Fatal Vision (110 page)

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Authors: Joe McGinniss

Tags: #Non Fiction, #Crime

BOOK: Fatal Vision
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A fatal vision.









Baselt, Randall C.
Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals it


Davis, Calif: Biomedical Publications, 1982. Cleckley, Hervey, M.D.
The Mask of Sanity.
St. Louis: C.V

Mosby Company, 1976. Gilman, Alfred Goodm
an, Louis S. Goodman, and Alfred
Goodman and G
ilman's Pharmacological Basis of
New York: Macmillan, 1980. Kernberg, Otto, M.D.
Borderline Conditions and Pathological
New York: Jason Aronson, Inc., 1975. Lasch, Christopher.
The Culture of Narcissism.
New York: W. W.

Norton & Company, Inc., 1978.
Physicians' Desk Reference.
Oradell, N.J.: Medical Economics

Company, 1977. Wolfe, Sidney M., M.D., Chri
stopher M. Coley, and the Health
Research Group founded by Ralph Nader.
Pills That Don't
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc., 1981.

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