowed.
She brushed the tip of his dick across her nipples, rubbing him in. Jon stared
down at her, swallowing deep gulps of air.

A grin settled
on her lips, a sparkle in her eyes. “I love how your cock gets super huge right
before you cum.”

“Me too,” he
panted, watching her rub his dick back and forth across her B-cups. He glanced
over his shoulder when someone walked by in the hallway outside, catching a
brief shot of his white buttocks. The footsteps faded away and he exhaled a
long breath. “How embarrassing would it be if Evy walked in right now?”


“That’s why I
wanted to hit the bedroom. At least we’d have a few seconds to get dressed.”

Tasha giggled
softly. “And where’s the fun in that?” she asked, giving his dick one last good

He flinched and
scooted down until his face was over hers. “Guess you’re right.”

Tasha let out a contented
sigh that was warm against his cheek. Her fingers trailed down his back and
cupped his ass. “This is the last time we are doing this.”

Jon’s eyebrows
dipped. “Huh?”

“If you don’t
break it off with Pam, we’re never doing this again.” She smiled warmly at him.
“And that’s a threat.”

Jon looked like
he had just found out Santa Claus wasn’t real. “But…”

“She’s not right
for you, Jonny, and I think you know that.” Tasha lifted her brow. “Don’t you?”

Jon’s gaze
drifted to Evy’s darkened TV. He stared at their dimly lit reflection, admiring
the way they fit together. “She is a little out there.”

“Pam may share
her men, but I don’t.” Tasha smacked him on the ass. “Now go get me a towel
before Evy comes home crying about
all the
bar sluts
Dean has banged.”

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