Fatal Deception: Part I (6 page)

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Authors: S.R. Burks

Tags: #lovetriangle, #loss, #murder, #love, #africanamerican woman, #country living, #family bonds, #multiracial, #suspense, #caucasian man

BOOK: Fatal Deception: Part I
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He had gone to a fair with Cain and Blair, and wasn’t paying much attention to where he was going. He and Clarice bumped into each other. Her brown eyes were mesmerizing, her perfect smile and soothing laughter captivated him. He paused as the memories replayed in his mind.

But just as he thought about Clarice, Geri’s face filled his mind; her smile and laughter, the way the moonlight gleamed in her eyes. “No! This isn’t happening,” he told himself. “I just met the woman today, and already I’m falling for her. What in the hell is wrong with you man?”

He turned from the window and sat on his bed. He took the picture from the nightstand. It had been there for what seemed like forever. It was of Clarice. “I fell in love with you right then and there,” he said softly. He gently put the picture back in its place and guilt overtook him. He mustn’t betray the only woman who had ever truly captured his heart; the one and only woman for him. He lay back on the bed, his eyes closed, and succumbed to the darkness.




Chapter 10


The next morning seemed to come quickly to Blair. She was up early preparing breakfast for her family, knowing the magazine crew would arrive soon. And no quicker than she had put on the coffee, the front doorbell rang. “They don’t waste any time,” she groaned. She let the men in and they commented on how good everything smelled.

Marc was just descending the stairs when Deidra walked through the front door. She busy looking at a camera, and didn’t notice him staring at her. She fumbled around with it for a while longer, looking through it to see if it was working right by panning around the room, and came upon Marc standing on the bottom step. She jumped back with a start.

“Marc!” she yelled with her hand covering her heart and trying to catch her breath at the same time. He smiled and stepped down on the floor still looking at her.

“You really get into your work don’t you?” he said.

She set the camera back in its bag. “Yes, it’s all I have right now,” she said. She looked at him and then quickly away.

He stared for a moment. “I can’t believe a beautiful woman like doesn’t have a special someone somewhere,” said Marc.

Deidra headed for the living room. “You’d be surprised.” She said passing him.

He followed her, wanting to pursue this further, as she had caught his interest now. “Then tell me about it,” he said, taking a seat.

“Look, Marc, I’m flattered to think you have some interest in my private life, but I’m not here to talk about me. I’m here about you and your brother,” she snapped without blinking an eye.

Marc stood to his feet, and ran his hand over his head. “Well, I guess you straightened me out. It’ll be straight to business then. I’ve instructed you on what will and won’t be mentioned in this interview so you have every right to set your own boundaries, and I will not cross them again.” He left and went to the dining room, leaving her standing in silence.

Deidra stood to her feet clenching her fists. What had she done? She wanted to scream hard and loud, but knew it wouldn’t be wise to reveal her temper. She would have think of a way to smooth things over. She just needed to breathe and calm down. She inhaled, allowing the oxygen to flow through her body, then slowly released it.

Alondra was coming down the stairs, and saw her father was clearly upset as he left the living room. She was curious as to the cause. She came to the door peering into the room, and to her surprise, there was Deidra. She was about to go check on her father when she noticed Deidra had a weird expression forming on her face. She continued to observe from the hallway, and saw her doing the breathing exercises. Not one to know when to hold her peace and when not, she entered the room. “I use to take a psychology class,” said Alondra. “The breathing method was often used to calm a person with anger issues.”

Deidra flipped around and glared at Alondra silently.

“I see you know something about that,” said Alondra. “I think everyone should. You never know when it will come in handy.” Alondra finished and left the room.

Deidra stared after her until she was no longer in her sight, her heart rate increasing as she began to breathe through her nose.
Obstacles! Why must there always be obstacles?
She yelled to herself.




Chapter 11


After breakfast Alondra joined her aunt in the kitchen. “Something is wrong with that woman,” she said to Blair.

“Are you at that again?” Blair asked. “Do we have to leave today to keep the peace?” Blair stopped what she was doing, and turned to her niece.

Alondra sat down, and began to fidget with something on the table. “No!” She said, knowing where this was going. And after the way her aunt has been acting lately, she didn’t want to ruffle her feathers.

“Good! Because I have a lot of things to get done around here. Yesterday set me back, and besides, I have to go into town tomorrow so I won’t be able to get them done then.” She seemed to drift off somewhere.

“Aunt Blair, are you all right?” she stood up and went to her.

Blair smiled and touched the side of her face with the palm of her hand. “I’m fine, Baby.” She reassured her then thought of something that might keep Alondra distracted so she could get some chores done. “You know what? I was thinking… Geri is over at her place all alone. Maybe you could go visit her, and help her get settled in.” Blair nodded with a big smile on her face.

Alondra turned away allowing this suggestion satiate in her mind. “Yeah! That’s a great idea. I like her.” Blair continued to be amazed at how quickly Alondra took to Geri.

“Can I ride my bike?” she asked as she started out the kitchen door.

“Ask your dad, hon.” Blair advised.

“Okay, I will,” said Alondra. “But don’t think I don’t I know you’re trying to get rid of me,” she said with a chuckle before getting on her way.

“That girl is too smart for her own good,” Blair said quietly, shaking her head.


Deidra was with her crewmen giving them instructions. Cain was in the garage, busy with something and Marc was standing on the porch observing everything. His head turned when Alondra came out onto the porch.

Deidra glanced over when she saw Alondra come out of the house. She didn’t like that girl. She too thought she was too smart for her own good. That’s when she decided to go for broke, and walked towards them.

“Dad, I’m going over to visit with Geri. Can I ride my bike? I’ll go straight over and come straight back when I’m done,” she promised.

“Does she know you’re dropping in on her uninvited?” Marc asked. He then noticed Deidra coming their way.

“Aunt Blair suggested it. I could help her unpack, you know, be neighborly,” she said, smiling innocently.

He walked to the other end of the porch and thought about it. He wasn’t sure if he wanted her to be riding alone. “Why don’t I take you? Then, when you’re finished you can call, and I’ll pick you up,” he said. He also wouldn’t mind seeing Geri again after they hit it off last night.

“You’re leaving?” asked Deidra, coming in on the last of the conversation. Marc’s eyes automatically went to her.

Alondra didn’t acknowledge her at all.

“Just for a minute,” said Marc. “I’ll be right back.” He then went inside for his keys.

Unknown to Alondra, Deidra had a death stare on her, but she suddenly turned around and saw it.

Deidra tried to soften her eyes, but Alondra caught it in time, and felt a chill run up her spine. She knew there was something wrong with this woman. She’d witnessed too many strange things. She was definitely going to keep an eye on her.

“Okay, let’s go, Alondra,” said Marc. “Deidra, I won’t be long.”

Marc and Alondra went to the garage where Cain was finishing up with his work and looked up to see his brother and niece climbing into the SUV.

“Where are you two going?” he asked.

“I’m going to help Geri get unpacked. Aunt Blair suggested it. She felt it was best if I was out of the way.” She wittingly informed her uncle.

“Okay! But why are you going, Marc? She can driver herself,” said Cain, looking at his brother curiously.

“I’m just going to make sure it’s okay with Geri,” Marc explained.

But Cain wasn’t buying his story. He grinned slyly and Marc gave brushed it off. Cain laughed and went to the house as they drove away. But he caught a glimpse of something fly from behind the garage. It was a bucket. He wondered how it happened, and then saw Deidra come from that direction. He shook his head, puzzled.

Cain was still scratching his head when he went upstairs to find Blair who was sewing something as he came in. She looked up to see his expression.

“What’s wrong, Honey?” she stopped what she was doing and watched as he went to the window.

Cain saw Deidra at her Jeep saying something to her crew. Then she climbed in and left.

He turned to Blair as if wanting to say something, but didn’t know quite how to say it. “First,” he began. “Why is Marc taking Alondra over to Geri’s instead of letting her to ride her bike or take one of the cars?” he sat down near her staring at what was in her hands.

“Marc took her to Geri’s?” Blair asked. She was surprised. “That’s strange. I told her to ask him if she could ride her bike. I didn’t think he would take her over there like a child. He has to realize she’s nearly grown up.”

“I think it’s more than just treating Alondra like a child. It’s Geri.” Cain interjected.

Blair froze for a moment. “Geri? What do you mean, Geri?” she asked.

He gave her familiar look.

“Oh!” Blair’s mouth swung opened, and her eyebrows rose. “He’s been so lonely for so long, and now two women have him going.” Blair laughed.

Cain stood and went back to the window wondering where Deidra had gone.

“One I’m not so sure about,” he said under his breath.

Blair’s eyes squinted seeing something was still troubling him. “Cain, tell me, what is it?” She came to join him at the window.

“Deidra,” he replied. “A little bit ago, a bucket came flying from the back of the garage and I wondered how it happened. When I came to the house and looked back, I saw Deidra come from back there. It’s very bizarre.”

“Really?” asked Blair. “Where is she anyway?” She slid her arm around her husband warmly and both stared out at the yard below.

“I don’t know,” he said.




Chapter 12


Geri was just getting back from her morning jog, and entered the house through the kitchen. She closed the back door behind her, but in her haste, didn’t secure it. She continued to the bathroom, removed her jogging clothes and jumped in the shower. As she relaxed under the hot water, she thought of Marc. She’d been thinking of him all night and all morning. But soon her thoughts drifted to another person; someone who was very odd.

Earlier, she’d been up on the hill watching the magazine crew from afar and got a glimpse of Deidra. That woman was a pain for sure. She remembered the pressure Deidra applied in the handshake they shared, and how she seemed to be very territorial with Marc. She even caught Deidra tensing up a few times. Geri got the feeling that Deidra had a temper you didn’t want to cross. She shook Deidra from her mind and her stirring thoughts immediately went back to Marc Caldwell.


Let me go see if it’s okay first.” Marc said to Alondra when they parked in front of Geri’s house.

Alondra stayed in the car while he knocked on the door. He waited for a time then knocked again. He knew she couldn’t be gone because she had no car. Receiving no answer, he decided to look around back to see if she was there. As he came around the house, he saw that the door was open and proceeded to call to her through the screen door only receiving silence.

Marc suddenly became alarmed. He entered the house, looking around and calling her name without any response. He made it to the living room and noticed she still had some things unpacked, but everything else appears normal. But suddenly he heard a noise and looked down the hall. His heart stopped at first glance, not because Geri had emerged wrapped in nothing but a towel, but because she looked like someone else, someone more familiar. He blinked to clear his eyes, not believing what he saw.

“Oh!” screamed Geri. Startled, she ran into her bedroom.

Marc just stood still, feeling very awkward. Then Geri returned in her robe.

“I’m so sorry,” said Marc. “I knocked a few times, then came around to the back and saw your door was open. When you didn’t answer my calls, I got worried. Marc tried to explain to her why he was standing in her living room uninvited, and still reeling from what he thought he saw.

“Is there something I can help you with?” asked Geri, somewhat shyly. She was flushed and didn’t look up at him. She was too embarrassed.

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