Fatal Glamour (56 page)

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Authors: Paul Delany

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The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

Rupert Brooke's name has been abbreviated to “RB.”

Abbotsholme School

Abercrombie, Lascelles

Aboriginal peoples: in Canada

in New Zealand

in Samoa

Adams, Michael:
The Great Adventure


Ainley, Harry

Aldington, Richard

Allen, Clifford

Amis, Kingsley

Andermatt (Switzerland)

Anderson, Garrett

Anson battalion

Antwerp, siege of

Apostles (Cambridge Conversazione Society): exclusivity and secrecy of

gay relationships among

links with Neo-pagans

members elected to

RB's break with and attack on

RB's membership in

RB's talk for

RB supported by after his breakdown.
See also specific members

Arp, Hans

Ashendene Press

Asquith, Arthur (“Oc”)

Asquith, Lady Cynthia (née Charteris)

Asquith, Herbert (son of Herbert Henry)

Asquith, Herbert Henry (prime minister)

Asquith, Violet: friendship with RB

and Eddie Marsh

and Oc

and Eileen Wellesley

Attlee, Clement

Austen, Jane:

Austin, Alfred

Bacon, Leonard

Baden-Powell, Robert

Badley, J.H.

Balliol College, Oxford

Barrie, J.M.

Bateson, Gregory

Baudelaire, Charles

Baynes, Goodwin: marriage to Rosalind Thornycroft

at Neo-pagan

and Bryn Olivier

Beauchamp, Earl of

Beaulieu River camp

Beckhythe Manor (Norfolk)

Becky Falls (Dartmoor)

Becky House (Dartmoor)

Bedales School.
See also individual students

Békássy, Ferenc (Feri)

Bell, Vanessa (née Stephen)

Belloc, Hilaire

The Four Men

Benians, E.A.

Benson, A.C.

Benz, Sophie

Berenson, Mary

Berkeley (California)

Berlin: National Gallery

RB in

RB with Ka Cox in

Dudley Ward in

Bethesda (Wales)

Birrell, Frankie

Blake, William:
Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Bland, Hubert, and Bland family

Bland, Rosamund

Blandford Camp (Dorset)

Blaue Reiter group

Bliss, Frank

Bloomsbury: code of relationships in

invalidism of

links with Neo-pagans

Noel's friendships in

RB's hatred and fear of.
See also specific members

Bond, Brian


Boy Scout movement

Bramwell, Dr J.M.

Braque, Georges

Bridges, Robert

Bristow, Joseph

British Union of Fascists

Brittain, Vera

Brooke, Alan (uncle)

Brooke, Alfred (brother)

Brooke, Arthur (father of Justin)

Brooke, Justin: at Abbotsholme

at Bedales

at Cambridge



and Maynard Keynes

in London

at Neo-pagan gatherings

at Overcote picnics

political activities

poor health

on sexual relations

and Marjorie Strachey

support for RB

trip to America

Brooke, Richard (brother)

Brooke, Rupert Chawner: death and burial

early life and schooling

fear of solitude

income and financial issues

literary legacy of

nervous breakdown

physical beauty of

political activities of

posing and performances

Schell's portrait of

sexual experiences and difficulties (
see under
homosexuality; sex and sexuality); sexual relationships (
see under specific individuals
); travels (
see under specific countries and cities
); violent and suicidal contemplations

vulnerability to infection

war experiences (
Antwerp, siege of; Gallipoli campaign)

: “Aeterna Corpora” (lost)

“The Charm”

“The Descent”


“Dining-room Tea”

“The Ecstasy”

“Failure” (1907)

“The Fish”

“The Funeral of Youth”

“The Great Lover”

“The Hill”


“[John Rump]”


“Menelaus and Helen”


“My Song”

“The Night Journey”


“Ode” [“Threnody,” unwritten]

“Oh! Death will find me . . .”

“The Old Vicarage, Grantchester”

“Pine-Trees and the Sky”


“Second Best”

“The Soldier”

“The Sentimental Exile”

“[They do not know the light . . . ]”

“Tiare Tahiti”


“The Voice”

“The Wayfarers”

“The Young Man in April”

war sonnets

: literary legacy of


essay on English puritans (for Harness Prize)

John Webster and the Elizabeth Drama
(fellowship thesis for King's College)


“An Unusual Young Man”

talks for Apostles

talks for Heretics Society

travel writing

Brooke, Ruth (mother, née Cotterill, The Ranee): and Agnes Cappponi

death of daughter

domineering and moralistic character

house on Bilton Road

loyalty to public school system

marriage to W.P. Brooke

and Neo-pagan visitors at Clevedon

protective control of RB

puritanical morality

and RB's absence from England

and RB's breakdown

and RB's relationships with women

RB's secrets from


support for Liberal Party

view of Olivier sisters

visit to Cannes

Brooke, William Parker (father): career


family life

at Fetes

at Rugby

Browne, Denis

Browne, Maurice

Browning, Oscar

Byron, Lord

Byron's Pool (Grantchester)

Caesar, Adrian




San Francisco

Cambridge: gay society in

Marlowe Dramatic Society

Neo-pagans at

Jacques Raverat at

RB on Cambridge society

RB's academic studies at

RB's insults and ostracism against intellectuals

RB's shift away from

RB's switch to English literature

RB's years at.
See also specific colleges

Cambridge Amateur Dramatic Club

Cambridge Liberal Society

Cambridge Young Fabians.
See under
Fabian Society

Campanella, Tommaso

Canada: Canadian canoes


Niagara Falls

RB's travels in


Cannan, Gilbert


Capponi, Agnes (née Smith)

Capponi, Mannucci

Carbonari (reading club)

Cardan, Admiral

Carpenter, Edward


Towards Democracy

Carr, Joan

Carr, Wilson

Cassel, Ernest

Chandler, Raymond

Chapman, Lovaina

Chesterton, G.K.


Christ's College (Cambridge)

Churchill, Clementine

Churchill, Lady Gwendoline

Churchill, John

Churchill, Winston: and conscription

and Eddie Marsh

and RB

strategy for Antwerp expedition

strategy for Gallipoli campaign

and H.G. Wells

Clark, Christopher

Clevedon vicarage

Clifford Bridge camp (Dartmoor)

Clifton College

Clough, Arthur Hugh

“Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth”


Connolly, Cyril

Conrad, Joseph

conscription issues

Cornford, Frances (née Darwin): at Chateau de Vienne


friendship and support RB


in Neo-pagans group

and RB's relationship with Ka Cox

Cornford, Francis

Cornford, Helena

Cornwallis-West, George

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