Fatal Destiny (14 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Fatal Destiny
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His fingers burrowed into her hair, holding her right where he wanted her most. “
,” he moaned.

“Mmm,” she said as she took him deep, giving him her tongue and a light scraping of teeth that seemed to drive him wild. She kept it up until he broke out in a sweat and drew her away from him.

“First time together,” he said through gritted teeth. He got busy pulling and tugging at hooks until the bustier flew across the room. From her feet to her knees to her thighs, he took his hands on a journey to her center where he tugged the scrap of silk covering her out of his way and bent to give her his tongue.

Sam arched her back, wanting more, so much more.

He found the tight nub of her desire and sucked it into his mouth just as he pushed two fingers into her. After taking her nearly to the brink of release, he kissed his way up the front of her, teasing her nipples with his teeth and tongue until she cried out from the overwhelming sensations.

“Now, Nick,” she said, reaching for him to bring him into her embrace, breathing in his clean, fresh scent.

His lips found hers in a devouring kiss that made her head spin. The sheer intensity of the feelings coursing through her was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, even with him. His tongue was everywhere, drinking her in like he’d been waiting forever for the chance to show her just how much he desired her.

Tears pooled in her eyes as she raised her hips, asking him for what she wanted more than the next breath. He entered her swiftly, tearing his lips from hers to draw in a ragged deep breath. Fierce and sexy and so beautiful in the candlelight, he loved her with everything he had, as if he’d waited until now, until she was his in every way possible, to show her the full scope of his love and adoration.

His hands were under her, holding her tight against him as he pumped into her with total abandon.

Sam reached the first peak faster than she ever had before, soaring higher than she’d known she could go. She clung to him, asking him without words to anchor her, to never let her go.

His brow was damp with sweat when he once again devoured her mouth in a series of deep, drugging kisses.

She buried her fingers in his silky hair to keep him there as took her up again, swiftly, until she hovered on the edge of something big and powerful and altogether out of her control.

Tearing his mouth free, he groaned and buried his face in her hair, crying out his own release as Sam followed him in a shower of light and heat and love so deep she wondered if they’d survive the storm.

Afterward, he rested on top of her for a long time, breathing hard. When he finally raised his head to meet her gaze, he looked as stunned as she felt.

“I thought we’d done that pretty well before,” he said, “but that… that was…”

“Beyond amazing.”

“Yes.” He kissed her softly, sweetly. “If that’s what married sex is like I can see why Shelby stays so busy.”

Still joined with him, Sam laughed and lifted her legs to wrap them around his hips. “Ready for round two?” she asked in a teasing tone.

“I’ll never survive the honeymoon.” He propped his chin on her chest and looked into her eyes. “Speaking of that, when are you going to tell me where you’re taking me?”

She’d agreed to let him pay for the wedding, but only if she could arrange their honeymoon. All she’d told him was to pack for warm weather. She combed her fingers through his hair, smoothing and soothing. “How does Bora Bora sound?”

His eyes nearly popped out his head. “
For real?
You’re actually going to spend twenty something hours on a plane? You who hate to fly? I figured we’d go to Bermuda or some place close.”

She’d been in deep denial about the lengthy flights, but once she’d seen the pictures of the remote Tahitian island, she couldn’t image them going anywhere else. Sam swallowed hard. “It’s only thirteen hours.”

Laughing, Nick finally withdrew from her and rolled to his back, arranging her head on his chest. “Have I mentioned lately that I love you, Samantha Holland?”

“That’s Samantha Holland Cappuano, to you, sir.”

He sucked in a sharp deep breath, and the hand that had been caressing her back went still. “What did you say?”

Suddenly filled with shyness that seemed downright silly after what they’d just done, she looked up at him. “I’m still Sam Holland at work, but at home, with you, I’m Samantha Cappuano.”

He cupped her face and kissed her softly. “I didn’t think I could love you any more than I already did, but you’ve made me happier today than any man has a right to be.”

“No one deserves to be happy more than you do.”

“More than
do,” he corrected her.

“I’ll let you be right again since you’re on such a roll tonight.”

His face lifted into a half smile that was so sexy it made her want him all over again.

“You wanna see if that married sex thing was a one-time deal?” she asked.

“Give me a minute to recover, and then we’ll find out.”

She snuggled into him, happier in that moment than she’d ever been in her life. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”


Author’s Note: View the wedding details chosen by readers at http://mariesullivanforce.blogspot.com under the “Fatal Wedding” tag. Thank you to everyone who helped to make all of Sam’s decisions. Neither she nor I could’ve done it without you.


Don’t miss the other books in Marie Force’s Fatal series, available now from Carina Press:

About the Author

Marie Force is the author of
Fatal Affair, Fatal Justice,
and the third book in the Fatal series,
Fatal Consequences.
In July 2010,
Romantic Times
named Marie a “future star of romantic suspense.” Her third contemporary,
Everybody Loves a Hero,
will be out February 1. She is also the author of
Line of Scrimmage
Love at First Flight

Since 1996, Marie has been the communications director for a national organization similar to the Romance Writers of America. She is a member of RWA’s New England, Beau Monde, From the Heart and Published Authors’ Special Interest chapters.

While her husband was in the navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island. She is the mother of Emily, 15, Jake, 12, and a feisty dog named Brandy.

Find her at www.mariesullivanforce.com, on her blog at http://mariesullivanforce.blogspot.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pages/Marie-Force/248130827909, and on Twitter at twitter.com/MarieForce. Marie loves to hear from readers. Contact her at [email protected].


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ISBN: 978-1-4268-9215-8

Copyright © 2011 by Marie Force

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