Fate (33 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Reyes

BOOK: Fate
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Vince tried again to at least feel his way around. Was there even sitting room? He lifted his other hand
and that wiped away the theory he’d begun to think as he lay there that he might be in a coffin. There was room all around him. He wasn’t in a box. Something next to him moved
causing him to flinch suddenly
and the pain that scorched through his arm again was so intense he fell back crying out this time unable to hold it.

“Fucking shit! Shit! Shit!” He held his arm as he felt his body drain of any strength he’d manage to regain. As the throbbing seemed to intensify
he lay there breathing hard and groaning with every bolt of pain that seemed to scorch straight from his elbow to his shoulder.

Just like all the other times when Vince thought things couldn’t get any worse
he’d think back to that night
he night it all went down
. He
asked himself once again if he’d do it all the same again. The night Alfonso had unwittingly let him in on what ultimately landed Vince’s ass here. He’d played it out so many times in his head over and over. Would he have done anything differently? But then
looking back
it had all happened so fast
he’d hardly had time to think it through
. Vince squeezed his eyes shut
wincing in pain as once again that night he walked out of
Taco Loco with Alfonso played out in his head as vividly as if it had just happened yesterday




Alfonso and Vince walked out of the taco joint
Vince didn’t want to waste too much time. As much as he dreaded having that inevitable Ben conversation with Rose
he needed to get a few things straight. Vince
would never
have the patience for this kind of shit.
Rose needed to understand that
, especially when it came to Ben.

But he was still curious about Alfonso’s deal
so he’d hear him out first. Nothing sounded better than getting his own wheels sooner than he anticipated.

Alfonso slipped a cigarette into the corner of his lips and spoke even while lighting up. “So I was talking to Chuy the other day. He’s got a couple of cars he’s looking to unload. They’re both clean

tags, pinks
everything. I told him about you needing a car soon
and then I mentioned that maybe you and
nzo can cut him in on a deal with some of that weed
You know
work something out. He’d let the car go for
real cheap.”

Vince stared at Alfonso already feeling tense. “What
I haven’t dealt in years.

Taking a drag of his cigarette, Alfonso eyed him with a smirk. “So
you two just doing it on the down low?
ause from what I hear
Enzo’s pretty obvious about it.”

Vince’s body went even tenser. “Enzo?”

Suddenly there was understanding in Alfonso’s face.

You didn’t know?
Junior, from up my
block is the one that told me.
He’s not sure if he’s actually selling or just delivering like you used to, but he saw him exchanging shit with some dudes in the Rancho Market parking lot.
I thought for sure it was something you two were in on together.”

Already feeling like kicking his brother’s ass, Vince tried to remain calm. “How long ago was this?”

“He told me last week
and I was gonna t
alk to
about this
but I hardly ever see you these days.”

Vince glanced up the dark street. Lorenzo was long gone. “Is that the only time he saw him?”

Alfonso shrugged. “That’s the only time Junior ever told me about it.”

“Is Cruz still the main guy
ing that shit around here?”

Alfonso nodded. “Since Ray-Ray got locked up
he’s the only one I know of
and well now…Enzo

Already starting to walk off
Vince tapped Alfonso’s arm. “Let me know if you hear anything
else from here on
. Text me if you have to.”

Wishing now more than ever that he had his damn car already
he rushed up the street and tried calling Lorenzo. The call went to voicemail. “Enzo, get your ass home
. I need to talk to you.”

He hung up
knowing that his brother would know something was up because Vince rarely got pissed at him. He’d practically spoken through his teeth when he left that message.

As soon as he got home Vince flung his phone on the dresser and started rummaging through Lorenzo’s drawers. If he
dealing or even delivering
he had to have a stash in there somewhere. He stopped a few times to make sure his parents didn’t suddenly get home. They had enough to worry about. He’d take care of this himself.

Just as he pulled the small cigar box from in between Lorenzo’s mattresses
Lorenzo walked in and froze. Vince stared at him and then opened the box. Sure enough, it was full of dime bags of weed. “You dealing, Enzo?”

Standing right up to Vince
his little brother looked him right in the face. “No, I just deliver.”

Vince smacked him upside the head. “Are you fucking stupid? Didn’t you learn anything from when I did this shit? From when we got jumped?”

Lorenzo smoothed his hair
pressing his lips together. “I’m only doing it until I can save up to buy Dino’s bike. He said he’d sell it to me for a couple of grand.”

“First of all,” Vince said shoving Lorenzo aside so that he could close their bedroom door. “You’re not getting a motorcycle. There’s a reason why Dino’s getting rid it. He nearly killed himself on that thing more than once now. Second, I’m taking this shit back to Cruz and letting him know that if I ever find out he gives you anymore of this after I kick your ass
I’m coming after him. You got that?” Vince got right in his face. “I will
fuck you up
if I ever find out you

doing something this stupid again.” Vince punched his finger into Lorenzo’s chest. “If you wanna save up for something
you get a fucking job
you don’t do this! And didn’t I tell you to stay away from that asshole? That he’s nothing but trouble?”

Still standing right up to Vince, nostrils flared and all without taking even one step back
Lorenzo stared at him unwavering. Vince expected no less from his stubborn
ass brother
but he knew best not to argue. “I didn’t get it from Cruz.”

Vince peered at him. “Who’d you get it from?”


Vince stepped back feeling a mixture of anger and betrayal. He’d warned Anita about Cruz and his dealing.
Why the hell would she get his brother involved in this shit?
He started toward the window with one purpose only
o shove the damn box in her face and tell her never to speak to him or Enzo again.

wait! Cruz sent me to her. She didn’t come to me. She didn’t even want me to have it.”

Feeling incensed now, Vince climbed out the window barely taking in what Lorenzo had just said. “You stay here.” Lorenzo started to climb out the window behind Vince
but stopped when Vince got in his face again and spoke through his teeth. “Don’t fuck with me right now, Enzo. Get your ass back in that room and wait for me.”

Lorenzo stared at him hard but wisely backed up and stayed inside. With a few quick jumps Vince was on Anita’s fire escape. He knocked on her window probably louder than he should
but at the moment he didn’t care if her dad heard. The way he felt right then
he was ready to shred anyone who tried anything on him.

Anita opened the window with a panicked expression. “My dad’s still awake.”

“You gave my brother drugs to deliver?” He shoved the box at her. “After everything I’ve done for you, you’re gonna get my brother involved in your boyfriend

s crap?”

She took the box. “Vince I didn’t want to. I swear,” she spoke in a loud whisper. “Cruz
in my bag
then later called to tell me about it and asked me
to hold on to it for him for a day. I told him if he didn’t come get it that day
I was throwing it out. Then Enzo showed up and said they sent him to pick it up.”

“That’s bullshit! You know I wouldn’t want him mixed up with this stuff. Why didn’t you tell me?”

She turned to look at her bedroom door then back at him. “You’re never around anymore
and I couldn’t call you because I haven’t had money to add minutes to my phone. I’m sorry. He made it sound like you knew and were okay with it. But I was still going to run it past you the very next time I saw you.”

Her bedroom door flung open
and Vince jumped out of view pushing his back against the wall.

“Who are you talking to?”
er father asked.

Vince’s heart had already been pounding
but now it did for an entirely different reason.

“No one.” He heard Anita say in an all too frightened voice.

“What’s that?”


Vince heard movement then her father spoke again. “What do you mean nothing? What’s in the damn box?” Vince thought he picked up a slight slur in the man’s speech. “Are those cigars? You smoking cigars in here?”

“No, it’s just…personal stuff.”

“Give me that.”

They both went silent
and Vince held his breath glancing up at his brother who was now standing on their fire escape. Vince lifted his finger to his lips then pointed to the window
willing him with a death stare to get his ass back in their room.

“I knew you were up to something.” To Vincent’s surprise her father didn’t sound too angry. “Where there’s drugs there’s money. Where’s the money?”

“I don’t have any.”

“Don’t lie to me
ou greedy little bitch!” Anita cried out
and Vince’s jaw locked knowing he’d struck her. “If you’re gonna sell drugs out of my place
I’m at least gonna get a cut of it. Where’s the money?”

After hearing her cry out again, Vince couldn’t stand it anymore. He jumped in the window. Her father
who held Anita’s wrist sideways
in one hand
and the cigar box in the other, flinched at the sight of him. The man was big next to Anita
but next to Vince he wasn’t the least bit threatening
specially the way Vince was feeling right now.

“Those are mine
so get your hands off her.”

With a smirk the bastard turned and squeezed Anita’s wrist even harder
making her scream. Her brothers were at the door now
their frightened eyes going from their father to Anita and then to Vince.

All those years of hearing this asshole mercilessly beat the crap out of Anita—all the times he’d tended to her wounds afterwards and watched her suck it up to protect her those little guys—the anger that had built up all day from the moment Rose told him about Ben to the moment he found the box of weed in his room
all roared out at once and he unleashed it on the animal.

His first blow landed solidly on her father’s nose, knocking him off balance for a second
giving Vince a chance to land several more to his mouth and nose. With a knee to the groin
the man fell down dropping the box, its
spilling out onto the floor. Feeling completely out of control
Vince continued to punch him even while he was on the floor. “How does it feel? You like getting wailed on
you fucking coward?” Her dad tried blocking Vince’s blows as Anita pulled at his arm begging him to stop
but Vincent didn’t even slow down
instead he pummeled away even harder. “Fight back you bastard!” Vince yelled, as her father continued to try and block his punches but didn’t deliver any of his own. “It’s not that easy, is it? Not as easy as hitting a little girl is it, you piece of shit!”

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