Fashioned for Power (18 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Fashioned for Power
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The lights to Scarlett’s were already on when Finn and Mallory arrived. They hadn’t said a word the entire time Mallory sped through town in her sports car. Five figures were waiting impatiently at the entrance to the luxury boutique.

“David, Josh, what are you doing here?” Finn asked.

“Ohmygod,” Josh rushed out as he stared wide-eyed at the drying blood on Mallory. “Allegra?”

Mallory shook her head, and the group let out a breath and took the hint not to ask any more questions.

“This is Taggert and his wife, Julie,” David cut in as he introduced the older couple standing nervously in front of them. “And this is their daughter, Phoebe. She works at the counter most days.”

“Thanks for coming in,” Finn said, trying to hide the fear from his voice.

Phoebe looked concerned as she crossed her arms under her large breasts. “Of course, but I don’t understand what we can do to help find Miss Simpson.”

“About eight to ten days ago did you sell a Champlain white silk blouse to a man?” Mallory asked, her voice completely void of emotion.

Julie looked around the store and then walked to the rack in the middle of the shop. She took something off the rack and then held it up. “This one?”

Mallory glanced quickly at it and nodded. Phoebe looked over at it, and Finn could see her going through all her sales in her mind. She sucked in a breath.


Finn’s heart pounded. “Did he pay with a credit card?”

“No. Cash.”

“Did you get a name?” Mallory asked.


“What did he look like?” Mallory stepped forward, never breaking eye contact with Phoebe.

“Tall, but not as tall as you,” Phoebe nodded to Finn. “Caucasian, handsome, brown hair that was styled . . . that’s all I remember. But, it was only ten days ago. We may have him on our security camera. It loops every two weeks.”

“That’s right,” Taggert said as he pulled his keys from his pocket. “The security system is in the office.”

The group got ready to go into the back when blue and red lights flashed through the window. Finn turned around and saw Agent Hectoria jump out of her car and hurry toward them.

“What do you have?” she asked in a clipped tone similar to Mallory’s.

“Security camera, we might have him.”

“Agent Hectoria, FBI,” she said to the Milhouses.

Taggert gave her a nod. “This way.”

The group followed him into the back and waited impatiently as he found the key to unlock his office. They crammed inside it and stood waiting again as he searched for the key to the security panel. Finn tried not to rip the keys from his shaky hand and find the damn thing himself.

“Here it is,” Taggert said as he inserted the key. He pulled the panel open and Mallory pushed him aside.

She scanned the system and pulled up the digital video. She started it at the beginning of the loop. “Phoebe, come here. Tell me when you see him.”

Phoebe stepped forward, and they stood watching the days fast-forward by. Man after man and woman after woman came across the screen. Finn tried to keep the adrenaline in check as he watched the screen. Everyone was leaning forward trying to see something suspicious.

“Wait!” Phoebe called. “Him. That’s him.”

“He’s not showing his face. He’s avoiding the cameras,” Agent Hectoria said in frustration.

“Just wait,” Taggert told them. “We have visible security cameras used to deter thieves and then we have hidden ones to get their faces if they think they can get away with it. Here, press this button.” He leaned forward and pressed a button and the screen split into four pictures. Two were from the cameras Finn had noticed, but two were from different angles. “One is hidden in the display case up front and the other is in a mannequin.”

“There!” Julie said to the bottom left screen.

Mallory slapped the button and froze the screen. Everyone leaned forward.

“Wait, I know him!” Finn said. They’d found him.

“So do I,” Mallory said at the same time as David and Josh.

“Who is it?” Agent Hectoria asked impatiently.

“Thank you, Mr. Milhouse. Please send this to the email address on my card.” Mallory held out her card and then looked at Agent Hectoria who whipped out her card.

“Who is it?” Agent Hectoria asked again.

“Wait,” Mallory snapped as she watched Taggart select the file and email it to both of them. She watched her phone until the email showed up. “Thank you. Please lock it back up and wait for the FBI out front. Don’t touch it again. Got it?”

“Understood,” Taggert closed the panel and locked it again.

Mallory turned and ushered everyone to the sidewalk.

“What’s going on?” Agent Hectoria demanded.

“It’s Asher Woodcroft IV,” Finn cursed. “I told Allegra I didn’t trust him.”

“Wait, Woodcroft, of
Woodcroft family?” Agent Hectoria said in amazement.

Mallory slammed her fist against the hood of the agent’s car. “The one and only sleazebag.” She pulled up her phone and called the control center of her security firm. “Give me all the property owned by the Woodcroft family. Send it to my mobile.”

Agent Hectoria shook her head slowly. “This isn’t good. His family . . .”

“I know. But he’s not the only one with a powerful family,” Mallory said through gritted teeth. “He’s already killed one of my men. I fully intend to kill him, and his family can sue me all they want. It may be better if you leave, Agent.”

“I don’t think so.”

Mallory’s phone pinged, and she looked down. “The Woodcroft holdings. There’s too many—thirty at least.”

“He’ll want isolation,” Agent Hectoria said as she stepped forward to look over Mallory’s shoulder. “Look for uninhabited buildings.”

Mallory sent the instruction and seconds later a new list appeared. “Six,” Mallory muttered. “But he will want more than just an empty building. He’ll want as much privacy as he can get. This one, it’s on Peachtree. It’s an old bank building. It’s surrounded by shops, so that won’t be it.”

Finn leaned forward and looked at the address. “That one is on a residential street.”

“Okay, down to four. This one,” Mallory tapped at the address and a map popped up. “It’s in the abandoned industrial part of town. The city is looking to take a couple of buildings by eminent domain and make it a school and park.”

David snapped his fingers. “That’s right. And there’s talk of buying the rest of the old warehouses and turning them into luxury condos. It’s one of the major city rejuvenation efforts that are being debated right now. We had looked there for our store, but the plans are still unsettled. It’s a ghost town out there.”

“It’s on the other side of Atlanta,” Mallory said as she sent a message to her office, and Agent Hectoria placed a call for backup.

“It’s what, ten minutes from my old neighborhood. I know some short cuts.”

“And I know someone looking for a job,” Mallory said with a deadly smile.


“Asher! What are you doing here?” Allegra asked as calmly as possible. She moved to hide Shirley behind her as she kept her gaze on Asher.

He smiled so widely that Allegra wondered what was going on. He didn’t look menacing, but warning bells were going off in her head. Asher stepped off the dais and sauntered down the aisle.

Asher laughed. “What am I doing here? No need to pretend anymore, love. We’re to be married. I’m so glad you wore my dress. When I picked it out, I knew you would shine in it.” He leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek.

Allegra stopped breathing. All the pieces were sliding into place. Her body started to shake . . . it hadn’t been Harry. She had been so very wrong.

“How sweet, my bride is nervous. I know you come to me impure, but I forgive you.” His hand clasped around hers, and he tugged her forward. “But, my love, why did you bring her? This was supposed to be our moment.”

Allegra looked at Shirley and felt like crying. Shirley stood frozen. Her knuckles were white where she held her walker. “Photographer,” Allegra said as she turned to Asher and smiled. “I wanted to document our special day. It’s so beautiful, Asher. I want to cherish it always.”

Asher smiled at her. “If that is what you want, my love.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Allegra fought the urge to gag. She had to protect Shirley. If that meant playing to Asher’s delusions, then so be it.

“You have no idea how long I have been waiting to kiss you like that,” he purred against her lips.

His hands held her hips tightly. Allegra winced in pain but slowly raised her hand to stroke his face. “Darling, why didn’t you say something sooner?”

Asher’s hands squeezed tighter and Allegra hissed from the pain. “I did. I asked you out, but you rejected me.
No one
rejects me,” his voice no longer had a loving tone. It was demented.

“Stop!” Shirley called out. “You’re hurting your bride. You don’t want that, do you?”

His fingers relaxed some. “No, of course not. Now, let’s be married.” He smiled as if it were really their wedding day.

“Who’s marrying us?” Allegra asked as Asher’s hand clasped around her wrist before pulling her up the aisle.

“I am. But don’t worry; it will be legal. I got Judge Schmidt to sign the marriage certificate already. He won’t tell anyone he did it, or I’ll make sure he gets disbarred,” Asher said proudly.

Allegra shot a look over her shoulder at Shirley, who was frantically trying to unlock the door. Asher turned around to follow her gaze and squeezed so hard Allegra fell to the floor in biting pain.

“Shirley, run!”

Shirley looked back, her eyes widening as Asher ran toward her, dragging Allegra behind. She gave up trying to unlock the door. She held up her phone and snapped a picture. “Stop or I’ll send it to the police.” Shirley held up the phone to show the picture in a text message.

Asher slowed his steps, and Allegra ignored the pain in her wrist as she jumped up and ran to them. “Asher, honey, come on. Let’s get married. It’s a happy day. Just let her go, and we can get married with nothing but love surrounding us.”

Allegra desperately grabbed for his arm as he approached Shirley. The look on his face was enough to cause Allegra to lose her breath. His jaw was tensed and his teeth bared in a predatory smirk. His eyes—they were cold, hard, and narrowed right at Shirley.


Mallory floored her Porsche as she shot through Atlanta. She’d left Agent Hectoria in the dust miles ago. Her phone rang, and she pressed the Bluetooth speaker.

“What do you have?”

“It’s Terrell. I just got here. There’s a car here. Fancy sedan. Lexus.”

“Allegra,” Finn and Mallory said at the same time.

“What else do you see?”

“Lights. Those paper bag things with candles inside are lining the parking lot and leading up to the door. I can hear violin music, but that’s all.”

“What the hell?” Finn muttered.

“Are there any windows?”

“Sure are, but they are covered in white material on the inside. I can’t see in,” Terrell told them. “What do you want me to do?”

“Scout the whole building. Don’t try the doors, but find every entrance point you can. Tell me the entire layout when I get there. Whatever you do, don’t let anyone see or hear you. I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.”

“Got it.”

“I don’t get it. What is Asher doing?” Finn asked.

“Wooing her. He’s been sending her presents, just like a lover would. I just worry what will happen if Allegra rejects him.”

“She already did.”

“What, when?” Mallory asked as she ran a red light at ninety miles per hour.

“Seven months ago. In January, she said she was at a party, and he asked her out. She told him no. She said they’d joked about it. She didn’t think he was serious. I said he wanted to sleep with her, and Allegra just laughed. She told me he wants to sleep with everyone.”

“That’s it. She rejected him when no one else ever had. He probably couldn’t handle it and started stalking her. He’s already killed two people. If Allegra rejects him again, he’ll snap.”




Allegra pulled at his arm. “Please, love, let’s get married.” Her heart beat so fast she was afraid it would explode. He was going to kill Shirley if she didn’t do something. She took a gulp. Forgive me, Finn, she silently begged. “Love, the faster we get married, the faster we can move onto our wedding night. I’m sorry I played hard to get. I had to see if you were man enough to catch me. And now you have me all to yourself. You’ve proven you’re man enough to have me, to take me.”

“No, Allegra. Don’t do it,” Shirley pleaded as tears streamed down her wrinkled face.

Allegra ran a hand down Asher’s arm, drawing his attention away from Shirley. “Marry me. We can’t be together until you do. Ignore her. She’s just an old lady. Come on. We’ve waited long enough.”

Allegra placed her hand on his chest and imagined it was Finn. She smiled up at him and stepped into his arms. She rose on her toes and put her lips to his. With a quick bite, she nipped at his lower lip. He moaned and wrapped his arms around her tightly. His tongue forced its way into her mouth as he took what he’d been wanting. Allegra put her hand behind her own back and waved it at Shirley. She prayed Shirley took the clue and sent the message. Allegra pulled back and looked into Asher’s crazed eyes. They were filled with deranged lust as he ran his hand down her back.

Shirley sniffled. “That was so romantic. All right, I’ll put the phone down.” She made a show of turning it off and putting it into her purse. She looked up and smiled serenely at the couple. “Young love,” she sighed.

Asher narrowed his eyes, but Allegra ran her hand down his chest. “Come on, love.” She took his hand gently in hers and started toward the dais. “Did you decorate this yourself?”

“I did. Do you really like it?”

“I love it. I can’t believe you did this for me. And the gifts—you’re so amazing. You know, I think I knew at the New Year’s party you were the one for me. It’s why I made you work so hard to get me.”

“I knew it was you even before then,” Asher said distractedly as he kept looking over at Shirley.

“You did! Tell me, when did you fall in love with me?”


“When did you fall in love with me?” Allegra looked back and forth between him and Shirley. Shirley smiled at her. She’d done it. Relief flooded her. She just had to play out this charade a little longer. Whoever was sent the picture should be able to easily identify Asher.

“Oh, love, how silly of me.” Allegra laughed. “Shirley is like my grandmother; she should walk down the aisle before me. I’ll stand down here. You escort her and sit her on my side. Then stand up there like you’re supposed to. Do you have the ‘Wedding March’?”

Asher shook his head as if clearing it. “Yes, I do. And you’re right, my love. I want to watch you come down the aisle toward me.”

Allegra smiled and they walked toward Shirley. Shirley held out her arm. “You’ll have to help an old woman, sonny.”

“Of course.” Asher bowed as if he respected Shirley and offered her his arm.

Allegra smiled kindly and mouthed, “I love you” when he looked over his shoulder at her. As soon as he turned back, Allegra took a deep breath. What was she going to do? She was going to be nice, that’s what. Asher was a narcissist living in his own reality. She would simply be nice, play to his ego, and hope help would arrive soon.


Mallory pushed the Bluetooth when her phone rang. “What have you got, Terrell?”

“Something weird is going on. You know that song they play at weddings when the bride walks down the aisle? Well, that music just started playing.”

Finn shot a look at Mallory. Would Asher force Allegra to marry him? “Entrance points?”

“Most of the windows are barred. There’s the front door, the back door, and a door by the loading dock. Those are the only options I found.”

“I’m about five minutes away now. I’ll meet you a block up from the building.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Mallory tightened her hand on the wheel as she weaved through traffic. Finn closed his eyes and imagined what was going on inside that building. “Hurry, Mallory, this could go bad in a split second.”

“Exactly what I was thinking.” Mallory swerved lanes and pressed the gas when she got onto the open road.


Allegra pasted her fake smile on and batted her eyelashes. She slowly took one step at a time down the candlelit aisle Asher had created. She was going to delay this with all she had. But no matter how slow or small her steps, they were still taking her closer to Asher.

Asher stood with his hands clasped in front of him. He smiled as if he were a devoted lover seeing his bride for the first time. Her stomach rolled at the thought of being married to him. What would he do once they said
I do

She reached him all too soon. He held out his hand and helped her up onto the dais. He turned her so they were looking at each other; he held her hands in his. He smiled down at her, and she saw how he loved her in his own sick way.


Asher looked down into her upturned face. She was beauty itself, and she was all his. Finally their fate was determined. He held her soft hands in his. This was his moment, the moment he’d been dreaming about. “I, Asher Edward Woodcroft IV, am here of my own free will to join in union with the love of my life, Allegra Margaret Simpson.”

Asher gave an eager nod to Allegra and she repeated slowly, “I, Allegra Margaret Simpson, am here of my own free will to join in union with the love of my life, Asher Edward Woodcroft IV.”

He closed his eyes and felt the pleasure run over him at her words. He’d won.


Her stomach felt as if she’d eaten rocks. Allegra tried with all her might to stop shaking. In his crazed state, Asher must have read it as wedding day nerves and simply squeezed her hands in support.

“Now we’ll recite our vows. I’ll go first.” He took a deep breath and continued to squeeze her fingers. “Allegra, I fell in love with you the first time I saw your picture in the newspaper. I knew at that moment you were meant for me. I learned everything I could about you. I was devastated when I found out you were dating someone else. I knew in my heart our fates were crossed. When you showed up single at the New Year’s Eve party, it was the sign I was waiting for. You smiled at me, and when you shook my hand, I knew the feelings I had when I saw your picture were just the beginning of our long life together.”

Asher laughed and gripped her hands to the point where she was afraid he might break a finger. Her wrist was already turning purple from where he’d grabbed her a few minutes ago.

“And then you led me on that chase. Like every good hunter, the prey is sweeter when it’s captured. And captured you I have. I love you, Allegra, and I vow here, tonight, that I will take care of you. You will never have to worry about working or deciding anything again. I am here now, and I will make you my queen.” Asher let out a long breath and grinned. “Okay, your turn.”

“Oh, um,” Allegra stammered. She shot a quick glance at Shirley who looked so still Allegra was afraid she had passed away from fear. “I am so lucky to have found someone who will love, cherish, and take care of me . . .”

The words felt like sandpaper grating in her mouth. She stumbled over them as she searched desperately for things to say.
Be nice. Have to fool him

Asher gripped her fingers tighter. When Allegra looked up at him, his eyes were roaming her body. She tried to swallow but couldn’t seem to move.
If anyone traps you, you must fight
. Tigo and Finn’s words were flashing across her brain. It was the only thing she could focus on. If rescue wasn’t coming, then she was going to have to find a way to save both herself and Shirley.

“Um, your love is like the sun guiding the moon . . .” she stammered. She had no idea what she was saying at that point. She let her mouth spout nonsense as she took in every detail of Asher and the building they were in. The front door was locked, but she bet Asher had the key on him. Allegra also saw the bulge of a knife tucked into its sheath at his hip. “Love is like grass, constantly growing . . .” If she could just reach his knife.

“That’s enough dear. Your love is overwhelming,” Asher interrupted. “But I can’t wait any longer to say the words I have dreamed about since I first saw you. I now pronounce us husband and wife. I may kiss the bride.”

Allegra steeled herself against the reflex to back away as Asher pulled her forward and into his arms. His lips pressed against hers in a painful crushing as his tongue pressed into her mouth. Her throat tightened as it involuntarily gagged. Her body was rebelling against Asher even as her mind fought to control the fear.

His hands ran down her back and clasped her bottom. Allegra couldn’t stop the squeal, but luckily Asher was so lost in his own world he thought it was in pleasure. She placed her hands on his chest and moved them down as seductively as she could. His grip tightened as he forced her closer. Allegra struggled to stay calm. Fear was clouding her judgment and screaming for her to run. Instead of giving in, she ran her hands lower. She felt it then, the top of the knife.

Suddenly Asher was jerked from her body. Her fingers grasped at his shirt instead of the knife. Asher looked down, and in that split second he figured out what Allegra was trying to do. A large coral purse swung again and connected with Asher’s shoulder. Shirley stood on wobbly chicken legs swinging her massive purse. Her face was white as she swung again and again as if her purse were a lasso.

“Don’t. Touch. My. Girl.” Shirley shouted with all the force she could as she swung the purse above her head.


Asher took a step back and ignored the crazy old bat. Instead he looked into Allegra’s eyes. Her hand was still outstretched. That bitch had lied to him. She was trying to take his control away. She was trying to escape him. No. He couldn’t allow such an affront. Not from some poor trash that lucked into fortune and then played with men’s emotions. She would pay.

He looked at Allegra with such hatred, fear overtook her, and she stepped away from him. Yes, he wanted her to feel his power. “What were you reaching for, Allegra?” he asked in a voice that caused her eyes to go wide.

“Y-y-you . . .” Allegra stammered. She tried to flash him a seductive smile but it was more of a grimace.
That lying bitch.
Anger washed over him. His heart hardened. She was just like the others. Well, he showed them and he’d show her.

“Oh, you want me, do you? Can’t wait to fulfill your wifely duties? Fine.” Asher shrugged out of his jacket and ripped his bow tie from his neck. He’d take her right here and now. Her screams would bring him even more enjoyment than the others had.


Allegra shot a quick glance at the knife. Everything had changed, and now she knew she was in a fight for her life. Madness had overtaken Asher as he took off his jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt. The knife was right where Allegra had seen it, and she’d almost had it in her grip.

He followed her gaze and smiled, his teeth bared to her. “Oh, is that what you want?” He pulled the knife from its sheath, and Allegra took another step back.

The sharp steel blade glinted in the candlelight as he held it in his hand showing off.
! Shirley’s purse connected with his head again. He staggered back, and Allegra lunged.

She grabbed the hand holding the knife. Her thumb dug into the soft flesh between Asher’s thumb and pointer finger. Her fingers curled in a death grip across his knuckles. She stepped to the side to avoid being cut as she pulled across his hand, causing his arm to twist. At the same time, she leapt behind him and slammed her left hand into his hyperextended elbow. It was a move Tigo had made her practice over and over again.

The knife fell the floor, and Asher screamed out in pain. Her victory was short-lived. Asher twisted toward her and swung. His desperate punch hit its mark as her head snapped to the side. She dropped her hold and staggered sideways. The long satin dress twisted in her legs, and she went down hard.

Asher shook out his arm and slowly bent down to pick up the knife. He was so focused on her that he didn’t see Shirley sneaking up behind him. She took a step forward and swung her purse with enough force to send her spinning. The purse slammed him in the back of the head, and Asher went down on one knee.

Allegra lunged awkwardly forward and grabbed at his head. Her only thought was to dig her thumb into his eye. He’d never look at another woman like he had her. Her fingers turned into claws as she raked her nails down his face, blood bubbling to the surface.

He backhanded her across the cheek before she had a chance to counter with another attack. With a war cry, Shirley leapt onto him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he fought with her. Asher staggered to stand, and Allegra reached down and ripped the bottom of her gown as best she could. She got to her feet again and landed a solid kick to his groin. Asher went down on his knees hard, but he took Shirley with him.

Allegra zeroed in on the knife sitting forgotten on the white satin floor. It was to the left of where Asher was holding his balls and sucking in air while Shirley pummeled his head. She ran and dove—just like a player sliding into second base—on the slick material. The material gave way, and the candelabra behind her fell backward with a crash. Allegra reached her hand out. She almost had it. But a sharp pain stopped her as her head was wrenched backward. Asher’s hand tangled into her hair as he tried to rip it from her head. As he pulled her head back, she saw Shirley lying where he must have tossed her off his back.

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